The Greek "province" of Macedonia, fact or fiction?

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  • Alpha
    • Jan 2010
    • 75

    Yes, pointless to backtrack on all of your misjudgements and lies in the last 12 hours, or probably now, after realising how you have wasted my time in the exact same way you did with your previously banned user ID, you can probably see how you will end up like you did last time. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with you being here so long as you respect the Macedonians and don't endlessly harp on about how we should share our identity with Greeks just because some of them happen to live in geographical Macedonia. I really hope you can see the stupidity in your argument one day.
    Ok, i also hope for you to see the other side. I stand by my invitation for you to visit. Make a fisthand judgement, not behind a computer.

    Sparta was still considered a Hellenic city-state, Macedonia never was....just for your information.
    And that is why they were considered backward to city-state greeks back then. They were considered Greek Hillybillies.

    Now that we all know where we stand, I advise you not to denigrate, dilute or deny the Macedonian people and their identity. If you want to hold on to a geographic identity, good for you, you will still be ethnically and linguistically Greek, and I will still be ethnically and linguistically (and geographically) Macedonian.
    Hey I never did dilute, negate or deny anybody.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      They were considered Greek Hillybillies.
      Yeah, whatever, your lies are beginning to stink up this forum.
      Hey I never did dilute, negate or deny anybody.
      Yes, you did. But I can promise you one thing, you will never do it here again. Ever.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Stojacanec
        • Dec 2009
        • 809


        You and your fellow patriots try and paint a picture that Ancient Macedonia was like any other greek city state.

        First of all I am still trying to look up information on Ancient Macedonia being an anceint greek city state like Athens, Sikyon, Corinth, Argos etc. But I can't find anything.

        Then you say that greeks follow the city state mentality. In that you try and fuse Macedonia as being greek.

        I have spent time looking up National Australian Archive information on immigrants from Greece and (then) Yugoslavia. In all someod 100 records I perused not one immigrant identified him/herself as a greek from sparta, argos etc. They identified as Greek only. These records were from the 1920s and 1930s. No city state mentality there.

        BUT many identified themselves as a Macedonian nationality from Greece or Yugoslavia.

        Now you show me how Greeks have a greek state mentality that includes Macedonia and not just some recent Grkoman Propaganda.

        Face it Alpha there is a separate Macedonian identity that was born inside the region of post 1913 new territories of Greece. Just because modern day greece does not reconise them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

        Think of this Analogy:
        The Republic of Panamah does not recognise tax evasion therefore is not a crime in Panamah. Doesn't mean tax evasion doesn't exist.

        Also I refer to your invitation for people to come in greece and see how the minorities live.......
        I remember seeing a youtube video a few years back on Macedonian vs Greek politics shot in 1994. I remember what the narrator said at the time:

        "if in Greece you say your Greek then everything will be alright"

        Is this what you want us to see?? What a waste of money. Cheaper to see a 10 minute spread on Youtube!


        • Big Bad Sven
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 1528

          Originally posted by Alpha View Post
          • Was that the time that your currency had the tower of thessaloniki on it ?

          • Star of Vergina on your flag ?

          • Dropping the " Socialist " word to just ROM ?

          There were many reasons for the blockade. But thats what happens when politicians with no diplomatic experience take helm of a new independent country.

          Lets face it...Its the balkans we live in,not luxembourg. If we were any other country it would of been war.

          Turks had and still have a fit with the word kurdistan. Your new found buddies make us look like angels in comparison.
          As others have said the White tower of Solun was put on fake notes, but it is absolutely no reason for Grease to get hysterical and threaten war, make the Macedonian country look bad, and put a embargo on it. Its just further proof that Grease is very insecure about its self, and also the aggressors.

          The Star of Vergina on the Macedonian Flag? Well gosh shouldn’t the Macedonians decide what their flag is as it is their country?
          What gives you the right to tell what another country can have the flag? Just who the hell do you think you are, the USA? You are nothing, just another backwards Balkan country.
          Why is it that Grease can use the star but not Macedonia? Who gave you full ownership to the star? I thought the star has been used by many opther cultures and can be used by anyone? And you have the nerve to say that the “ultra nationalist” Macedonians are “monopolizing” Macedonia.
          Macedonia NEVER had a issue with Grease using the star for its flag for its northern province. Again you are the AGGRESOR!

          “Dropping the " Socialist " word to just ROM ?” Again it is our country we decide what it can be called. Btw why are you allowed to call your province “Macedonia” and we cant call our country Macedonia? Double standards from the “greek” hypocrites again!

          Macedonians don’t have a problem with Grease having a province called “Macedonia” and that it has the star as its flag. We don’t “tell off” the “greek Macedonians” yet you seem to have the nerve of not allowing Macedonians to be called Macedonians. We don’t even care if you try to monopolize Macedonia.

          As I have said before, you are the problem. You are the ones who are paranoid. Isn’t it quite funny that the reason why the Balkans are so backwards is mainly because of paranoid losers like the Albanians, “greeks”, Bulgarian slavs and serbs….


          • indigen
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 1558

            Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
            Macedonia NEVER had a issue with Grease using the star for its flag for its northern province.

            Again it is our country we decide what it can be called. Btw why are you allowed to call your province “Macedonia” and we cant call our country Macedonia? Double standards from the “greek” hypocrites again!

            Macedonians don’t have a problem with Grease having a province called “Macedonia” and that it has the star as its flag.
            Macedonia is a biblical country/land and Macedonians are a biblical people/nation and we did not just wakeup in 1991 and decided how nice it would be if we called ourselves Macedonians and our state Macedonia.

            Secondly, BBS, the reason this thread was started was to clarify that THERE IS NO PROVINCE of Macedonia in HellAss, which would not matter even if there was.

            Thirdly, ALL Macedonia is the native soil of indigenous Macedonians and we are rightfully entitled to display it on Maps and literature as we please in the same manner other dispossessed peoples do of their homelands, e.g. indigenous Australians. Have you ever heard of non-indigenous Australians jumping up and down and complaining about Aboriginal people displaying the continent of Australia on banners in their national colours? I have even seen posters and banners saying "Pay the rent, you are on Aboriginal land".


            • slovenec zrinski
              • Sep 2008
              • 385

              Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
              I have for several years seen the term "province" used in regards to the part of Macedonia that was annexed by Greece in 1913 by Western media. There is no province of Macedonia in Greece but rather three PERIPHERIES which utilises the name of Macedonia with a geographical connector to it. The "province" of Macedonia in Greece is nothing more than fiction.

              I have said this for many,many years. I said this on the Banitsa forum many years ago and I cannot understand why this truth about the imaginary Greek Province of Macedonia isn´t used by the Macedonian Government to show how the Greeks have lied all along...


              • slovenec zrinski
                • Sep 2008
                • 385

                I think it was the Zhelevo forum by the way..not Banitsa (not that it matters much anyway)


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  Thank you slovenec, i was just about to blow my brains out with this UMD argument that has been happening in the last 24 hours on 3 diferant threads. Please continue pleaseeeee talk about anything... anthing at all. LOL


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    By the way, I have not comunicated with you before. Hello slovenec....


                    • slovenec zrinski
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 385

                      Hi there Bill77

                      I have been reading the different UMD threads on here and on Maknews and as a non-macedonian decided to stay well away from this heart-wrenching debacle. I just wrote a couple of lines in one thread and got a sensible answer from SoM but decided anyway not to delve further into this hornets nest, or vipers den or whatever it is to be called
                      (By the way Big Bad Sven I think it was..I know full well how important this issue is for the Macedonians..its your identity and your existance that is at stake here.)


                      • Daskalot
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 4345

                        Originally posted by indigen View Post
                        secondly, bbs, the reason this thread was started was to clarify that there is no province of macedonia in hellass, which would not matter even if there was.
                        this must be emphasized in absurdum!
                        Macedonian Truth Organisation


                        • Big Bad Sven
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 1528

                          Originally posted by indigen View Post
                          Macedonia is a biblical country/land and Macedonians are a biblical people/nation and we did not just wakeup in 1991 and decided how nice it would be if we called ourselves Macedonians and our state Macedonia.

                          Secondly, BBS, the reason this thread was started was to clarify that THERE IS NO PROVINCE of Macedonia in HellAss, which would not matter even if there was.

                          Thirdly, ALL Macedonia is the native soil of indigenous Macedonians and we are rightfully entitled to display it on Maps and literature as we please in the same manner other dispossessed peoples do of their homelands, e.g. indigenous Australians. Have you ever heard of non-indigenous Australians jumping up and down and complaining about Aboriginal people displaying the continent of Australia on banners in their national colours? I have even seen posters and banners saying "Pay the rent, you are on Aboriginal land".
                          Very well said Indigen.

                          We Macedonians have been a bit to kind to the filth that we call our neighbors.

                          As I said earlier, we Macedonians did not have a problem with “greeks” deciding to steal Macedonian history and culture and start using the ancient Macedonian star, call themselves “greek Macedonians” etc. However those pigs had the nerve to tell us what we can do and call ourselves, what we can have as a flag etc,

                          That’s where it shows to me that you cant trust the “greeks”, you cant work with them or be fair with them. They are the aggressors, they are the ones responsible for the poor relations between Macedonia and Grease.

                          Hence why today I say no more Mr Nice guy.

                          We where ok with the “greeks” having the start for their “Macedonian province” in the late 80’s to today, however I say fvck the bastards and get them to change the flag and remove the star. If they want to “compromise” then they need to remove the start, just as we where supposed to.

                          They like to spread crap and rubbish about Macedonia being a artificial country, then I think we need to expose these bastards for their artificial “province of Macedonia” that was created in 1988.

                          The government needs to highlight this, and demand that grease needs to compromise as well, and the first steps are to remove the Macedonian star from the “greek macedonia” province and also for grease to remove the term Macedonia from its province.


                          • Pelister
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2742

                            Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
                            I have for several years seen the term "province" used in regards to the part of Macedonia that was annexed by Greece in 1913 by Western media. There is no province of Macedonia in Greece but rather three PERIPHERIES which utilises the name of Macedonia with a geographical connector to it. The "province" of Macedonia in Greece is nothing more than fiction.
                            I agree Daskalot.

                            If there is one thing the New Greeks are very good at it is altering a landscape, changing its ethnic structure beyond recognition, appropriating things, and "imagining" what they would like that land to look like in 100 years.

                            The New Greeks have been lying about the state of things in Macedonia for a hundred years. They were deceiving the West that it was inhabited entirely by Greeks before it ever was.

                            You can bet that in this context the use of the term "Province" although the presence of the term does not stand up to empirical scrutiny, it is what they "imagine" it to be and you can likely bet that in the near future they will rename these New Territories once again.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                              You can bet that in this context the use of the term "Province" although the presence of the term does not stand up to empirical scrutiny, it is what they "imagine" it to be and you can likely bet that in the near future they will rename these New Territories once again.
                              The Greeks are so lucky, they can have a province when they don't have one, they can have a definition of "Greekness" that nobody else can have (because it does not work) and they can have wet dreams about things that nobody else has.

                              God bless their former ethnicity's souls.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                              • Pelister
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2742

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                The Greeks are so lucky, they can have a province when they don't have one, they can have a definition of "Greekness" that nobody else can have (because it does not work) and they can have wet dreams about things that nobody else has.

                                God bless their former ethnicity's souls.
                                They can imagine anything the want to and presto there it is. If it isn't there yet, they can begin the task of making it. That is the thing about Greek institutions. They are so well practised and so well refined at what I call "constituting new souls" together with a ready make imagined heritage - I am surprised the Macedonians have lasted this long. The New Greeks have had since 1830 to perfect the art of bullshitting.

