Greeks Terrorize Macedonian Tourists in Halkidiki

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  • Onur
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2389

    Varna, Bulgaria is also an option for you.

    I was there last year. The water and beaches are kinda crap cuz it`s a Blacksea coast but the city was OK. Only problem for me was, most people couldn't speak English or French and i was having trouble communicating with them if there was no Bulgaria citizen Turks around but this shouldn't be a problem for Macedonians either since i guess you can understand them.

    I would say that you can come to Turkey as well but it can be tiresome to come here by car. I think when TAV finishes your airports, they can arrange cheap flights to Turkey, so it would be much easier for Macedonians to come here.


    • Epirot
      • Mar 2010
      • 399

      Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
      Racism is rampant in Greece.
      Croatia or Montenegro are the better alternatives and much cheaper.

      SoM the pictures are from here:
      In my personal opinion, both Macedonians and Albanians should not go in Greece as a tourists because that is very profitable for fascist machinery of Greece. Why should we pay them who behave like a Nazi-Fascists toward our people? Every euro that we spent in Greece as a tourist goes in our disfavor.

      I understand that many Macedonian have emotional links with Aegean Macedonia coast but however going there as a tourist isn't good thing. I also wish to go in Chameria where its shores in Ionian Sea are just miraculous. But going there mean that my monies strength tourism of Greece... and I am not interested in that.

      I advice Macedonian friends to go in Albania because it is better alternative (rather than Bulgaria or Greece) and of course its cheaper.

      I observed from recent years that many Macedonians prefers Albanian sea.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        Originally posted by Epirot View Post
        I understand that many Macedonian have emotional links with Aegean Macedonia coast but however going there as a tourist isn't good thing. I also wish to go in Chameria where its shores in Ionian Sea are just miraculous. But going there mean that my monies strength tourism of Greece... and I am not interested in that.

        I advice Macedonian friends to go in Albania because it is better alternative (rather than Bulgaria or Greece) and of course its cheaper.

        Yes, thats true Epirot. Greeks expelled ~35.000 Cham Albanians to outside of Greece without any proper reason and i wouldn't go there if i would be an Albanian either.

        Yet they accuse Turkey because we expelled Armenians in Anatolia and by calling this as a genocide. Actually, it wasn't even expulsion, it was a shift because we send them to Syria and current Armenia but both of these territories was still belonged to Ottoman Empire at that time. So we didn't expel them outside the Ottoman Empire. Besides, Armenians started a civil war by collaborating with Russians and France while Turkey was at war vs them but i don't think that was the case with all the ~35.000 Cham Albanians in Greece.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          I hope more Macedonians visit Greek occupied Macedonia and more of them suffer the fate of the Nissan. It may wake them from their slumber.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Gor@n
            • Jul 2010
            • 7

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            I hope more Macedonians visit Greek occupied Macedonia and more of them suffer the fate of the Nissan. It may wake them from their slumber.
            stop man, don't be so biased

            They won't chop you into pieces and throw you into a river


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Goran, how many times have you been there?
              Greeks want the Macedonian identity dead.
              They will tell you how they will treat you nice after you change your identity. Macedonians need more interactions with Greeks to see how deep rooted their hatred is.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Phoenix
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 4671

                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                I would agree with you if it was Southern Greece but we are talking about Egejska Makedonija here. How do you expect parents with small children to travel 10 hours in the car to get to a beach?

                OziMak, Why cant you see that 90% of the people are going to Egejska Makedonija? Surly people have the right to go there, its like somebody saying that you shouldnt be going to Dojran or Strumica.

                The moment we stop going there is the moment the Fascists from Golden Dawn will win their battle with us, they dont want us there.
                Prolet, I seriously question what their motivation is...I don't think its about visiting Egejska Makedonija as such, I think its more about bragging rights in that they visited 'greece' for their holidays...

                There's an incredibly arrogant element of the Macedonian tourist sector who can afford to holiday outside of Macedonia, this is the crowd that makes the fabled ugly Australian Macedonian tourist look particularly humble...I've run into this beast in Egypt at the Pyramids, I have never seen a bigger bunch of arrogant Macedonian and assorted Balkan tossers, concentrated in the one location.


                • Big Bad Sven
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1528

                  Prolet, as others have said its not about visiting relatives in aegean macedonia. If that was the case they would be spending all of their holiday time in Lerin,Kostur etc. Chalkidiki itself has almost no macedonians thanks to the "wonderful" work the griks have done, face it the macedonians only go to Chalkidiki to party and have "bragging rights".

                  I dont know why macedonians in the republic always go to shit holes like Grease, bulgaria,serbia, and albania for summer holidays where the population treat them like dirt. Espicially Grease, were the econemy is going down the toilet and we are pumping money back into it...

                  You cant use the distance to Crna Gora and Croatia as a excuse. I have cousins who live and work in the selo that drive up to Crna Gora or Croatia for a summer holiday every year or so, and i have friends in Skopje that get relatively good deals on flights to Turkey...


                  • slovenec zrinski
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 385

                    I would agree with you if it was Southern Greece but we are talking about Egejska Makedonija here. How do you expect parents with small children to travel 10 hours in the car to get to a beach?
                    In the 70´s and 80´s my family travelled for two days from Sweden, to go to Dalmacija. It CAN be done, you know, if you have the will and stamina
                    Add the 3 hour wait at the border between Yugoslavia and Austria in 35 degrees C without air condition. People are so damn fragile these days

                    I can´t for the life of me understand why Macedonians choose to go to the seaside of a country that negates you. I think
                    Macedonians are heartely welcomed in Croatia.


                    • fyrOM
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 2180

                      Prolet when I sit in a café I do not only listen to the people at my table. As tables are very close it is easy to listen to other tables. I have personally heard a group putting down a member at their table for planning to go on a group trip to Ohrid planned via their work to get discount rates instead of going to Greece as a so you cant afford it haha. It has a lot to do with bragging rights as they continued to recant past trips outside of RoM. It is everything to do with bragging rights and how worldly and sophisticated you are and nothing to do with visiting family or friends.

                      I have absolutely nothing against Macedonians from anywhere in the world going to visit family or friends in any occupied part of Macedonia. Realistically even though their money will end up supporting the Greek economy I think it would be a bit much to expect them not to see family or friends as there is no other choice but many Macedonians are not going for this purpose.

                      Tourism is the sweetest dollar or Euro you can earn because you don’t need factories ect and the mark up is huge and that’s why every country wants tourists. Its that simple. I know people want a holiday but by going on a frivolous holiday to Greece they are directly supporting the very people who want to exterminate you. Its insane. It reminds me of the Marxist joke when it comes time to hang the capitalists they will be tripping over each other to be the one to sell us the rope.

                      Why are you or any of us on this site or any other for that matter. Why are you so concerned about the name or anything. If it really doesn’t matter then forget everything of the past change the name and become world citizens work anywhere holiday anywhere and da tie oka sol vo ustata anytime you ever say the word Macedonia or refer to yourself as anything akin to a Macedonian and I hope to god everyone spits in your face every time you do as this is exactly what it will mean for all of us.

                      It doesn’t take a brainiak to know the Greeks hate you and would rather you not exist. The evidence on this site alone is in abundance. Read it some time if you forgot. And one day when you see your forefathers they can remind you what they went through and you can explain to them why you think it doesn’t matter and how closer it is than other locations and how much more convenient it is.


                      • Onur
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 2389

                        Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
                        I think
                        Macedonians are heartely welcomed in Croatia.

                        2 of my friends gone to Dubrovnik month ago. They liked it so much. I also heard that it`s one of the most popular international destinations for the Turkish people this year.


                        • Svetlana
                          Junior Member
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 3

                          I hear Turkey is where it's at. I love Turkish people and feel close to them.


                          • Prolet
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 5241

                            Macedonian Tourists Welcomed in Greece, sort of...
                            Sunday, 01 August 2010

                            More good news out of Greece keeps on coming for Macedonian tourists.

                            Numerous Macedonian families apart from spending hundreds of euros and contributing in resurrecting Greece's dreadful economy receive additional presents from their hosts.

                            They return home with flat tires, scratched doors, painted slogans on windshields, doors, hoods. This is part of Greece's national program "You Come to Us, Spend your Money and We Damage your Car".

                            To be fair, this program is part of the "Platinum package". Only the Macedonians qualify for this elite package with their nice looking and easily recognized MK license plates.

                            Serbian and Romanian tourists are not as fortunate as the Macedonians. They are in the "Silver Package", the one Greece calls "You Come to Us, And We Give you No Gas, So You Can'T return Home = Spend more Money Here" .

                            I urge more Macedonians to travel to Greece for their shopping and vacationing needs, particularly those aching for free paint jobs. This offer is available for a limited time, while paint supplies last. //Gorazd V.

                            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                            • Prolet
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 5241

                              Onur, Dubrovnik is a magical place, its the only city along with Ohrid thats protected by UNESCO. Dubrovnik the old part while Ohrid is fully covered.

                              The Croatians are very polite and welcoming, if you go to a restaurant there its hard not to give a tip. Its like going to Europe really, nothing like the Balkans but one day we'll get there.
                              МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                              • Mastika
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 503

                                If you are holidaying in Greece then I hope that your car is scratched and damaged. I don't understand how people can even justify going to Greece on holiday, when Greece wants to see the end of the Macedonian identity/people/language. If people want to visit a real sea, and not a Lake, then they should reallly be going to Croatia and Crna Gora. It is not that far by plane, and the costs have become more affordable. Even Turkey is a better option, and hopefully there will be more tourism, in both directions, when the new airport is finished.

                                True Macedonians, do NOT go to Greece on holiday!

