The Greek "province" of Macedonia, fact or fiction?

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  • Alpha
    • Jan 2010
    • 75

    Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
    As Sovius said, people are here to learn and we provide detailed information to the readers of this forum. In essence, we provide knowledge and enlightenment about Macedonia.

    I will look into your request and see what I can dig up from the darkest parts of my library.
    Ok Daskale.

    Sovius, what does the renaming of greece's northern province have anything to do with any of this ? The minute macedonia signed the interim agreement they acknowledged that there is a problem. A problem that both sides agreed that a MUTUAL respectable decision will be made. Thats the bottom line.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Originally posted by Alpha View Post
      The minute macedonia signed the interim agreement they acknowledged that there is a problem.
      Was that the same minute as the economic embargo imposed by Greece on Macedonia?
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Sovius
        • Apr 2009
        • 241

        Here. Grab a Latin dictionary and look up the word coercere. Then, as you may not have access to a Mongolian dictionary, find an online dictionary and locate their word for economic. After doing so, find a scientific dictionary and look up its definition for blockade. Now, when that plane crashed in the Andes during the 70s, what did that soccer team have to do in order to keep from starving to death? Now think, really try to think this out. What did the government of Macedonia feel was best in order to keep the recently de-federalized nation of Macedonia from imploding and to protect its citizens from further injury?


        • Stojacanec
          • Dec 2009
          • 809

          Originally posted by Alpha View Post

          I fail to see your point. There are several definitions for this term.
          It would be extrememly hard to use this as an argument.

          prov·ince (prvns)
          1. A territory governed as an administrative or political unit of a country or empire.
          2. A division of territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop.
          3. provinces Areas of a country situated away from the capital or population center.
          4. A comprehensive area of knowledge, activity, or interest: a topic falling within the province of ancient history. See Synonyms at field.
          5. The range of one's proper duties and functions; scope or jurisdiction.
          6. Ecology An area of land, less extensive than a region, having a characteristic plant and animal population.
          7. Any of various lands outside Italy conquered by the Romans and administered by them as self-contained units.

          Noun 1. province - the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south"


          administrative district, administrative division, territorial division - a district defined for administrative purposes

          commonwealth - the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico)

          country, land, state - the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"

          eparchy - a province in ancient Greece

          American state - one of the 50 states of the United States

          Italian region - Italy is divided into 20 regions for administrative purposes

          Canadian province - Canada is divided into 12 provinces for administrative purposes

          Australian state - one of the several states constituting Australia

          Soviet Socialist Republic - one of the states that formerly made up the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991)

          There is no provice in Greece called Macedonia, period !!

          We have councils here is Australia that perform the same functions that you highlight above Alpha. Therefore a council is not a province and visa versa.

          Oh and you want a compromise on the name issue, then put NEW infront of Greece, then we may start to meet half way in the unscrupuleous name negotiations.


          • Alpha
            • Jan 2010
            • 75

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Was that the same minute as the economic embargo imposed by Greece on Macedonia?
            • Was that the time that your currency had the tower of thessaloniki on it ?

            • Star of Vergina on your flag ?

            • Dropping the " Socialist " word to just ROM ?

            There were many reasons for the blockade. But thats what happens when politicians with no diplomatic experience take helm of a new independent country.

            Lets face it...Its the balkans we live in,not luxembourg. If we were any other country it would of been war.

            Turks had and still have a fit with the word kurdistan. Your new found buddies make us look like angels in comparison.


            • Alpha
              • Jan 2010
              • 75

              Originally posted by Sovius View Post
              Here. Grab a Latin dictionary and look up the word coercere. Then, as you may not have access to a Mongolian dictionary, find an online dictionary and locate their word for economic. After doing so, find a scientific dictionary and look up its definition for blockade. Now, when that plane crashed in the Andes during the 70s, what did that soccer team have to do in order to keep from starving to death? Now think, really try to think this out. What did the government of Macedonia feel was best in order to keep the recently de-federalized nation of Macedonia from imploding and to protect its citizens from further injury?
              Listen Sovius,

              The minute you accept that this world is not governed by what you may consider " just " or " right " then we can all move on.

              I mean just look around in this world for plenty examples:

              Armenian Genocide = Not Recognized ( tukey STILL has an embargo against them )

              Isreal - Palestine = Isrealies always having the upper hand despite world condemnation

              Cyprus = Countless UN Resolutions against turkey, but still nobody cares

              Greece - Turkey = Countless violations of soverign maritime and airspace, but still nobody cares.


              • Bill77
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 4545

                Originally posted by Alpha View Post
                • Was that the time that your currency had the tower of thessaloniki on it ?

                • Star of Vergina on your flag ?

                • Dropping the " Socialist " word to just ROM ?

                There were many reasons for the blockade. But thats what happens when politicians with no diplomatic experience take helm of a new independent country.

                Lets face it...Its the balkans we live in,not luxembourg. If we were any other country it would of been war.

                Turks had and still have a fit with the word kurdistan. Your new found buddies make us look like angels in comparison.
                Thats corect, we are ROM, and the sun symbol is Macedonian, so where is your argument. And what are the latest reasons your Facist Gov stops our sporting teams entering your plastic country. What was the reason for turning around and risking many lives the pasenger airline that was over your airspace but so high not visable, what was the reason the Macedonian fire fighters were refused entry trying to help your nation burning to the ground a few years ago. You and your nation is full of bullshit bullshit.

                our politicians are more than capable, Just look at all the reports regarding our nations progress in every department plenty of evidance to suport my statement. Evan if we are a relatively young indapendant country. Whats Greece's excuse for being the Black sheep of the EU?

                PS: becarful what you wish about our Turkish Buddies..... you share many things with them.
                Last edited by Bill77; 01-11-2010, 03:30 AM.


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  Originally posted by Alpha View Post
                  Listen Sovius,

                  The minute you accept that this world is not governed by what you may consider " just " or " right " then we can all move on.

                  I mean just look around in this world for plenty examples:

                  Armenian Genocide = Not Recognized ( tukey STILL has an embargo against them )

                  Isreal - Palestine = Isrealies always having the upper hand despite world condemnation

                  Cyprus = Countless UN Resolutions against turkey, but still nobody cares

                  Greece - Turkey = Countless violations of soverign maritime and airspace, but still nobody cares.
                  Two things,
                  A) what are you saying? turn a blind eye on injustice and move on???
                  Thank goodness the world did not have your logic during the days of Hitler and the natzis. We all would have been speaking German now.
                  B) you fail to mention not only the past Greek atrocities but the modern form of (i would call ethnic clensing or Genicide) supresion and human rights to your minorities. I would have had that on top of the list if you were serious...... But oh well, lets move on is your atitude and lets get over it. You Dick Head.


                  • Alpha
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 75

                    Bill if im not mistaken MAT Airlines landed in Corfu with your Govt Officials last year I believe. We are not a stupid country...tactics like sending " firemen " is an insult to our intelligence. For the last 15 years the govt of ROM have been constantly trying to get out of the interim agreement by backdoor initiatives. Agreements must be honored or else there is no point in making them.

                    As far as making them under duress...your not the first or last country to sign agreements under stress and duress. Unfortunatly, that happens on an everyday basis all over the world.

                    The fact is ROM never had any intention to honor its agreement with greece and as a result you try to make us look like the bad guys each time. This self victimization is really regrettable.

                    Posting landmarks of another soverign country is not the best policymaker...espescially in the balkans.

                    Now regarding symbols from antiquity...I wont even go there. Its been discussed to death.


                    • Alpha
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 75

                      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                      Two things,
                      A) what are you saying? turn a blind eye on injustice and move on???
                      Thank goodness the world did not have your logic during the days of Hitler and the natzis. We all would have been speaking German now.
                      B) you fail to mention not only the past Greek atrocities but the modern form of (i would call ethnic clensing or Genicide) supresion and human rights to your minorities. I would have had that on top of the list if you were serious...... But oh well, lets move on is your atitude and lets get over it. You Dick Head.
                      Im not saying turn a blind eye. Im just stating reality.
                      I think i asked you once to come to greece to see for yourself how surpressed our minorities are. I still extend the invitation. Its good to see how things are firsthand instead of repeating propaganda.

                      As far as genocide goes. You go buddy buddy with the number one genocide makers in history ( turkey, israel, USA, australia, ect. ) and harp on us for human rights. Isnt that hypocritical ?


                      • Bill77
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 4545

                        Originally posted by Alpha View Post
                        The fact is ROM never had any intention to honor its agreement with greece and as a result you try to make us look like the bad guys each time. .
                        Like not intafering with Macedonia's entry to any world organisation agreement?????????? We don't need to make you look bad, you do a fine job yourselves


                        • Alpha
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 75

                          Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                          Like not intafering with Macedonia's entry to any world organisation agreement?????????? We don't need to make you look bad, you do a fine job yourselves
                          thats not true at all. The agreement was broken the minute gruevski wanted to play " hardball ". He made his he's got to sleep in it.

                          He counted on George W Bush and the neocons to put ROM in Nato instead of working with greece. He counted wrong.....


                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            Originally posted by Alpha View Post
                            Im not saying turn a blind eye. Im just stating reality.
                            I think i asked you once to come to greece to see for yourself how surpressed our minorities are. I still extend the invitation. Its good to see how things are firsthand instead of repeating propaganda.

                            As far as genocide goes. You go buddy buddy with the number one genocide makers in history ( turkey, israel, USA, australia, ect. ) and harp on us for human rights. Isnt that hypocritical ?
                            Your Quote: "Im not saying turn a blind eye. Im just stating reality."

                            Yes you did. Read it again, you sujested move on. I take it as walk away and ignore it. Or shit hapens.

                            Your Quote: "I think i asked you once to come to greece to see for yourself how surpressed our minorities are."

                            First time i have spoken to you. Alzimers must be kicking in friend. lol
                            But, its not me you must invite and convince life is rosy for your minorities. Its the Human rights wach dog you should try to convince. Or is there report propaganda?????

                            Your Quote: "As far as genocide goes. You go buddy buddy with the number one genocide makers in history ( turkey, israel, USA, australia, ect. ) and harp on us for human rights. Isnt that hypocritical" Go complain to the Human Rights wach dogs. All i know is Greece have been told to pull up there socks. Yet they still ignore it. I agree those nations you mention have proformed genicide in the past. But by you pointing them out and yet defend your nation by denying the human rights issue, who is the real hypocrit?????


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545

                              Originally posted by Alpha View Post
                              thats not true at all. The agreement was broken the minute gruevski wanted to play " hardball ". He made his he's got to sleep in it.

                              He counted on George W Bush and the neocons to put ROM in Nato instead of working with greece. He counted wrong.....
                              Geee Thats a convincing ok You


                              • Alpha
                                • Jan 2010
                                • 75

                                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                                Your Quote: "Im not saying turn a blind eye. Im just stating reality."

                                Yes you did. Read it again, you sujested move on. I take it as walk away and ignore it. Or shit hapens.

                                Your Quote: "I think i asked you once to come to greece to see for yourself how surpressed our minorities are."

                                First time i have spoken to you. Alzimers must be kicking in friend. lol
                                But, its not me you must invite and convince life is rosy for your minorities. Its the Human rights wach dog you should try to convince. Or is there report propaganda?????

                                Your Quote: "As far as genocide goes. You go buddy buddy with the number one genocide makers in history ( turkey, israel, USA, australia, ect. ) and harp on us for human rights. Isnt that hypocritical" Go complain to the Human Rights wach dogs. All i know is Greece have been told to pull up there socks. Yet they still ignore it. I agree those nations you mention have proformed genicide in the past. But by you pointing them out and yet defend your nation by denying the human rights issue, who is the real hypocrit?????

                                1) I meant move on in regards to working for a mutual acceptable solution. Nobody wants to take your identity away. That couldnt be further from the truth.

                                2) We spoke before. I had a different nick on here.

                                3) i have a different opinion on what you say was a genocide. If the armenians and greeks cant get it acknowledged. Il be damned if macedonians do....

