Shield Shock: Romania to host US missile

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    Shield Shock: Romania to host US missile

    Romania says it's prepared to host anti-ballistic interceptors as part of a U.S. defense shield in Eastern Europe.

    YouTube - Shield Shock: Romania to host US missiles?

    Obama and all of his Jive talking and salesmen smile and promises said that he would stop with George Bush's plan in installing military presence and equipment in eastern Europe - yet here we are with Romania.
    He also said that we would be with drawing US troops from the Middle East immediately, now its turned into a "three year plan".

    Ironically this is the man who won a noble peace prize lol

    Never truest the Americans....
  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    ROAR: Russia concerned by US “surprises” in missile defense
    permalinke-mail story to a friendprint version
    Published 15 February, 2010, 14:20

    Taking decisions on deploying interceptor missiles in Romania and Bulgaria, the US might break the strategic balance, analysts warn.

    Bulgaria said it may join the US anti-missile program

    and deploy elements of missile shield on its territory. Sofia and Washington will hold talks on this matter soon. Romania also announced


    this month to host the US interceptors on its soil.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on February 14 that Moscow is waiting for the detailed explanations concerning US plans in Eastern Europe. Russia wants to know “why after the Romanian ‘surprise’ there is a Bulgarian ‘surprise’ now,” Lavrov said.

    Read more


    • Big Bad Sven
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 1528

      Interesting to note that all of the balkan countries, with a possible exception to Grease, have anti Russian and pro NATO governments. Bulgaria, the same old turn coat has stabbed Russia in the back again.

      I cant blame Russia for turning its back on the balkans.

      With the constant hoops that macedonia has to jump to impress the EU and NATO and the lack of a russian prescience in the balkans, perhaps now its time to forge VERY close relations with Russia?


      • Sovius
        • Apr 2009
        • 241

        A Russian alliance is an intriguing scenario to ponder. I would think the biggest hurdle, though, would be in establishing and maintaining more focused economic distribution routes. How would a country surrounded by subjugated (and potentially hostile) EU nations commence with greater trade and an active military alliance with Russia? War is typically a byproduct of massive economic downturns. Would Russia truly be there for Macedonia when the time came to pull the trigger? If America is not willing to defend Macedonia's name and cultural heritage (a simple action I once thought it quite capable of doing), would the American government really truly ever back up its paper thin military commitment to Macedonia?

        The thought of Vladimir Putin going on TV and proclaiming Macedonia the holy land of the Slavs and Greece the Great Satan warms the heart, but tends to overcook the left side of one's brain. The right side says buy some shovels and start digging in DIY style. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

