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  • Rogi
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2343

    So you claim to represent Microsoft then? I'm still confident you have no real understanding of how it works. And how does my expertise in this field make any difference to whether the MTO site is up/down? I don't run this site nor do I have any access to it other than as a regular poster.

    Mind you, had you said Google, Apple, or any company that can deliver products without the bugs that Microsoft's suite of products has, then I might have had some respect for that post.

    You made an attack, which was based on an assumption you made, which is your mistake. Don't get upset now that someone pulls you up on it, and on the complete lack of merit in your technical claims that you persist with, particularly when you try to blow it up into some sort of real issue. Or do you expect to be able to make any sort of claim and everyone else to keep their mouths shut?

    I don't operate that way, I am on this forum and others to post on the matters that I know about, this is one such matter.
    Last edited by Rogi; 09-02-2010, 10:49 AM.


    • Makedonska_Kafana
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2010
      • 2642

      Originally posted by Rogi View Post
      So you claim to represent Microsoft then?

      Mind you, had you said Google, Apple, or any company that can deliver products without the bugs that Microsoft's suite of products has, then I might have had some respect for that post.
      Nope, you seem to have more knowledge then they do and how things really work. 99.9% of the time that message is dead on and a safe bet. Was it wrong this time?

      According to you it was 100% wrong so no need for you to justify .. maybe's
      Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 10:50 AM.

      Macedonia for the Macedonians


      • Makedonska_Kafana
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 2642


        How and why did most of this start?

        Topic - World Macedonian Diaspora
        Please let me know what Macedonians are doing where you live. This will be an action and event message centre not hey lets support the Government of Macedonia - DIASPORA MATTERS and CONCERNS Thanks

        Originally posted by indigen

        Secondly, I have seen (read some of your Maknews postings) that you have a very big soft spot for the anti-Macedonian TATAROMAN "MPO" organisation, too! This, IMHO, will not be entertained much by many of the other MTO forum posters and I say this just to FOREWARN YOU on the state of the nation in regards to this topic.
        Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 10:59 AM.

        Macedonia for the Macedonians


        • Rogi
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2343

          I did not say it was wrong. I said YOU were wrong, there is a huge difference - the difference is in your lack of understanding on what that site actually reports back and the assumption you made based on that lack of understanding.

          I have justified it above and with your last post you just showed your lack of understanding of how sites like work.

          Read and re-read my post.

 reported correctly that the server running is up and running.

          It does NOT however, report on whether that server is showing you the correct content, which is not something it can deduce from a simple ping request, which is all it really does.

          So if the forum software crashes and the site starts showing the default landing page by the hosting company, it will still report that the server is up, whereas you will only be seeing that page that you saw (the image you posted, which I reposted for you above).

          If however there is an issue with the DNS server, which does happen, then it doesn't always affect all ISP's. In fact this happened a couple of years ago with which affected millions of people around the world, whilst being find for the rest. In this case, the site might tell you that the site is up for everyone, and down just for you, because their ISP/Host/Server may be on the network that is unaffected by said DNS Server issue.

          So if you didn't understand that, then forget it. Besides, I don't really care whether you get it or not, but I will still pull you up and correct you when you, or anyone, tries to use a technical argument that is without merit, to back up any claims and assumptions. I didn't even want to get into this issue, if it weren't for you trying to use a technical argument withouy understanding it fully, to back your claim.
          Last edited by Rogi; 09-02-2010, 11:02 AM.


          • Makedonska_Kafana
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2010
            • 2642

            All could have been avoided if it wasn't for what I posted above your last.

            "FOREWARN YOU" - Red flag


            Go ahead and make excuses and or justify his reasons for that addition and warning ..
            Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 11:13 AM.

            Macedonia for the Macedonians


            • Makedonska_Kafana
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2010
              • 2642

              RTG, I didn't not come here to knock the MTO; however, there was NO NEED for a FORE WARNING when I had not even mentioned the MPO.

              He's looking to start something with me and I'm very willing when required to do so - he made it very personal
              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 11:18 AM.

              Macedonia for the Macedonians


              • Rogi
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2343

                That has nothing to do with anything does it? That's one poster, you are another and an issue between you two and his post upset you - but that's no reason for you to then jump up and down attacking the entire forum, etc.

                How does that relate to you claiming that the admins banned you?


                • Makedonska_Kafana
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 2642

                  Originally posted by rogi View Post

                  How does that relate to you claiming that the admins banned you?
                  knew it, another piss poor excuse. Is he a mod? if he is (?) would look rather fishy I would have to say ..

                  Q. where does one find the names of admins and mods? Ok, i just found where it is!
                  Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 11:36 AM.

                  Macedonia for the Macedonians


                  • Makedonska_Kafana
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 2642

                    I don't mind discussing the MPO or ANY other organization as long as it's not posed as a FORE WARNING = simple

                    Macedonia for the Macedonians


                    • Rogi
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2343

                      "Another" piss poor excuse? Please, do you think you 'won' the argument over your baseless technical claim?

                      By the way, he is not an admin or mod, he is a regular poster like you and I are. Again with the assumptions...

                      Anyway, I am over it, this thread has lost my interest.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Makedonska_Kafana, far be it from me to describe the intricacies of the internet. But surely you might eventually agree that the site would still be accessible to you if you were banned. Thessalo-Niki would also agree that he can still access Maknews but is no longer able to post there. In your case, you could not even view the site. Truthfully, there was indeed a very disturbing glitch on the domain that you were the first to point out the day before.

                        I believe I am one of view people who actually has faith that you can contribute positively to dialogue. Your rant was not warranted because you were not banned, plain and simple.

                        I even put aside your previous rants against the MTO because I thought it finally occurred to you that Maknews is a compromised forum which cannot be honest and transparent in relation to some of its agendas, particularly as they relate to the UMD.

                        If this is all the least bit embarrassing for you, I think an apology and a commitment to not creating any new threads on this forum is in order. You are always welcome to contribute constructively on pre-existing threads.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Stojacanec
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 809

                          Seriously, I had a problem accessing the site for a couple of days.

                          As I understand there is a formal process for getting banned. I don't expect an obscure computer problem translates to a definate ban.

                          We should move on from this and discuss points that matter.


                          • indigen
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 1558

                            Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post

                            How and why did most of this start?
                            Originally Posted by indigen
                            Secondly, I have seen (read some of your Maknews postings) that you have a very big soft spot for the anti-Macedonian TATAROMAN "MPO" organisation, too! This, IMHO, will not be entertained much by many of the other MTO forum posters and I say this just to FOREWARN YOU on the state of the nation in regards to this topic.
                            Topic - World Macedonian Diaspora
                            Please let me know what Macedonians are doing where you live. This will be an action and event message centre not hey lets support the Government of Macedonia - DIASPORA MATTERS and CONCERNS Thanks

                            WHERE WAS MPO MENTIONED IN THAT THREAD?
                            Do you not consider the "MPO" part of the Macedonian Diaspora and was not the topic "World Macedonian Diaspora"? I know and YOU know that you do so don't play the aggrieved innocent party here! What is so bad in what I said?

                            Definition of warning:
                            An instance that warns or discourages prospective imitators

                            Thus forewarn is to give an advance awareness to you on how most MTO posters view the "MPO" here and a link was provided so that you (or anyone else) can read and see what are the views vis-a-vis "MPO". Clearly it is advisable for new members to read what are the views of a given forum community before they jump in head-first with posting their views and perspectives on any given issue.

                            Lastly, slandering me is like water off a duck's back and I intend to ignore you as an erratic and ideologically confused individual. As for your mental state, I really don't care but, judging by your past and recent Online behaviour, it seems that you need to look into it and seek some qualified advice. If I were to advise, I would say you should slow down and think first before posting more gibberish nonsense.



                            • Makedonska_Kafana
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 2642

                              Originally posted by indigen View Post

                              Do you not consider the "MPO" part of the Macedonian Diaspora and was not the topic "World Macedonian Diaspora"?

                              Forum Tagging and friends gathering Utočište, sanatorijum, galerija i kafana Liverpool FC fans forum. A place to rant, discuss and vent with other fans about Liverpool FC. All welcome.

                              Get back to me ..
                              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 09-02-2010, 10:02 PM.

                              Macedonia for the Macedonians


                              • Egejska
                                Junior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 72

                                Unity is a word not known to Macedonians or what?
                                An idea whose time has come, cannot be stopped by any army or any government.
                                Ron Paul.

                                Don't steal. The government hates competition.

