A composition of few threads from MTO forum put in 3 articles revealing the same subject:
The Making of Greece (Part 1, 2 & 3) in both English & Macedonian language versions.
Part 1
The Making of Greece (part 1) - The 1st Constitution and President -
The Greek Constitution of 1827 was signed and ratified in June 1827 by the Third National Assembly at Troezen during the latter stages of the Greek War of Independence for liberation from Turkish rule.
Let's look at the articles of the first Greek constitution that practically defined the character of the state, its territory and its inhabitants.
The Article under nr. 4 says:
“Provinces of Greece are all those that were taken and will be taken by weapons against the Ottoman Dynasty.”
Followed with the answer of how the Greeks defined themselves:
1) —> 6. Greeks are:
2) —> a. All those indigenous people of the Greek State who believe in Christ.
3) —> b. All those, believers in Christ, who under the Ottoman slavery, came or they will come to the Greek State to struggle or to reside in it.
4) —> e. All those aliens, who come and enroll as citizens.
NOTE: To become a Greek, it was enough to be a Christian!
This document proves that Greeks have a very short memory. They do not remember how the Greek State was made and also who the modern Greeks are.
Why should we Macedonians have to prove that we are Macedonians since antiquity when the Greeks do not have to prove anything for being Greeks?
The fact is that about 180 years ago anybody who was a Christian in the Greek State became a Greek automatically, why does that not bother the modern Greeks?
You see, if someone was a Jew or a Muslim or a Catholic, he/she was excluded immediately. Let us now ask ourselves what Greek racism is and where did it come from?
Without any tendentiousness, but this document of the highest official importance shows that the Greek ethnic identity is consciously produced.
To make this paradox even more bigger lets remind "The Greeks" at their first President George Koundouriotis (1782-1858) who served as Prime Minister of Greece during the reign of Otto of Bavaria as King of Greece, and later G.K. became the first President of the Greek state (1823-1826).
Mr. Koundouriotis comes from famous Albanian family which with no doubt gave his great contribution the Greek revolution. The original family name was Zervas, but was changed to
Koundouriotis according to one of their ancestors who was a resident of the village Kountora, Megarida. His brother Lazaros Kounduoriotis who fought in the Greek War of Independence in 1821year was called "Father of the Nation." Grandson of Mr.Kounduoriotis, Pavlos, was celebrated after the First Balkan War and was twice elected President of Greece. George Kounduoriotis was an Albanian who knew only Albanian and He became the first Greek president.
“Greek government officials, rule out their first President Mr. Kounduriotis and his name is not mentioned in any modern text because of Greek political sensitivity about his Albanian origin”, wrote George Finley in his book "History of the Greek Revolution" from 1861. This is not coincidence, the Albanian character of the Greek state is also confirmed by other celebrated revolutionaries who took part in the Greek War of independence, and they were also Albanians who did not know Greek language. Among them are Bocaris Marcos, Kicos Tzavellas and Andreas Miaoulis. After them we can also mention the celebrated Albanian revolutionary in Greek war Theodoros Kolokotronis who advocated bilingual country (Greece) with Albanian and Greek language. Albanians had their own representatives in the Greek Parliament which discussed the use of Albanian as second official language in Greece. Still, it never came to that.
Beside Kolokotronis, another Albanian figure is also characteristic in Greek revolution, and that is Laskarina Bouboulina the woman who first raised the revolutionary Greek flag on the island of Speces. Bouboulina played a major role in the revolution and today occupies a special place in Greek history, but what is hidden and never highlighted is its Albanian origin.
“We always spoke Albanian and we called our self Romaioi but then Vinkelman, Goethe, Victor Hugo, Delakrois, they all have said "No, you are Hellenes, direct descendants of Plato and Socrates, and it happen.
If on a small, poor nation is put such a burden on the shoulders, she will never to recover. “ (Nikos Dimou - in an interview titled "Elgin Marble Argument in a New Light" – New York Times, June 23, 2009)
The Making of Greece (Part 1, 2 & 3) in both English & Macedonian language versions.
Part 1
The Making of Greece (part 1) - The 1st Constitution and President -
The Greek Constitution of 1827 was signed and ratified in June 1827 by the Third National Assembly at Troezen during the latter stages of the Greek War of Independence for liberation from Turkish rule.
Let's look at the articles of the first Greek constitution that practically defined the character of the state, its territory and its inhabitants.
The Article under nr. 4 says:
“Provinces of Greece are all those that were taken and will be taken by weapons against the Ottoman Dynasty.”
Followed with the answer of how the Greeks defined themselves:
1) —> 6. Greeks are:
2) —> a. All those indigenous people of the Greek State who believe in Christ.
3) —> b. All those, believers in Christ, who under the Ottoman slavery, came or they will come to the Greek State to struggle or to reside in it.
4) —> e. All those aliens, who come and enroll as citizens.
NOTE: To become a Greek, it was enough to be a Christian!
This document proves that Greeks have a very short memory. They do not remember how the Greek State was made and also who the modern Greeks are.
Why should we Macedonians have to prove that we are Macedonians since antiquity when the Greeks do not have to prove anything for being Greeks?
The fact is that about 180 years ago anybody who was a Christian in the Greek State became a Greek automatically, why does that not bother the modern Greeks?
You see, if someone was a Jew or a Muslim or a Catholic, he/she was excluded immediately. Let us now ask ourselves what Greek racism is and where did it come from?
Without any tendentiousness, but this document of the highest official importance shows that the Greek ethnic identity is consciously produced.
To make this paradox even more bigger lets remind "The Greeks" at their first President George Koundouriotis (1782-1858) who served as Prime Minister of Greece during the reign of Otto of Bavaria as King of Greece, and later G.K. became the first President of the Greek state (1823-1826).
Mr. Koundouriotis comes from famous Albanian family which with no doubt gave his great contribution the Greek revolution. The original family name was Zervas, but was changed to
Koundouriotis according to one of their ancestors who was a resident of the village Kountora, Megarida. His brother Lazaros Kounduoriotis who fought in the Greek War of Independence in 1821year was called "Father of the Nation." Grandson of Mr.Kounduoriotis, Pavlos, was celebrated after the First Balkan War and was twice elected President of Greece. George Kounduoriotis was an Albanian who knew only Albanian and He became the first Greek president.
“Greek government officials, rule out their first President Mr. Kounduriotis and his name is not mentioned in any modern text because of Greek political sensitivity about his Albanian origin”, wrote George Finley in his book "History of the Greek Revolution" from 1861. This is not coincidence, the Albanian character of the Greek state is also confirmed by other celebrated revolutionaries who took part in the Greek War of independence, and they were also Albanians who did not know Greek language. Among them are Bocaris Marcos, Kicos Tzavellas and Andreas Miaoulis. After them we can also mention the celebrated Albanian revolutionary in Greek war Theodoros Kolokotronis who advocated bilingual country (Greece) with Albanian and Greek language. Albanians had their own representatives in the Greek Parliament which discussed the use of Albanian as second official language in Greece. Still, it never came to that.
Beside Kolokotronis, another Albanian figure is also characteristic in Greek revolution, and that is Laskarina Bouboulina the woman who first raised the revolutionary Greek flag on the island of Speces. Bouboulina played a major role in the revolution and today occupies a special place in Greek history, but what is hidden and never highlighted is its Albanian origin.
“We always spoke Albanian and we called our self Romaioi but then Vinkelman, Goethe, Victor Hugo, Delakrois, they all have said "No, you are Hellenes, direct descendants of Plato and Socrates, and it happen.
If on a small, poor nation is put such a burden on the shoulders, she will never to recover. “ (Nikos Dimou - in an interview titled "Elgin Marble Argument in a New Light" – New York Times, June 23, 2009)