Macedonian Patriotic Organization

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  • Phoenix
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 4671

    Originally posted by Prolet View Post

    You really are getting you kicks out of this arnt you ZAS?
    There seems to be a real divide between how MPO is viewed by Australians and some North Americans...


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
      There seems to be a real divide between how MPO is viewed by Australians and some North Americans...
      Yet all the MPO leaders stand for the same thing. The utter denial of the historic Macedonian identity.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Phoenix
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 4671

        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
        Yet all the MPO leaders stand for the same thing. The utter denial of the historic Macedonian identity.
        Lubi Maknews assures me that I haven't got a clue about MPO and the North Americans know them inside out...

        UMD are showing no fear at all in working with MPO...go figure...


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Thanks for the follow up Indigen. This user claiming to be Tasho Alusheff sure sounds like an immature little fool, his wife and current leader of the MPO doesn't at all appear that way.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • osiris
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1969

            he sounds as confused as the greek macedonian idiots.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
              Lubi Maknews assures me that I haven't got a clue about MPO and the North Americans know them inside out...

              UMD are showing no fear at all in working with MPO...go figure...
              The MPO denies the historic Macedonian identity. There is no talking to them unless their leadership cleans up their ideology. Plain and simple.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • indigen
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 1558


                Makedonsko Sonce - BROJ 330 20.10.2000

                Гледано однадвор


                Пишува: Славко МАНГОВСКИ

                Гледам, изложбата за МПО (Македонска патриотска организација) се преселила во Скопје и повторно гледам изјави на промоторите дека историјата на МПО досега била "политизирана, идеологизирана, партиска, итн." и не можам да се изначудам што има политичко, идеолошко и партиско во изјавите, дадени од самата МПО, очигледно од многуте документи, дека се работи за организација на македонски Бугари. Еве што вели за тоа еден од организаторите на изложбата во интервјуто за еден весник:

                "... Во 1976 година членовите на ЦК на МПО, редакцијата на 'Македонска трибуна' и Ванчо Михајлов, 'во името на македонското ослободително движење', испратиле заедничко писмо до претседателот на САД, Џералд Форд. Обраќајќи се во името на 'македонските Бугари' и загрижени за судбината на 'бугарското име, јазик и историја', тие во писмото го негирале постоењето на тогашна СР Македонија во рамките на СФРЈ, негодувајќи дека 'македонските Бугари ги немаат остварено основните слободи и права'. Слични антинационални епитети се забележуваат и на 57-иот конгрес во 1978 година, како што е 'македонската народност е дрво без корен', 'во Македонија живеат македонски Бугари', потоа дека во Македонија има 'србокомунистички терор' итн...".
                Каде е проблемот? Проблемот е дека некои сакаат да веруваме оти само пред 22 години господата од МПО беа супер-Бугари и антимакедонци и дека денес тие исти луѓе си ги промениле ставовите и тоа исклучиво само заради нивните магловити изјави дека ја поддржуваат идејата за независна Македонија. Точно е дека ако денес го прашате претседателот на МПО дали организацијата е бугарска, тој ќе ви рече оти е македонска. Само што тоа "македонско" за нив значи географски поим, а не национален. Убаво е тоа што МПО сака да и помогне на Македонија, но тоа нека се прави без маски и отворено. А, всушност, најголемиот проблем е дека МПО-вците, како и сите бугарски, домашни и надворешни, националшовинисти, веруваат дека сите ние сме одродени Бугари, дека македонската нација е вештачка творба од комунистите и дека тој процес, бидејќи вештачки, е реверсибилен преку воведување на смислена бугаризација, преку "запознавањето" на Македонците со бугарската историја со која на Македонците ќе им се претстави дека цар Самуил, браќата Миладинови, Гоце Делчев и многу други биле Бугари и според тоа сите Македонци се просто однародени Бугари. За тоа всушност се работи кога слушаме за процесот на бугаризација во Македонија, тоа е она што го веруваат луѓето од Владата на РМ. Тоа се обидуваме да го објасниме преку серијата написи кои ги објавивме во минатите два, во овој и, а и во следните неколку броеви. За сите оние кои можат и сакаат да видат, јасно е постоењето на конспирација на бугарските сили, во државата и надвор, за смислено "враќање кон нашите корени". Ако се гледаат сите показатели од гледна точка на постоење на конспирација, се станува јасно. Сепак, останува дека и покрај јасноста, многу нешта не им се јасни, не сакаат да ги гледаат или не се способни да ги видат. Затоа оваа изложба мора да се гледа преку една политичка призма, како дел на таа конспирација. Има такви кои ги гледаат работите, но не веруваат дека една ваква конспирација има перспективи за успех. Но, конспираторите имаат јасна визија за тоа што сакаат да го постигнат и во тоа се поддржани од една силна национална држава. Како противник имаат еден неверојатен калеидоскоп на егоисти, опортунисти, нихилисти, економски ајдуци, фиромијанци, наивци и слични кои досега покажаа дека не се голема пречка.
                Точно е и дека во МПО постојат македонски сили и дека веројатно повеќето од членството се со македонско самочувство, но за жал, членовите на Централниот комитет се со силно бугарско самочувство. Како е тоа можно, ќе запраша некој, членство македонско, а водство бугарско? Како одговор на тоа може да се посочи истиот феномен кој постои во ДПМНЕ. Напорите за воведување на членови со македонска свест во Централниот комитет досега не беа успешни. Нивното гласило "Македонска трибина" ја одразува оваа структура, па така во секој број може да се најде барем по еден напис дека Македонците биле Бугари. Фактот дека сега се објавуваат и текстови на македонски значи дека денес може да се прочита оти Македонците се Бугари и на убав, литературен македонски јазик.
                Ако МПО навистина сака, може да направи чекори кои би ја кренале маглата во која се наоѓаат сега: нека го прифати постоењето на македонската нација, нека се изјасни дека Македонците не се Бугари, нека го прифати постоењето на македонскиот јазик, нека каже дека досега грешеле. Толку ли е тешко да се направи таква работа? Дека не го направиле тоа зборува нивната искреност во декларираните намери да и помогнат на Македонија.

                Posted by Tasho on 12/27/1999, 12:54 pm , in reply to “Mihailov was for a union with Bulgaria”.

                ...When I met and dined with Mihailoff in Rome in August of 1977 I specificly asked him about how he turned Hitler down when pavlic accepted Hitlers offer.....The rest is true, real, honest to God historical fact...HE DID NOT ALLY WITH HITLER....


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Lubi Uzunovski's view on MPO in 1994/5

                  Newsgroups: bit.listserv.makedon
                  Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995
                  From: Lubi Uzunovski <>
                  Subject: For naive Macedonians only

                  Hari Radin> writes,
                  Subject: For naive Macedonians only
                  Hari, excuse me for butting in on your conversation with Slavko, but I too have some familiarity with the MPO.

                  I called the Macedonian Patriotic Organization (MPO) office today and they sad that they are not familiar with Mr. Koutzaroff nor with his postings.
                  LU: Mr. Koutzaroff posts from Toronto, Canada, is this where you called?

                  Anyone interested in the policy of the MPO, the oldest Macedonian organization in the USA and the world, should read about it in the Macedonian Tribune or contact them directly...
                  LU: Good plug, but since they are one of the older Macedonian organizations, you should know that a great number of people have figured out what they're all about...already. Those who still haven't bothered to determine the position of the MPO vis-a-vis the ethnic Macedonians should endeavour to do so without hesitation.

                  Even if Mr. Kucarov was a member of the MPO, (which we don't know),
                  But you claim to have already called? Let's find out.

                  the generalization you have made is meaningless, as a personal opinion of a member of any organization doesn't necessarily represent the views of that organizations.
                  LU: I take your point about generalizing too far, but it's my understanding that the MPO is not a serious problem in Australia. In North America, however, they are much more of a problem. Positions that you may perceive as "taking things too far", may be common knowledge to others.

                  MPO was and is the champion for Macedonian rights in the world. The 80 years of the MPO continuous fight for independent Macedonian state, and the MPO independence from ANY governmental organizations in this period, are the qualities that not many Macedonian emigrant organization can be proud of. The continuous non-communist position of the MPO just adds up onto this qualities, and their continuous struggle for a free and democratic Macedonia.
                  LU: Your statements are quite misleading, and I will only touch on the more relevant claims. Firstly, while you argue that the MPO has been fighting for an independent Macedonian state, I would argue that the MPO has been used as a vehicle to promote the "bulgarian-ness" of the Macedonian people.

                  Those two positions are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but the addition of the second point offers a more accurate perspective of the MPO's agenda. Let's consider: In what language does the MPO officially correspond and print the "Makedonska" Tribuna?

                  Keme prostish Gp. Radin, ama ovoi Makedonets ne govori po b'lgrski", i ne se rachuna bugarin. The MPO does not offer me the option of being an "ethnic Macedonian", Macedonians, you see, are bugari! This is the formal position of the MPO, and your lop-sided posting doesn't present that or account for it.

                  Furthermore, your claim that the MPO is not associated with any governmental organizations is nonsense, pure and simple. Unless of course you don't consider the government in Sofia as worthy of being referred to as a government. Let me mention that I attended an MPO convention in 1993. George Kenney, formerly of the US Dept. of State, was chastising the organizers of the convention for not even bothering to display one single Macedonian flag. The applause from the many Macedonians who were present was spontaneous and genuine. The response from the official delegation from bulgaria was quite telling. In a room full of people standing and applauding, there was a table in the centre full of bulgarian officials seated, with tight lips and icy stares. They did not like Mr. Kenney's comment at all.

                  One does eventually get tired of Mr. Lebamoff commenting about his "bulgarian" brothers in Macedonia. Perhaps Ivan would like to participate at the next wreath laying for Yane. After all, Tatarchev won't beat him up -- they're best buddies...kao velime, "gus i gashchi".

                  And please remember that attacking other Macedonian organizations will not bring any benefit to Macedonia. Just united we can help our motherland.
                  LU: This seems like reasonable advice, but the MPO is no more Macedonian than the Pammakedoniki. Yes, both groups have Macedonians in them, but neither is looking after the interests of the Macedonians. If the MPO wants to be viewed as a Macedonian organization, then the first step is to admit to the existence of ethnic Macedonians and get on with it.

                  Am I asking too much of the poor dears? It's just as simple for you to state that one should not attack other "Macedonian" organizations, as it is for me to state, "hath not one eyes to see with" ?

                  Having voluminously agreed with Slavko's position about MPO officialdom, I must, in all honesty, state that the MPO has a lot of wonderful Macedonians who participate in its activities. If only these people could free themselves from the insidious position of their leadership.

                  Lubi U.


                  • Prolet
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 5241

                    Indigen This information goes back over 10 years ago

                    Whats the source?
                    МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                    • Rogi
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2343

                      It's the old yahoo groups.

                      In that text with Lubi I read the following sentiments:

                      1. There are a lot of Macedonians (pro-Macedonians) who are 'part' of the MPO (in that they attend functions, social gatherings, etc), and

                      2. There is a leadership, committee's, etc who have pro-Bulgarian views.

                      So because of the many people who fit into #1, it seems the American-Macedonians don't want to get rid of the MPO entirely for its' official pro-Bulgarian position, rather they want to change it and are hopeful that it can change.

                      Am I right, or close enough? Being from Australia, I'm not very familiar with the MPO, I just know of the Pan-Macedonian Association which, to me, seems like the same shit, with a different smell.

                      You wont find any Macedonian carrying any torch for that group.


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Buktop is another MPO admirer...


                        • Buktop
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 934

                          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                          Buktop is another MPO admirer...
                          Any proof of this?

                          What is your problem Phoenix? Do you just love to start shit for no reason?

                          I think you need to look at Rogi's analysis because it seems to me that he hit the nail on the head.
                          "I'm happy to answer any question and I don't hide from that"

                          Never once say you walk upon your final way
                          though skies of steel obscure the blue of day.
                          Our long awaited hour will draw near
                          and our footsteps will thunder - We are Here!


                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            Originally posted by Buktop View Post
                            Any proof of this?

                            What is your problem Phoenix? Do you just love to start shit for no reason?

                            I think you need to look at Rogi's analysis because it seems to me that he hit the nail on the head.
                            Buktop, every critisism towards UMD you defend as if its a personal attack. And the only critisism of UMD you can come up with is, they should hide results. If thats not admiration, i don't know what is. I admire you for sticking to your beleif, but don't deny the obvious or think we are stupid.


                            • Daskalot
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 4345

                              Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                              It's the old yahoo groups.

                              In that text with Lubi I read the following sentiments:

                              1. There are a lot of Macedonians (pro-Macedonians) who are 'part' of the MPO (in that they attend functions, social gatherings, etc), and

                              2. There is a leadership, committee's, etc who have pro-Bulgarian views.

                              So because of the many people who fit into #1, it seems the American-Macedonians don't want to get rid of the MPO entirely for its' official pro-Bulgarian position, rather they want to change it and are hopeful that it can change.

                              Am I right, or close enough? Being from Australia, I'm not very familiar with the MPO, I just know of the Pan-Macedonian Association which, to me, seems like the same shit, with a different smell.

                              You wont find any Macedonian carrying any torch for that group.
                              This is a sober analysis Rogi, this is also what I have come to undertand about the MPO, it is sad that one of the oldest Macedonian organizations in the diaspora is headed by Bugaromani.
                              Macedonian Truth Organisation


                              • Buktop
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 934

                                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                                Buktop, every critisism towards UMD you defend as if its a personal attack. And the only critisism of UMD you can come up with is, they should hide results. If thats not admiration, i don't know what is. I admire you for sticking to your beleif, but don't deny the obvious or think we are stupid.
                                Bill77 this is not about UMD, this is about MPO, and even though I haven't said anything in this thread for several pages, Phoenix thought it important enough to mention my name. Is that not a personal attack?

                                Can you quote for me where I said they should hide results? I said that they should poll the diaspora and DISPLAY the results.

                                This thread is about the MPO not about me.
                                "I'm happy to answer any question and I don't hide from that"

                                Never once say you walk upon your final way
                                though skies of steel obscure the blue of day.
                                Our long awaited hour will draw near
                                and our footsteps will thunder - We are Here!

