Macedonian Patriotic Organization

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    DZI, the only thing we can be sure of is that you really do not know the specifics of the organisation you are defending. You don't know what the Canadian MPO were doing and you don't know why the UMD and MPO split on such a fundamental difference of opinion. Can you ask your step-mother to explain exactly how the MPO and UMD parted ways. It would be nice to clarify this matter once and for all.

    DZI, just hit the quote button at the bottom of each post if you want to reply to a direct quote. You will soon learn how the quotes are done thereafter.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • indigen
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 1558

      Newsgroups: soc.culture.bulgaria
      Date: 2000/03/06
      Subject: Answer to Vasko from an American Macedono\Bulgarian

      “Previous evolution INTO Bulgarians?...Vasko, unlike the Neoist Macedonian Theories, Tsar Samuil was Tsar of the Bulgarian Kingdom and that was the year of 1016 A.D....thats a thousand years, Man!...No..I don’t think that we evolved into Bulgarians....I think we came from Bulgarians...

      >>It is sad that their children and grand children today seek to divide
      the Macedonian people with their aggressive Bulgarianist propaganda.>>

      ....No, Vasko, what is sad is the Neomani are dividing the people with their blind and blatantly unfounded hatred and paranoia about Bulgaria, that is rooted in the teachings and brainwashing of their former Serbian Masters!....

      .....That is taken into account , by me. I have asked you before, ‘what else can I be, but what my grandfather was?’. If he was a Macedono\Bulgarian, due solely, to the ‘prevalent ideology of the time’, an ideology, incidently, that was prevalent for 1000 years, doesn’t simply enable me to evolve, here in the States, to something that happened to people who I am 2 generations removed from....

      Tasho Alusheff
      Cleveland, Ohio

      Sent via


      IMO, any Macedonians who have illusions about "MPO" and their current President/Chairperson being "Macedonian" anything, they will need to come to their senses and smell the Tataroman coffee! If you keep promoting them, as "Maknews" (LU) and Co are doing on their forums, then you are promoting and providing cover to anti-Macedonian Bugaroman agents for easier infiltration of Macedonian organisations.
      Last edited by indigen; 06-08-2010, 04:01 AM.


      • Phoenix
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 4671

        Hi indigen, do you know much about this Vladimir Atseff guy that was previously with MPO and now in with UMD...?


        • indigen
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 1558

          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
          Hi indigen, do you know much about this Vladimir Atseff guy that was previously with MPO and now in with UMD...?
          Nothing like I have on "Tasho" but I did post some info on this and/or some other "UMD" related threads. A Google search might bring it up. IME, he is a dangerous infiltrator and would trust him as much as I would LjuuBcho Georgievski to run RoM again!!!

          Here are some Google search result page links: atzeff

          Vladimir Atseff
          Last edited by indigen; 06-08-2010, 04:13 AM.


          • Phoenix
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 4671

            Originally posted by indigen View Post
            Nothing like I have on "Tasho" but I did post some info on this and/or some other "UMD" related threads. A Google search might bring it up. IME, he is a dangerous infiltrator and would trust him as much as I would LjuuBcho Georgievski to run RoM again!!!

            Here are some Google search result page links: atzeff

            Vladimir Atseff
            Thanks indigen


            • Da Zhive IMRO
              Junior Member
              • Apr 2010
              • 28

              So, I bring up my father being quoted as a son of alexander, indigen, and youdiligently find a quote of him being pro bulgarian, and subsequentally mention you have alot of "stuff" on him. my question is: is he just an old internet enemy of yours or are you a spion yourself that also defected from the MPO. If the answer is the former, we will leave it at that cuz he wasnt a saint, but i feel you might answer with the latter.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                DZI, you father was never quoted as saying that he has any connection to Alexander, as far as I am aware.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Da Zhive IMRO
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 28

                  im gonna try and find it and post in on here but i aint bullshitin. However, I must ask, as i have several times already, how many former and disgruntled mpo members are in your midst? Or how many current members have become defective spions? Im sure you will answer in the negative on both counts but I have a feeling I may be right. But I'm not trying to start trouble here or elswhere, just curious.

                  By the way SOM can you point me to the new thread you mentiuoned about UMD. Also I have not forgotten to chat with andrea. I just dont think she is ready


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    DZI, I honestly don't believe we have any former MPO members here, I could be wrong, but nobody has made such a declaration as far as I am aware. In fact, until your entry here, I was going off the assumption that members from the MPO were avoiding the MTO due to ideological (among other) differences. It is good to know that's not the case with yourself.

                    With regard to the UMD, you can check the following threads:

                    UMD Announcements and consolidated discussions from several threads that have been merged together:

                    A poll with the following question: Do you consider the UMD as your representative for the Macedonian Diaspora? Over 95% of voters said NO:

                    A summary of statements revealing the UMD's compromised and ideologically flawed stance with regard to the integrity of Macedonia and the Macedonian people:

           Comment: In this letter the UMD make reference to the American policy on having Macedonia admitted to NATO by the 'provisional reference' with the acronym 'f.y.r.o.m', as per the Interim Accord, which the UMD believe had "normalized relations" between Macedonia and Greece.

                    Originally posted by da zhive IMRO
                    Also I have not forgotten to chat with andrea. I just dont think she is ready
                    No rush mate, I understand this is a time of mourning for your family. When you're ready, just keep it on the radar.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Originally posted by Da Zhive IMRO View Post
                      So, I bring up my father being quoted as a son of alexander, indigen, and youdiligently find a quote of him being pro bulgarian, and subsequentally mention you have alot of "stuff" on him. my question is: is he just an old internet enemy of yours or are you a spion yourself that also defected from the MPO. If the answer is the former, we will leave it at that cuz he wasnt a saint, but i feel you might answer with the latter.
                      DZI, I have to tell you straight (if you could not see the obvious) that I am not very sentimental when it comes to enemies or traitors of the indigenous Macedonian nation.

                      The facts are that your old man was an ardent anti-Macedonian BUGAROMAN and I had some unpleasant experiences in combating his (and that of his Bugaroman/Bulgar cohorts) anti-Macedonian drivel on many Macedonian forums during 1999-2001/2 period. Google Usenet groups archives (which go back quite a long time) are where I sourced the above excerpts and it is all public info. Search Google Groups for 'author:name of author' and you should get a list of all postings of said author.

                      My posting the info is not aimed at you but at Macedonians who are promoting "engagement" with "MPO" and who are claiming that certain leaders are pro-Macedonian. I simply want to dispel anyone having such notion about the current leader and is not in anyway a response to your incoherent ramblings on MTO.

                      I am sorry for your loss but my advice is to stay away from the forums for awhile if you do not want hurt feelings.


                      • Da Zhive IMRO
                        Junior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 28

                        No, indigen, my feelings are not hurt, and I feel my "ramblings" are not "incoherent" How many times can i say im not on here to promote MPO propaganda? I am strictly engaged in the debate of this forum to speak with nashe and to figure out why we are divided as brothers, not just you and me but macedonians in general. I've known for a long time, but never understood, why a related people with a common struggle could be so divided. I'm not defending my stepmom, as I dont agree with her on everything or blindly follow her comands, but I feel I know her better than you or anyone else on this site, and I will defend her when she is called pro bulgarian, because that simply isnt true. Its not a blind defense of the mpo or her beliefs, lol, its just the truth i have observed. Have I espoused pro-bulgarian beliefs here? have i been a cause of concern for infiltration? No. I just say what I feel in a non-intrusive way (i think) and I feel im perceived as being abrasive. We are both entitled to our own opinions, and i respect yours even if we differ, i just hope you respect mine, and we can continue a mutually respectful di\scussion of facts and opinions based on our respective views. My hope is that we will be able to find at least one thing, if not more, to agree on. I know those points are out there


                        • indigen
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 1558

                          Originally posted by Da Zhive IMRO View Post
                          No, indigen, my feelings are not hurt, and I feel my "ramblings" are not "incoherent" How many times can i say im not on here to promote MPO propaganda?
                          Good that you have a tough hide, I guess it runs in your genes! :-)

                          From where I sit, and most politically aware Macedonians sit, too, the "MPO" is a BULGARIAN organisation and anyone coming from the ranks of its organisational structures will be viewed as a political enemy. Sometimes they are cryptic about their bugaromanstvo but one does not need to dig too deep to see their real face and agenda.

                          DZI, if you want to come clean about what MPO is about, just post a copy of the complete MPO Constitution on these forums and I/we will point out where the issue is. I am sure you should be able to have access to a copy of the constitution. If you don't do this, I will consider your are playing political games with us.

                          I am strictly engaged in the debate of this forum to speak with nashe and to figure out why we are divided as brothers, not just you and me but macedonians in general.
                          You should spend some time learning the basics of the Macedonian language, literary and spoken, IMO. You could do even better than your current efforts by just using Google translate.

                          I've known for a long time, but never understood, why a related people with a common struggle could be so divided.
                          Foreign political ideologies is what divides Macedonians, and Bulgarian propaganda is one of the worst agents of division.

                          Why don't you write a short paragraph or two outlining the ethnogenesis and history of our Macedonian nation and I will tell you if we have anything in common then.

                          I'm not defending my stepmom, as I dont agree with her on everything or blindly follow her comands, but I feel I know her better than you or anyone else on this site, and I will defend her when she is called pro bulgarian, because that simply isnt true.
                          She is elected president of a pro-Bulgarian organisation and married your late dad, who clearly identified as a "Bulgaro-Macedonian", what else more do we need to know?

                          Its not a blind defense of the mpo or her beliefs, lol, its just the truth i have observed.
                          Read through this thread and see what recent media releases and letters from MPO leaders contain before we discuss anything further.

                          Have I espoused pro-bulgarian beliefs here? have i been a cause of concern for infiltration?
                          Write your few paragraphs as advised above and we can see where you stand.

                          No. I just say what I feel in a non-intrusive way (i think) and I feel im perceived as being abrasive. We are both entitled to our own opinions, and i respect yours even if we differ, i just hope you respect mine, and we can continue a mutually respectful di\scussion of facts and opinions based on our respective views. My hope is that we will be able to find at least one thing, if not more, to agree on. I know those points are out there.
                          Ok, I will respect you only after I am satisfied your ideology/identity is Macedonian and not BM, and that you don't go defending the MPO organisation or its political leadership.

                          Last edited by indigen; 06-14-2010, 02:18 AM.


                          • Da Zhive IMRO
                            Junior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 28

                            ok, the history of macedonia:
                            Alexander the great was obviously born to phillip, who i believe was also son of alexander but i may be wrong, as i read that (non-mpo) book, years ago. either way, the macedonians had a nice little kningdom, that stood up to the persians after the persians stomped on the greek bitches, and we stood up, cuz we always stand up for what we believe in! After alexander conquered the world and experienced an untimely surmise, the kingdom was broken up amongst his generals, which accelerated the demise of the empire by their petty infighting, something our people experience to this day.

                            Granted the empire disintegrated, our people did not cease to exist, we were just subjected to becoming subjects of the roman, then byzantine, then ottoman empires respectively, but the Tv tries to say (no doubt influenced by the powerful greek lobby in america) and yes, in the early part of the last millenium their was a macedono bulgarian empire ruled by tsar samuil, which is historical fact.

                            since the split of the ottoman empire, we were divided amongst serbia, bulgaria, and the damn greeks, who i have a special bias toward, because my family is from aegensko. Undoubtedly, the macedonians were first given a country with its own name by tito, but it was a republic with a puppet govt pummeled with yugoslav-serb propaganda. So that milestone could be called a shallow victory at best and a farce at worst. the greeks changed names and made it a crime to learn, worship, or even speak in their own language. I have cousins in canada that left stari kraj after the greeks took over, and they have a greek last name alousis. since the independent country of macedonia was borne some 20 years ago, we have still not been afforded respect by the international community, due striictly to greek philandering

                            thats my story and im stickin to it, do you need any elaboration, or did i leave anything out?


                            • Da Zhive IMRO
                              Junior Member
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 28

                              This is a quote from my dad, and the link from the site it came from is at the bottom. Its obvious he was talkin to a greek lol

                              First of all, f*ckhead, I'm an american born, so I'm educated in the west. 2nd of all, fuc*head, my family is not from R.oM. but from lerin and Kostur. You got more than one front here, you greek dishwasher you. I could care less about Alexander. I am not an 'agent of skopia' I'm one of those macedonians from greece, asshole, that ain't a greek. So when you talk to me, don't mention 'fyrom' or skopia when addressing me. Mention how your country and gov't fuckedc up in dealing with their macedonian minority since we became a minority in 1913 and how it's all catching up with you now. All the lies of greece, all the bullshit from greece about how we don't exist and never did, is falling on only the ears of you stupid greeks. No one else give a shit about your whinning. And it's just that. whinning. We Macedonians exist, we are here, there and everywhere and our land is still divided and people won't rest till macedonia is repatriated. So look for greece to have to give up Aegean macedonia and look for Bulgaria to cede Pirinsko to the republic and all you greeks can kiss my muscular macedonian ASS! Razberash bre grk bishe? Pozdrav do site nashi liugi, Macedonian forever, greek NEVER! so pushka na ruka i Makedonia vo srtse. you got that, bre dishwasher? (Jun 9, 2009 | post #30438)

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                              • indigen
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 1558

                                Originally posted by Da Zhive IMRO View Post
                                This is a quote from my dad, and the link from the site it came from is at the bottom. Its obvious he was talkin to a greek lol
                                I don't see the purpose of the above post. Your dad was clearly an unrepentant Bugaroman and his various CRYPTIC operational modes are of little interest to me or Macedonians.

                                DZI, what is it that you want to say?
                                Last edited by indigen; 06-15-2010, 07:26 AM.

