If I am not mistaken that mountain is called "Vitsi" in Greek.
Severe battles were fought there during the Greek Civil War between Macedonian communist partisans and royal Greek fascists.
Makedonski Narodni i Patriotski Pesni - Macedonian Folk & Patriotic Songs
This is a sticky topic.
Som, Vicho Mountain is between Lerin and Kostur, could the song be about the Macedonians during the GCW?, quoting Risto Stefov,
When the Macedonians returned to their headquarters with the typewriter they realized they had no ribbon and had to fashion one from homemade materials. Using their newly acquired typewriter they were able to produce the first edition of an all Macedonian publication called "Sloboda" (Freedom). Then by using these publications the Macedonians in Lerin Region were rallied behind the all Macedonian MNLF(G). Despite Greek attempts to downplay the strength of this organization, it managed to draw massive support especially during its regional conference in February 1944 held in the village Bapchor in Vicho Mountain. Many Macedonians attended this conference and gave the MNLF(G) their support by demonstrating their wish to fight for equality and for a common cause together shoulder to shoulder with the Greek democratic people.
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Here it is, it is a very pleasant sounding song in typical Macedonian tunes and spirit.
In Cyrillic:
Голем мерак имам мамо, партизан да одам,
Партизан да одам мамо, на вичо планина,
Партизан да одам мамо, на вичо планина.
Таму ќе си наидам мамо, моите верни браќа,
Моите верни браќа мамо, моите верни сестри,
моите верни браќа мамо, моите верни сестри.
Јаска ќе се борам мамо, за Македонија,
За Македонија мамо, земја измачена,
Земја измачена мамо, од клети душмани.
Прва пушка пукна мамо, мене ме погоди,
Мене ме погоди мамо, на левата страна,
На левата страна мамо, близу до срцето.
Golem merak imam mamo, partizan da odam,
Partizan da odam mamo, na vicho planina,
Partizan da odam mamo, na vicho planina.
Tamu kye si naidam mamo, moite verni brakya,
Moite verni brakya mamo, moite verni sestri,
moite verni brakya mamo, moite verni sestri.
Yaska kye se boram mamo, za Makedoniya,
Za Makedoniya mamo, zemya izmachena,
Zemya izmachena mamo, od kleti dushmani.
Prva pushka pukna mamo, mene me pogodi,
Mene me pogodi mamo, na levata strana,
Na levata strana mamo, blizu do srtseto.
English translation:
I have a great desire mother, to go as a partizan,
As a partizan mother, to Vicho Mountain,
As a partizan mother, to Vicho Mountain.
There I will find mother, my trusted brothers,
My trusted brothers mother, my trusted sisters,
My trusted brothers mother, my trusted sisters.
I will fight mother, for Macedonia,
For Macedonia mother, a land tortured,
A land tortured mother, by the damned oppressors.
The first rifle fired mother, and it hit me,
It hit me mother, on the left side,
On the left side mother, near the heart.
Just a question for our Macedonians from the south, I have read that Vicho Mountain is somewhere near Lerinsko, is this true?
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I heard a nice little song before,
Golem merak imam mamo, partizan da odam.......
It is very short but sweet. When I listen to it again I will post the rest of the words.
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Тука најдов линк со скоро сите Македонски народни песни,станува збор за напишани текстови на песни и не за нивно симнуванје,некоји може и да се слушат!
Last edited by Sarafot; 02-01-2009, 02:49 PM.
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Bugarin, this song has already been posted earlier, but thank you for the contribution anyway.
By the way, we are looking for historical songs for the Macedonians here not duets of singers, please save the unity talk for elsewhere, I don't like the propagandist and misleading titles on the youtube link so don't post it here. We are trying to keep this thread focused on the literary aspect.
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Айде, ми извикал
турскиот паша
от Панагюрище.
Айде ми повикал
деветима турци,
турци яничари:
“Одете фатете я,
жива донесете я
Райна ПопГеоргиева,
ниту да я колите,
ниту да я бесите,
жива доведете я.”
“Сакате колете ме,
сакате бесете ме!
Яз сум войводата.
Яз го соших байракот,
яз го турих знакот -
“Смърт или свобода”.
Смърт или свобода
за Македония -
земя поробена.”Last edited by NiGhtPiSH; 01-03-2009, 09:11 AM.
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Originally posted by Svoliani View PostDont wanna ruin your thread but after seeing this
'Slusam kaj sumat sumite,bukite
Slusam kaj sumat bukite
Slusam kaj sumat sumite
plachat za vojvodata,kapidanot.
Drugari verni drugari Makedonci
Drugari verni drugari Makedonci
koga niz selo vrvite,
so konji da ne tropate,ne tropate'
and me being a big fan of music
I was wondering what on earth is 'Koga za shumat shumite' .
This is the lyrics i found on the net
"Koga zashumat shumite bukite,
Koga zashumat shumite bukite
plachat za voyvodata
Drugari verni drugari, drugari,
Koga ke selo poydete, stignete,
Koga ke selo stignete so konye da ne tropate,
So konye da ne tropate, so pushki da ne fqrlate.
Very similar but a bit different lyrics, help me out here, is this a regional thing perhaps? or is one an 'older' version.
And we also have a song called Kapetan Loukas in Greek which is very similar to this one.
"Slušam kaj šumat šumite,bukite
Slušam kaj šumat šumite,bukite
Slušam kaj šumat šumite,
plačat za vojvodata,kapitanot
Drugari verni drugari, drugari Makedonci
Koga vo selo pojdete, odete,
Koga vo selo odete so konji da ne tropate,
Ne tropate, so puški da ne frlate.
Da ne ve čuje majka mi,starta,
da ne ve čuje majka mi starta,
da ne ve čuje majka mi,
ke ve praša za mene,za mene
Kade e sin mi,Kostadin,Kostadin,
Kade e sin mi,Kostadin,Kostadin,
Sin ti se babo oženi,oženi,
Sin ti se babo oženi,oženi,
Sin ti se babo oženi,
But Bajgotis didnt tell you the whole oneLast edited by Sarafot; 12-30-2008, 06:41 PM.
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Многу крвја, многу солзи земја натопија
многу лисја гора смени, машка снага испи,
но по таа борба тешка слобода ни блесна.
Во 1903-тата година се создаде Република
во славно Крушево,Македонска Република
прва на Балканот.
Претседател прв ни беше тој Никола Карев
со Македонски Војводи сите Илинденци,
Даме Груев, Питу Гули и Јане Сандански.
За слобода загинаа славните војводи
на Македонците они завет оставија,
да се борат за слобода за Македонија.
Mnogu krvja, mnogu solzi zemja natopija
mnogu lisja gora smeni, maska snaga ispi,
no po taa borba teska sloboda ni blesna.
Vo 1903-tata godina se sozdade Republika
vo slavno Krusevo, Makedonska Republika
prva na Balkanot.
Pretsedatel prv ni bese toj Nikola Karev
so makedonski Vojvodi, site Ilindenci,
Dame gruev, Pitu Guli i Jane Sandanski.
Za sloboda zaginaa slavnite vojvodi
na Makedoncite oni zavet ostavija,
da se borat za sloboda za Makedonija!
A lot of blood, a lot of tears fell on the earth
a lot of leaves the forest changed, male strenght swallowed
but after that hard fight we got shining freedom.
In 1903rd year Republic was born
in the famous Krusevo, Macedonian Republic
first on the Balkan.
Our first president was Nikola Karev
with Macedonian war leaders, all sons of Ilinden
Dame Gruev, Pitu Guli and Jane Sandanski.
For freedom died the famous war leaders
leaving covenant for the Macedonians
to fight for free Macedonia!
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Го фанале едно моме,
едно моме најубаво,
го фанале едно моме, најубаво,
најубаво во селото.
Му врзале двете раце,
двете раце наопакo,
му врзале двете раце, двете раце,
двете раце наопакo.
Кажи, кажи лично моме
кај се крие Гоце Делчев?
Кажи, кажи лично моме, најубаво
кај се крие Гоце Делчев?
И да умрам, да загинам,
јас за Гоце не кажувам!
И да умрам, да загинам, да загинам
јас за Гоце не кажувам!
Go fanale edno mome,
edno mome najubavo,
go fanale edno mome, najubavo,
najubavo vo seloto.
Mu vrzale dvete race,
dvete race naopako
mu vrzale dvete race, dvete race,
dvete race naopako.
Kazi, kazi licno mome,
kaj se lrie Goce Delcev?
Kazi, kazi licno mome, najubavo
kaj se krie Goce Delcev?
I da umram da zaginam,
jas za Goce ne kazuvam!
I da umram, da zaginam, da zaginam
јas za Goce ne kazuvam!
They caught one girl,
the prettiest girl
they caught one girl, the prettiest,
the prettiest in the village. (aka malenka)
They tied both her hands
both her hands behind her back,
they tied both her hands, both her hands
both her hands behind her back.
Tell us, tell us pretty girl,
where is hiding Goce Delcev?
Tell us, tell us pretty girl, the prettiest
where is hiding Goce Delcev?
Even if I die, If I get killed,
I am not telling you about Goce!
Even if I die, if I get killed, if I get killed
I am not telling you about Goce!Last edited by malenka; 12-17-2008, 08:43 AM.
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А бре Македонче, леле каде се спремаш?
Борба те чека, борба за слобода.
Борба за слобода, за Македонија,
за Македонија, земја поробена.
Момци наредени, моми накитени,
борба ќе одат, борба за слобода.
Борба за слобода, за Македонија,
за Македонија, земја поробена.
Нека разберат, клетите фашисти,
Македонско име нема да загине!
A bre Makedonce, lele kade se spremas?
Borba te ceka, borba za sloboda.
Borba za sloboda, za Makedonija,
za Makedonija, zemja porobena.
Momci naredeni, momi nakiteni,
borba ke odat, borba za sloboda.
Borba za sloboda, za Makedonija,
za Makedonija, zemja porobena.
Neka razberat, kletite fashisti,
makedonsko ime nema da zagine!
Hey you Macedonian, oh are you getting ready?
Fight is waiting for you, fight for freedom.
Fight for freedom, for Macedonia,
for Macedonia, the occupied country.
Young men in a row, young women with flowers,
are going to fight, fight for freedom.
Fight for freedom, for Macedonia,
for Macedonia, the occupied country.
Let them hear, the damned fascists
Macedonian name will not die!
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Russou, I have no problem with you posting in this thread, but if you dare try and deviate with a replication of former stupidites you will be gone, not just fom here but from the forum. This thread is for the culture of the Macedonian people. Don't mess with it. Otherwise, enjoy.
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Dont wanna ruin your thread but after seeing this
'Slusam kaj sumat sumite,bukite
Slusam kaj sumat bukite
Slusam kaj sumat sumite
plachat za vojvodata,kapidanot.
Drugari verni drugari Makedonci
Drugari verni drugari Makedonci
koga niz selo vrvite,
so konji da ne tropate,ne tropate'
and me being a big fan of music
I was wondering what on earth is 'Koga za shumat shumite' .
This is the lyrics i found on the net
"Koga zashumat shumite bukite,
Koga zashumat shumite bukite
plachat za voyvodata
Drugari verni drugari, drugari,
Koga ke selo poydete, stignete,
Koga ke selo stignete so konye da ne tropate,
So konye da ne tropate, so pushki da ne fqrlate.
Very similar but a bit different lyrics, help me out here, is this a regional thing perhaps? or is one an 'older' version.
And we also have a song called Kapetan Loukas in Greek which is very similar to this one.
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I agree Risto, if I have some time I will do it or if the ladies get a chance they can. I just used Coolski's transliterator tool so that Macedonians who understand Cyrillic could read, Macedonians who don't understand Cyrillic could read, and those who don't understand Macedonian can also read with the translation.
Malenka and Jankovska, EXCELLENT SONGS!!
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Hey, I love this thread.
But can I say that (in opposition to our normal policy) the songs are also translated into English in each post. The message is all too often very significant.
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