"They call themselves Macedonians"

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  • Pelister
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2742


    Petko Slaveykov

    We have heard it many times from the Macedonians that they are not Bulgarians, rather that they are Macednoians ...
    Source: Published by Petko Slaveykov, in January 1871 in a newspaper published in Constantinople titled 'Macedonia'. This excellent document was posted at MTO by Daskalot. It can be found here:

    Page 1. Page 2. Source: Published 18th January 1871 in the "Macedonia" newspaper in Constantinople. Translation of the above pages into English: Page 1. Page 2. Isn't his writings just dandy, the Macedonians told him that they were MACEDONIANS!!!!:macedonia The Truth is out there, go find it! :cowboy:


    In 2009 the 'Euromazaik' project for the study of minority languages surveyed and documented minority languages in Greece. The study concluded that Macedonian was spoken in 360 villages in northern Greece.

    The report noted that:

    The people who speak this language in the central and western part of the Greek part of Macedonia call themselves and their langauge 'Macedonian'.
    Source: Deutche Welle, Europe, 15.08.2009 'Study on the use of Macedonian language in Greece', DW-WORLD.DE, 'Euromozaik Project for the study of Minority Languages'.
    Last edited by Pelister; 06-16-2011, 02:25 AM.


    • Bill77
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 4545

      Here is a lovely story i just heard.

      (Admin...you may move it if you find it to be inappropriate in this thread)
      But it is a modern day story of "They call themselves Macedonian"

      A man that i know of, was a typical mixed up Macedonian who you would label a Grkoman. He just came back from a trip to Egejska Makedonia, which before that, he spent 30 odd years of living in Australia and not being back since.

      Sources tell me, he has all of a sudden, since coming back, become a die hard Macedonian, a patriotec.

      I wander what, on his trip to Egej, would have woken him up? are the people in that part of Macedonia finally seeing the light and its rubbed off on him? i wander.

      I will try to investigate in future, i am fascinated with this good news. Praise the Lord


      • makedonche
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 3242

        Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
        Here is a lovely story i just heard.

        (Admin...you may move it if you find it to be inappropriate in this thread)
        But it is a modern day story of "They call themselves Macedonian"

        A man that i know of, was a typical mixed up Macedonian who you would label a Grkoman. He just came back from a trip to Egejska Makedonia, which before that, he spent 30 odd years of living in Australia and not being back since.

        Sources tell me, he has all of a sudden, since coming back, become a die hard Macedonian, a patriotec.

        I wander what, on his trip to Egej, would have woken him up? are the people in that part of Macedonia finally seeing the light and its rubbed off on him? i wander.

        I will try to investigate in future, i am fascinated with this good news. Praise the Lord
        Interesting story, i await your follow up on this. If it turns out that the Egejski are awakening their Macedonian roots then we may have to start a fundraising campaign to send all of the ROM politicians there until they too wake up to themselves!
        On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


        • Bill77
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 4545

          Originally posted by makedonche View Post
          Interesting story, i await your follow up on this. If it turns out that the Egejski are awakening their Macedonian roots then we may have to start a fundraising campaign to send all of the ROM politicians there until they too wake up to themselves!
          Ne bre brat. nogu fyromci vo republicata ce boles. od dvaj se razbedeja beli morcite a sega uste toa mu e kuso. da imat politicarite od republicata da gi spobolat.

          I think the other way around. Send ROM Beli morci to wake them up instead.


          • makedonche
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 3242

            Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
            Ne bre brat. nogu fyromci vo republicata ce boles. od dvaj se razbedeja beli morcite a sega uste toa mu e kuso. da imat politicarite od republicata da gi spobolat.

            I think the other way around. Send ROM Beli morci to wake them up instead.
            HaHa - ama ne e za smeshno na vistinsko - samo da negi rasiput beli morcite sho ki mo pushchime!
            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by TRAVOLTA View Post
              Very interesting is last paragraph........

              Just noticed this, very interesting indeed, but I think the term 'written monuments' requires a little more elaboration.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                I missed that bit about Circassians in the district of Ser.
                I still wonder whether these were the people that had something to do with the modern Albanian ethnic identity.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  That's a good quote because the propaganda says we are not what we are supposed to be.Our enemies think that they can decide for us.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • TRAVOLTA
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 504

                    Од посетата на Стратис Миривилис на Велушина во 1917:

                    «Αυτοί εδώ οι χωριάτες, που τη γλώσσα τους την καταλαβαίνουν περίφημα κι οι Βούλγαροι κι οι Σέρβοι, αντιπαθούν τους πρώτους γιατί τους πήρανε τα παιδιά τους στο στρατό. Μισούν τους δεύτερους που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται για Βούλγαρους. Και κοιτάνε με αρκετά συμπαθητική περιέργεια εμάς τους περαστικούς Ρωμιούς επειδή είμαστε οι γνήσιοι πνευματικοί υπήκοοι του Πατρίκ, δηλαδή του «Ορθόδοξου Πατριάρχη της Πόλης». (…) Ωστόσο, δεν θέλουν να ΄ναι μήτε «Μπουλγκάρ» (Βούλγαροι), μήτε «Σρρπ» (Σέρβοι), μήτε «Γκρρτς» (Έλληνες). Μονάχα «Μακεντόν ορτοντόξ»
                    («Η ζωή εν τάφω», 1η έκδοση [1924], επανέκδ. Αθήνα 1991, σ. 104-5).

                    ("Life in the buried"first edition [1924] epanekd. Athens 1991, p.104-5).

                    ….Овие селани, чиј јазик добро го разбираат и Бугарите и Србите, првите ги мразат затоа што им ги зедоа децата војници. Вторите пак ги мразат бидејќи ги малтретираат како наводни Бугари. И нас Грците пропатувачи не гледаат со симпатична љубопитност, како автентични поданици на Патрикот т.е. на Православниот Патријарх од Константинопол, бидејќи неговите идеи се распостираат, макар обвиткани во матна и чудна таинственост врз овој христијански свет и бидејќи на гробовите на нивните стари достоинственици има плочи со грчки натписи, овие исти писма што се испишани вез искривените икони и старите црковни книги. Сепак, тие не сакаат да бидат ниту Бугари, ниту Срби, ниту Грци, туку само Православни Македонци.

                    Станува збор за сведоштво на грчкиот војник Стратис Миривилис (грчки: Στρατής Μυριβήλης), кој откако бил повреден, командата го сместила во едно македонско семејство, каде останал до закрепнувањето. Впечатоците од таму ги поставил во делото "Животот во гробот" (грчки Η Ζωή εν Τάφω) напишано во 1924 година.

                    .... These peasants, whose language is well understand by Bulgarians and Serbs, hate the first because they took their children for soldiers. The second they hate because the torture over themas alleged Bulgarians. And they look with a lot of sympathetic curiosity to us (Greeks), the passing by Rums [Greeks] because we are the genuine spiritual subjects of the Patrik, that is the ‘Orthodox Patriarch of the Poli’ [Constantinople].…..because his ideas are go, though cloaked in vague and strange secrecy over the Christian world because of their old graves of dignitaries has plates with Greek inscriptions, these same letters that are written embroidery distorted religious icons and old books . However, they do not want to be neither Bulgarians nor Serbs, nor the Greeks, but Orthodox Macedonians.

                    This is a testimony of the Greek soldier Mirivilis Stratis (Greek: Στρατής Μυριβήλης), who after being wounded, was housed by the commandin a Macedonian family, where he remained until recovery. Impressions from there set out in the book "Life in the grave" (Greek Η Ζωή εν Τάφω) written in 1924.
                    Во наредното издание во 1936 ја нема последната реченица. Кознае зошто
                    Last edited by TRAVOLTA; 02-14-2012, 04:48 AM.


                    • TRAVOLTA
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 504

                      Стојан Донски: “Jас не се борам за Бугари. Јас сум Македонец и се бијам за автономна Македонија“.

                      Извор: “Пламен четништва”, Станислав Краков, Белград 1930 год., “Штампарија и цинкографија Време” – Поенкареова 4-б(о)


                      • Daskalot
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 4345

                        Originally posted by TRAVOLTA View Post
                        Од посетата на Стратис Миривилис на Велушина во 1917:

                        «Αυτοί εδώ οι χωριάτες, που τη γλώσσα τους την καταλαβαίνουν περίφημα κι οι Βούλγαροι κι οι Σέρβοι, αντιπαθούν τους πρώτους γιατί τους πήρανε τα παιδιά τους στο στρατό. Μισούν τους δεύτερους που τους κακομεταχειρίζονται για Βούλγαρους. Και κοιτάνε με αρκετά συμπαθητική περιέργεια εμάς τους περαστικούς Ρωμιούς επειδή είμαστε οι γνήσιοι πνευματικοί υπήκοοι του Πατρίκ, δηλαδή του «Ορθόδοξου Πατριάρχη της Πόλης». (…) Ωστόσο, δεν θέλουν να ΄ναι μήτε «Μπουλγκάρ» (Βούλγαροι), μήτε «Σρρπ» (Σέρβοι), μήτε «Γκρρτς» (Έλληνες). Μονάχα «Μακεντόν ορτοντόξ»
                        («Η ζωή εν τάφω», 1η έκδοση [1924], επανέκδ. Αθήνα 1991, σ. 104-5).

                        ("Life in the buried"first edition [1924] epanekd. Athens 1991, p.104-5).

                        ….Овие селани, чиј јазик добро го разбираат и Бугарите и Србите, првите ги мразат затоа што им ги зедоа децата војници. Вторите пак ги мразат бидејќи ги малтретираат како наводни Бугари. И нас Грците пропатувачи не гледаат со симпатична љубопитност, како автентични поданици на Патрикот т.е. на Православниот Патријарх од Константинопол, бидејќи неговите идеи се распостираат, макар обвиткани во матна и чудна таинственост врз овој христијански свет и бидејќи на гробовите на нивните стари достоинственици има плочи со грчки натписи, овие исти писма што се испишани вез искривените икони и старите црковни книги. Сепак, тие не сакаат да бидат ниту Бугари, ниту Срби, ниту Грци, туку само Православни Македонци.

                        Станува збор за сведоштво на грчкиот војник Стратис Миривилис (грчки: Στρατής Μυριβήλης), кој откако бил повреден, командата го сместила во едно македонско семејство, каде останал до закрепнувањето. Впечатоците од таму ги поставил во делото "Животот во гробот" (грчки Η Ζωή εν Τάφω) напишано во 1924 година.

                        .... These peasants, whose language is well understand by Bulgarians and Serbs, hate the first because they took their children for soldiers. The second they hate because the torture over themas alleged Bulgarians. And they look with a lot of sympathetic curiosity to us (Greeks), the passing by Rums [Greeks] because we are the genuine spiritual subjects of the Patrik, that is the ‘Orthodox Patriarch of the Poli’ [Constantinople].…..because his ideas are go, though cloaked in vague and strange secrecy over the Christian world because of their old graves of dignitaries has plates with Greek inscriptions, these same letters that are written embroidery distorted religious icons and old books . However, they do not want to be neither Bulgarians nor Serbs, nor the Greeks, but Orthodox Macedonians.

                        This is a testimony of the Greek soldier Mirivilis Stratis (Greek: Στρατής Μυριβήλης), who after being wounded, was housed by the commandin a Macedonian family, where he remained until recovery. Impressions from there set out in the book "Life in the grave" (Greek Η Ζωή εν Τάφω) written in 1924.
                        Во наредното издание во 1936 ја нема последната реченица. Кознае зошто
                        Nice Travolta! Here is the relevant pages posted by Lorenzo, https://www.macedoniantruth.org/foru...ead.php?t=5665
                        Macedonian Truth Organisation


                        • Nomad
                          • May 2012
                          • 17

                          "Westerner Acknowledges Macedonians called themselves Macedonians in 1922"
                          Where ?


                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            Originally posted by Nomad View Post
                            "Westerner Acknowledges Macedonians called themselves Macedonians in 1922"
                            Where ?
                            Judging by your avatar, you have no pupils there for you are blind and can't be helped on this occasion. But get someone to read the last sentence of the article in post 1 for you.


                            • Nomad
                              • May 2012
                              • 17

                              It's funny because when i came in this thread before 30 min the last image was not here, sorry maybe this was a problem with my internet


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                tm that's pretty good find.
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

