Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Albo
    • May 2014
    • 304

    Found this on an Albanian forum .. some interesting data on births in western Macedonia between Albanians and Macedonians.. these numbers obviously change due to migration both in and out of the county as years pass..

    Don't know how correct they are .. but I belive its a good basis for discussion..(the forum has been a little slow of late)

    Sorry I know its in Albanian..


    • mklion
      • Jun 2014
      • 100

      Originally posted by Albo View Post
      Found this on an Albanian forum .. some interesting data on births in western Macedonia between Albanians and Macedonians.. these numbers obviously change due to migration both in and out of the county as years pass..

      Don't know how correct they are .. but I belive its a good basis for discussion..(the forum has been a little slow of late)

      Sorry I know its in Albanian..


      Macedonia publishes very good statistics on births related to ethnic affiliation every year in their online "Macedonia in Figures" publications.

      You can download this and look on page 14 and you will find this chart for live births in 2016.

      Im going to make this easy for you. See the number I circled in red? Those are Albanian births where both mother and father are Albanian.

      There were 11561 Macedonian and 7108 Albanian births in the country for 2016.

      From your Fake News chart if you add up the 2016 births that's 10286 Macedonian births and 9980 Albanian births

      Why would anyone believe your fake news over official Macedonian Statistics?
      Last edited by mklion; 11-02-2017, 12:39 AM.


      • Liberator of Makedonija
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2014
        • 1597

        Originally posted by mklion View Post

        Macedonia publishes very good statistics on births related to ethnic affiliation every year in their online "Macedonia in Figures" publications.

        You can download this and look on page 14 and you will find this chart for live births in 2016.

        Im going to make this easy for you. See the number I circled in red? Those are Albanian births where both mother and father are Albanian.

        There were 11561 Macedonian and 7108 Albanian births in the country for 2016.

        From your Fake News chart if you add up the 2016 births that's 10286 Macedonian births and 9980 Albanian births

        Why would anyone believe your fake news over official Macedonian Statistics?
        Our "official" Macedonian statistics also claim Albanians make up 25% of the population too.
        I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


        • Albo
          • May 2014
          • 304

          I belive your mistaken... your adding the total number of births in the Skopje region twice.. plus the chart I posted only shows western Macedonian municipalities... not the total population


          • mklion
            • Jun 2014
            • 100

            Originally posted by Albo View Post
            I belive your mistaken... your adding the total number of births in the Skopje region twice.. plus the chart I posted only shows western Macedonian municipalities... not the total population
            Why did you take the table down? LoL

            Im going to break your heart again.

            Albanians have made up 30% of births in Macedonia for the past 20-30 years. The absolute maximum capacity they can reach in the republic is 30% of the country. That's it, they can never reach even one percent higher. The issue with them is that their emigration numbers are too high. They will never be able to "out breed" Macedonians and become a majority.

            Approximately 3-4000 Albanians emigrate from Macedonia a year. How do we know this? We know this from the decrease of Albanian students in primary and lower secondary school numbers. Dont believe me? Here are the stats. The Albanian student population over the past 10 years has collapsed by almost 25% at a rate much faster than the Macedonian student population. We know Albanians have more kids than Macedonians do on averaGe, so why the decline? EMIGRATION = BYE BYE ILIRIA

            Macedonian primary school students
            2006/2007: 122,016 = 53,4% share of the total
            2007/2008: 118,507 = 53,6%
            2008/2009: 115,605 = 53,7%
            2009/2010: 112,293 = 53,7%
            2010/2011: 109,765 = 54,3%
            2011/2012: 107,564 = 54,3%
            2012/2013: 105,648 = 54.35%
            2013/2014: 104,254 = 54.7%
            2014/2015: 103,036 = 54,7%
            2015/2016: 102,644 = 55.4%

            15.8% DECREASE in 10 years

            Albanian primary school students
            2006/2007: 78,467 = 34,3% share of the total
            2007/2008: 75,141 = 34,0%
            2008/2009: 72,570 = 33,7%
            2009/2010: 69,922 = 33,4%
            2010/2011: 66,156 = 32,7%
            2011/2012: 65,085 = 32,8%
            2012/2013: 63,483 = 32,71%
            2013/2014: 62,118 = 32,6%
            2014/2015: 62,012 = 32,9%
            2015/2016: 60,127 = 32,4%

            23.4% DECREASE in 10 years
            Last edited by mklion; 11-03-2017, 12:27 PM.


            • Starling
              • Sep 2017
              • 153

              And then they come back during elections solely to tip the votes in a country they don't even live in because politics.


              • mklion
                • Jun 2014
                • 100

                Originally posted by Starling View Post
                And then they come back during elections solely to tip the votes in a country they don't even live in because politics.
                Only in kichevo. The good thing is however right now in kichevo municipality school age students are approximately 50/50 Macedonian and Albanian. In the future kichevo will return to having a Macedonian mayor when voter rolls are cleaned up.


                • Starling
                  • Sep 2017
                  • 153

                  Still chafes while it's happening though and indicates a very obvious flaw in current voting regulations. Good to hear demographics won't support it though.


                  • Pelagonija
                    • Mar 2017
                    • 533

                    Very interesting statistics..

                    Albo could you please provide statistics regarding origin of birth for Albanian parents in MKD. What are the percentage of Albanian parents born in Kosovo or Albania?.

                    Whilst I believe MKD will ultimately become a bi national state, the Albanians are masters of manipulation when it comes to statistics. Look at pristina, the Albanians harped on about how it had a population of 600 000 people yet when they did the census they only counted 198000 "officially".

                    Albanians have been immigrating to the Vardar for over two hundred years now. This started with the Ottomans encouraging Muslim Albanians to settle in Christian areas. Otherwise how else can you explain that Albanians in Albania are %35 Christian yet in Kosovo and MKD the Albanians are %99 Muslim.
                    Last edited by Pelagonija; 11-04-2017, 08:01 PM.


                    • mklion
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 100

                      Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                      Very interesting statistics..

                      Albo could you please provide statistics regarding origin of birth for Albanian parents in MKD. What are the percentage of Albanian parents born in Kosovo or Albania?.

                      Whilst I believe MKD will ultimately become a bi national state, the Albanians are masters of manipulation when it comes to statistics. Look at pristina, the Albanians harped on about how it had a population of 600 000 people yet when they did the census they only counted 198000 "officially".

                      Albanians have been immigrating to the Vardar for over two hundred years now. This started with the Ottomans encouraging Muslim Albanians to settle in Christian areas. Otherwise how else can you explain that Albanians in Albania are %35 Christian yet in Kosovo and MKD the Albanians are %99 Muslim.
                      Albanians are emigrating out of Macedonia. Not only to western Europe but to Albania as well. If Albania gets EU membership before Macedonia which is likely the floodgates will open. This is good for Macedonia.

                      The only rights they will get are what we voluntarily give them.


                      • Pelagonija
                        • Mar 2017
                        • 533

                        Originally posted by mklion View Post
                        Albanians are emigrating out of Macedonia. Not only to western Europe but to Albania as well. If Albania gets EU membership before Macedonia which is likely the floodgates will open. This is good for Macedonia.

                        The only rights they will get are what we voluntarily give them.
                        My comment was purely statistical. I'm interested in know how many Albanians migrated from Kosovo and Albania to Vardar post WWII.

                        As for what voluntarily rights will give them, if it serves the Macedonians self greed then they wil sell their mothers.


                        • Albo
                          • May 2014
                          • 304

                          Very interesting statistics..

                          Albo could you please provide statistics regarding origin of birth for Albanian parents in MKD. What are the percentage of Albanian parents born in Kosovo or Albania?.
                          I don't think such statistics exist or where to find them..
                          I would say that the number of Albanian children born in Macedonia Today to one or more parents who were born outside Macedonia would be under 10% (Albanians from Macedonia marrying Albanian from Albania is very uncommon) probably more Macedonian men marry women from Albania than Albanians from Mk do..

                          Whilst I believe MKD will ultimately become a bi national state, the Albanians are masters of manipulation when it comes to statistics. Look at pristina, the Albanians harped on about how it had a population of 600 000 people yet when they did the census they only counted 198000 "officially".
                          If you go to Prishtina you will see that the population is well over 200,000.

                          The reason that it officially remaims at 200,000 is that most people who have moved from thr villages or other cities since the end of the war are still enrolled where they originate and not where they are living.. there is huge debate in Kosovo for there to be a crackdown on this as it's unrealistic.

                          Albanians are emigrating out of Macedonia. Not only to western Europe but to Albania*
                          Western Europe and other western countries yes.. Albania ..NO..


                          • vicsinad
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 2337

                            Albanian Teachers in Macedonia Demand Change to History Books...similar to commissions to be set up by agreement with Bulgaria.

                            (used Google translate)

                            Albanian teachers also demand changes in history textbooks

                            The Union of Albanian Teachers in Macedonia is looking for a committee to change the content of textbooks. Nuhi Dardishta, the president of the union, is looking for new strategies and programs, new books because these students, now studying by students, have long since expired.

                            In a statement on MTV2, Dardishta says Albanian teachers in Macedonia are demanding the Ministry of Education for textbooks for primary and secondary education to change consultations with civil society, and not with the same people from committees in ministries that do not change.

                            "I appeal from February, March to establish a commission that will check these programs well and define the new strategy," said Darishta.

                            Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has announced on several occasions the establishment of commissions for changes in textbooks for Macedonian students. After the signing of the Treaty of Good Neighborry and Friendship with Bulgaria, such commissions are announced in Sofia and Athens.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Why not! The country is in freefall now.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                              • vicsinad
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 2337

                                И каде се Македонците?

