Need help on a supposed "conspiracy"

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  • I of Macedon
    • Sep 2008
    • 222

    Need help on a supposed "conspiracy"

    This was posted by some random dude on the iGenea forum. Just wondering if this is even remotely true what this person is mentioning, becuase I don't believe I've heard of such a thing - perhaps some conspiracy or just wishful thinking - I don't know.

    "MANU accademitian Ante Popovski was in a possesion of VCR video-tape containing the interview on BBC, back in the middle of the seventies of the last century, with the Greek archaeologist who discovered the grave of what is thought Philip II in Kuklish, saying that, after the discovery of the artefacts in this grave, the Greeks would definitely abandon the idea that the Macedonians were Greeks."

    I know there is a old video (on youtube) in relation to this archaeological discovery, and on the video the Greek archaeologists mention the Macedonians as different to Greek.

    Thus begs the question; Are there some archaeological findings that we are not supposed to know exist?
    No need to sit in the shade, because we stand under our own sun
  • Traveller
    • Sep 2008
    • 177

    Regarding you as sober, no, such a thing is ludicrous. BTW i encourage everybody to visit the royal tombs in Vergina. Very beautiful arhitektura of the museum (and the exhibits are breathtaking).


    • Bratot
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2855

      Originally posted by I of Macedon View Post

      Thus begs the question; Are there some archaeological findings that we are not supposed to know exist?
      You of Macedon, are you fuckin kiddin me?

      Macedonian and Hellenic architecture are not SAME, they are SIMILAR.
      Which is very normal.

      Thats the correct word (SIMILAR) used even by Greek archeologists.

      Thats means a lot, because it can be similar as same as Roman architecture is similar to Greek, but the point is we are talking about two distinct cultures.

      From the hellenic period of 323-30 from which originate most of the data about Macedonia, to be a HELLEN implied NOT an ethnicity but rather someone who is educated in a hellenic way ( retorics, phylosophy etc) and thats a trend which will continue in Roman period too (ex. Alexandrian school) for which koine lang. had the same meaning as English today.

      The unique mark of one civilisation is evaluated/appreciated through the matherial culture -sacred ritual objects, especcially by the funeral forms.

      Let the Greeks to prove that Macedonian Royal Tombs in Kulesh (Vergina) had evoluated from an older type of Greek burial.

      Thats one of our strongest arguments.
      The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


      • I of Macedon
        • Sep 2008
        • 222

        Originally posted by Bratot View Post
        You of Macedon, are you fuckin kiddin me?

        Macedonian and Hellenic architecture are not SAME, they are SIMILAR.
        Which is very normal.

        Thats the correct word (SIMILAR) used even by Greek archeologists.

        Thats means a lot, because it can be similar as same as Roman architecture is similar to Greek, but the point is we are talking about two distinct cultures.

        From the hellenic period of 323-30 from which originate most of the data about Macedonia, to be a HELLEN implied NOT an ethnicity but rather someone who is educated in a hellenic way ( retorics, phylosophy etc) and thats a trend which will continue in Roman period too (ex. Alexandrian school) for which koine lang. had the same meaning as English today.

        The unique mark of one civilisation is evaluated/appreciated through the matherial culture -sacred ritual objects, especcially by the funeral forms.

        Let the Greeks to prove that Macedonian Royal Tombs in Kulesh (Vergina) had evoluated from an older type of Greek burial.

        Thats one of our strongest arguments.
        Thanks Bratot, you helped a lot. You could have just simply said I don’t know anything about the above.

        Again – all I wanted to know is if the person who posted the above on the iGenea forum could have some reason to do so. Nothing more nothing less – it’s a legitimate question and answer.

        Yes I know that Greek architecture (but as well as other aspects ) are simular to Macedonian as to Roman, even aspects with the Persians and some with the Egyptians.

        And as for the I of Macedon part – you do realise it’s just a UserName. I mean it’s not as if I have tattooed it across my forehead or copyright it, but hey if you want the username for yourself - just ask.
        No need to sit in the shade, because we stand under our own sun


        • Bratot
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2855

          Ахх изгледа лошо ме протолкува. My Bad!
          The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


          • Pelister
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2742

            He may well have been hushed up by the Greek government.

            There are over 30 Brygian tombs in Northern Greece, which the Greek government has sealed and closed off to foriengers.

            Who can forget the mystery circumstances surrounding the death of the Chicago Professor, Oikonomedes, after his allegations that he has seen evidence of the "secret" ancient Macedonian langauge.

            My guess is the ancient Macedonians spoke the Slavic langauge. It's the only possible thing, that can go some way to explaining the hysteria in Greece, and the lengths the Greek government will go to to shut archeologists up.


            • TrueMacedonian
              • Jan 2009
              • 3823

              Originally posted by I of Macedon View Post
              This was posted by some random dude on the iGenea forum. Just wondering if this is even remotely true what this person is mentioning, becuase I don't believe I've heard of such a thing - perhaps some conspiracy or just wishful thinking - I don't know.

              "MANU accademitian Ante Popovski was in a possesion of VCR video-tape containing the interview on BBC, back in the middle of the seventies of the last century, with the Greek archaeologist who discovered the grave of what is thought Philip II in Kuklish, saying that, after the discovery of the artefacts in this grave, the Greeks would definitely abandon the idea that the Macedonians were Greeks."

              I know there is a old video (on youtube) in relation to this archaeological discovery, and on the video the Greek archaeologists mention the Macedonians as different to Greek.

              Thus begs the question; Are there some archaeological findings that we are not supposed to know exist?
              So where is this Ante Popovski tape?


              • indigen
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 1558

                Angel Shopoff

                Newsgroups: soc.culture.greek
                From: ashop...@(Angel Shopoff)
                Date: 1997/02/04
                Subject: Greek Archaelogists


                Dimitrios Pandomalis, Greek Archaeologist and leader of the
                Archaeology team.

                Stella Drewald, Greek Archaeologist.

                Mrs. Stella Drewald stated:

                "The Macedonians who produced Alexander was not Greek at all"

                "Greeks after all lived in City-States where Greeks thought
                proper civilized people should live. Whereas, Macedonians lived
                under what the Greeks considered to be primitive and highly
                Authoritative Monarchy"

                "Macedonia was ruled by kings. It was a kingdom. Athens had
                democracy. A great achievement of the Greek civilization".

                "Demosthenes defended democracy versus monarchy, the Macedonian
                political system".


                For fair use only.

                NB: A short bio on Angel Shopoff discerned from his postings: Angel Shopoff is a Macedonian of Aegean Macedonian roots (born there, I think, and educated in RoM (Skopje) and Canada and is a Civil Engineer by profession. His other postings (under the profile Angel Shopoff ) are also worth checking out and can be found here.

                So pochit,

                PS: If Angel Shopoff is alive and well (and I wish that he is!), he may well be present at the UMD conference and those attending and interested in the above topic should ask about him and try to meet him if he attends or try, if possible, and obtain contact info and communicate with him by phone or other means. Risto Stefov and Lubi Uzunovski, as well as any of the older generation activists in Canada, should know about him.

                Furthermore, there exists a video of the same name as mentioned by Angel Shopoff - ARCHAEOLOGY - THE GLORY OF MACEDONIA but is of a later date (2000).

                The glory of Macedonia [videorecording] / New Dominion Pictures; TLC; producers, Tom Naughton, Nicolas Valcour; director, Phil Comeau. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2000. 1 videocassette (25 min.)Abstract: Archaeological digs at Pella, Vergina, and Dion in Greece reveal the history of Macedonia. Experts discuss their views with a emphasis on the reign of Philip II. University Museum Library Desk DF261.P27 G66 2000.
                Last edited by indigen; 05-20-2010, 02:02 AM.


                • Pelister
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2742

                  I am certain that there are a number of cases of archeologists finding things written in an 'unknown' langauge, from the Sinai to the Hindu Kush region, and I believe each time the archeologist has been silenced, and that material has literally disappeared. All we ever hear about it is usually an opening press release issued by the archeologists at the beginning of the find. I have a strong feeling (given all of this doubt and the aggressiveness of the Hellenic republic), that they are fully aware that the language of the ancient Macedonians was 'Slavic'.


                  • indigen
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 1558

                    I located the relevant info from Angel Shopoff.

                    ----- Original Message -----
                    From: Angel Shopoff

                    Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003
                    Subject:Re: [MacedonianMediaMonitor] Second letter to Colin Powell

                    At 2/3/2003, you wrote:
                    Zdravo Angel,

                    Najprvo od se, bidete srdechno pozdraveni. Ti se javuvam od Wollongong, Avstralija, so cel da dobijam povekje informacija vo vrska shto imate napishano vo vasheto pismo do g. Powell. Specifichno, za informacijata okolu izjavata na Andronikos. Od kade ja imate dobieno taa informacija, odnosno dali izjavata e snimka od filmot ili izjavata postoi na hartija? Pozdrav, Zhivko
                    Zhivko, pred nekolku godini, od prilika pet ili ses godini, na “The Learning Channel” (TLC) se davase ovoj Arheoloski film pod “The Glory of Macedonia”. Ovoj e arheoloski dokumentaren film snimen vo kutles, rodniot grad na Filip i Aleksandar Makedonski. Nemislam da se prodava negde, osven preku firmata “The learning Channel”, koja se navogja vo New York.
                    Vo taa godina koga se davase ovoj film, se davaa i drugi dokumentarni filmovi kako:
                    1. “The Macedonians” bitkata na Filip so Grcite , isto se davase na “The Learning Channel”
                    2. “Alexander the Great and the Battle of Issus”, Alexander vo Persija. Se davase na “Arts & Entertainment” (A&E) Channel.
                    3. “Alexander The Great”, Alexander vo Indija i nazad se’ do negovata umiracka. Se davase na TLC.

                    Ovie filmovi se povtoruvaa nekolku pati.....[....]....TVM go davase.

                    ----- Original Message -----
                    From: Angel Shopoff
                    Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003
                    Subject:[MacedonianMediaMonitor] Second letter to Colin Powell

                    THESSALONIKE MUSEUM: Professor of Archaeology at the University of Thessalonike, Manolis Andronicos, and his associates produced a film under the title “The Glory of Macedonia”. Andronicos said: “The Macedonians Produced Alexander was not Greek at all. Macedonia was ruled by kings, it was a kingdom. Whereas, Athens had democracy, a great achievement of the Greek civilization”. Furthermore: “Greeks after all lived in city-states, where Greeks thought proper civilized people should live. Whereas, Macedonians lived under what the Greeks considered to be primitive and highly authoritative Monarchy”.
                    Last edited by indigen; 05-20-2010, 02:13 AM.


                    • osiris
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1969

                      liars and thieves are prepared to do anything to maintain their position.

                      greece has in modern times erased cyrillic inscriptions in churches and graves why wouldnt they suppress ancient evidence that doesnt support their position.


                      • Daskalot
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 4345

                        Can we obtain this film in its full length? Is it on YouTube?
                        Macedonian Truth Organisation


                        • sydney
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 390

                          i've often asked why we rely on this evidence being found in egejska and why we just don't find it in our own backyard first and then state our case from that point onwards...


                          • makedonche
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 3242

                            Originally posted by sydney View Post
                            i've often asked why we rely on this evidence being found in egejska and why we just don't find it in our own backyard first and then state our case from that point onwards...
                            I think that's what is happening currently with all the approved diggings and archaeological investments in ROM, to discover what's in our backyard and then put the proof forward.
                            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              I have no doubt there would be many artifacts which run contra to the Greek myth and are hiding in museum basements if not destroyed. Just look at how much more the intensity has been to find a resolution to the name issue in the past 2 or so years as apposed to the last 20. The scariest thing for the Greeks is they do not know what if anything lies under the ground in Macedonia and they cannot change it. Could you imagine the fall out if conclusive proof was found in Macedonia. Greece would have no position to stand on and neither could the west support them. It would mean history would need to be rewritten. Do you think the Greek government had no clue their currant crisis was coming and that many might not like them. But they are counting on you need me because you are into this lie thing unto your eyeballs like we are otherwise your going to have to do a lot of explaining and how will the facts sit with your so called moral high ground. It is this sense of moral high ground the west uses to justify their actions around the world and pretend the still look roses. Eg attacking Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction which could blow up half of Europe in 20 to thirty minutes remember. Then when this lie evaporated it became ALSO about saving the Iraqi people remember. Like they really care about the Iraqi people. Iraq is the 3rd or 4th largest oil producer and any disruption like Sadam saying I don’t like you any more and I don’t want to sell to you would have had a devastating effect on their economy. Have you noticed the rhetoric about being self sufficient by developing alternate fuel sources in USA. Coincidence. I think not. it’s a what if they cannot hold Iraq forever. The companies pumping the oil are largely American so the money used to buy the oil largely flows strait back to the USA which is then used to develop alternate fuels. So how is this different from an armed home invasion to take the homeowners wealth. Oh yeah we are there to save the Iraqi people from a tyrant like Sadam so we still smell like roses and not armed thieves.hahaha what could anyone say in the future if a know armed thief came to a country to educate them on moral issues like human rights.

                              If Macedonia was able to find conclusive proof the Greek lie would put everyone in a bad light. The Greeks are relying on this to force the west to bail them out. that’s why they are laughing and did nothing to prevent their economic crisis for over 20 years. Some in the west think the Greeks have pushed it too far and the Greeks cannot use their threat of exposure without loosing themselves. France on the other hand who holds the Basque region thinks any issues about holding other peoples lands are best left untouched and went hard into bat for the Greeks. Its not worth ruining everything for the sake of 2 million stupid Macedonians who if they were worth anything would not have been constantly conquered by their betters for over 2 millennia. This is the mentality we are faced with. But the proof if any in the ground cannot be changed and that’s what’s really scary.

