Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • slovenec zrinski
    • Sep 2008
    • 385

    Wasn´t the Sandzhak of Hercegovina part of the Sandzhak of Bosnia during Ottoman times?
    Wasn´t Bosnia Hercegovina seen as one entity during the time of Autro-Hungarian empire? Divided in 6 districs?
    If Bosnia and the Bosnians was a creation of Tito then Macedonia and the Macedonians also was a creation of Tito. Damn..the Greeks and Bulgarians have been right all this time


    • makedonche
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2008
      • 3242

      Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
      Wasn´t the Sandzhak of Hercegovina part of the Sandzhak of Bosnia during Ottoman times?
      Wasn´t Bosnia Hercegovina seen as one entity during the time of Autro-Hungarian empire? Divided in 6 districs?
      If Bosnia and the Bosnians was a creation of Tito then Macedonia and the Macedonians also was a creation of Tito. Damn..the Greeks and Bulgarians have been right all this time
      hahahaha..........don't be so cheeky!
      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        RTG you are right about albanian righhts they allways had them but they want more rights & more priveleges to the point they are threatening us.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • slovenec zrinski
          • Sep 2008
          • 385

          I am in a cheeky mood today Makedonche


          • Brian
            • Oct 2011
            • 1130

            Originally posted by slovenec zrinski View Post
            I am in a cheeky mood today Makedonche
            "Cheeky" is the word.
            Yeah, yeah, technicalities. I was over generalising.

            Being "seen" is one thing but having two names means 2 parts no matter where the 'border' was pushed back and forth and by whom.
            Last edited by Brian; 02-28-2012, 05:49 AM.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              Guys you are forgetting that tito had a time machine.He was able to go back into time change things.Have you not read TM"s Tito time machine series?
              Ok if Tito Created the Macedonians in 1944,what were they before that & also for hundreds of centuries before that Macedonia is one country with a population of macedonian people otherwise it would not be called macedonia.To all greeks,bulgarians,albanians,a nice try at denying the existence of macedonians but evidence is overwhelming in our favour.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Komita
                • May 2009
                • 243


                Aлбански херои ќе ги красат улиците на Скопје

                Булевари, улици и мостови во Скопје, според ДУИ, треба да се именуваат и по идеолозите за етничка Албанија, односно по патриотите што се залагале за албанската кауза како Хасан Приштина, Бајрам Цури, Иса Болетини, Дервиш Цара, Исмаил Ќемали, Јусуф Гарвала... Владејачката ДУИ ги предлага и топонимите Дарданија, Илирија, Арберија, Скадар, Приштина и Тирана

                Повеќе од 1.000 имиња на улици, плоштади и мостови во Скопје ќе бидат ставени во игра за преименување, дознава „Дневник“ од извори во Советот на Град Скопје. Меѓу предлозите околу 100 се имиња на значајни личности и настани за Албанците, а се очекува повеќе од 200 предлози да поминат. Ако коалициските партнери ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и ДУИ се договорат, тогаш метрополата наскоро ќе добие „рамковни“ имиња на улици, плоштади и мостови.

                Според сознанија на „Дневник“ денеска треба да заседава Kомисијата за именување улици, плоштади, мостови и други инфраструктурни објекти. Партијата на Али Ахмети доставила до Kомисијата 43 предлози, ВМРО-ДПМНЕ повеќе од 150 предлози, а шест предлози доставила група граѓани. Но, впечатливо е тоа што вчера ниту во ДУИ ниту во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ не сакаа да потврдат ни дали ќе има седница, ни дали коалициските партнери веќе постигнале договор за Скопје да добие нови имиња на улиците, плоштадите и мостовите.

                Според извори во Градот, освен најновите 200 предлози од коалициските партнери, Kомисијата ќе треба да разгледува и околу 800 предлози кои во изминативе три години ги доставиле другите советнички групи, но и граѓани и здруженија.

                Молк во ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и во ДУИ

                Во обид да дознаеме дали денеска во Советот на Градот ќе почне процедурата за преименување на улиците, плоштадите и мостовите во главниот град, се обративме до советниците на ДУИ, но тие одбија да коментираат со образложение дека се на состаноци. Kоординаторката на советничката група на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Дафина Саздова ни изјави дека нема таква информација.

                - Првпат слушам дека сме се усогласиле за промена на имињата на улиците. Немам никаква информација и дека ќе заседава Kомисијата за именување - ни изјави Саздова.

                I wont translate this let Niko do it, because I'm going to puke all over my screen if I start translating.
                Слава му на Бога за се


                • TRAVOLTA
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 504

                  :shit is in the house....


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    I think the ethnic Albanians are already getting everything they want, whenever they want it. Changing that many street names etc would be a too blatant display of their influence. I don't think it will happen but am used to being surprised at how willingly RoMacedonians have given up so much already.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Brian
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1130

                      In a previous post I said the country's been sold.

                      It doesn't make sense to you because you are just looking at things the 'wrong way' - the Albanian fighters were not terrorist, they were Macedonian patriotic freedom fighters living up to the oath of defending the fatherland from "external and internal enemies" against the evil oppressive Macedonian government of the day so that's why they deserve memorials for the fallen and war pensions for the rest. We should be thankful for their service and handing out medals. The Albanians are not making changes to your country (like school, street, ect name changes), and your way of life, they are making improvements to OUR country which we both own EQUALLY (well, more like 60/40 their way but that's just a technicality) for which we should be glad and grateful for showing us how and taking the lead to improve OUR country.

                      Can you see how if you realise the country's been sold a person is not steeling something when it already belongs to them.

                      If this isn't stopped now then this will be Macedonia's reality. The damned thing is noone is protesting about it and worse not even using logical argument against them - like you might be an ethnic Albanian but you are a Macedonian and honouring the first Albanian (ie from Albania the country) Prime Minister has nothing to do with Macedonia nor YOU because you are NOT an Albanian - get it? If the Macedonian people are not bothering to even use these kinds of arguments then they might as well start learning Albanian from grade 1 and Macedonian from grade 4 and turn that 'warrior on a horse' statue into horse on a warrior.


                      • Niko777
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 1895

                        Originally posted by Komita View Post

                        Aлбански херои ќе ги красат улиците на Скопје
                        -Hey buddy where are you?

                        -I am standing at the corner of UCK Boulevard and Hasan Ahmet Prishtina Ali Street, where are you?

                        -I am taking a break at Skenderbeg Square

                        -Beside the statue of Skenderbeg?

                        -No, right infront of the State University of Tetova campus.

                        -Okay, I'll meet you there in 10min but first I have to pick up my little brother from "UCK Martyr Ismail Kemali" Kindergarden.


                        God Bless Skopje! (Shkup)
                        Last edited by Niko777; 02-28-2012, 03:04 PM.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          So Niko the albanians even got their own university with their own albanian diplomas.Originally other universities laughed at them because they wanted to issue albanian degrees.It's like me opening up an australian university in albania & issuing my own australian degrees.If they got that their way what else is left ithink that they are going overboard.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                            -Hey buddy where are you?

                            -I am standing at the corner of UCK Boulevard and Hasan Ahmet Prishtina Ali Street, where are you?

                            -I am taking a break at Skenderbeg Square

                            -Beside the statue of Skenderbeg?

                            -No, right infront of the State University of Tetova campus.

                            -Okay, I'll meet you there in 10min but first I have to pick up my little brother from "UCK Martyr Ismail Kemali" Kindergarden.


                            God Bless Skopje! (Shkup)
                            Niko777 it might be fun to use black comedy but I can't be on the Skopje streets with my protest banner so it's your and everyone in RoM's future, I'll still be saying, "I'll meet you outside Flinders Street Station".


                            • Niko777
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 1895

                              So Niko the albanians even got their own university with their own albanian diplomas.Originally other universities laughed at them because they wanted to issue albanian degrees.It's like me opening up an australian university in albania & issuing my own australian degrees.If they got that their way what else is left ithink that they are going overboard.
                              Its not only that, its the fact that the university is funded 100% by the Macedonian government yet the school puts up US and Albanian flags, changed the name to Tetova, and how useful is it to learn a profession in Albanian in country where 80% do not speak Albanian? Learning your own language is fine, I am not against that, but learning a profession in Albanian? Surely your job opportunities will be limited in a country where 80% do not speak Albanian. For example if the Republic of Macedonia needs more doctors in Strumica or Bitola, how will doctors who graduated from this school be able to diagnose patients who do not speak Albanian?

                              Here's a question for all those Macedonian-Australians here: Who here would like to become a lawyer or doctor or economist in an Australian university but all the classes are strictly in the Macedonian language, meaning all technical vocabulary is in Macedonian and not English. What help is this? Either you will be only serving your own people, or you will force all of Australia to speak your language.

                              This is exactly what Albanians in Macedonia are doing.
                              Last edited by Niko777; 02-28-2012, 03:38 PM.


                              • Brian
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 1130

                                Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                                Its not only that, its the fact that the university is funded 100% by the Macedonian government yet the school puts up US and Albanian flags, changed the name to Tetova, and how useful is it to learn a profession in Albanian in country where 80% do not speak Albanian? Learning your own language is fine, I am not against that, but learning a profession in Albanian? Surely your job opportunities will be limited in a country where 80% do not speak Albanian. For example if the Republic of Macedonia needs more doctors in Strumica or Bitola, how will doctors who graduated from this school be able to diagnose patients who do not speak Albanian?
                                Are you still not up-to-date Niko777? It's easy, the patients learn Albanian (in the future everyone will know Albanian) or the Government hires more professional interpreters - in Australia if you don't know English well you can arrange beforehand for an interpreter in your language at the hospital. I'm sure Tetova University has language classes for professionally interpreters and that way more Albanians get better paid government jobs - just look at Ahmeti with his antics in parliament keeping some Albanian (probably a relative) in a very good job.

