Voskopoulos - Ethnic Macedonian

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  • El Bre
    • Sep 2008
    • 713

    Voskopoulos - Ethnic Macedonian

    Voskopoulos - I Accept Prefix 'Ethnic Macedonian'

    Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Dhimitris Dhroutsas should explain on the basis of what criteria and standards he proclaims to be a Macedonian, while denying the same right to me and a number of other citizens, asks Pavle Voskopoulos, member of the collective leadership of the ethnic Macedonian party in Greece Vinozito. He believes that statements such as that by Dhroutsas, in which the existence of a separate ethnic Macedonian identity is utterly negated, promote neo-Nazism in Greece.

    How do you interpret the public statement by Minister Dhroutsas, who was born in Cyprus, that he was "born and will die a Macedonian"?

    This statement in itself indirectly confirms a lost Greek position when it comes to the Greek citizens' identity. Only a "lost" man debates "origins." In other words, a person in Greece cannot possess two identities with the same connotation and determination, that is, be both a Greek and a Macedonian. This is because the Macedonian identity is different from the Greek and it is a reality and a fact not only in the Balkans but also at an international level. Greece adopted Macedonianism as part of the Greek identity after 1912. The Greek ideology and myth do not recognize another, different Macedonian identity, so Greek nationalism has been serving this to the Greek citizens for 90 years now. If a difference needs to be made, because Macedonianism here has been identified as part of Hellenism, I am ready to accept an addition to our name for the sake of a so-called compromise or a technical solution, because Greece wants exclusivity over the term "Macedonian." I, for example, accept to be "an ethnic Macedonian." Greece may define its Hellenism or "Greek Macedonianism" as it pleases as long as it respects my affiliation. There is an excellent prefix - "ethnic" - because this prefix is not used in Greece. Will Dhroutsas or other people in Greece accept it and agree with it?

    When it comes to "birth," what are Dhroutsas' arguments? I want to know with what arguments I may be deprived of this right. We are waiting for their reply about how we should declare ourselves - in compliance with our "birth" or something else. It is a basic principle and a fundamental human right for individuals and the collectivity to comprehend their identity in accordance with their conscience, so it should be respected as such.

    In your initial party reaction you said that this was a statement from the arsenal of totalitarian ideologies from Nazi Germany's time.

    The statements that identity is acquired by birth are associated precisely with the Nazi totalitarian ideologies. It is the Nazis who speak of "Aryan" origin and that they are born as "Aryans." It is catastrophic when one determines one's identity with birth and provenance and directs it towards the genes. Here is an absurd example related to "genetic identity." Imagine a child of a Venezuelan-Laponian couple who is adopted in Greece immediately after birth. That child is adopted by a couple of whom the father is a Greek and the mother is an Austrian, but they live in Greece. Incidentally, Dhroutsas' mother is Austrian, too. Now, when this child grows up, what will he say about himself? That he is a Greek? That he is a mulatto? Who can tell who his real parents or their ancestors are? Where is the beginning and the end of provenance? How will he reply to the question of identity in compliance with origin? This is ridiculous, is it not? In modern times the identity issue is expressed through the right to self-determination, according to which individuals and the collectivity understand identity according to their conscience, so their personal determination should be respected. Still, we know well that the state and national ideologies "feed" the national identities with the glorious past, famous origins, and national myths. Yet, to make origin exclusivity and to directly relate identity to origin/birth is a destructive ideology.

    The same refers to the destructive characters in the Republic of Macedonia, so we in Macedonia should say that we have had enough of the discussion on the alleged glorious origin from ancient times. There is no need for this because this region has a very beautiful past beginning from the homo sapiens stage until the present day. In the Balkans the name Macedonia was used in the classical period and in various historical periods. Still, there is no need for us, the contemporary Macedonians, to selectively rely either on Alexander [the Great], or Philip [of Macedon], or [King] Samoil, or the Slavs, or any particular person. The deeper you dig the more you contest your identity. This is simply because my conscience determines my Macedonianism as my special identity different from the other Balkan nations.

    The resolution of the Macedonian-Greek dispute has been deferred for the next six month. Do you think that a compromise will be reached?

    It is a good thing that the Republic of Macedonia has finally realized that the undermining of the state's stabilization through the name dispute is hidden in the attacks against Macedonian identity. This is because the state name provides a permanent definition both of the nation and the identity. Of course, the time will come for post-national identities and collectivities, but this topic should be discussed on some other occasion. Some people in the Republic of Macedonia may rejoice when they are being told that they are Alexander's successors, but Europe is sick at the mere mention of "but, our history..." The Europeans have also felt sick over the past 15 years when listening to the Greek arguments of their exclusivity of the past and history. It has finally crossed the Greek politicians' mind not to mention history after 15 years in order not to weaken the Greek position, which is already lost. Because of its well-known mistakes with antiquation, the Republic of Macedonia should act constructively by offering proposals to resolve the name row. We would be happy to see the political factors emerge from the dead end, stop accusing each other, and halt the unproductive labelling of traitors and patriots. For the internationals to help you, you need to make specific proposals, and this is the responsibility of all the political structures in the Republic of Macedonia.

    I have to stress something that is very important for us here. As it is destructive to propose a compromise with geographic prefixes, it is just as destructive to talk about ancient times and origin. With the historical arguments, our future will become conflicting and filled with "arrogation" of someone's glorious histories for centuries. This will cause quarrels and divisions among the Balkan nations.

    Still, what is even worse, the geographic prefixes may be associated with "secession," "unification," and "liberation," which may be quite easily promoted by the destructive elites both in Macedonia and Greece in the future. We may explain the irrelevancy of this "geographic type of a solution" to Europe and beyond. Success can be attained only in this way, through the required state reforms, and with patience.

    Branko Gjorgjevski, "Dnevnik" - Skopje
  • julie
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 3869

    El Bre that is an interesting article
    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      This is an old discussion:

      Ethnic Macedonian Party Leader Slams Greek Policy of "neo-Nazism" Dnevnik, Skopje, in Macedonian 28 Dec 09 BBC Monitoring European http://www.jfri.org/page.aspx?id=212556 Text of report by Macedonian newspaper Dnevnik on 28 December [Interview with Rainbow party leadership member Pavle Voskopoulos by Branko
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        It is indeed

        Spolaj Ti El Bre
        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • fyrOM
          • Feb 2010
          • 2180

          I could be wrong but I think this article places a too heave an emphasis on the I feel I am a Macedonian therefore I am a Macedonia. Although this statement has its elements in truth

          Ruth replied: "Wherever your people live my people will live. Your land is my land. Your God is my God.

          People do move into a population and also out of it but the statement does not and cannot by its very nature stand on its own. In itself it implies there is a population in existence. Migrations of people happen as do wars and conquests hence one could argue the genes are not 100 percent therefore are you Macedonian. The articles argument would apply aptly to such a question. But note the argument is you are not 100 percent. How apt is this line of argument if the question was you as a collective are 100 percent not this.

          Lets go and invade Switzerland and wipe the totally out then we could settle there and call ourselves Swiss. We could then live there for a few centuries and although we might have the odd strudel we still prefer graf and varen rasol so svinsko meso. Then we can tell the people of the world a few centuries from now we invented the swatch and everyone knows our chocolate is the best. Does this kind of sound not quite right. This is the line of argument the Greeks are using against us. I know your first reaction is as if they can talk. This argument could very well be put against the Greek population but the difference is no mater how diluted one could argue the Greek blood is the argument remains there was a Hellenic population albeit split into there city states. Every other new comer and we know there are many even in antiquity times let alone later may choose to feel Greek but only because there was a Greek to feel no pun intended.

          This articles overemphasis on I feel Macedonian therefore I am leaves the reader wondering how much we doubt our foundation and if so could the Greek argument its not your foundation have any merit. I put it to the writer we are Macedonians and if any part of us is due to settlement of people or wars it sits on the Macedonian. I might be making mandga so kompiri and if I throw some grasak in it it still is mandga so kompiri.


          • vodenka
            • Mar 2009
            • 297

            Voskopoulos - I Accept Prefix 'Ethnic Macedonian'
            Does this statement mean that ALL Macedonians in the world have to accept the prefix "ethnic" or just the Egejci? Did he ask the Egejci if they agree?


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              vodenka, pozdrav and welcome. NO Macedonians accept prefixes, that are true to the Macedonian Cause.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Vodenka, you still have not answered my questions on the other thread. Are you waiting for someone else to answer the questions? I cannot understand why you would throw such comments around with what appears to be nothing more than an intent to damage.

                You have stated the following in the past:
                Originally posted by Vodenka
                All the propaganda of Vinozito is based on the idea that Macedonians are a minority of a "foreign" nation (something like the Albanians in Macedonia) but our people do not like this as they do not like to loose their local identity in favor of the identity of the Macedonians of the Republic of Macedonia.
                What is worse? Using "ethnic Macedonian" as a form of sarcasm or what you have said above which distances Macedonians of Greece from Macedonians across the border in the Republic? I am sure you would agree that every word counts when in a position of public scrutiny.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                • vodenka
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 297

                  Originally posted by julie View Post
                  vodenka, pozdrav and welcome. NO Macedonians accept prefixes, that are true to the Macedonian Cause.


                  • Jankovska
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1774

                    I am an ethnic Macedonian and I have no problem with that.


                    • Bratot
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2855

                      Originally posted by Jankovska View Post
                      I am an ethnic Macedonian and I have no problem with that.
                      I'm ethnic Macedonian also.

                      Last edited by Bratot; 02-26-2010, 05:25 AM.
                      The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                      • Grotius
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 136


                        Do you have some secret infatuation with Pavle? You seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time focusing on Vinozito rather than your language classes.


                        • El Bre
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 713

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          Sorry for the double post up. I missed it the first time around.

