Shmuel Vaknin aka 'Sam' - The Liar

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    I’m sure you are familiar with the saying the pen is mightier then the sword. The ethic Albanians seized some power at a time when Macedonia was weak both militarily and emotionally and even then only because backed by a threat from the usa to bomb Macedonia back to the stone age. The Macedonians are not naturally a mad blood thirsty type and it is a weakness for it makes them slow to stir but one should never be tempted to try a second time lest it be to ones peril. The army and police weaponry was modernised for rapid reaction and the peoples slow to stir mentality used up last time. A repeat of 2001 will end very differently.

    In a place of power I’m sure the Macedonians would know how to use that power like Alexander not wasting his time with the Gordian Knot but faced with a different situation the change by a thousand cuts will not only be righteous but have its desired effect and be very legal. All god thing in good time. The enemies of Macedonia know time is on our side and hence forces are tickling Crvenkovskis ball sack to jump up and down with his rants and threats of a riot in a hope the government will overreact and trip up.


    • julie
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 3869

      Vaknin is a tool. Nikola may be his best friend in his wettest dreams, I doubt Gruevski even knows who this disgraceful Macedonian is.
      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        Rogi, Do you know that there are Ethnic Albanians employed in the administration yet they are not working (Officially there is no work for them) but they are getting payed anyway?

        Even the head of OSCE criticized the Government for having too many ramkovni vrabotuvanja, but who enforces this? The EU ofcourse because if they dont then these same people will seek asylum in the EU countries just like those Albanians from the Lipkovo region.

        I cant believe you are buying Sam Vaknin's crap, he says how Nikola Gruevski is blaming everything on the Global Recession but look at whats going on. I wont even mention Greece, Bulgaria was declared the poorest EU country and now Bojko Borisov is looking for every way to get money by chasing those who havnt payed their taxes, France is in chaos the Petrol Stations are empty there are riots on the streets, UK for the very first time its forced to make major cuts by cutting their defense budget by a whopping 8% which means they have to sack over 40,000 people.
        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • makedonin
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1668

          Originally posted by Prolet View Post
          Do you know that there are Ethnic Albanians employed in the administration yet they are not working (Officially there is no work for them) but they are getting payed anyway?
          Yep, you can see them how they go to "work" in the cafés with their cunts around them.

          They are good paid for their "hard work". What a disgrace for R. of Macedonia.
          To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


          • zadan
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2010
            • 47

            more about vaknin

            i think he mean this:

            it was realy publish in Nova Makedonija. I check.

            julie, before you wright gluposti, lern some fact: vaknin is izraeli and is tru that he and gruevski are once best frends. they even wright book together:

            he is evil enemy of makedonijans but all media in makedonija are afraid to show the movi about him:

            Psychopaths... we usually only know them from Hollywood movies. We never expect them to enter our real life. But, the psychopath is closer than you...

            sonce tv the big patriot tv show long intervie with vaknin calling makeonijan peopl teski seljaci that have no right to have own state becuse they are not ready for it.
            Last edited by zadan; 10-20-2010, 09:51 AM. Reason: my englis is katastrofa, sory!


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              I will retract my comment zadan , apologies, they once knew each other. Gruevski would have had to stroke his ego, I have heard of Vaknin. He is Jewish, yes, calls himself MAcedonian (unless he has Israeli citizenship)
              He is a disgrace and an embarrassment

              they should show the link - in Macedonia.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • Prolet
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2009
                • 5241

                Vaknin and his long-suffering but ever-loyal wife, Lidija, embark on a diagnostic road trip.
                If his wife's name is Lidija there is a good chance that she is Macedonian, it would make more sence why he is in Macedonia.
                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                • zadan
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 47


                  he is izraeli with izraeli pasport. he hate makedonijans very much. to call him makedonijan is for him big insult. he say all makedonijans are teski seljaci and shuld not have own country, they too primitiv and stupid for that. lidija is makedonka, tru. he live in makedonija but spit on makedonia and makedonijans all the time. no one want to thro vaknin out of makedonija like persona non grate. no media have courag to show the dokumentar film about vaknin. even patriot tv like tv sonce show intervie with vaknin. sramota. i meet him many times (he don't kno i am zadan). he is horible man, disgusting, ugly and very very stupid and sadist.
                  Last edited by zadan; 10-23-2010, 03:25 AM. Reason: dokumentar


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by zadan View Post
                    sonce tv the big patriot tv show long intervie with vaknin calling makeonijan peopl teski seljaci that have no right to have own state becuse they are not ready for it.
                    I think the majority of Macedonians in Macedonia have accepted the new flag and certainly voted in a referendum FOR the Ohrid Agreement. I am quite sure they have much to learn about having their own State.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • fyrOM
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 2180

                      Gruevski and Ivanov riding Macedonia to safety as Vaknin and his eu friends cheer them on.

                      Funny Pictures brought to you by LolSnaps. Constant updates of the best funny pictures on the web.


                      • fyrOM
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 2180

                        Macedonians showing they are not afraid of eu paper tigers.

                        Funny Pictures brought to you by LolSnaps. Constant updates of the best funny pictures on the web.


                        • zadan
                          Junior Member
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 47

                          vaknin and eu

                          vaknin is completly against eu. in 1997 he publish this in nova makedonija:

                          Also, a few week ago this:

                          Myth number 3: EU Accession is Macedonia’s ticket to instant and sustained prosperity

                          The EU is in the throes of a life-threatening crisis and the entire enlargement project is in ever-growing doubt. Even if the EU were to emerge unscathed from this predicament, its harried officials still regard the Western Balkans as a cesspit, an Ottoman-Byzantine-Oriental Muslim-infested relic in the heart of an otherwise civilized, genteel, and Christian Europe (read: West). The more bigoted of the EU members are going to drag the negotiations with the likes of Macedonia as they have been doing with Turkey for decades now.

                          Macedonia currently enjoys all the benefits of EU membership without incurring any of its costs: it has free trade, visa-free travel, and access to regional development funds and EU tenders. The costs of accession are bound to be crippling: Macedonia’s sheltered and inefficient industries will crumble in the face of European competition; its judiciary and legislature will be buried under the 84,000 pages of the acquis communautaire; environmental, sanitation, and labour rules will render the private sector, such as it is in this benighted place, all but dysfunctional and insolvent; brain drain will likely reach epic proportions. Macedonia is not ready for EU accession. For the time being, it is better off as it is.

                          In the long-term, accession will bring with it sizable benefits in the transfer of technological knowledge and management skills and in encouraging foreign direct investment. But these welcome side-effects and by-products of EU membership depend crucially on an all-pervading internal transformation. Macedonains lack the skills, the knowledge, the emotional maturity, and the cultural background to have a state of their own, let alone a democracy. They have yet to develop a sense of being part of a cohesive collective. Their rampant individualism is malignant and they all perceive the state and any form of authority as potential and actual enemies.

                          So, why are Macedonians so keen on joining the EU?

                          Some of them hope to turn a quick profit as asset prices (shares, real-estate) react to the good news. Others can’t wait to abandon ship and join the throngs of economic immigrants from Bulgaria and Poland. Not one Macedonian I have met realizes the full implications of EU accession and not one of them gives a fig. They all perceive the EU as a “get-rich-quick” scheme.


                          • Onur
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 2389

                            Originally posted by zadan View Post
                            Also, a few week ago this:

                            Macedonia currently enjoys all the benefits of EU membership without incurring any of its costs: it has free trade, visa-free travel and access to regional development funds and EU tenders.

                            The costs of accession are bound to be crippling: Macedonia’s sheltered and inefficient industries will crumble in the face of European competition; its judiciary and legislature will be buried under the 84,000 pages of the acquis communautaire;environmental, sanitation, and labour rules will render the private sector,

                            such as it is in this benighted place, all but dysfunctional and insolvent; brain drain will likely reach epic proportions.

                            If thats the situation, then i agree to that. Want me to compare this with Turkey`s position in the EU?

                            Supposedly Turkey has free trade too because of EU customs union agreement but since Turkish citizens need visas and 20+ documents to be able to get a permit to enter any EU country, it`s working against our advantage but at the same time, Europeans enjoys full benefit of this cuz they don't need visas to come, work and travel in Turkey.

                            Because of Cypriot, Greek blockages, Turkey cannot get much benefit from EU funds either.

                            Turkey`s judiciary and legislature already buried under the 84,000 pages of the acquis communautaire since 15 years and our parliement worked hard for it to make Turkey`s system to be compatible with EU`s. AND for what? for nothing cuz we wont be a member of EU and we need to reverse all these modifications done to our every system because of EU impositions.

                            Some of our small sized private sectors already crushed by the huge EU companies like Ikea, 3M, Carrefour, Tesco etc.

                            Brain drain was big issue for us in 1990s too. They were simply stealing our most brilliant people by using educational EU programs in Turkish universities like Erasmus and so on. They still do that but we were able to stop most of the brain drain after 2000. Hopefully, people are not stupid enough anymore to go to France and/or Germany to contribute their development just to be labeled as islamo-terrorist, gypsy, filthy turk in there. Fortunately, most of our brilliant people stays in Turkey anymore and they work for the progress of their own country, not for Nazis.
                            Last edited by Onur; 10-25-2010, 05:44 AM.


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              Zadan this is old news even if Vaknin repeats it tomorrow it will still be old news. His style is backhanded compliments. I think you can see through this.

                              In the long-term, accession will bring with it sizable benefits in the transfer of technological knowledge and management skills and in encouraging foreign direct investment. But these welcome side-effects and by-products of EU membership depend crucially on an all-pervading internal transformation. Macedonians lack the skills, the knowledge, the emotional maturity, and the cultural background to have a state of their own, let alone a democracy. They have yet to develop a sense of being part of a cohesive collective.

                              So in the long term according to him the eu will be good thing but are dependent on transformation in Macedonia which the people

                              lack the skills, the knowledge, the emotional maturity, and the cultural background to have a state of their own.

                              Could he mean the maturity to put our stuck-up pride about being Macedonians aside and be pragmatic and say a Kind of Macedonian with lots of money is better than being a THE Macedonian and poor especially if we had the ability to understand education we would already know real Macedonians are long gone but in any event were different from us newcomers and get up-to-date with reality and stop dreaming and move on. A standard Slavic migration argument which the Greeks and all the other neighbours and SDSM have been saying all along.

                              Vaknin should be reminded that today’s Macedonians are smarter than his stupid old style being called a stupid weakling will make you say no I’m not and make you act harder style of motivation technique. This is old school Yugoslav days style but he deludes himself to think this style ever worked with the Macedonians when in fact the real reason Macedonians ever did anything in Yugoslavia was because armed soldiers stood by at the ready while peoples farms and stock were confiscated and the secret police took away for questioning anyone who so much as had the finger pointed at them of speaking out regardless if they did or didn’t say a word and the people who were questioned came back as cripples and died within a few years no matter how young they were. Vaknin should stop dreaming of the good old days and any Macedonians tempted to listen to his stupidity and that of SDSM should ask their grandparents what they went through.


                              • zadan
                                Junior Member
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 47

                                please write to norway embasy and gew

                                steve, my frend from canada wright this today. please you also wright to norway embasy and gew to tel them not to invite vaknin:

                                mesage steve send today:

                                Subject: (from Steve) in his own words, Sam Vaknin - invited to the GEW - is an open enemy of Macedonia (as well as an ex-criminal)

                                From: Liran Shem <>

                                To: Marija Armenski PSM Fondacija <>;


                                Respected Mrs. Maria,

                                My name is Steve and I am a Macedonian living in Canada. My friend Zadan is a Macedonian journalist and wishes to apologize for his English skills.

                                He asked me to help him with this as he intends to write to the Norwegian Embassy and to the media regarding your invitation of Mr. Vaknin to the event.

                                It is your affair that you are inviting a self-confessed psychopath (see the movie "I, Psychopath") and an ex-convict ( Vaknin is a criminal who served time in Israeli prisons - just read his own CV!!!). In the documentary film he even admits that his Ph.D. is fake and he bought it from a diploma mill. Zadan and many others think that you should not dignify such people with an invitation to participate in a panel.

                                But this is not the point.

                                The point is that Vaknin wrote recently that Macedonia should not exist because the Macedonians are primitive and don't know how to run a country.

                                Read his own article:

                                " Macedonains lack the skills, the knowledge, the emotional maturity, and the cultural background to have a state of their own, let alone a democracy. They have yet to develop a sense of being part of a cohesive collective."

                                Vaknin openly admits that he hates Macedonia and the Macedonian people. Why invite such a person to an event that is supposed to be pro-Macedonian?

                                You are a public body in Macedonia. As such you should welcome input from the population. We just wanted to bring these facts to your attention. If - after all this - you still believe that Vaknin should be invited, is up to you. We intend to make your invitation to him public.

                                Steve N., MD, Canada
                                Concerned Macedonian

                                From: Marija Armenski PSM Fondacija <>
                                Sent: Sat, October 23, 2010 9:13:17 PM
                                Subject: FW: zikov and vaknin in tribina of gew in next mont GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK 2010 MACEDONIA

                                Dear Zadan,

                                There is law in Macedonia called freedom of speech. But I know that you must be familiar more with the US legislation so please go and find it and read it if you can.

                                I believe that afterward you will understand what it means.

                                I am financing the event so I WILL INVITE whoever I want and shame on you how can you send mails to people that you do not know and you invade their privacy. I believe that we live in a free country where everybody can do whatever he/she wants unless harming laws. So, if you do not like Mr.Vaknin, please do not participate at the event.

                                I wish you all the best!


                                (no signing)
                                Last edited by zadan; 10-25-2010, 06:52 AM. Reason: add line

