Nikola Gruevski

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Nikola Gruevski

    After several days of bickering between Government representatives and Crvenkovski's Presidential Cabinet, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski addresses Macedonian Media.

    Dear media representatives,

    Allow me at the beginning to extend my congratulations on the Holiday of Muslims in the Republic of Macedonia - Ramadan Bairam - and to wish good health, success to all Islamic believers, and call them along with all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, to build the country as prosperous, more successful, member of NATO and the European Union, economically stronger, a country that offers high living standards and whose people live in peace and harmony.

    I am glad that for a second year in a row the Ramadan Bairam Holiday has been a non-working day not only for the Islamic believers, but, as a sign of respect to our Muslim compatriots, also for all other citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. Mutual respect and tolerance is the only way to realize our common goals and improve our lives beyond the borders of our state the Republic of Macedonia, living in peace and mutual respect. In this spirit, it has been my pleasure for the second year in a row on this significant day for the Islamic believers, to join them in one of the main mosques in the capital and pay respects to the values, which are distinctive for the unions we are aspiring to: NATO & EU.

    Dear media representatives,

    Unfortunately my second subject is a response to a bad example, contrary to the values we are aspiring to and talk about. I am talking about Mr. Branko Crvenkovski's sudden insults and slanders, presented late Monday only few hours after our meeting.

    I will spare you from useless phrases and speeches, demagogy and sentences for the responsibility, courage, vision, seriousness etc., as those who often speak about them usually do not posses such characteristics.

    I will not insult anybody, and as always, will speak the truth.

    The leading idea that has brought me to politics is to change the image of a politician - the dark one of the transition period, responsible for the current situation of our country. I wish for the politician to be the one who tells the truth, creates no bad scenarios, never lies his people in favor of his political survival and mercilessly destroys the state's resources.

    The politician must be honest and always tell the truth, work for own people and state.

    Sometimes the politician will be blamed for irredentism, labelled as nationalist, accused of isolating his own country, insulted and referred to with disdain, called populist when tangible results are present, but he will always know what the truth is, believe in it, his own people and state.

    This is the truth, you chose who deserve your trust.

    Macedonia is in the final stage of this negotiating cycle, being held under the UN aegis, namely the mediation of Mr. Matthew Nimetz.

    These are significant negotiations for our country, not something that should serve somebody to build own political carrier and promote for a future political leader.

    These negotiations should neither serve for trading with the international community representatives, so that some make promises that the matter will be settled immediately when somebody takes the power.

    These are negotiations that call for our unity, also with our allies, and without any reserves to find best possible solution for support of our state interests.

    Mr. Crvenkovski upon his arrival from New York suddenly attacked me, stating insults and slanders. I am still analysing the reasons of this offence, which do not present a problem to me personally, but bring harm to the state, most probably to improve his personal rating before his formal return to SDSM leader's post.

    For the last two years, I and my associates have been very active and done our best to resolve the dispute with Greece related to our name, but also preserve the fundamental values, and I would say the pillars of our state.

    We have been doing our best, cooperating with Mr. Crvenkovski on this matter, regardless of the well-known fact how he has taken the office and what is the level of his legitimacy after the developments that marked his election in 2004.

    The more active we were, the more insults we got from his part, which were often uncoordinated, such as the ones we heard yesterday - that there was a serious differences in our opinions, concepts, and in other part of his speech that we do not have an opinion. I fail to understand how is it possible for Mr. Crvenkovski at the same time to be unfamiliar with our opinion and claim that we have serious differences in the opinions and concepts.

    We have been accused of being hard, without a concept and urged to be more diplomatic and open to compromises. With an exception to Bucharest Summit when Mr. Crvenkovski, once again contrary to his earlier claims, said that we together had done our best to obtain the invitation for NATO membership, in all other occasions for the entire period as more active we were, more false or malicious briefings we heard from his cabinet, for whose explanation we have wasted a lot of energy, instead of joining our efforts and focus them on finding a solution to the problem.

    Honestly, sometimes listening to his accusations, I thought that we might have gone too far. And when the one-week UN Summit in New York came I said to my self that it could be an opportunity to check everything that had been said - that we are not able to negotiate, have no concept or being very tough, no ability to make compromises etc.

    There is an opportunity now, when we wish but cannot participate, so Mr. Crvenkovski will deny all of us who make this process hard, and in favor of the country will work out a beneficial closure and upon his arrival home offer a solution. Therefore, we have decided at that period to abstain from presenting our opinions on the settlement, to help in that manner and to avoid being guilty again for the unsuccessful negotiations with prominent figures in New York. During that week, we only encouraged his mission.

    I do understand that a person makes attempts to resolve the dispute and fails. However I cannot comprehend the insults and slanders sent to the PM's address after being unsuccessful. In addition to all insults about a lack of opinion etc, we have gotten new ones - we set him up, wishing for him to bear the responsibility we and I personally have been avoiding.

    After his yesterday's statement on what he considered should tell us about his meeting with Nimetz, we have asked at least for one day to think about the next steps, also including some of his new proposals, namely for Dimitrov and Protoger upon his arrival from New York to urgently visit Nimetz, who informed us that after his encounters with Crvenkovski and Bakoyannis new ones would not help. However Nimetz does not exclude a possibility on our insistence to welcome our delegation, which this time at much lower level should convey our positions. And when asked for a day or two to think, probably out of fear that we may respond the very next day, Mr. Crvenkovski held a press conference at the very same evening at which Mr. Crvenkovski in the most inappropriate manner cast accusations and slanders.

    I am asking him in public - What does he get from spreading negative energy and rousing passion in regard to this matter, and what the state gets?

    I know that I have not been tailored in line with Crvenkovski's pattern, but it has happened, contrary to his will, for the people to support exactly such person for a Prime Minister - with all my ideas, programmes, projects, commitments and naturally realized promises.
    And exactly the way I am, opposite to him and his way of thinking, I have proposed and promised that eventually the voice of people should be heard on this matter at a referendum.

    This is contrary to the Crvenkovski's concept, who agreed the name FYR Macedonia. in 1993, which should have been an interim one and valid for two months only. It will soon mark its 15th anniversary, and today is still a subject that occupies us the most, being a reason for our blockade towards NATO, and for being ashamed at the same time.

    I remember that in 1993 Crvenkovski brought his supporters across Macedonia with busses to glorify his name and Macedonia's admittance in UN under the name former yugoslav republic of Macedonia.

    Some of them understood later what they had been celebrating. It was important to celebrate.

    It is however insignificant that 15 years afterwards, when in one occasion I failed to notice that I hung my coat in New York on a plate that did not bear the name FYR Macedonia, I was fiercely attacked for allowing such error, mostly by those close to Crvenkovski, the same ones that applauded on Skopje square 15 years ago for the success of then PM Crvenkovski for the name FYR Macedonia.

    Regardless of the fact that we have been excluded from his meetings with Nimetz so that he could have a tete-a-tete encounter, as he had done it recently to Milososki, and urge us urgently upon his arrival from New York to send the negotiators to Nimetz, I will say that we shall withstand these heinous blows, slanders and continue to work for the welfare of the state, to get out from this deadlock we have been brought in because the name problem and interim reference have not been created and left unresolved for 13 years by Nikola Gruevski, but by the man who calls for sharing the responsibility, the man who has been saying for 13 years that the double formula is our maximal and fair compromise, the one who actually has invented the so-called double formula and fought with it for 13 years.

    He and all of those surrounding him have been reiterating in numerous occasions that the time has been working for us, that we have been on the right path. The very same man today calls the so-called double formula as a non-compromising position, which could lead the country to isolation. Shall we understand now that someone has been leading us to isolation for 13 years before giving up the double formula.

    Finally I will say that whenever and wherever Mr. Crvenkovski wants, we shall send Dimitrov and Protoger. He may have as much public and secret meetings, make any agreements, keep insulting me in public, I accept everything - to share responsibility, to even release him from any responsibility. However, he should not forget that no matter what agreement is reached, or what his or my position is, which I would like to remind is published on page 146 of the VMRO-DPMNE Programme of the last elections, at the end, if there is a final solution to this matter, the citizens will make the decision.

    No matter whether he likes it or not and regardless of his possible attacks that we have no courage.

    There could be no greater courage and democracy but to ask the citizens to decide on such essential matter. If this is the serious difference between us I am proud of that.

    This is the truth. It is your choice to decide who will you trust.

    The Government of the Republic of Macedonia
    Public Relations Sector
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Anyone got page 146 of the VMRO-DPMNE Programme?
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Rogi
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2343


      Република Македонија успешно ги исполни потребните реформи за членство во НАТ О-алијансата.
      Реформите во сферата на одбраната ќе продолжат и понатаму во согласност со светските трендови
      и стандарди, а во координација со нашите партнери.
      На Самитот во Букурешт, како резултат на грчката блокада на влезот на Македонија во НАТ О и со
      директното прекршување на времената спогодба меѓу Република Македонија и Република Грција
      од 1995 година, спротивно на интересот на НАТ О-земјите, беше спречена и одложена поканата на
      Република Македонија за членство во Алијансата.
      Република Македонија е упатена да најде заеднички прифатливо решение со Република Грција во
      однос на спорот кој го создаде Грција, а поврзан со името на нашата земја.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ во изминатиот период, во процес на консултации со сите експерти во Република Ма-
      кедонија по прашања, кои се поврзани со спорот за името со Република Грција, ја потврди страте-
      гијата за пристап кон ова прашање.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ нема да прифати промена на уставот со цел промена на уставното име.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ нема да прифати идеи и предлози што ќе го нарушат македонскиот национален
      идентитет, македонската нација и македонскиот јазик.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ како одговорна и народна партија, нема да дозволи какво било решение и каков било
      компромис за спорот кој го наметна Грција, да бидат прифатени од страна на поединци политичари,
      влада или парламентот, без претходно за тоа да се изјаснат граѓаните преку референдум, и мнозин-
      ството од граѓаните кои ќе излезат на тој референдум да се согласи за тоа решение.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ како одговорна партија, ориентирана кон членство во ЕУ и во НАТ О, ќе ги продолжи
      разговорите со Грција за изнаоѓање решение за наметнатиот спор, со јасно изградени позиции.
      ВМРО-ДПМНЕ останува целосно посветена и на процесот на европската интеграција на Република


      • Pelister
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2742

        Mr. Crvenkovski upon his arrival from New York suddenly attacked me, stating insults and slanders. I am still analysing the reasons of this offence, which do not present a problem to me personally, but bring harm to the state, most probably to improve his personal rating before his formal return to SDSM leader's post.

        Did UMD have anything to do with this? Their politics are identical. Two peas in a pod.

        Who would have thought that Crvenko could put pressure on the Gruevski government to find a "solution"?

        Macedonia has already compromised its name, and changed its Constitution.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          In a recent email from the UMD, UMD makes it clear they stand for no name change.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Rogi
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2343

            Pelister, what are you on about and what exactly is your problem with UMD, given that UMD has a no name change policy?

            Do you WANT a name change?
            Do you WANT UMD to change its position of no name change? You seem to keep criticising UMD and its policies...and no name change is UMD's policy...

            I don't get your post at all, I don't understand what Gruevski's announcement regarding the name and Crvenkovski has to do with UMD and I don't get why you feel you need to make every second post of yours about UMD...

            how about some clarification, just for my own personal curiosity.


            • Pelister
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2742

              I'm amazed.

              My objection is what is a so called non-profit organization doing discussing the name issue with Crvenko?!! UMD is not a political group, or is it ! So why do it? Where does UMD get its authority, if it isn't misrepresenting what it is, and who it represents? Crvenko !!!! You've got to be kidding me. How could you discuss the name issue with that man. Why would you?

              I am amazed you would even talk to him, knowing his politics regarding the name, and the trouble he is causing the Gruevski government?

              I know what you saying, but I don't belive it. UMD does not, I feel, represent my views (which are simple, fair and straigtfoward) for defending the Macedonians.

              Why not focus your energies on helping Macedonia ! Instead of trying to win brownie points, with a washed up, and very dangerous politician?


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Nikola Gruevski

                It would appear he relied on nationalistic fervour to get him re-voted. He has not capitalised on the nationalistic approach in any major way since then. Is he just a USA lapdog that will get scolded if he strays from USA policy?
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Venom
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 445

                  Don't know if he was specifically placed there by the yanks, but certainly he is trying very hard to make his masters happy.

                  It's exactly as you say -- he used his Macedonianism and the fact he is an 'egejec' to get re-elected and done sweet fa since then.

                  But yes, he is vey afraid of being scolded by the USA and is doing their bidding no matter what. We don't need this at this time.
                  S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


                  • Volk
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 894

                    It would appear he relied on nationalistic fervour to get him re-voted. He has not capitalised on the nationalistic approach in any major way since then. Is he just a USA lapdog that will get scolded if he strays from USA policy?

                    Umm its only been a couple of months since his re-election, how much is possible in this time regarding these long and complex issues??

                    fact is, we still have our name, the issue of the Macedonians in greece has been raised, the UN visited them, supported by the US, with the final report comming out in 6 months i believe.
                    Another fact is that our culture including arts, archeology and sport are being boosted significantly.

                    US lapdog?? more like US ally, I cant point to anything that would scream lapdog. Kosovo came from joint US, EU and internal albanian pressure.
                    Makedonija vo Srce


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Not even a definitive reply from him in relation to the recent Nimetz proposal. And having Crvenkovski comment about it, well perhaps he isn't the politician we all thought he was capable of being. We will see soon enough.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Pelister
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2742

                        It's good to see him comment about the Greek Army intimidating and beating ethnic Macedonians.

                        This will not go unnoticed, and it requires the Macedonian Republic to raise the profile.

                        I think this brain explosion by the Greek State is going to have serious negative repercussions for Greece.

                        The U.S government, must be informed.


                        • Traveller
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 177

                          Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                          It's good to see him comment about the Greek Army intimidating and beating ethnic Macedonians.

                          This will not go unnoticed, and it requires the Macedonian Republic to raise the profile.

                          I think this brain explosion by the Greek State is going to have serious negative repercussions for Greece.

                          The U.S government, must be informed.
                          You got ridiculed today in Brussels. Nato's general secretary Schaeffer expressed today his dissatisfaction for the content of a MIA telegram.The telegram said that NATO was going to discuss the Meliti's incidents. "The content of the telegram is totally false" commented a representative of NATO."Mr Scaeffer never told such things to Mr Gruevski whom he met today." Also he said that another part of the telegram which says that he spoke with very good words and expressed his admiration for Mr Gruevski (!!!...)is unsubstantiate...". Your nationalistic goverment must understand that it is not raining. It is just that every international organization is spitting on them.
                          Last edited by Traveller; 10-15-2008, 05:44 PM.


                          • Royal Hellas
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 104

                            Reminds me of the saying, Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.


                            • Venom
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 445

                              Our nationalist government?! You're out of what little mind you had in the first place.

                              Unfortunately for us it is you fuckers who have been propped up by NATO (nowhere near EVERY international organisation) and Scheffer who seems to be your sugar daddy. We'll see how long that lasts.

                              RH: odi pushi kur, picka edna.
                              S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a

