Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Constellation
    • Jul 2014
    • 217

    Originally posted by sydney View Post
    Da mu se serish
    No need for such vulgarity mate. Let us conducts ourselves like men.


    • sydney
      • Sep 2008
      • 390

      Have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up "mate". What are you on about? The ships are repulsive, disgusting and thankless pizdi. The pandering to this minority is shameful.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        might i suggest some concrete shoes and dump them in the ocean as fodder for the sharks.Sorry for any vulgarity folks.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          They are a minority in Macedonia. To categorise all of them as bad is disgusting to me.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • sydney
            • Sep 2008
            • 390

            We don't have the fortune of keeping a list like Santa Claus. The ships choose to represent and promote their community in a certain way so let them be judged by the actions of their leaders (as they are the ones getting the votes).


            • Constellation
              • Jul 2014
              • 217

              Originally posted by sydney View Post
              Have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up "mate". What are you on about? The ships are repulsive, disgusting and thankless pizdi. The pandering to this minority is shameful.
              It is a bit amusing how Macedonians decry the racist treatment towards them from Greeks and the international press, and yet many Macedonians have no compunction about doing the same to people they dislike.

              No one is saying there aren't problems with Albanians in Macedonia, or Albanian territorial ambitions in the Balkans. But using obscene language against this people is not going to improve relations between the nations.

              You need lessons in manners and civility mate.


              • sydney
                • Sep 2008
                • 390

                You need to check yourself buddy. The Macedonian's version of racism doesn't even scratch that of others in the region. That's right, as soon as we blow hard the preachers like you are out to remind us about civility. Let's cop it but not return it because it just wouldn't be cricket, would it sir?


                • Gocka
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 2306

                  Originally posted by sydney View Post
                  You need to check yourself buddy. The Macedonian's version of racism doesn't even scratch that of others in the region. That's right, as soon as we blow hard the preachers like you are out to remind us about civility. Let's cop it but not return it because it just wouldn't be cricket, would it sir?
                  Racism is racism, versions are irrelevant. I know you are angry, so are many others including me, but its about how to channel it and where and how to let it out. Macedonians ending up looking like hypocrites is counter productive. Racism is wrong, and we shouldn't lose sight of that. Civility is important, contempt breeds contempt. We are on the same side mate don't lose sight of that either.


                  • sydney
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 390

                    Yes, very inspirational. Let's suck eggs for another 100 years.


                    • Redsun
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 409

                      Con - and yet many Macedonians have no compunction about doing the same to people they dislike.

                      Sydney ¬-The Macedonian's version of racism doesn't even scratch that of others in the region

                      Macedonian’s are not racist.

                      There is no such thing as a national version of racism,

                      Racism can be from the individual or an organization/group. Like Gocka said “racism is racism”.

                      Can I speak on behalf of every single Macedonian by saying “Macedonian’s?”

                      Australian’s this, Canadian’s that, American’s are. Why include a nation to explain the beliefs of certain individuals, a minority?

                      I’m sure every country has a racist minority.

                      Very inspirational?

                      He was informing you,

                      Now… we have sarcasm and racism.

                      How can we benefit from either of them?

                      Let’s step back for a moment.


                      • Volokin
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 278

                        "Racism" about a certain group of people is really just generalizations, stereotypes. Nothing more, nothing less, let's move on to more important things.

                        I find the whole concept of the word racism stupid. It's like calling someone a xenophobe because they wish to retain their countries cultural and ethnic history. Going off topic slightly here, but literally most people are then xenophobes. You'd have to be a quite ridiculously liberal pacifist to not show signs of discontent at large scale migration/immigration into one's country.



                        • Gocka
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 2306

                          I think your taking serious topics lightly. Being racist and or xenophobic is not the same as making generalizations, it is a lot more than that. For you to simply brush off the concept of racism as something "stupid" is a bit worrying. Racism, can be many things, some of which can be: Unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, or religion, disliking someone based purely and Ra, Eth, or Re. Thinking you are superior to a specific group of people.

                          Xenophobia, is an irrational fear of another race or ethnicity. We don't have mass scale immigration into our country, and we don't irrationally fear Albanians, so how does that make us "technically" xenophobes. Are fears are not based on irrational imaginary circumstances, but real events that have happened.

                          You are mincing words and making light of a topic that could make all of us look like a bunch of bigots, which is exactly what the Greeks are, and why we dislike them. Again looking like a bunch of hypocrites wont help anything.

                          Originally posted by Volokin View Post
                          "Racism" about a certain group of people is really just generalizations, stereotypes. Nothing more, nothing less, let's move on to more important things.

                          I find the whole concept of the word racism stupid. It's like calling someone a xenophobe because they wish to retain their countries cultural and ethnic history. Going off topic slightly here, but literally most people are then xenophobes. You'd have to be a quite ridiculously liberal pacifist to not show signs of discontent at large scale migration/immigration into one's country.



                          • Gocka
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 2306

                            Originally posted by sydney View Post
                            Yes, very inspirational. Let's suck eggs for another 100 years.
                            Grow up man.

                            Vulgarity does make you seem tough or patriotic, it just make you look immature and idiotic. Or as we would say in Macedonian a Seljak or as I prefer Seljachina. Just let it go.


                            • sydney
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 390

                              Goce, it's not about a show or chest puffing. Some of us prefer to express ourselves in less moderate terms. Big shit. The message is the same i.e. where has our civility taken us? Where has the softly softly approach made a difference in either internal or external matters? Maybe you're right, there are too many seljaci for any real progress.


                              • Gocka
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2012
                                • 2306

                                Originally posted by sydney View Post
                                Goce, it's not about a show or chest puffing. Some of us prefer to express ourselves in less moderate terms. Big shit. The message is the same i.e. where has our civility taken us? Where has the softly softly approach made a difference in either internal or external matters? Maybe you're right, there are too many seljaci for any real progress.
                                So what are you proposing then? If being civil is too "softy" as you put it, then what is the right way?

                                In my opinion we have failed not because of a soft approach, but because of no approach at all.

