Corruption in Macedonia

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    Corruption in Macedonia

    I thought I would start this thread to cronicle corruption in Macedonia and the governments responces.

    Intensed argument in the VMRO-DPMNE Following the arrests of smuggling brand GOODS

    Servant was bought four of bribery

    Two months ago, the ruler of one of the Customs department has resigned and has since worked as an ordinary customs officer. Party colleagues from VMRO-DPMNE eksnachalnikot the meeting of the Executive Board of the party branch of the Municipality Center asked how he managed for two years has earned so much money ...

    ... To buy allegedly Krusevo houses in Ohrid and Skopje became two

    Two months ago, the ruler of one of the Customs department has resigned and has since worked as an ordinary customs officer. His departure from shefovskata position coincides with the investigations that preceded the action of the Interior in the last case of smuggling brand clothing, in which one of the bosses of Gemak Fashion was arrested after the second raspishana warrant, and detention ended and the head of Gevgeliskata Customs.
    Ministry sources say that the said head was examined in connection with the case Gemak Fashion ", but against him was not initiated proceedings. Neither the Administration was initiated any investigation.
    But his party colleagues from VMRO-DPMNE had many comments on his work. The executive board meeting of the party branch of Centar, some participants asked how the captain has earned so much money to buy reportedly houses in Krusevo and Ohrid and two apartments in Skopje.
    Our source says eksnachalnikot our hair does not miss that to protect senior customs officials, who were close friends.
    The source claims that the case is familiar and the prime minister and leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski.
    Unofficially, his chief resigned to protect himself, but not to break larger affair, in which, as his friend, would be involved and a senior customs official who has relation with the lawmaker VMRO-DPMNE.
    Customs sources revealed our scheme to avoid customs controls.
    "If smugglers entering through the border crossing Mary, customs control is sending Tabanovce Deve Bair or Blaze, and vice versa. So everything is covered.'re Entering goods, customs control, and everything is covered, and Chief takes fat percentage," says our source. He added that the scheme was uncovered when rasprashuvanjeto suspects in the latest case of smuggling brand clothing.
    The Administration officially know nothing about the drastic increase in the assets of the customs officer just two years. Colleagues of the Chief, unofficially, wondering how in the case of smuggling, as he "Gemak Fashion" to be implicated only one customs officer - the head of Customs Gevgeliskata.
    "Certainly there are other customs of managerial functions that covered trafficking. Only such procedures are very difficult to prove, say customs officials.
    Director of Administration Kargov Vanco says chief said had left at his request, saying it makes for personal reasons.
    "In case you wonder who in the Administration not taken any action. But customs operations is highly corrupt. Therefore, until it begins to deprive the property of convicted of abuse of authority that had brought great material benefit, such works will be frequent, "said cargo.
    G. Trpenoski - A. Saltirovska
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    OM, please include the Macedonian text as well if using Google Translate ... it barely makes sense.I think I get the gist of it.

    The legal system is a joke in Macedonia. But it is in Australia too (albeit on a lesser level).
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • fyrOM
      • Feb 2010
      • 2180

      You are right RTG Google didn’t pass with 5ki.


      Цариник купил 4 стана од мито

      Пред два месеца, началник на едно од одделенијата во Царината под*нел оставка, и оттогаш работи како обичен царински службеник. Со*пар*тиј*ци од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ на ексначалникот, на состанок на из*врш*ни*от одбор на партискиот разгранок на Општина Центар прашале како тој ус*пе*ал за две години да заработил толку пари...

      ...за да купи, наводно, куќи во Крушево и во Охрид и два стана во Скопје

      Пред два месеца, началник на едно од одделенијата во Царината под*нел оставка, и оттогаш работи како обичен царински службеник. Не*го*во*то заминување од шефовската позиција се поклопува со истрагите кои претходеле на акцијата на МВР во последниот случај на шверц со брен*ди*ра*на облека, во која еден од газдите на "Гемак фешн" беше уап*сен, по вториот е распишана потерница, а во притвор заврши и шефот на Гевгелиската царинарница.
      Из*во*ри од МВР велат дека и споменатиот началник бил испитуван во вр*ска со случајот "Гемак фешн", но против него не била поведена пос*тап*ка. Ниту во Царинската управа била поведена каква било ис*тра*га.
      Но неговите сопартијци од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ имале многу за*бе*леш*ки на неговото работење. На состанок на извршниот одбор на пар*тис*ки*от разгранок на Општина Центар, некои од присутните прашале ка*ко началникот заработил толку пари за да купи, наводно, куќи во Кру*ше*во и во Охрид и два стана во Скопје.
      На*ши*от извор вели дека на ексначалникот ни влакно не му фали оти го заш*ти*тил висок царински функционер, со кого биле блиски пријатели.
      Изворот тврди дека за случајот е запознаен и премиерот и лидер на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Никола Груевски.
      Не*о*фи*ци*јал*но, началникот си поднел оставка за да се заштити себеси, но и да не пукне поголема афера, во која, како негов другар, би бил вме*шан и висок царински функционер што има роднинска врска со пра*те*нич*ка на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ.
      Из*во*ри од Царината ни ја открија шемата за избегнување на ца*рин*ски*те контроли.
      "Ако шверцерите влегуваат преку граничниот премин Богородица, ца*рин*ска контрола се праќа на Табановце, Деве Баир или на Блаце, и об*рат*но. Така сe е покриено. Стоката си влегува, Царината контролира, и сe е покриено, а началникот зема дебел процент ", вели нашиот извор. Тој до*да*ва дека оваа шема била разоткриена при распрашувањето на осом*ни*че*ни*те при последниот случај на шверц со брендирана облека.
      Во Царинската управа официјално не знаат ништо за драстичното зго*ле*му*ва*ње на имотот на царинскиот службеник за само две години. Ко*ле*ги на началникот, неофицијално, прашуваат како може во случај на шверц, како тој на "Гемак фешн", да биде вмешан само еден цариник - ше*фот на Гевгелиската царинарница.
      "Си*гур*но има и други цариници на раководни функции што го покривале швер*цот. Само што ваквите постапки се многу тешки за докажување", ве*лат цариници.
      Ди*рек*то*рот на Царинската управа Ванчо Каргов вели дека спо*ме*на*ти*от началник си заминал по негово барање, наведувајќи дека тоа го пра*ви од лични причини.
      "За случајот за кој прашувате, во Царинската управа не се води как*ва било постапка. Но царинското работење е високо коруптивно. Затоа, сe додека не почне да им се одзема имотот на осудените за зло*у*пот*ре*ба на службена должност која им донела голема материјална корист, вак*ви дела ќе бидат чести", вели Каргов.
      Г. Трпеноски - А. Салтировска


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        Thats better OzMak

        Spolaj Ti
        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • Jankovska
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1774

          I am not shocked or surprised. I come from a little town in Macedonia that happens to be on the border therefore carinari. I will tell you few stories about few of them

          Goran (Bare) he has 4 cars, his house is like something from the movies, he has two kafici, a kamion, a shop and a bank so his wife can work. His avarage wage is 15 000 denari and he has been employed for 8-10 years. His dad died a while back and he was a kelner (not his kafana, just a kelner). His mum never worked. I don't understand how he can have all that.

          Dakta (he actually quit now) he was a tezok SDSM and he quit because he had unresolved business with many of VMRO. He was a carinar for about 10 years maybe a little more. Apart from the cars and the holiday homes he actually bought an enormous peace of land, huge, build a restaurant, a huge lake so the tables are on the water, he paid and had build a zoo centre for animals, fish in the lake for the rich to fish and the funniest of all (I find this extremly funny) he build his own church on top of this land. What a paradox a? He also owns a couple of other businesses and has a zelezara. Again his avarage wage would have been around 15 000 denari.
          Petko- he owns a luxary kafic and a disco, plus the cars the holiday homes, the money and the few shops and butici. He has been employed for less than 10 years.
          There are a zillion examples in Kriva Palanka of these people, the town is split between carinari i smrtnici. What bothers me the most is that an investigation was never made into where all this has come from, ever. Our carinari are still corrupted, the few SDSM ones got replaced by the same sort of VMRO and stara pesna na nov glas. No gov ever looked into the issue and probably never will. Why? Because money talks. The new gov has done NOTHING to change this, in places like Palanka it has encouraged their people to do it too. Do you know who the nacalnik of policija is in Kriva Palanka? The bigest baraba that used to be known in kriva palanka. His brother has soooo many criminal files on his back but he is not going to go to prison. VMRO put him nachalnik, VMRO is covering him and his brother's past. Vmro is protecting them, same as SDSM was protecting their criminals. Corruption in Macedonia is out of hand and no one is doing anything to help the situation.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            The local tax office works on a concept called "Assets Betterment" when it is difficult to identify where the money has come from. If assets have accumulated by substantially more than the declared income supports, the taxpayer will be assessed on the value of accumulation in assets.

            At least get some tax out of these criminals!
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Jankovska
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1774

              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
              The local tax office works on a concept called "Assets Betterment" when it is difficult to identify where the money has come from. If assets have accumulated by substantially more than the declared income supports, the taxpayer will be assessed on the value of accumulation in assets.

              At least get some tax out of these criminals!
              I agree, Id tax them 50% if I could but that's just me. Worst they don't pay anything, like cable TV is own by one carinar who gives the rest free tv, while the other gives the rest free drinks... It's them against us, it's soooo funny. None of them will every say hi to you coz they are so much better than you even tho you grew up together. This people are a joke and are allowed to carry on doing whatever the hell they want. Ah ja da sum zakon samo malku


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Anouther positive step for the government.

                Bujar Osmani: If you would close hospitals and objectives

                Investigators from the Food Directorate and the State Sanitary Inspectorate of emergency began yesterday and strengthened controls on the accuracy of food and hygienic conditions in health-catering facilities, shops, food stores and in all health institutions across the country.
                Health Minister Bujar Osmani said that the emergency controls will make the high temperatures that recently swept Macedonia, because it increases the risk of food poisoning and the development of infections.
                On health care facilities that will be irregularities will be pointed to remove. If not removed, will be izrechuvaat misdemeanor charges. Inspectorate concluded that if necessary, close targets hospitals and clinics, whether private or public, "said Osmani.
                The controls will make 60 inspectors from the Food Directorate and the 43 inspectors from the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, and if necessary, will include health centers, the Institute of Public Health, and even the Ministry of Health. Under the plan, a day should be made 40 Ina controls. The Minister explained that special emphasis in this action will be placed on cities and tourist areas. He immediately announced that it will close those stores and catering facilities which will determine the presence of bacteria in food, working surface or a staff.


                • fyrOM
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 2180

                  Prolet proof that Gruevski is the devil insane or something wrong with him and cannot be trusted to lead the country. Impeachment proceedings must begin immediately to save the country. Have you ever heard of a polititian voluntarily taking a pay cut while improving payments to pensioners.

                  PM and Ministers slash their salaries in Budget rebalance

                  12 June 2010
                  With the new budget rebalance, the Macedonian prime minister and his cabinet will see their salaries slashed by 10%.

                  The budget was revised thanks to the ever so persistent world economic crisis and was seen more as a precautionary move by the Macedonian Government.

                  While Government ministers slashed their own salaries, they decided to keep everyone elses at the same levels. For instance, Macedonia's retirees will keep their 12-18% increase acquired during the last 18


                  • fyrOM
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2180

                    Prolet is part of the conspiracy. He is always first to defend the government yet faild to celebrate their 20 anniversary.ccc

                    Ruling Party celebrates 20 years anniversary

                    Tuesday, 15 June 2010

                    Ruling party VMRO-DPMNE is celebrating Tuesday the 20th establishment anniversary, with the central event being held in downtown Skopje.

                    Its leader and current Premier Nikola Gruevski is expected to address the event, taking place under the motto "It's About the Homeland - 20 Years VMRO-DPMNE", together with Vlado Trntalovski, one of party's founders, and Henri Bohnet, resident representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Skopje.

                    People from all over the country, party and government members, representatives of other political parties (VMRO-DPMNE coalition partners) and VMRO-DPMNE mayors are attending the celebration.

                    Today's celebrations were preceded by series of events, including promotions and debates related to topics from the party's history and current developments.

                    VMRO-DPMNE was established in Skopje on June 17, 1990 as successor of the historic VMRO, which worked for independent Macedonia. From the very beginning, the party urged for Macedonia's sovereignty from the Yugoslav federation, country's statehood and international recognition.

                    Ljubco Georgievski was elected first party leader, whereas the party obtained its ideological mark - rightist Demo-Christian party in 1995.

                    Current leader and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski was elected party president in 2003.


                    • Prolet
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 5241

                      Have you ever heard of a polititian voluntarily taking a pay cut while improving payments to pensioners.
                      Thats a very good question OziMak, but what would Gruevski know he is just an ordinary crook, dont wary he's got a house waiting for him in Florida like Ljubco Georgievski.

                      Keep in mind that Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor just complained recently that its hard to live with a 3000 Euro/month wage, i guess the Macedonian Premier must be a genious having 1/3 of that income for a wage.
                      МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                      • fyrOM
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 2180

                        Prolet the capcicums and tomatoes are cheaper in Macedonia because we are not in the eu that’s why Grujo can live it up.


                        • Jankovska
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1774

                          He is a crook, he probably has a villa waiting for him, his mother has flats all over Skopje, taking 10% is nothing if you gonna take 110% back. Mackanje oci. He is still in talks about out name and always talking about compromise. He also had a chance to break out of it all after the NATO veto he decided not to. Is he a crook and just an every day politician? Of course.
                          It's so very easy to copy newspaper aricles on the net, much harder when you have to go to the hospitals that seen the 'change' from the gov, or the apteki that 'provided' the medication by the gov. Articles don't make the lifes of the every day Macedonians better, action does. Their action is as good as nothing/


                          • Prolet
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 5241

                            Jankovska, Gruevski's mother Nadica who is the sister of Jordan Mijalkov lives in a 2 bedroom flat in Skopje. SDSM made that affair up and it fell through in a court of law.

                            Health Care actually got a higher budget, the whole of Europe is in recession Greece's credit rating has been downgraded to Junk Status and here you are making fun of the Government, just wait till you feel the strain in the UK now that Cameron's Government has to cut spending by 20% aswell as jack up the taxes something that has never happened before in the UK.
                            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                            • Jankovska
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1774

                              Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                              Jankovska, Gruevski's mother Nadica who is the sister of Jordan Mijalkov lives in a 2 bedroom flat in Skopje. SDSM made that affair up and it fell through in a court of law.

                              Health Care actually got a higher budget, the whole of Europe is in recession Greece's credit rating has been downgraded to Junk Status and here you are making fun of the Government, just wait till you feel the strain in the UK now that Cameron's Government has to cut spending by 20% aswell as jack up the taxes something that has never happened before in the UK.
                              I am not making fun of the gov, I am making fun of it's blind surporters. funny how everything connected to Grujo and VMRO being corrupted is 'made up' by SDSM, but all the others are corrupted because VMRO says so? You seem to really like repeating yourself and the crap you talk day after day- Bigger budgets? So? Have they done anything for the people? You are talking about budgets and medication and pay rises and all this crap when the actual situation is so much more different from that. I don't need you to tell me how Grujo and Co are planning to spend the money, I need you to tell me there is medication, there are beds, there are doctors, etc. All I get from you and your party is TALK TALK TALK while people suffer and suffer and suffer. Even I got tired of having to repeat myself, I wonder how you can still do it. Every day I open the papers I read about shortage of medication, about promises, about people treated like shit in hospitals, about basic stuff and your reply is BUDGETS. He has done NOTHING for the people, why can no one see that?

                              And I would say to you one thing, don't you worry about Cameron or Spain or anyone else, worry about Macedonia coz they will work it out. It;s us you need to worry about. I mean the actual poor people of Macedonia, not Grujo and Co.

