The thing is back in those days it was different we were much more respected as a country and countries like Bulgaria and Greece were ranked much lower then us. In the 80s the Bulgarians couldnt even come to Macedonia, they needed special clearances to leave the country where as we could travel anywhere we wanted, we went for coffee's in Solun, we went shopping there and so forth you couldnt spend 100 marki in Bulgaria it was that cheap and the lower class went for their holidays there, most people went to Jadransko More for their holidays, while the upper class went to Italy and France.
The thing is now Bulgaria and Greece are going to teach us about being in Europe when they were beneath us for over 40 years, not only that to have them discriminate against us is a joke in itself, the YU era is dead and buried thats for sure but at the same time we lived a much better life then the neighbors around us i wont even count Albania back then because it was and still is very poor. We complained and all but if we compared how we lived then to how our three neighbors lived we were miles ahead and this is why there are people in Stari Kraj who miss those days but even if we join the EU it will be like another Yugoslavia, the only difference is there are more countries and instead of Belgrade it will be Brussels who will do the talking.
It was interesting when i went to Slovenia and Croatia i asked the people there what did they prefer and how they live now, the Slovenians were saying that their lives where much better back then because they had European Standard wages yet they payed Balkan based prices while one Croat lady who was from a hardcore Ustasha family said that during those days they would go on Letovanje twice a year plus once a year Zimovanje and now they are lucky to go once a year for a summer holiday i was quite shocked actually.
It was also strange how once the break up of Yugoslavia everybody said that people were taking loans out and when they had to be payed back the country broke up but they did a report recently and the whole YU including the 6 republics combined owed 22 Billion Euros worth of debt while now 20 years later just Croatia alone owes 45 Billion Euros and Slovenija owes 35 Billion.
Being a pionir was fun, it meant day off class and more time playing football at the back of the school....Good old days!!!
Lets remember the past for good or bad and consider how to make the future better for everyone, but it seems Gruevski, Branko and co. dont give a stuff about the future and hence the reason most people consider the past as being fantastic (even though so many things were wrong then) since the present is chaos!!! At least then the Albanians were in their place and were only allowed to do jockey jobs for the Maco's, now its the otherway around...That sums up how well our people are living...
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