Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
    One word Terrorists
    Next word:
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
      Next word:
      They already have that RtG.

      The next 'coalition' is Kosovo with Albania followed by parts of Macedonia. It's been said on the MTO before but it seemed like 'it couldn't happen' or not 'real enough' somehow. It looks like it's the early stages of starting to gel. We all were right all along.

      Dnevnik: Foreign Secret Services behind Ethnic Violence in Skopje

      10 March 2012
      New incident in Skopje, this time four ethnic Albanians attacked three Macedonian minors while walking in the City Park.
      Two of the kids were badly hurt by metal pipes and were admitted at the State hospital before midnight.

      The police is out in full force expecting ethnic Macedonians to take revenge.

      (Wow, now the police come out in force, we would't want any revenge attack on Albanians would we Gordana?)

      According to sources in the Ministry of Interior, this spat of violence is supported by foreign secret services and is tied to the Kosovo referendum in which they wish to join Albania. Somehow, the 'referendum' question is not something that's talked about, even in Kosovo, yet they are going through with it.

      According to local daily Dnevnik, the Albanians are purposely creating ethnic tensions, manufacturing a crisis, as if to portray their never ending 'plight' everywhere in the Balkans thus the need for them to live in one country, "Great Albania" which according to sources ought take shape in 2013 when first Kosovo would joing with Tirana and parts of Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece to follow suit later. This will undoubtedly engulf the region in a war.
      The Macedonian Government has appealed for calm warning the culprits involved will face lengthy jail sentences.

      Macedonian analysts have warned the Government to be ware of what is going on around the Balkans adding none of this is 'accidental', rather it appears coordinated with Prishtina and Tirana. "There is a reason behind those english speaking protest banners" says Dnevnik in its article.
      Last edited by Brian; 03-10-2012, 07:22 AM.


      • Bill77
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 4545

        Yeh....sure they are going to discus the Environment and Climate change.

        But hey....we only have our selves to blame by giving them such authority and a chance.
        IMO if this meeting is legit then pigs fly and.....voltron speaks the truth.

        Minister Ademi at Pristina conference

        Skopje, 9 March 2012 (MIA) - Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi Friday will take part at a conference titled "Energy Security in Times of Climate Change, situation in Kosovo and Western Balkans region" which will be held in Pristina.

        Besides Ademi, also Dardan Gashi, Kosovo Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning and Besim Begaj, Kosovo Minister of Economic Development will deliver addresses.

        Bilateral memorandum on cooperation in the sphere of environment and spatial planning will be signed at the conference.

        Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Renewable Energy Association of Kosovo organise the conference.
        Last edited by Bill77; 03-10-2012, 07:49 AM.


        • Niko777
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1895

          15 year old Macedonian attacked by Albanians today (new incident)

          Претепан петнаесетгодишник во Скопје
          Објавено: пред 60 минути

          Петнаесет годишниот Андреј К. денес околу 17 часот бил пресретнат од неколку лица по што физички го нападнале. Немилиот настан се случил на улицата „Орце Николов“ во Скопје, во близина на Ентернет кафе.
          Повреденото момче веднаш е пренесено во Градската болница каде е задржано на понатамошно лекување.
          Полицијата веднаш излегла на самото место, при што привела пет лица кои се наоѓале во близина на местото каде момчето било нападнато. Во тек е извршување на службен разговор со нив за да се утврди дали тие се напаѓачите.


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            They think they are above law & order.I think the govt has to act & the police have to do their duty.Enough is enough.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Niko777
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1895

              Here is what Albanian students were caught bringing to school...


              • George S.
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 10116

                because of that stupid ohrid agreement macedonians have to force themselves with the albanian coalition.Why not change it & be done with it.Give back the sovereignity that's right for the macedonians.How long do we have to tolerate this piece of shit fight back i say fire with fire they don't understand anything else.
                Last edited by George S.; 03-10-2012, 05:55 PM. Reason: ed
                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                GOTSE DELCEV


                • Niko777
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 1895

                  Actually this coalition was formed because Gruevski's party won a minority government (56/123 seats), so unlike previous years where the government formed coalitions with Albanians "out of respect", this time it "needed" a coalition with another party to stay in power.


                  • Bugi
                    • Mar 2012
                    • 59

                    Originally posted by United MKD View Post
                    Can you specifically tell me with sources in what way Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia helped Macedonia? I'm curious to hear about their involvement.

                    Well,Bulgaria gave you 130 tanks,Greece donated to you 2 Bell helicopters,ukrainians piloted the M-24...

                    now the albanians are much stronger than 2001...
                    back then albanians had success only with Kalashnikov's in their hand,and the albanians were present with minor % in the state administration...while in the military there were less than 1% albanians.
                    Now the albanians are everywhere about 30%,so if there is war,there would be a total civil war.

                    As for the current macedonian army,well it has no tanks,air force-exept few transport helicopters...and macedonians are low in spirit-because of many factors and scared not to end up in the Hague.

                    the best solution is to keep living together and make them feel Macedonia as their own,11 years after 2001,and still the albanian language isn't official on the entire territory of the country?why?

                    that is the best way to intergrate the albanian population and you should stop looking at that as albanization!
                    Last edited by Bugi; 03-10-2012, 10:38 PM.


                    • DirtyCodingHabitz
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 835

                      Originally posted by Bugi View Post
                      Well,Bulgaria gave you 130 tanks,Greece donated to you 2 Bell helicopters,ukrainians piloted the M-24...

                      now the albanians are much stronger than 2001...
                      back then albanians had success only with Kalashnikov's in their hand,and the albanians were present with minor % in the state administration...while in the military there were less than 1% albanians.
                      Now the albanians are everywhere about 30%,so if there is war,there would be a total civil war.

                      As for the current macedonian army,well it has no tanks,air force-exept few transport helicopters...and macedonians are low in spirit-because of many factors and scared not to end up in the Hague.

                      the best solution is to keep living together and make them feel Macedonia as their own,11 years after 2001,and still the albanian language isn't official on the entire territory of the country?why?

                      that is the best way to intergrate the albanian population and you should stop looking at that as albanization!
                      Is this guy for real?


                      • Bugi
                        • Mar 2012
                        • 59

                        Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                        Is this guy for real?
                        Im just saying what should be done for peace in the country,and macedonians should stop listening to their racist leaders and media who play hot and cold who applauded and indirectly called for 2001 to be repeated,but now when these incidents started,now they are calling for peace.

                        what do you have against the albanians engoying their full rights as macedonian citizens?
                        they pay their taxes like you do,why shouldnt they have the same rights as the macedonians?
                        Last edited by Bugi; 03-10-2012, 10:48 PM.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Bugi, what rights did ethnic Albanians in Macedonia not have that were afforded to other minorities in the same country, or in Albania for that matter? And was that worth raising arms against the state and murdering people?
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Bugi
                            • Mar 2012
                            • 59

                            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                            Bugi, what rights did ethnic Albanians in Macedonia not have that were afforded to other minorities in the same country, or in Albania for that matter? And was that worth raising arms against the state and murdering people?
                            When someone is pushed to the wall he doesnt have any other choice than to chose the bad but at that moment,the only choice!

                            Let me remind you that albanians arent just a minority in Macedonia,albanians are on those territories since pre recorded history,and they are more than 30% of the population-not exactly a minority...
                            serbs in Kosovo are 5% and they have serbian as official language on the entire territory of the country and in all levels of government!

                            if they didint take arms,the discrimination would have resumed,they only had the right to learn their language in elemantary school...
                            you know the protests that macedonians staged in 1997?
                            would you remind me what were they about?

                            other minorities got their rights thanks to the albanians...
                            Last edited by Bugi; 03-10-2012, 11:30 PM.


                            • Niko777
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 1895

                              Originally posted by Bugi View Post

                              what do you have against the albanians engoying their full rights as macedonian citizens?
                              they pay their taxes like you do,why shouldnt they have the same rights as the macedonians?
                              Please cut the crap, this is not about rights. Waving Albanian flags on government buildings and lamp posts is not a right. Making "Kosovo Independence day" into a Macedonian state holiday is not a right...

                              As our good friend Valmir (an Albanian from Macedonia) said in this forum:

                              "Even if we had more rights than the Macedonians, we dont really care about Macedonia, we are working on the Greater Albania Project".


                              • Niko777
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2010
                                • 1895

                                serbs in Kosovo are 5% and they have serbian as official language on the entire territory of the country and in all levels of government!
                                I don't understand how Serbian rights in Kosovo have to somehow translate into Macedonians compensating Albanians? Reality check: we are not Serbs, and Macedonia is not Serbia.

                                Secondly, it is only natural that Kosovo's official language is Serbian, as it has always been the heart of Serbian culture and history, not mention that word "Kosovo" itself is Serbian.

