Greeks Terrorize Macedonian Tourists in Halkidiki

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  • Onur
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2389

    Originally posted by Mastika View Post
    If people want to visit a real sea, and not a Lake, then they should reallly be going to Croatia and Crna Gora. It is not that far by plane, and the costs have become more affordable. Even Turkey is a better option, and hopefully there will be more tourism, in both directions, when the new airport is finished.

    I am sure TAV would offer better and cheaper options to the Macedonians next year, when they finish the construction of your airports.

    Btw, no country in aegean and mediterranean section can match with Turkey in terms of tourism. Croatia is just a newly emerged destination and Greece cannot be considered as a rival to Turkey either since Turkey nearly doubles Greece anymore with the number of visitors and with the income and these statistics was before the Greek economic crisis issues.

    Close to 30 million foreign tourists are expected to come to Turkey this year while it`s around 15-16 million for Greece as i can see from Wikipedia. I believe even the little Croatia will surpass Greece in number of visitors in near future. Turkey will be ranked as 6th most preferred tourism destination in the world after Italy this year. I know that about %85 of these tourists comes from Europe, mostly Germans, Russians and British.

    Last edited by Onur; 08-01-2010, 10:21 AM.


    • Prolet
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 5241

      Mastika, Surly you know the difference between Greece and Egejska Makedonija.

      Onur, Some say that TAV is not a serious company and that they will not do a good job to take over the airports, alot of people are skeptical mainly those from the opposition parties i think TAV is more then capable to get the job done. I think they need to bring in the cheap airlines, people will be able to travel within Europe more.

      Here is the latest news, the general director of Hypo Adria Group from Austria who is Austrian had his car vandalized, there is an interview with him on Kanal 5.

      МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


      • fyrOM
        • Feb 2010
        • 2180

        Prolet I know which tooth hurts you. We all know the difference between Greece and Egejska Macedonia but not all Macedonian tourists are going only to egej Macedonia and even then are you suggesting they only frequent cafes ect owned by Macedonians.

        Do you realise the number of non Macedonians in egej and what proportion of this do you think are involved in truism industries. Lets not rock anything. Upto now everything has been working fine hasn’t it. If you think the status quo can be maintained and still somehow the Greeks will see the light and withdraw from Macedonia or at least fully recognise the Macedonian minority and grant them minority rights and give up on the name issue you are either delusional or know something the rest of us don’t. Care to explain how you see things turning out.

        Or is it a case of uncle has a café and any talk of tourist not going to Greece may effect his income so lets not change anything because even though the few euros he may or may not get will be a drop in the ocean compared to where the rest of the euros end up it’s the age old as long as im all right jack. On the one hand you say you want something but as long as its at absolutely no cost. Im sure that’s what all the comiti said. With that kind of thinking just call yourself Greek and don’t bother wasting your time with anything. Just let the rest of us know so we can too stop wasting our time.


        • fyrOM
          • Feb 2010
          • 2180

          May I suggest reading at least the first two posts of this thread.
          Macedonian Truth Forum > Macedonian Truth Forum > General Discussions
          Goce Delchev's legacy


          • fyrOM
            • Feb 2010
            • 2180

            Originally posted by Prolet View Post
            Mastika, Surly you know the difference between Greece and Egejska Makedonija.
            Stop posting rubbish like this. Its almost akin to disinformation and it belittles you to suggest we cant see past your words.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              I don't know if anybody realises how expensive it is to visit the beaches around Halkidiki. If Macedonians are going there, they have money to burn. Using some of the demented RoM logic about the evil Diaspora, these people should spend all of their money within Macedonia.

              I have not heard of anybody's car getting vandalized if they visit their relatives in Lerin or Kostur or Voden.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Prolet
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2009
                • 5241

                Risto, Its the Golden Dawn thats doing all this, they dont want to see our people in Egejska Makedonija so if we stop going there then it means they win. The reality is that we've always been going to Halkidiki why should we stop going now?

                Its not cheap but dont look at it that way, people dont go there and eat in restourants every day. They go to relax and they go to the beach, they also go with alot of friends and family.

                OziMak, Who is spreading disinformation? Understand that our people are going to Egejska Makedonija, we have always gone there for holidays why should we stop going? We are not about to loose our dignity just because some Neo Fascist group doesnt want us there. Many people even have holiday homes there, you cant buy property there but you can get a 99 year lease and there is no problem renewing it afterwards.

                Do you know what will happen if our people stopped going to Egejska Makedonija? It will go broke thats for sure, because 90% of the tourists there through the year are from Stari Kraj. These people are Macedonians, you saw the reports from Sitel and Kanal 5 they interviewed them when they came to Stari Kraj to fill up Petrol they all spoke Macedonian.

                I go to Solun quite often and i only speak Macedonian when i go and a bit of English they all understand even the younger generation. Im not about to segregate Macedonians from Egejska and Pirinska Makedonija, we are all Macedonians and if we start boycotting these places then the enemy has already beaten us, this is exactly what they want us to do.
                МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                  • Oct 2009
                  • 525

                  The United Macedonian Diaspora sent the following article English translation of the horrible vandalism on Macedonian cars to relevant authorities in the State Department and Congress handling U.S. policy towards Southeast Europe.

                  Here is the article:

                  Hope everyone will forward the same to their relevant policymakers.
                  For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

                  United Macedonian Diaspora

                  1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
                  Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail:

                  PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
                  Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail:

                  3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
                  Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail:


                  • fyrOM
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2180

                    Understand that our people are going to Egejska Makedonija, we have always gone there for holidays why should we stop going?

                    Where do you think Greece gets a lot of its income from. Tourism. Was it not you posting the thread about the Greeks spending hundreds of millions of euros on propaganda against Macedonians. You cannot be honestly saying you cannot make the connection. Give them stones to throw back at you. Greece has copped a blow. The choice is simple you give them a helping hand and they stand up and punch you in the face or withdraw your hand and hope they fall further. Pushing them over further requires military action and is simply not a choice but withholding support is. In the struggle for our identity is a permanent death knell and there is a need to do whatever you can. If you are going to support them then why bother doing anything else.

                    they all spoke Macedonian.

                    This is exactly what I am talking about akin to disinformation. You know very well that not everyone in egej is Macedonian. You also know the proportion is not some trivial 1 or 2 percent but a huge number. They all is a gross misrepresentation.

                    The poor RoM Macedonian is a lie. Are there no poor there. Ofcourse there are and so there is in Australia usa ect. If you want to see no individual in a disadvantaged state before you declare they are now not a poor country then your delusional. Many enjoy mobile phones internet pay TV and the Peugeot 206 or golf has replaced the fico as the default car. Let alone the ones who have better jobs and holiday in balli phuket Cuba ect. When people with ordinary jobs can show you photographs of their kids school excursion to France and all these other places around RoM. it’s the equivalent to me saying I went on a sleepover weekend school excursion to Bendigo to see the historical gold mines or week or two away to new Zealand to look at something. This is not poor. When fruit stall holder tells you they go to Bulgaria and Turkey for at least two weeks or more every year they are not poor. The 4 wheel drive damaged in the article would be say 35 to 40k aud at least. This is not poor. They have money to spend and they do. Saying they spend it in egej because they cant afford much is misrepresentation and akin to misinformation. It is a deliberate choice to spend it in egej or Greece because they like it.

                    Many people even have holiday homes there

                    Doesn’t sound very poor to me. How much does a holiday home cost. It goes to my point they like it.

                    Many people even have holiday homes there, you cant buy property there but you can get a 99 year lease and there is no problem renewing it afterwards.

                    And the truth comes out. We so much don’t want you here we will give you a 99 year lease. Greece loves the constant flow of income from Macedonian tourists. They also enjoy the petty acts of humiliation they can dish out to Macedonians. Why the hell not. If I had a bar and called you dickhead at the door and you go in and spend big on drinks what are you but a dickhead. And if you come back tomorrow and the rest of the week and each time im at the door to call you dickhead what are you now. A bigger dickhead. And if you come back next week ill not only call you dickhead but add extra words and keep adding to the words the more times you keep coming back. Any wonder Greece has no respect for RoM and demanded the name change include everything including the name written on our jocks.

                    Do you know what will happen if our people stopped going to Egejska Makedonija? It will go broke thats for sure, because 90% of the tourists there through the year are from Stari Kraj.

                    It’s the whole frigging point. Greece is down and if everyone stopped going there they just might collapse. Lets clap or will you be the dickhead raising funds for aid. From your comments and others not on this forum I get the impression the egej Macedonians want the Greeks to leave or at least give them full minority rights and restitution for their land and suffering so long as it is without any cost to them. Newsflash the Greeks are not that civil. When everything stays the same its not change. If you want change it will get uncomfortable. But why the egej people. Because they are there. Simple. Why are the Macedonians in RoM bitching at the diaspora its easy to be patriotic when your over there with your pocket full. Why should they have difficulty. Because they are there.

                    I go to Solun quite often...if we start boycotting these places then the enemy has already beaten us, this is exactly what they want us to do.

                    The enemy does not want you to stop throwing hundreds of millions of euros at them. The just enjoy dishing out humiliation while your being a dickhead.

                    The enemy has beaten nothing unless everyone in egej decides to leave. It’s the egejs land. If they are not prepared to struggle for it then maybe the don’t deserve it. No one from outside can come in and struggle everything for them such that they have no cost or anything more to do than cheer. The Macedonian human rights organisations are the outside help but they need to help the organisations. If Greece has no pain Greece wont care. See how well its gone since 1945. This is a rare opportunity to sink Greece. Don’t give them any helping hand when they are down. Criticise them in every media Macedonians can reach anywhere. Greeks are not that smart nor apologetic. The more they sink and are exposed for what they are the more they will argue. Ever watched two Greeks argue between themselves. There is a high chance they will escalate the strikes and eventually into possible violence.

                    Boo hoo I feel for them lets organise aid.

                    In the past I have heard both Slovenians and Croatians bitching about Yugoslavia. When they asked me how I felt and a free Macedonia I told them ofcourse I think Macedonia should be free but getting hot here is next to useless in achieving change until the people there do something. This is equally true now. We can help from afar but this is naturally limited. The people in Egejska and RoM are the ones who can do more. If they stand back and wait for everything from outside nothing will happen.

                    In my previous post I suggested you look at the first two posts in the thread Goce Delcevs legacy. Did you bother to read it. It goes to the crux of my point. The thinking and the will need to change because only from this will action spring up. I’m not a genius on Macedonian affairs. If a skip like me can read it and figure it out you guys should be like professors next to me.


                    • Epirot
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 399

                      I believe that the best way to response toward Greece's racism is to boycott them. This mean that both Albanians and Macedonians should not go in Greece's coast since going there mean that our monies goes in pockets of Greece's fascist mechanism. Afterwards, Greece use our monies against us. It is really not a wise thing to pay with money our death.

                      We should boycott them! Is it hard to understand such a simple action!?

                      As a friend of mine said: 'BOYCOTT IS A PATRIOTISM IN EUROPEAN STYLE'!

                      Greece did not hesitate to put an embargo against Macedonia during 1990's and it was already to put one also against Albania (for the so-called 'Northern Epirus'). See John Shea's book: 'Macedonia and Greece...'.

                      Both Albanians and Macedonians should co-operate together to boycott Greece's products, its tourism, etc.


                      • Makedonetz
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1080

                        My father hasn't been back to Egej since he left as a child and that is the only reason we wanted to go to Solun to visit his sister and my uncle who passed away & Mala Prespa. Thankgod it worked and we were allowed to enter i was shocked they didnt mention anything about our last names or anything. But other than that im not stepping foot in greece again untill one day its back to being Macedonia. Solun smells so bad it reminded me of a city here in Canada maybe it was from the ocean dunno
                        Makedoncite se borat
                        za svoite pravdini!

                        "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                        - Goce Delchev


                        • Prolet
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 5241

                          OziMak, So do you want to talk about food drops now? We are not a rich country but come on we are not utepani either. Vardarska Makedonija has by far the most refugees from Egejska Makedonija, they have kids,relatives etc who own large amount of property in Egejska Makedonija including those on the beaches there. If you talk about Mount Olimpija downwards then i'd agree with you but not Egejska Makedonija, i agree its not pretty it was alot worse in the Greek Embassy before they used to throw our passports onto the ground now its not as bad anymore either way its no different then me telling you to stop going to Strumica or Gevgelija who has the right to tell our people where we shouldnt be going?

                          Understand that we as Macedonians have a responsibility for all Macedonians and we cant give up on our people in Egejska Makedonija, just look at Coolski's post on Neret they dont even have internet in that village in this day and age its a bloody disgrace.

                          If we turn our backs on our own people in Egejska then they will have no choice but to integrate with the Greeks there and thats exactly what Neo Fascists like Golden Dawn want, its not about us financing Greek tourism its about helping out our own people. Just remember one thing, most of the people in Egejska Makedonija are somehow related to us. Whether its by blood or marriage it makes no difference, we need to integrate with our people and now that the borders are open we can do that.

                          Remember that Greece will always be our neighbor like them or hate them thats not our problem but i would rather see our people live a normal life, have basic human rights, be able to speak our language,learn in schools,be able to travel to Stari Kraj when they want, live free then to see Greece fold as a country its not up to me to throw kletvi at others God will decide what is right and wrong. Our people in Egejska Makedonija are slowly waking up and realizing that they have people on their side who are with them and support them, Branko Crvenkovski neglected them in the 90s and this is why our relations were terrible then now things must change, this is why Gruevski is reaching out to the Diaspora.
                          МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                          • Jankovska
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1774

                            We should close the borders, now it's the time. Let them be, I wonder where they gonna go, Turkey?
                            As for the holidays, Risto Macedonians holiday differently, at least they used to. When we went on holiday to Greece, or Bulgaria or Croatia we always stayed private accomodation, one house for a couple of families at least. We brought our own food from Macedonia, we even took our own tomatos and piperki and sardini and pasteti etc. You load the car and it takes you throught. The markets were too expensive. My uncle and aunty still holiday like this. They stayed a 4 member family in Turkey in a lovely house for 10 days and it cost them 600 euros. That is including petrol, house hire, everything. My brother just went to Bulgaria na odmor, he stayed in a house with friends for 10 euros per night. They took their own food so the only money they spend is on booze (being young and mad). We holiday differently. Hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs...oooopss easy into thousands of pounds


                            • Serdarot
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 605

                              Originally posted by Mastika View Post

                              True Macedonians, do NOT go to Greece on holiday!
                              well, like many already wrote, visiting family, friends, Makedonski Panagjur - is one thing.

                              going there on sommer holidays = universaly stupid.

                              but listen, those people who go there, they are mostly not True Macedonians, they are Skopjani,"skopianos".

                              frustrated low iq-ed little dicke-ed loosers who´s greatest achievment is that they somehow live in Skopje.

                              those who are from Skopje, or who knows "skopjani", knows what i am talking about

                              actualy, also some people from other RoM´s cities are traveling to our southern neighbor, but they are also "skopianos", same kind of people


                              i will enter free Egejska
                              i will enter to fight for free Egejska

                              but i will surely not go there to give them my money for visiting my grandfathers land.

                              i am not SO stupid
                              Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                              • Mastika
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 503

                                Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                                well, like many already wrote, visiting family, friends, Makedonski Panagjur - is one thing.

                                going there on sommer holidays = universaly stupid.

                                but listen, those people who go there, they are mostly not True Macedonians, they are Skopjani,"skopianos".

                                frustrated low iq-ed little dicke-ed loosers who´s greatest achievment is that they somehow live in Skopje.

                                those who are from Skopje, or who knows "skopjani", knows what i am talking about

                                actualy, also some people from other RoM´s cities are traveling to our southern neighbor, but they are also "skopianos", same kind of people


                                i will enter free Egejska
                                i will enter to fight for free Egejska

                                but i will surely not go there to give them my money for visiting my grandfathers land.

                                i am not SO stupid
                                You probably realised this already, but in my statement i was attacking those taking non-essential trips to Greece, buying Greek food, staying in Greek hotels, etc. etc., and thus indirectly funding the Greek efforts to negate the Macedonian identity etc.

