The Fait of Iran

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    The Fait of Iran

    Does anyone remember Nostradin Hodga aka Nostradamus…mmm…

    The decision on the fate of Iran on the outcome of clashes between the two streams in America

    Случувањата околу Иран почнуваат да личат на мексиканска сапуница. Американците и Англичаните никако не можат да дојдат до решение дали и кога ќе се бомбардира Иран. Израел станува нервозен до таа

    Developments around Iran are beginning to resemble a Mexican soap. Americans and Englishmen simply can not reach a decision on whether and when bombing Iran. Israel became nervous to the point and Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that eventually, if the others give up, they'll start "preventive" bombing of nuclear installations in Iran.

    What really happens there?

    Iran's geo-strategic point of view is one of the most important countries in the Middle East. The Islamic republic has a multi-tradition consists of 70 million mostly Shia Muslims and enjoys great respect in the Islamic world. Iran is one of the most important countries in the so-called belt between the spheres of influence of Russia and the Anglo-Americans. It is no accident that in 1943 the famous conference of the three leaders was held just in Tehran.

    Significance of Iran grows proportionally with the growth of global demand for energy, which further contributes most formidable Chinese growth rate. In Iran there are huge reserves of gas. Many argue that the Western project of Nabucco pipeline depends on precisely those stocks, so the increased presence of Americans in that area in the last decade is interpreted as a need to put under the direct control of one of the richest energy regions in the world.

    But Iran for years working on conquering the nuclear technology. Although Tehran insists on the fact that it takes place in peaceful purposes, previous experiences show that needs only a small step to the passage of military use. And when that happens, North Korea, it well illustrates, such a state acquired full sovereignty and any armed action becomes absolutely excluded. After installing the nuclear weapons Iran would become militarily untouchable and the other would be one of the dominant forces in this important region.

    Governments of Israel, the United States and Britain repeatedly said that such a development is unacceptable. Therefore have been trying through international organizations and global public opinion to pressure Iran to stop developing nuclear technology, or to fully open its facilities for supervision by the UN. Because the government does not want Iran to fully meet those requirements, to Iran last spring to introduce a new package of economic sanctions. President Ahmadinejad responded accusing the Americans that they have directed the events of September 11.

    According to some sources, plans to attack Iran had been made before 4-5 years and this option all the time is obviously on the table. However, the events surrounding last year's early elections for president of Iran, showed that westerners have tried to solve the problem with some kind of colored revolution such as occurred earlier in Serbia, Ukraine and Georgia.

    So-called reform forces gathered around the presidential candidate with the aura of the moderate nationalist Mousavi and lifted the whole network of nongovernmental organizations, and appeared a version of "resistance."

    Although Ahmadinejad won nearly double the votes of Moussawi, the opposition tried through street protests to contest the results and to impose its candidate. The process ended unsuccessfully, although the U.S., Britain and the EU issued a protest and demanded repeat elections. Interestingly, the regimes in China, Russia, Brazil, immediately congratulated Ahmadinejad. For internal destabilization Security Council of the Revolution most Britons accused, while global public reminded that they and the Americans half a century already done coup against then Prime Minister Mosadek.

    Further complications caused the recent decision by Russia to end already agreed delivery of weapons to Iran, which includes missile system S-300 as the best protection against air attacks. A similar decision by the Russian leadership in 1999 to facilitate the NATO bombing campaign in the FRY.

    While the Russian regime calls for the observance of sanctions, experts speculate about the real motives: to hear arguments that Russia does not fit another Islamic nuclear power in the region, but the suit further trapped the Americans and the rise in oil prices, to the thesis that they slowly and the West share the world of interesting areas and that some others will not interfere in the zones of responsibility.

    If all this is so, why Americans are reluctant? First response should be sought in their internal politics. Although lobijata of Israel naftashite and arms merchants in America are very strong, the opposition every day stronger. Through the movement of Tea parties are waking up classic American right, which requires reducing the consumption of domestic and arranging finance.

    Anyway, najzadolzhenata country in the world not to open a third front. On this adventure and the Pentagon are opposed and obaveshtajnite circles. It shows the terrible effects on the price of oil, the destabilization of Iraq, lifting the entire Islamic world, and so on. The collision between the two streams in America gets the vigor and its outcome will probably depend on the decision on the fate of Iran.
  • Frank
    • Mar 2010
    • 687

    America's demonising of Iran and its people have no bounds

    Whilst the Brits await more home gown attacks on their Streets which they thoroughly deserve if they dare strike Persia

    Russia and China would not tolerate a weakened Iran with American Influence and Iran it self is a formidable foe on its own


    • DirtyCodingHabitz
      • Sep 2010
      • 835

      Originally posted by Frank View Post
      America's demonising of Iran and its people have no bounds
      YouTube - No War for Israel in Iran - Keep Americans Safe


      • Frank
        • Mar 2010
        • 687

        The War Hawks are allot loader then the anti war brigade unfortunately, but this time I don't think they(war party) will get their way


        • fyrOM
          • Feb 2010
          • 2180

          Frank Israel have in the past threatened to go it alone to bomb Iran. Recently the usa has cautioned them not to and Israel has complied but stating that they only did so because Iran is not quite there yet with a nuclear bomb and if their spies told them the Iranians were too close they would bomb them. Its not a nice picture.


          • Coolski
            • Sep 2008
            • 747

            It is an interesting article politically speaking, but knowing many Iranian students, I can tell you that while they want Iran to be independent, powerful and independent from the west's manipulation, the current regime is horrible for them mainly because they hate the Islamic restrictions.
            - Секој чоек и нација има можност да успеат колку шо си дозволуваат. Нема изговор.
            - Every human and nation has the ability to be as great or as weak as they allow themselves to be. No excuses.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              That is my understanding as well Coolski. Their freedom has been eroded under the current regime but they are still (rightly) proud of their identity.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • DirtyCodingHabitz
                • Sep 2010
                • 835

                Their is no actual evidence that Iran has Nuclear weapons. They misquote the Iranian president and the rest of the leaders. The media will lie and convince people that Iran is a threat and a terrorist country. The media will lie and convince Christians that crazy Muslims are going to bomb the world.

                They did this for Iraq .


                • Frank
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 687

                  It is an interesting article politically speaking, but knowing many Iranian students, I can tell you that while they want Iran to be independent, powerful and independent from the west's manipulation, the current regime is horrible for them mainly because they hate the Islamic restrictions.
                  Yes that is my experience too, Iranians are a Intelligent and very Polite People


                  • Frank
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 687

                    Frank Israel have in the past threatened to go it alone to bomb Iran. Recently the usa has cautioned them not to and Israel has complied but stating that they only did so because Iran is not quite there yet with a nuclear bomb and if their spies told them the Iranians were too close they would bomb them. Its not a nice picture.
                    In fact they have bombed sites in 2007 and 2008 already, but fully fledged War is an entirely different commitment


                    • Daskalot
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 4345

                      Time is circular, it is all repeating itself ala invasion of Iraq in 2003.
                      Macedonian Truth Organisation

