UK Denies Christians Right To Wear Crucifix?

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  • Voltron
    • Jan 2011
    • 1362


    “I am more of a constitutionalist but find myself strangely on the other side of this,” said Donald Fox, a 1985 graduate of Cranston West. “The prayer banner espouses nothing more than those values which we all hope for our children, no matter what school they attend or which religious background they hail from.”
    This is exactly what it is. Even if your an atheist, how can you not want those values instilled in your kids ?! Yet teaching kids in class that homosexuality is "normal" is perfectly alright. This is the break down of society I am referring to.

    If she doesnt like the school, then she has a resposiblity to go to another one. Not bring down a perfectly positive message if nothing else thats been on the school wall for 50 years. How on earth you side with that thinking is beyond me.

    Turkey is no longer secular, hasnt been for a while now.


    • Voltron
      • Jan 2011
      • 1362

      Originally posted by Onur View Post
      Now, can you tell me who rules who? As far as i see, you are being ruled by the unelected, so-called divine and supreme beings (in reality, they are probably pedophiles)

      I just laugh at you. You are an undeveloped society ruled by freaks and their medieval mambo-jumbos.
      Never said Greece was secular. Church plays a prominent role in our society. They have a similar role as to how your military ruled your government for years. They provide the "check" in government policies. If it makes you feel any better there have been numerous calls to disconnect the Church in governmental inaugurations and ceremonies. SYRIZA party makes it a habit to walk out when the Church officials show up in Parliament. To me, I see nothing wrong with it. They dont call the shots, they just provide a counterbalance to potentially dangerous issues. The mosque in Athens is the first one I can think of. I thank the Church for not making it happen and applying pressure where it needs to.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        Originally posted by Voltron View Post
        If it makes you feel any better there have been numerous calls to disconnect the Church in governmental inaugurations and ceremonies. SYRIZA party makes it a habit to walk out when the Church officials show up in Parliament.
        This is good for your country. So, maybe you can reach 20th century soon but i don't know when you can enter 21st.

        Ofc they should walk out as a protestation. No one in sane mind in any republic state accepts religious authority over the elected people. If they accept this, then that particular country cannot be considered as republic, but maybe monarchy, theocracy or whatever.

        To me, I see nothing wrong with it. They dont call the shots, they just provide a counterbalance to potentially dangerous issues. The mosque in Athens is the first one I can think of. I thank the Church for not making it happen and applying pressure where it needs to.
        You know that this is a violation of basic human right. This is also against the EU human rights convention but "somehow" no one says anything about that in Brussels. It`s a non-christian right anyway, so probably they say fck it.

        You shouldn't desire anything for others if you wouldn't consider it as OK if same thing would happen to yourself. Would you be happy if you would live in Wahhabi states where practice of christianity is forbidden? You are in the same league with them in this issue, you know that right? probably because you both have similar medieval backward mentality.

        OR in a better way, i should ask you this;
        You lived under our domain for about 400-500 years. Would you be happy if Turks would destroy all the churches here and forbid practicing christianity? So in the sense of religious freedom, you Greeks are even more backwards than 15th century Turks. In that sense, i was wrong about Greece reaching to 20th century, you should reach our 15th century mentality first.
        Last edited by Onur; 03-23-2012, 06:45 PM.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Originally posted by Onur
          I think she is %100 right................because it`s a sign which gives a message to non-christians that they are not belong there.
          I think she is/you are 100% wrong. It doesn't mean non-Christians don't belong there, it is an expression of the culture on which America as a state was founded.
          I would do same thing if i would live there
          Is that what you would expect ethnic Turks to do in Macedonia?
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • EgejskaMakedonia
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2010
            • 1665

            There is an obvious overlap between religion and culture/tradition. That sign could be said to be of historical value just as much as it is a religious sign.
            For example, some Macedonians, Greeks, and any other Orthodox Christians may not necessarily be very religious or religious at all, but you will find that many of them still participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations. This is largely attributed to the rich culture that is involved and preserving your traditions, to which the church is heavily involved in.

            Nobody is telling her to read the sign, why is it so hard for her to just ignore it? It's been there for close to 50 years and could be said to be a part of the historical fabric of that school.

            I'm all for people expressing themselves while maintaining a level of respect for others, but it's becoming quite ridiculous now. This links directly with the Macedonian government bowing down to the Albanian minority to avoid 'offending' them in any form. In DPMNE's view that means changing historical facts and changing the cultural landscape of the nation.

            Similarly, when will the line be drawn? It's almost as if atheists have become some kind of 'religion' of their own, fighting everything to do with religion. Maybe we'll have to start building 20 foot walls in front of our churches, so nobody living in that community who is not Christian will feel that they don't 'belong.'

            This is nothing but a publicity stunt, she should concentrate her 'outspoken' views to something more useful.


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              it seems to be tit for tat.If you can't wear a cross for ornnamental reasons what'ts the world coming to??What ever happened to freedom of religion or freedom to choose your faith??
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV

