Just noticed your name at the bottom there, and took a look at your public messages and conversation with Daskalot. A self-proclaimed internet warrior from the 90's, lol......
I disagree on your name too. And? Go and live your life you clown.
So your girlfriend Terranova still has you silently slithering around the forums? What a loyal dupe you have become, send her our regards.
And a Grkoman or/and Asian refugee is going to educate a Spartan on Spartan history? You know what mate, I think you're the one who is full of shit, the problem is, you have become so used to laying in your own shit that the train to get out long went by. Enjoy the comfort of your element.
I don't deny your existence - I just disagree on its name.
As for MTO I joined to make a suggestion to terranova when Bratot was parading Lithoksoou's falsified quotes from Skrip. And then stayed on to let Spartan know he's full of shit when he claims to know his Spartan history.
And a Grkoman or/and Asian refugee is going to educate a Spartan on Spartan history? You know what mate, I think you're the one who is full of shit, the problem is, you have become so used to laying in your own shit that the train to get out long went by. Enjoy the comfort of your element.