Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    The threat issued about church and gate really piss me off, what would happen if Macedonian mayors started Demolishing illegally built mosques and memorials? We would have enough demolishing to keep us busy for years. I like this actually, I want the shiptari to continually and more radically overstep there authority, its the only way Macedonians will learn and want to take actions of their own.

    We all know what happens when you over play a hand. The shiptari were dealt a really nice hand by the ofa, and now they are overplaying it.


    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      gocka it,s in your face attitude.Example how about in lazec where the shiptari built a mosque in the stretsello area.Clearly they are exceeding their authority etc & building mosques whether they are needed or not.Some of them being deliberately or if not all being sponsored by outside interests.Eg turkey,or Arabia.When are Macedonians going to learn that their country is being taken away from under our feet by a minority who doesn't care one iota & a minority hell bent on seceding away.Why the fuck are people so oblivious to what's going on.Wake up people.
      Last edited by George S.; 11-01-2013, 04:42 PM.
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


      • Big Bad Sven
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2009
        • 1528

        LOL at him threatening to demolish gates and churches. Thats a real fair and democratic way to run things!

        Isnt it funny that albanians can do and say such threatening things but if a macedonian said this the western media would make it sound like the macedonians are oppressing the poor albanians. Also i would imagine albanians would be outraged and take matters into their own hands while it seems the macedonians are ok with this joker running struga like a mafia state

        Also, did you guys notice what the shiptar did? He portrayed the people from Vevcani to the people of republic srbska (nationalist serbs).
        He is trying to paint macedonians as serbs who hate ethnic minorities and who still want to 'opres' the 'innoent' minorities.

        This is something the shiptars will always use against us to make us look bad in western eyes


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          bbs what are they missing oput on crack rights .yeah then they need to sober up as to who the state belongs to.Macedonia exceeds all requirements to eu or nato membership.
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV


          • lavce pelagonski
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 1993

            Im going to put this clip here as I believe it is relevant to Macedonia's situations with the shiptar muslims

            UKIP Multiculturalism has Failed in Europe (Must Watch) 2013 - YouTube
            Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле Страшниот Чакаларов гркоубиец и крвожеден комитаџија.

            Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море. Васил Чакаларов


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              at least the british are doing something what is Macedonia doing nothing.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Gocka
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2012
                • 2306

                Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
                Im going to put this clip here as I believe it is relevant to Macedonia's situations with the shiptar muslims

                UKIP Multiculturalism has Failed in Europe (Must Watch) 2013 - YouTube

                I cant agree 100% with what is in the video, but there is something true about it.

                Not all muslims are radical in nature, most aren't, but the real question for me and the thing that has always bothered me is why dont more moderate muslims condemn and speak out against radical islam? If you just stand by idly then you are no better then they are. Its the same thing in ROM, many muslims are good hard working people, but no matter what happens they seem to defend other muslims, even if deep down they know what they have done is wrong. So it makes you wonder, why do they not speak out against the rotten apples of their own kind? Out of fear, indifference, or do they actually support them but dont say it out loud.

                One thing is for sure, and its undeniable: more and more fascist groups are popping up all over Europe, and more and more average people are taking up anti something views.

                Finally I will say that Islam seems to be incompatible with western culture and society. They are similar to Jewish people in the respect that they value their own culture and customs much more then anyone else's, and when it comes to their own they always lend support. When they go to a foreign land they remain who they are and do not embrace or assimilate to the local culture, but at least Judaism is not extremist by nature and you dont see Jewish people beheading people in the streets. In the US, you know when you've walked into a Jewish neighborhood, everyone is Jewish and its obvious, but guess what, it is probably the cleanest safest and most wealthy neighborhood in the area so its hard to really complain. They are similar Jewish and muslim in their stubbornness, but not in their values.

                This cultural war will be our future, the world is at a crossroads at the moment, and coming events will define where it will end up for the next century or two.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  It's a shame that being Albanian pretty much means being Muslim in Macedonia (and increasingly vice versa). It guarantees separatism.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Gocka
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2306

                    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                    It's a shame that being Albanian pretty much means being Muslim in Macedonia (and increasingly vice versa). It guarantees separatism.
                    Islam is a strong faith, it requires devotion of it followers, this is what eventually causes problems. They are muslim before anything else.

                    Tom has said it before and he is right, western culture is based on Judeo Christian values, our laws both official and unofficial are almost straight from the bible, I am not a religious man but there is no denying this.

                    In islam you are devoted to it, and there is no room for any other source of authority in your life, only allah has authority to tell you what to do. This is why they have trouble adhering to our Judeo Christian system of laws and values.

                    I'm not saying that muslims have nothing against killing of innocents but what I am saying is that when it comes to condemnation and prosecution of the guilty, they have trouble accepting punishment of a muslim by a non muslim.

                    I keep hearing from a select few that islam is a peaceful and loving faith and it does not teach violence, yes possibly it doesn't, but what I am not so sure of is whether it teaches you to stand up against it, because that seems to be the biggest flaw in muslim communities or is it that what we think they should stand up against, they are not against?


                    • George S.
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 10116

                      being Albanian gives you the underdog right of being a victim no matter what.The muslims are taught their old pet hates that is that Macedonia`belongs to themThey have like a devine right to take they think?It's like us & them attitude.
                      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                      GOTSE DELCEV


                      • lavce pelagonski
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 1993

                        За секоја пронајдена коска од Албанец по еден споменик?! - YouTube
                        Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле Страшниот Чакаларов гркоубиец и крвожеден комитаџија.

                        Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море. Васил Чакаларов


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          their teachers preach hatred towards the west that is a natural fear of being overtaken of which Macedonians already are.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • DedoAleko
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 969

                            Во Дебар е поставено огромно албанско знаме (ВИДЕО)

                            Vendosja e Flamurit ne Diber - YouTube



                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              how big can a flag be.??We better start liking the Albanian flag its in our face all the time.We accepted the ventilator. so eseally what difference will the orrell be?
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • MKPrilep
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 284

                                28 November in Macedonia

                                Selo Labunista, kaj so mak. muslimane sega se custuvaat kako albanci
                                (kako porano pod turcite ja smenija verata, sega nacijata ja smenuvaat)

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