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  • MKPrilep
    • Mar 2009
    • 284

    anyone watched the greek performance?
    they danced the Zeibekiko.
    the moderator called it a typical greek dance.
    but as we know nothing is really greek, all their culture
    has albanian, vlach an so on roots.
    so I googled it and found following

    Zeibekiko or Zeybekiko (Greek: Ζεϊμπέκικο) is a Greek folk dance.
    The dance may originate from the Zeibek warriors of Anatolia.
    The Zeibeks fought against the Greek invasion of Western Anatolia during the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922!!



    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      precisely everyone is trying to outdo each other don't be surprised if they all interchange not just in english.
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


      • slovenec zrinski
        • Sep 2008
        • 385

        So Sweden won the competition anyway The Azeri song was written by two Swedes, the backupsingers were swedish, the coreographer was swedish and finally the make up lady was swedish And then we came in third as well with Popular


        • slovenec zrinski
          • Sep 2008
          • 385

          backupsingers= backgroundsingers


          • Egejska
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 72

            The two SBS commentators for Eurovision are the biggest uneducated people on TV. I couldnt stand watching it, every song they would make a smartass comment, they are probably the worst commentators out there. Julia Zemiro is very bias, every single year she fawns over Greece's entry like there's no tomorrow.

            Bring back Terry Wogan.
            An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
            Ron Paul.

            Don't steal. The government hates competition.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Originally posted by Egejska View Post
              Bring back Terry Wogan.
              Although Roy & HG often create magic.

              YouTube - Roy & HG commentary: Roman Greco Wrestling
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Commander Bond
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2008
                • 72

                After Terry Wogan retired, Graham Norton took over from him. SBS should relieve Julia Zemiro and the very irritating Simon Peng from this duty and use Graham Norton's very witty hosting abilities. I dont care much for the (lack of) thoughts from JZ & SP as they donot have the charm or wit to broadcast and event such as Eurovision.


                • Bij
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 905

                  I was disappointed that bosnia did that hippy english number. I usually love Dino Merlin's songs, they're so heartfelt and passionate and then THAT crap. Bosnia usually put on a decent folklorish track but blah. lost respect for them this year.

                  I also think Macedonia should have gone with a better looking presenter for the points part.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Oh, I liked Spain as well.
                    Even with the volume all the way down .... in fact, more so.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • lavce pelagonski
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 1993

                      Ill post this here instead of making a new thread.
                      Official video for Baklava' s song "El amor kon un estranyo" (In Love With a Stranger). This is from their album "Me mankas mucho" (I miss you so much), published by Skopje Jazz Festival 2011, Republic of Macedonia. This song is made by three different (Ladino, Turkish, Macedonian) languages, but one melody: Fel Shara, Üsküdar'a gider iken (Katibim), Oj devojce (Ој девојче). Video is made by Senem Tüzen & Sibo

                      Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

                      „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов


                      • ProMKD
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 367

                        Тамара, Да ти Е**М Устата!

                        The singer tamara todevska, the whore, is now dating a shiptar - her producer bertan arslani. They are photographed in this article on the shores of our Aegean in Solun. Stupid traitor bitch, how can you suck on a dirty albanian cock?!?!

                        Тамара во врска со својот продуцент Бертан Арслани

                        Иако својот продуцент Бертан Арслани до скоро го претставуваше само како соработник и близок пријател, поп-пејачката Тамара Тодевска веќе не ја крие љубовта со него.

                        На нејзината фејсбук страница, на профил фотографијата се Тамара и Бертан, гушнати покарј море. Фотографијата е направена во Солун, по новогодишните празници. Тамара во последно време постира само љубовни песни, а најнова е "Ти благодарам што ме сакаш", од Џон Бон Џови. Знакот "ми се допаѓа" под песната го ставил Бертан.

                        Пејачката не одговараше на мобилниот телефон за коментар, а од нејзината продукција "Симплисити", само кусо ни рекоа дека не и се мешаат во приватниот живот.
                        "Многу сум вљубена", ни рече Тамара на промоцијата на актуелниот сингл "Нејќеш да сум сама", во ноември лани, но не сакаше да признае дека се работи за Бертан. Нивни блиски зборуваат дека љубовта меѓу поп-пејачката и продуцентот започнала во неговото стусио, во "БМА" продукција, каде што Тамара, заедно со Бертан и со Тони Зен како текстописец ги работи новите песни. (М.Џ.)

                        Support tourism to Macedonia!


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130

                          Well she is a bit of pretty thing so I guess it's understandable you would want to as the title suggests.

                          It's just another case of advantage Vs ethics/morals/religion. Some people seek an advantage and are prepared to do a lot for it, no matter how low. Some people go with the saying, "morals don't pay the bills". It depends on the person and their situation as to where they draw the line if at all.

                          If you had a production company you too could have her hanging off the end of your...


                          • blackcactus
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 242

                            It's her personal business who she loves, she is not a traitor, nor is he a traitor

                            Be mature
                            The one who tells the story rules the World - Hopi proverb

                            “Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only meant that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark” - Monty Python


                            • EgejskaMakedonia
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 1665

                              Originally posted by blackcactus View Post
                              It's her personal business who she loves, she is not a traitor, nor is he a traitor

                              Be mature
                              Exactly. I don't see why ProMKD is getting so worked up about this. Who she decides to date is none of our concern. If the Albanian has a family that is hostile towards Macedonians then that's their own risk, but it doesn't make her a whore or traitor.

                              Calm down.


                              • MKPrilep
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 284

                                so tresite gluposti, kako mozi da bidi so albanec?
                                se zalite stalno za albancite kako a zemat nasata zemja,
                                a ne vi smeta koga odat nasite devojcina so albanci?!
                                lele coek

