Macedonian Patriotic Organization

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8533


    Can I contact you on PM? It seems you're PM has been switched off.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • TajnataKniga
      • Dec 2009
      • 196

      Vangelovski, i was doing some research on the UMD website. you co-authored an excellent letter

      the letters says 'As we look ahead in 2008, we see no downturn in our activities. UMD will continue to educate global policymakers about Macedonia, and help ensure its membership into NATO and the EU, provided that this membership does not compromise our name, identity, and history. More than ever, there will be a need to defend the Macedonian cause from various organizations and groups that will take advantage of these events to apply pressure on Macedonia to compromise its identity.' EXCELLENT!

      are you in contact with zoran milenkovski, is he still involved in UMD like you were? it says both of you are co-founders in this letter

      Vangelovski, it seems you were a very integral part in UMD, i read your letters and press releases

      you kicked rann's ass in this letter

      i am impressed with your work Vangelovski. bravo!


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8533

        Originally posted by TajnataKniga View Post
        Vangelovski, i was doing some research on the UMD website. you co-authored an excellent letter

        the letters says 'As we look ahead in 2008, we see no downturn in our activities. UMD will continue to educate global policymakers about Macedonia, and help ensure its membership into NATO and the EU, provided that this membership does not compromise our name, identity, and history. More than ever, there will be a need to defend the Macedonian cause from various organizations and groups that will take advantage of these events to apply pressure on Macedonia to compromise its identity.' EXCELLENT!

        are you in contact with zoran milenkovski, is he still involved in UMD like you were? it says both of you are co-founders in this letter

        Vangelovski, it seems you were a very integral part in UMD, i read your letters and press releases

        you kicked rann's ass in this letter

        i am impressed with your work Vangelovski. bravo!
        That first one did not have any input from me - it seems everyone's name went down on it. The others are my letters, but seem to have been slight changed by UMD HQ before going up on their website - the one's that where actually sent out were slightly different, but not that different to effect any of the substance.
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • TajnataKniga
          • Dec 2009
          • 196

          Vangelovski, can you send us the letters you sent out and point out the differences?

          regardless, great letters! i would be proud of the first letter too. did you approve the letter?


          • indigen
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 1558

            Originally posted by TajnataKniga View Post
            indigen, i am not a member of the group you are getting those quotes from so cannot see the messages, can you repost the entire messages from meto? id like to read what the entire posts say before i can make a judgment.
            You can join the group and read at your heart's content years of postings. I post what I think stands out from the rest of the mumbo jumbo.
            Last edited by indigen; 01-07-2010, 12:07 AM.


            • indigen
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 1558

              Originally posted by Prolet View Post
              Indigen, Whos gospodinot Najdovski? Does he mean Ico Najdovski?
              Yeah. He asked Meto to to read his 2001 article on the Ramkoven dogovor for enlightenment and to compare the 1991 Ustav to the 2001 UCK wish-list "USTAV".

              Ицо Најдовски: За предавничкиот договор

              За предавничкиот договор


              Пишува: м-р Ицо НАЈДОВСКИ, Австралија


              • indigen
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 1558

                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                Who are these so called Bulgarian Macedonian Churches??
                Check following links and see what you can come up with:

                Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia of the church located in New York, NY

                Holy Trinity Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church Toronto Ontario

                St. Cyril & Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Cathedral Toronto Ontario

                St. Clement Ohridski Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (www) Dearborn MI

                Holy Annunciation Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church Steelton PA

                Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia of the church located in New York, NY

                Mission Statement of The Orthodox Church in America

                The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit....

                The Tomos of Autocephaly

                An official document granting the autocephaly, or the independence, to The Orthodox Church in America.
                The Statute of The Orthodox Church in America

                The Orthodox Church in America was originally founded as a mission and later became a diocese in the Orthodox Church of Russia, uniting in its fold Orthodox Christians of various national backgrounds and traditions. It subsequently developed into a self-governing Metropolitanate, the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Confirmation as an Autocephalous Church was accomplished by the action of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of Russia on April 10, 1970. The Orthodox Church in America was proclaimed an Autocephalous Church on October 19, 1970, at the sessions of the All-American Council held at St Tikhon's Monastery in South Canaan, Pennsylvania.
                Parish Listings

                The parish is a local community of the Church having at its head a duly appointed priest and consisting of Orthodox Christians who live in accordance with the teachings of the Orthodox Church, comply with the discipline and rules of the Church, and regularly support their parish. Being subordinate to the Diocesan Authority, it is a component part of the Diocese.

                Parishes of the Bulgarian Diocese
                Wiki: Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada and Australia

                1. History

                The Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia had its origins before World War II as the Bulgarian Diocese of North and South America and Australia. However, a result of the establishment of a Communist government in Bulgaria after the war, relations of the diocese with the Church of Bulgaria were disrupted. Under Metr. Andrei (Petkov), the diocese attempted, in the late 1950s, to join the Metropolia but was unsuccessful.

                In 1964, Metr. Andrei petitioned the Holy Synod of the Church of Bulgaria for his return to the Bulgarian episcopacy and to continue to lead the diocese in America. With the return of Metr. Andrei and his diocese to the Church of Bulgaria, a group under Archimandrite Kyrill (Yonchev) broke with Metr. Andrei and joined the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) as the Bulgarian Diocese in Exile. The ROCOR bishops consecrated him bishop.

                The Metr. Andrei diocese is currently led by Metr. Joseph with parishes in the United States, Canada, and Australia as an overseas diocese of the Church of Bulgaria under Patriarch Maxim and the Bulgarian Synod of Bishops. The diocesan cathedral is Ss Cyril and Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia is a member of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA).

                Wiki: American-Canadian Macedonian Orthodox Diocese

                The Macedonian Orthodox Diocese of America and Canada (Macedonian: Американско-канадска епархија) is one of 13 dioceses of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Operating a total of 22 churches in Canada and the United States, the diocese is headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Methodius [1] . There are also 5 new churches currently in the process of being formed.

                Last edited by indigen; 01-09-2010, 07:23 PM.


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Ivan Vancho Mihajlov (MPO's, L. Boshkovski's & L. Georgiveski's Idol) umasked


                  ПРАШАЊЕ: Во што се состои, поточно во што може да се види некаква разлика измеѓу кралскиот и комунистичкиот режим во Македонија?

                  ОДГОВОР: Кралскиот режим започна веднаш со посрбувањето. А сегашниот режим ја усвои препораката на српскиот политичар Стојан Новаковиќ, која тoj кон кpaj на минатиот век ja даваше на белградските одговорни фактори. Против Бугарштината, кoja ја признаваше Новаковиќ дека има длабок корен во Македонија, мастерски треба да се противопостави „македонството", т.е. треба да се използува географското име на земјата.

                  Титовци започнаа со физички напади врз бугарската интелигенција и сите влијателни Бугари. Истовремено започнаа и систематска пропаганда, дека Македонците се оделна народност, а не Бугари. Оваа демагагија со географското име достигна огромни размери.
                  Верно е, дека ние покрај нашето бугарско име сме се нарекували и македонци, но само во онаа смисла како далматинците Хрвати се нарекуваат себе си далматинци, или херцеговците Хрвати - се нарекуваат и херцеговци. Во Македонија Турците, Грците и Ароманите исто се означуваат и како Македонци.
                  Секој малку пописмен човек знае, дека во скоро сите европски земји има области со различни географски имиња, а суштествуваат и племенски имиња. При Бугарите имаме географски имиња: Добруџа, Тракија и Македонија, но и денес се среќаваат уште племенски имиња: рупци, торлаци, брсјаци, мијаци, шопи.

                  Ако новите скопски жупани, поради омраза против Бугарштината, сакаат под маската на географското име да прогласуват „Македонска народност", логично е да ги запрашаме: зошто не ги прогласуваат во својата жупанија како оделна народност Брсјаците, така како населението околу градовите Кичево и Крушево е позното под истото име?

                  Во Италија и Германија би следувало, врз основа на географски и стари племенски имиња, да бидат прогласени барем десетина нови „народности". Но никој не тргнува по таков погрешен пат, освен зеслепените шовинисти од категоријата на Новаковиќ, или оформилите се во негов дух рене-гати, какви се денешните комунисти во Македонија под југословенска власт.

                  Кажав, дека имињата Македонија и Далмација се стари, како е старо името Галија (денешна Франција). Но не суштествуваат народности македонска, далматинска или галска".

                  Иван (Ванчо) Михајлов 1970


                  • indigen
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 1558

                    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                    Indigen, thanks for the information.

                    Her husband, "Tasho" Alusheff, is 100% Tataroman - so garancija! He calls ethnic Macedonians "Neomani" (favorite insult) and Srbomani, amongst other slurs. Though he says he is a Macedonian, when put on the spot to define his ethnicity he will say he can only be what his Grandfather was - "Bulgarian". He will never change and is so proud of having visited Vancho Mihajlov in Rome. Thus I do not see how the wife would be anything much different in ideology.
          , can you confirm or deny the above statement?
                    I have located my archives from 1999-2001/2 and the following forum posts by "Tasho Alusheff" and his Tataroman buddies should put beyond any doubt the pro-Bulgar ideology he espouses, though one may need to comprehend how it presents itself:

                    To the nameless, Non Slavic SloganBoys

                    Posted by Tashe Alusheff on 12/23/1999, 2:42 pm

                    Re: Do you ever hear a Croat say I’m a Croat-slav? Posted by Tashe on 12/23/1999, 2:39 pm , in reply to “Do you ever hear a Croat say I’m a Croat-slav?”.

                    Of course not...ya know why?....because they don’t have the mixture of people over the millenia, that we have had as residents of our lands. They are all Cros...all Slavs...Our Makedonia, on the other hand, has in it, Turks, Albanians, Greeks, Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and more...are they the same as us?...No. Thats why one puts/attaches the label of Slav on Macedonian, to differentiate for the rest of the world, between the inhabitants, not amongst ourselves though. So when one of you and your merry men go bananas when the rest of us , nonchalantly, use the word Slav, we wonder, “what the hell is wrong with that nutcase?”, you won’t hear the term Serbian Slav or Czech Slav or Polish Slav, however, you will always hear of Macedonian Slavs. Is that simple enough for your kiki riki sized oum? Regards and Chestito Rozhdestvo Christovo, Tasho Alusheff
                    Re: Sentinel?...Not you too?

                    Posted by George on 12/23/1999, 8:15 pm , in reply to “Sentinel?...Not you too?”.

                    Tashe I think you should clear up your stand on this slavic issue.Namely what slavic category do you put the average macedonian. Culture, language and tradition

                    Oh by the way I received your post and it seems to me that we have differing views on Macedonias future.You want a united Macedonia and I want a united Bulgaria. I wonder which dream is the more tangible?

                    Merry Christmas
                    George Kangurot
                    Posted by Tasho on 12/23/1999, 9:27 pm , in reply to “Re: Sentinel?...Not you too?”.

                    Interseting, Mr Kangourot, verrrrrrrrrrrry interesting question and point, you bring up....”Which dream is more tangible”...Georgie, ya know what Pal...I look at a dream as a dream...however reality, is an altogether different querry.

                    Right now, for me, it will be more fun to see what the Bulgarophobiists do whe they see that one of us, hated Tartars, wants an Independent Macedonia and the other Mongul wants a Federation. I think this may set them off the deepend, Georgie, me boy.......

                    Re: United Macedonia

                    Posted by B v l g a r I on 12/23/1999, 9:10 pm , in reply to “Re: Sentinel?...Not you too?”.

                    Remember guys 150 years ago, all Slavic speaking Christians in Turkish Macedonia, Thrace, Moesia, Nishava, Dobrudja, Shopsko, Rodopi were all struggling to get liberty from the Turks. Their language, customs, religion, music etc. were all very similar, almost identical- and they called themselves/and were called by others- as Bulgarians. Our intellectuals dreamed of United Bulgarian State from the Danube river to the Egej and from the Black Sea to the Adriatic. This was hindered by the aspirations of powers such as Britain, France and Austria-Hungary wich prefered to have weak states easily controlled and manipulated. Bulgaria became independent- but only one part- Moesia. Macedonia was still under the Turkish yoke, but there the reality was bleak- Macedonia was composed of all diverse ethnic groups- Vlah Macedonians, Bulgarian Macedonians, Greek Macedonians, Turkish Macedonians, Albanian Macedonians, Gipsy Macedonians, Jewish Macedonians- with NO SINGLE group constituting an overwhelming(more than 80 %) majority. The VMRO forbearers dreamt and fought for an Independent United Macedonia- a real Switzerland of the Balkans, but they never abandoned their Bulgarian roots and their herritage- they were ‘MAKEDONSKI BOLGARI’ and Bulgaria was a place for refugee in times of dispair for them.

                    Which is better Independent Macedonia or parts of Macedonia within Bulgaria? It’s all relative. But if the former does not materialize, there’s always security in the latter. The Albanians and their demands in RoMacedonia are a serious indication that the existance of an Independent Macedonian state is sowed with thorns.

                    Re: United Macedonia

                    Posted by Tasho on 12/23/1999, 9:33 pm , in reply to “Re: United Macedonia”.

                    Well stated, bre Bvlgari. Brati I Sestri, look...I’m not here to argue this point...What I am here to emphasize is, that Ethnic Cleansing did occur, en mass, by the greek AND serbian gov’t’s, on OUR People. My point is, whatever we were labeled, in 1903....Whatever the media , at the time, portrayed US as, in 1911...1913...Whatever the scholars of the day said, Whatever the anthropologists, and Linguists, from England and France and Russia called US, then and now, does not warrant the negative engergy expounded upon it within OUR diaspora communities! WE, all the Macedonians, know who we are. We, the Macedonian heirs, of the Komiti and Voivodi of the 1870’s thru the 2nd Balkan War, are the same people now, as we were then, regardless of the “tags” placed on us then, or that we place on each other now. Forget the various indoctrinations that our enemies used to divide us. We still are the same Tribe...And as soon as we can accept eachother as such.... as soon as we can respect eachothers personal views the sooner we come to trust eachother as brothers...the stronger we will become.

                    That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what I stand for....and if any Macedonian in the world, has a problem with that....Just drop me a line.
                    Put the ‘evolution’ of the last 86 years aside and go back to 150 yrs ago....
                    If one needs anymore proof, there is also the 'smoking gun" variety at hand and will be posted in due course.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Post everything you have on him, smokin' guns and all.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • indigen
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 1558

                        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                        Post everything you have on him, smokin' guns and all.
                        Bugaroman Tasho exposed, again!

                        The kopili did it again...George Filipov's Macedonian Truth page is gone....
                        Posted by Tasho on October 23, 2002, 12:26:40

                        The Turth about Macedonia, buy Austrailian Macedono-Bulgarian George Filipov has once again fell victim to the hackers of Athens or Belgrade.....
                        I guess the truth hurts....

                        Not Found
                        The requested URL /fe_kones.htm was not found on this server.
                        Apache/1.3.26 Server at Port 80

                        UMD-Ovci and MPO-Ovci are very cosy, as you know!


                        • osiris
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1969

                          why are we wasting our time on this neo cretin, anybody who believes that in the balkans only macedonia has minorities needs to be certified as a lunatic. so if there are all those minorities in macedonia which of them claim to be macedonian so that we then need to redefine ourselves.
                          what a screw up this mman is mnetally challenged.


                          • indigen
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 1558

                            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                            Post everything you have on him, smokin' guns and all.
                            Here it is, smoking MPO Tataroman gun + more!

                            Posted by Tsar Tasho on 12/14/1999, 7:15 pm

                            “....I have never in my life been called a “Bulgaroman, Bulgaroist, izrodi, predvarnik....and all the other shit I never heard of before I came to this forum and the Mak Discussion List at the Univ. of Buffalo.....That and this is my fisrt real taste of the “Yugo Makedonianists”...I use the term Yugo simpley because the slanderous remarks come from those of Vardar descent.

                            …..It wasn’t until May of this year, when on that Mak Discussion list, I asked a simple question....and that question was...”Whats with this Bulgarophobia thing?”....THATS what got “Them” started on me...and they wouldn’t let up. I was appalled, dismayed, hurt, and furious all at the same time. “Who are these f--kheads?” is all that went through my mind...”where the hell are they coming from?”....

                            .....And ya know what?...I take my stand....I can only be what my Dedo’s people were....(and you and anyone else can argue different, but it won’t change my mind....) and that is...there was NO MACEDONIAN NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN 1903”...we were Bulgarian slavs from greek occupied Macedonia. wanna get technical?...I’m folksare brn here...I’m born here...but my blood is 100% Macedono|Bulgarian Slav...what can I say?...I can not change what my ancestors were, simpley by saying...”My forefathers were uneducated fools...they didn’t know which way was up...I am not what they were...I am now a Macedonian....not slavic... I am descended from the soldiers of Alexander the Great, I am so ashamed at what my grandparents thought of themselves!...

                            …..Fck that...I am what I am...just like my Dedo....just like my Baba.....for I can be nothing more....and nothing less....

                   and all....
                            Bre Tasho.........
                            Re: Now I understand

                            Posted by B v l g a r I on 12/14/1999, 7:52 pm , in reply to “I don’t want this burried.....please read”.

                            But I sincerely believe that one day Bulgarians and Macedonians will live as one either in a federation or in seperate states, but for certain there will be normal open relations between the two. You can see it already happening, 300,000 Macedonians voted for VMRO-DPMNE’s Boris Trajkovski, despite being called everything under the sun by the opposition.
                            TASHO IS A GREAT PATRIOT......

                            Posted by A BULLGARIAN ONE. On 12/14/1999, 7:55 pm

                            Re: most mpo convention goers to this day feel macedonian with macedonian

                            Posted by B v l g a r I on 12/14/1999, 9:21 pm , in reply to “most mpo convention goers to this day feel macedonian with macedonian”.

                            Then the “most” conventiongoers must have felt really comfortable with the Bulgarian consciousness of their leadership! I gotta ask Tasho about that hmmmmm


                            • ZAS
                              • May 2009
                              • 178

                              Originally posted by indigen View Post
                              Here it is, smoking MPO Tataroman gun + more!
                              You are a very researched INDIVIDUAL, where do you get your FILE'S from?
                              You seem to be more resoursed that UDBA.
                              Please continue.


                              • Prolet
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 5241

                                Originally posted by ZAS View Post
                                You are a very researched INDIVIDUAL, where do you get your FILE'S from?
                                You seem to be more resoursed that UDBA.
                                Please continue.

                                You really are getting you kicks out of this arnt you ZAS?
                                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.

