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[QUOTE=Risto the Great;95010]The only way Macedonia can get back its sovereignty now is through war. The Framework Agreement ensures Macedonians are not in control of their destiny.
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I did not say it was the most tragic time in Macedonia's history. Pick up the dictionary and look up the word, you might have it confused with something else.
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You mentioned some notable historic periods pertaining to Macedonia. Each time, Macedonians had hope for better times and it always involved the nation being liberated. Now the only notable hope for Macedonia is to be liberated into the EU even if the identity is tarnished along the way. In which case it is not a bleak time for FYROM or Macedonia-Skopje.
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I see you disagree with "long and noble" and "nation" though so will assume you feel that Macedonians started to exist in 1991.
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When was it Macedonia had a formal nation and then immediately set in place mechanisms that guarantee its dismantling? What is the purpose of this website? To make people aware of matters that should be of concern to Macedonians. If all you got from my comments was a whitewash about better times, you interpreted it incorrectly. It was in fact much more about the BLEAKNESS that surrounds Macedonia in what should be an exciting new era in its LONG AND NOBLE history.
I don't accept that this is our darkest hour, not by long shot, and nothing is set in stone - not x y or z agreement, that's for sure. Potential this, potential that... why not have a little faith, too? If you have no faith in politicians or institutions, then have some faith in God, and have some faith in your own people. How sure are you that Macedonian people are utterly inadequate to the tasks and problems set before them in the 21st Century? How sure are you that the sky will fall, that it will all end in war, that we will be wiped off the map? That's the trouble with fear-mongering - these things can't really be disproved, because they haven't even happened yet. And it all goes round and round.
I believe in Macedonia, no matter what, and you Chicken Littles should also get busy getting worried about everything else facing humanity, (Nuclear holocaust, Islamo-fascism, that "Friday" song on Youtube), and work yourselves into a frenzy of fear and loathing if that's what turns you on. Meanwhile, the rest of us will carry on with life, and respect the sacrifices made by previous generations, who had it much worse as Macedonians than we do these days.
Peace out, brother