Brian's Corner

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    Originally posted by George S. View Post
    this thread is mean't to be BRian's corner (fyrom).Why are we talking about how nutricious insect eating can be.???Some of us are having dinner & we don't like to talk about eating insects.I just had roast pork & vegies NOT worms or insects.
    George S. the talk of eating bugs came about because the stupid EU is doing a EU3Million study into how eating bugs can be incorporated into people's diet because they are seeing (according to them about 10 years) a future of economic collapse and food shortages.

    It's very real and very sad. I guess we enjoy our pork ect as long as we can. I wish the EU blows up and dies.

    I have no idea why Macedonia is toying with our name to join these scum. Hopefully highlighting what these scum are will change people's minds to push the government not to join. That's why I'm doing this. If it wasn't for this, believe me I can find other things to do.
    Last edited by Brian; 02-03-2012, 05:38 AM.


    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Originally posted by Brian View Post
      George S. the talk of eating bugs came about because the stupid EU is doing a EU3Million study into how eating bugs can be incorporated into people's diet because they are seeing (according to them about 10 years) a future of economic collapse and food shortages.
      Brian, isn't that a credible response to the possibility of a future (and current) food crisis...many cultures already eat some insects, most survival courses include eating insects and other food sources...

      Once again, what's your bloody point...?


      • Brian
        • Oct 2011
        • 1130

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        Brian, isn't that a credible response to the possibility of a future (and current) food crisis...many cultures already eat some insects, most survival courses include eating insects and other food sources...

        Once again, what's your bloody point...?
        That's BULLSHIT, and you know it!

        There is NO WAY Europe will not have the physical capacity to grow enough food for every European.

        So why the need for bugs? - because real food is too good for you mongrels. When the banks jack-up prices to unaffordable amounts people will feel hunger, not because there couldn't be enough food to go around, but because the banks want to make bigger profits and watch people do literately anything for food.

        There is NO physical reason why there should not be enough food in Europe.

        Your a scumbag Pheonix for going out of your way to quash the truth at every turn. You're NWO scum.

        If some people, somewhere in the world, want to eat bugs, that's their problem, but to force people to eat bugs or starve takes a scum soul - "...wagering in the souls of men..." somewhere in Revelations. Look it up sometimes. Kaj ke ti odi dusata, gubre? Where's your soul going to go, rubbish?

        "God has 2 eyes, not one." The Holy Quran.

        Your 'one eyed' god is a false god.


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Brian View Post
          That's BULLSHIT, and you know it!

          There is NO WAY Europe will not have the physical capacity to grow enough food for every European.

          So why the need for bugs? - because real food is too good for you mongrels. When the banks jack-up prices to unaffordable amounts people will feel hunger, not because there couldn't be enough food to go around, but because the banks want to make bigger profits and watch people do literately anything for food.

          There is NO physical reason why there should not be enough food in Europe.

          Your a scumbag Pheonix for going out of your way to quash the truth at every turn. You're NWO scum.
          If some people, somewhere in the world, want to eat bugs, that's their problem, but to force people to eat bugs or starve takes a scum soul - "...wagering in the souls of men..." somewhere in Revelations. Look it up sometimes. Kaj ke ti odi dusata, gubre? Where's your soul going to go, rubbish?

          "God has 2 eyes, not one." The Holy Quran.

          Your 'one eyed' god is a false god.
          Are you serious Brian about the NWO scum comment...?

          Brian, what about the hunger in many other parts of the world, the steadily growing world population and the rapid urbanisation of the planet.
          Who and how are we going to feed these vast urban and industrial populations...?


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            Brian do they really need to resort to bugs why can't they grow conventional food.Also there is plenty of cheap food around the world.Also producers are dumping huge amts of food in landfills they could literally feed the hungry.I love my pork chops there is no way i'm going to eat bugs.I'll eat roots & leaves in that order before i eat bugs.There are so many alternatives they could grow crps that have been genetically produced if there are no sideeffects they could solve the world food crisis.So before you eat insects you shoot consider eating plants eg eats roots & leaves.
            Last edited by George S.; 02-03-2012, 08:31 AM. Reason: ed
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Brian
              • Oct 2011
              • 1130

              George S. the Geneticaly Modified Organisms (GMO) crops have been proven to give desises to lab rats including organ failure, deformities, cancer and sterilization in 3 generations. Monsanto's (the makers of GMO crops) are not trying to do you any favours - it's a slow soft kill. Get it? Population reduction.

              It's not that physically enough food cannot be grown in Europe so people will have to eat bugs. It's going to be an economic collapse where food prices will be too high - it's a man made disaster and the NWO are getting ready for it. That's why the study to see how bugs can be incorporated into the European diet.

              They are already making artificial meat grown in a culture thats never been on a cow before except for the original culture of cells. The future, if we let it happen is discussing.

              Check out the Bible on what you can and cannot eat. Do you think the NWO believes in the same God you do?


              • George S.
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 10116

                Ok brian you win this time so start setting an example & start munching bugs & cocktoaches.As long as it's available i'll stay on the pork ork ork.
                Scientists will find a safe way to produce abundant food without the side effects of gm.
                Last edited by George S.; 02-03-2012, 03:38 PM. Reason: ed
                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                GOTSE DELCEV


                • Brian
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1130

                  George S.
                  I'm not some hippie greeny. I may not be old, and typically the young are into 'greeny ideas', but I'm not. It is not from some 'greeny' ideal that I am saying this. I just want to eat clean food, but my voice is one voice and counts for nothing to the government, but my one voice can, hopefully, can reach many and together we can force governments to do things. I know it might sound like a 'greeny' idea but that is not my motive. I just want to eat clean natural food. Period.

                  Believe me, I could find better thing to do with my time if I didn't think think this was important. I don't enjoy verbally sparing with people on this site. I wish they would just get it and shut the F up. It's real. I keep using mainstream media articles to defuse any 'it's all conspiracy nut case sites/stuff' your talking about. I understand people's reluctance to believe. I was there, thinking the same thing, it can't be true, but IT IS.

                  I used to think the government just wouldn't do something that would kill you. They do. Period. The motive is money and all the health adds are bullshit. For example, how much is the government saying 'there's an epidemic in weight problems ' and how they are so concerned about public health and promote weight/diet organisations - just join "Jenny Craig", go to a gym ect,

                  My dad tells me that when he was a kid it was the odd kid who was fat. You're probably old enough to remember. Now about every second kid is a fat bastard waddling through the school gates. Why? The government will tell you because kids today are making more poor food choices and sitting in front of the TV or computer more. Really? How many cakes, lollies and icecream ect did you eat as a kid (in Australia ect you had heaps available to you) - less than what your kids or grand kids are (I don't know how old you are) eating today? Probably not. How much did you really sit in front of the TV - not some grandiose nostalgia memory 'we just watched maybe an hour or two - we were doing homework (also sitting) or outside playing. Think about the shows you watched, and how long each was, and then add up the hours, and the see really how many hours you were in front of the TV and then add the hours sitting doing your homework. Are you really all that different to your children? So what's the difference? Why are more kids fat now. Simple - it's just money (and science).

                  Over the years there was an increase in the use of trans-fats in everything - fish'n'chip oil, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, any 'fast food', ect. It sticks to your gut and sticks to your veins and makes you fat. What's wrong with using just healthy oils? - money. Another example is the explosion of fructose as a sweetener in everything - cakes, biscuits, icecream, ect anything where plain sugar used to be used. Why? It's cheaper than sugar and therefore more profits - money.

                  Fructose is a natural sugar from fruits. Remember adds in the past saying their product was sweetened with 'natural fruit sweeteners' like it was a good thing. WTF, Brian, it's natural and it's from fruit, so what's wrong with it? Science. Man eats fruit, right, but how many apples or pears ect would you eat in a day - 3 to 5 tops? What if I told you to go eat 50 or 100 or more every day. The fructose from fruits - typically corn syrup - is in everything sweet that you eat. When would a man's body have have eaten that much fructose before.

                  Fructose does not get digested in the body like plain sugar. It goes straight to fat. I'm not saying don't eat fruit. The problem's not the fruit you eat, but the excess fructose you eat in everything else. Manufactures substitute corn syrup fructose wherever they used to use plain sugar because it's heaps cheaper ie more profits.

                  Ok, that's why manufactures use it. Don't the government adds say they are concerned for your health? Doesn't the government know science? So why doesn't the government make manufacturers just use plain sugar? - money.

                  The more profits the companies make the more taxes the government gets. The more you get fat, the more money 'Jenny Craig' ect makes (over a billion dollar industry in Australia only! with a population of just 21 million. How much do they make in the USA and Europe, each with about 300 million people - money.), the more you get fat and fail at 'Jenny Craig' the more you get sick, the more doctors you see and the more medicines you buy the more money you spend and when you die from your sickness you spend more money. What do you think makes more money - a healthy fit society or a permanently sick and dying society? So if there was a mountain of money on one side and your health on the other, what do you government and businesses are going to choose?

                  1. GMO
                  I'm not trying to tell you to eat GMO. It's Bad. My win is if enough people say "NO" to their own government. Demand proper labelling laws of ingredients specifically showing ANY GMO ingredients including oils made from GMO plants.

                  2. Bugs
                  I'm not saying to eat bugs. I like my pork chops just like you. There is enough room for crops and cows ect it just means they can't make a new record profit every year forever and that's what they want. Bugs are cheap to grow - like the article said in multi-story buildings using less square meters that fields in farms. I bet they aren't planning to eat bugs. It's you peasants that will be force fed bugs and told it's good for you - kind of like the saying 'eat shit and call it icecream'.

                  The F'ed thing is that none of this needs to happen. So they don't make that much profit - do you care about their profits? They certainly have shown they don't care about your health and the health of your family.


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    you know the aborigines eat bugs ,eapecially witchety grubs they have a nutty flavour.I havent' tried it but as long as i can afford to buy the normal meats there's no need for insects.No i didn't think you were a greeny but some people they want to express their real concerns for the environment.
                    What do you think of the poll at the mto saying you are fyrom..Do you think the poll is right because generally polls are right.Give us your reasons for not being fyrom.
                    Last edited by George S.; 02-03-2012, 11:40 PM. Reason: edit
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Brian
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1130

                      George S. Poles mean Jack.

                      The pole is just a 'kangaroo court' - a popularity contest. Somebody popular points the finger and your labelled. Has nothing to do with the truth.

                      How many times do I need to defend this point?

                      I don't know any way to convince you I am not fyrOM. The only evidence on the MTO is the pasts posts of each of us - go and compare them if you have time. I'm not going to waste my time looking up examples to prove our writing styles are different, or that I think I know a lot more than he does.

                      George S., did you ever think that this fyrOm accusation, and all the other accusations, are just to create a circus to entertain everyone - we'll get that bad fyrOM - to waste everyone's time to prevent me posting about the things I have been posting. They don't want you to know.

                      They tried to discredit the topics I was posting but couldn't and ended up looking like fools because my posts were ALL from MAINSTREAM media.LOL. They had to back off a bit and so tried the fyrOM angle.

                      Repeating the question isn't going to make me say a different answer, and they know it. The only purpose to repeating the question is to waste more time and effort to prevent me from posting about the topics I have been posting and hopefully get frustrated and leave and that way no more topics but the 'song and dance act' with Voltron and any other hapless Greek that stumbles onto this site about racism and what the Greeks are up to. They don't want you to know anymore.

                      Just think about what happened to Onur, and then tell me if I'm wrong.


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        On the one hand officers are sent to stop drug while other government agents are helping the drug cartels. Now who's stupid enough to be a police officer.


                        • Brian
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 1130

                          With the weaponisation of the bird-flu
                          (See Post163 )

                          and the Rabat Pox and now this

                          Flesh-eating bug that you can catch on the bus or train is spreading in the UK

                          The deadly strain of MRSA, (pictured) called USA300 is easily passed through skin-to-skin contact. However it also survives on surfaces so can be picked up on public transport, say experts from the University of Bath.

                          2nd February 2012

                          A flesh-eating form of pneumonia that is easily passed between healthy people on public transport is spreading across the UK, experts have warned.
                          The deadly strain of MRSA called USA300 passes easily through skin-to-skin contact. It can also survive on surfaces and so has the potential to be picked up on crowded buses and tubes.
                          It was first seen in the U.S but cases are now being reported in the community and not just hospitals in Britain.

                          Rest of story in Link
                          If you've had enough of debating 1960's style 'race' issues and turned here for some alternate (real) news, and aren't freaked out by the above article, a good movie to see is "Carriers"

                          which is more realistic and doesn't have people turning into zombies or mutant monsters, just don't let anybody sneeze on you, especially if your in the Uk.
                          Last edited by Brian; 02-05-2012, 06:26 AM.


                          • Brian
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1130

                            A Maco article on ACTA. Maybe it will create some interest in this very important issue.

                            What is "ASTA"? Check it out, will soon be too late!


                            The last obstacle in the way of "ASTA" claims Anonimus the European Parliament for ratification of "ASTA" will be discussed in June this year. "If the European Parliament ratified" ASTA "will be the end of the world as we know it. Your freedoms will slowly disappear. Your Internet will gradually turns into a controlled, censored channel through which will be accessible only content produced by several companies, "claims Anonimus.

                            Full article in Link.


                            • Brian
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1130

                              Want some petrol ansilicon with those MacNuggets?LOL. I'm glad I have never eaten MacNuggets or anybodies nuggets.

                              All McNuggets not created equal

                              American McNuggets (190 calories, 12 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat for 4 pieces) contain the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone, a petroleum-based product. They also contain dimethylpolysiloxane, “an anti-foaming agent” also used in Silly Putty.

                              Rest of article in Link.
                              Been to the 'Golden Archers' lately? Mmm... silicone soft, and a bit of petroleum stuff to help slide it down.
                              Last edited by Brian; 02-06-2012, 09:29 AM.


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                remember the guy who sued maccars for gaining weight.
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

