Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Niko777
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 1895

    This video just blew my mind. It's someone recording a nice drive from a village to the center of Gostivar. What blew my mind was the number of newly constructed buildings! Most of them still don't have a facade but that doesn't matter, the video shows that Albanians are a people who are building a future by themselves and unlike Macedonians they are not depending on anyone. No wonder they are a people full of pride, I would have been just as proud if this kind of construction was happening in Bitola or Prilep.



    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      Whils't i was in 2006 in macedonia there has a taxist who was albanian .He said he can get anything on the black market.A car that was selling for 30000euros they could get for 160000 euros.Perfect for the taxi trade.They said they were making a motza out of the taxi trade & keeping the money within the albanian community.He said albanians are buying shops all over macedonia pretty soon they 'll want autonomy.The albanians are smart if they need an electrician etc builder,they get an albanian they never use a macedonian for anything as they will let you down.Won't be soon they will take over.
      The albanian attitude is a go getter attitude & the macedonian one is a do nothing lazy attitude.They couldn't be bothered .Whils't all that is going the albanians are taking over.
      Last edited by George S.; 12-28-2011, 04:55 AM. Reason: ed
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


      • Zarni
        • May 2011
        • 672

        Whils't i was in 2006 in macedonia there has a taxist who was albanian .He said he can get anything on the black market.A car that was selling for 30000euros they could get for 160000 euros.Perfect for the taxi trade.They said they were making a motza out of the taxi trade & keeping the money within the albanian community.He said albanians are buying shops all over macedonia pretty soon they 'll want autonomy.The albanians are smart if they need an electrician etc builder,they get an albanian they never use a macedonian for anything as they will let you down.Won't be soon they will take over.
        The albanian attitude is a go getter attitude & the macedonian one is a do nothing lazy attitude.They couldn't be bothered .Whils't all that is going the albanians are taking over.
        The greatest observation anyone has noticed on this Forum and correct completely


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          Thanks zarni The greatest thing that i learned from macedonians in ohrid is that the albanians would not do what they did in 2001They think that the albanians have got too much at stake.If that's the case why did they hand in their old weapons & hid the newer ones ready to be used on a another day.Remember what the uck & ana said if they think that alnanian rights are trampled in any way they are reasy to come in again.This is kind of pretext to just come in & start another war at their whim.But in the other scenario we have let ourselves down by signing those shit agreements & they favour more the albanians than us.The other thing is we can't use our own army to defend our sovereignity.The albanian problem should have been solved in 2001.The lesson is that nato & others interferred in macedonia's affairs.Another interference was when they dumped those 400,000 albanian kosovars on macedonian soil.Once again they never asked the owner of the land if they could pay them to use their land.
          Once again those agreements mean nothing if they think that macedonia is not honoring them & the albanians think the govt is not going deeper enough.Then again picture it with the latest fiasco about the census.Macedonia is hoodwinked into giving priveleges to albanians more than it's citizens.
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            Thanks zarni The greatest thing that i learned from macedonians in ohrid is that the albanians would not do what they did in 2001They think that the albanians have got too much at stake.If that's the case why did they hand in their old weapons & hid the newer ones ready to be used on a another day.Remember what the uck & ana said if they think that alnanian rights are trampled in any way they are reasy to come in again.This is kind of pretext to just come in & start another war at their whim.But in the other scenario we have let ourselves down by signing those shit agreements & they favour more the albanians than us.The other thing is we can't use our own army to defend our sovereignity.The albanian problem should have been solved in 2001.The lesson is that nato & others interferred in macedonia's affairs.Another interference was when they dumped those 400,000 albanian kosovars on macedonian soil.Once again they never asked the owner of the land if they could pay them to use their land.
            Once again those agreements mean nothing if they think that macedonia is not honoring them & the albanians think the govt is not going deeper enough.Then again picture it with the latest fiasco about the census.Macedonia is hoodwinked into giving priveleges to albanians more than it's citizens.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Volk
              • Sep 2008
              • 894

              Originally posted by Zarni View Post
              The greatest observation anyone has noticed on this Forum and correct completely
              Few important points left out, where is all the money coming from to build these things?

              Drugs and prostitution, if your so envious start dealing and sell your daughters to become prostitutes in Italy, then you can be soo proud you moron!
              Makedonija vo Srce


              • Zarni
                • May 2011
                • 672

                Volk I have no doubt Illegal buildings without licences is the norm and the black market is also rampant but to just assume it is all illegal crime is bullshit Albanians in the Diaspora regularly give money to their relatives in Macedonian and no shit the level of incompetence and laziness by Macedonians is staggering if my observations in Bitola point to anything, Bitola can surpass Ohrid if it got its House in order

                I always wonder when Albanians officially declare autonomy from the State in 2013-14 just what will be the reaction


                • Volk
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 894

                  Originally posted by Zarni View Post
                  Volk I have no doubt Illegal buildings without licences is the norm and the black market is also rampant but to just assume it is all illegal crime is bullshit Albanians in the Diaspora regularly give money to their relatives in Macedonian and no shit the level of incompetence and laziness by Macedonians is staggering if my observations in Bitola point to anything, Bitola can surpass Ohrid if it got its House in order

                  I always wonder when Albanians officially declare autonomy from the State in 2013-14 just what will be the reaction
                  Is it? do you personally know albanians? I can say with 100% certainty that every single albanian family is connected to organised crime.

                  Yes they do give there family money, something most Macedonians dont do... Out of 7 children they send as many as possible in western countries, where the kids then get involved in organised crime and send money back to the head of the family in the country of origin.

                  15 years ago albanians where selling there daughters in albania for 100-200Euros to be prostitutes in Italy, this is documented, HELLOO??

                  They still have a clan mentality which is what keeps there communities strong, but dont talk shit about them being honest and law abiding citizens, you obviously have zero connection with them

                  Where do you think the money came for the UCK and NLA? its was all drugs and prostitution, do a simple google search and educate yourself before you use albanians as an example of how Macedonians should be!

                  And I am well aware of the lazyness of Macedonians, I've been exposed to it for a few years!
                  Last edited by Volk; 12-28-2011, 10:26 PM.
                  Makedonija vo Srce


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by Volk View Post
                    15 years ago albanians where selling there daughters in albania for 100-200Euros to be prostitutes in Italy, this is documented........
                    Volk, please provide a source for the above.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Volk
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 894

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Volk, please provide a source for the above.
                      Have a look here:

                      quite revolting at the disregard they have for human life
                      Makedonija vo Srce


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        That is quite disgusting. In the article it says:
                        In addition, the report found that 95 percent of children trafficked belong to the Roma ethnic minority or the “Egyptian” community.
                        So it doesn't look like it is just an Albanian problem.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Valmir
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 112

                          Originally posted by George S. View Post
                          Whils't i was in 2006 in macedonia there has a taxist who was albanian .He said he can get anything on the black market.A car that was selling for 30000euros they could get for 160000 euros.Perfect for the taxi trade.They said they were making a motza out of the taxi trade & keeping the money within the albanian community.He said albanians are buying shops all over macedonia pretty soon they 'll want autonomy.The albanians are smart if they need an electrician etc builder,they get an albanian they never use a macedonian for anything as they will let you down.Won't be soon they will take over.
                          The albanian attitude is a go getter attitude & the macedonian one is a do nothing lazy attitude.They couldn't be bothered .Whils't all that is going the albanians are taking over.
                          Dont worry cus we(Albanians) say the same things about Macedonians
                          We see you as people that never pay an Albanian to do a job, You always go to Macedonians for shopping and everything.


                          • Valmir
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 112

                            Originally posted by Volk View Post
                            Few important points left out, where is all the money coming from to build these things?

                            Drugs and prostitution, if your so envious start dealing and sell your daughters to become prostitutes in Italy, then you can be soo proud you moron!
                            Never, These money is coming from the Albanian Diaspora, They work hard and make money and a good percent of the money comes in Macedonia, Just like Jewish diaspora!


                            • Valmir
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 112

                              Is it? do you personally know albanians? I can say with 100% certainty that every single albanian family is connected to organised crime.
                              Oh comon man ,There are much bigger mafias that the Albanian one, for example Serbians are much connected to the crime but the Albanian mafia is more exposed to the Media

                              Yes they do give there family money, something most Macedonians dont do... Out of 7 children they send as many as possible in western countries, where the kids then get involved in organised crime and send money back to the head of the family in the country of origin.
                              Actally those childrens work hard and make money and they dont work with organised crime!

                              15 years ago albanians where selling there daughters in albania for 100-200Euros to be prostitutes in Italy, this is documented, HELLOO??
                              First time i heard this, Albanians would prefer to kill their childrens than to sell them for money!

                              Where do you think the money came for the UCK and NLA? its was all drugs and prostitution, do a simple google search and educate yourself before you use albanians as an example of how Macedonians should be!
                              Money came from the Albanian Diaspora, At the time of the war Albanians opened a Organisation called "Atdheu Therret" which means Fatherland Calls and every Albanian in Diaspora had to give money!(As much as they can).


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                Hi Valmir, I am positive every Albanian is not a criminal. I am equally positive a great deal of funding for the Albanian terrorists came from illegal means. Do you think funds gained from illegal activities are justified at times of war? Do you think the Framework Agreement in Macedonia has created a reverse discrimination situation for the ethnic Albanians of Macedonia?

                                The trafficking of human organs in Kosovo is quite well documented no matter how hard it has been tried to be swept under carpets. What are your thoughts on this matter?

                       This is sensational stuff and blows apart the notion of good versus bad. If this was public in 2001 there would have been a swift solution for the terrorists in Macedonia. Only one mention of Macedonia here: Too much to include all the text
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

