League of Macedonian-Americans (LOMA)

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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    Sheet Music for Traditional Macedonian Music

    This book is the first of several dozen volumes that LOMA is arranging and compiling. It contains sheet music for 100 traditional Macedonian folk songs. The songs come from all regions of Macedonia – from Tetovsko in the northwest to Dramsko in the southeast – and many of them are kept in their original dialects. There will be several thousand folk songs when we are done with this project.

    Using dozens of resources, we transcribed and rearranged many of these songs. The reasons for doing so are several. First, many Macedonians living outside of Macedonia may be able to speak Macedonian but cannot read Cyrillic; and if they can read Cyrillic, they cannot read it as quickly as they can read the Latin script. Thus, we turned all the Cyrillic script into the Latin script so it is easier for Macedonians living in the US and other countries to read and understand.

    Second, in many instances, chords and notes were wrong, or we found more suitable chords and notes. Thus, we took this as an opportunity to enhance the songs. In other instances, we put the songs in keys that are easier to play and sing in.

    Third, the lyrics in most Macedonian books containing sheet music are written in block texts after the melody is complete. We figure that it is easier to read music and lyrics when the lyrics
    are directly below the corresponding pitches. Thus, we ensured that it is as easy as possible to read and play Macedonian music without having to memorize lyrics and notes or constantly glance from text to melody.

    Finally, there are hundreds upon hundreds of old Macedonian folk songs that do not have melodies associated with them – either they have gotten lost in time or were never recorded in
    the first place. Furthermore, there are other songs containing melodies that just don’t sound might, in our honest opinion. Thus, we created melodies for hundreds of songs in the Macedonian style that will allow the stories presented in the lyrics to survive for generations to come.

    One of our many goals at LOMA is to provide Macedonian-Americans with access to information about their culture, history and identity. We hope that these volumes of traditional
    Macedonian folk songs will encourage Macedonians to obtain a deeper understanding and love of Macedonian music and culture. Perhaps you play an instrument and want to learn Macedonian music. Or maybe you love Macedonian music but haven not found the most easily understandable sheet music. Or maybe you want to learn more about the stories that are passed down in traditional music. Perhaps you even know someone that could use these songs.

    Well, here they are, the first 100!

    (This is the newly created Cultural Resources page on our website).



    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      That is excellent! Really useful.
      My suggestion however would be to make it all indexed and each song viewable online. It would draw more people to your website. As it stands, it is an excellent endeavour and gift to the Macedonian community worldwide, yet is doing LOMA no enduring benefit. Which is a pity.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        We allready had a thread that one member wanted sheet music and where he could get it.If it was properly indexed the better.Vicsands i don't know how you are going to do it its a mammoth task.
        Last edited by George S.; 07-23-2015, 02:23 AM.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • vicsinad
          Senior Member
          • May 2011
          • 2337


          That is true. But we are going to have a lot more songs than can already be found online (probably double the amount). And those online, the vast majority, are in Cyrillic, which makes it harder for non-Macedonian native speakers to understand. As a avid music player, I can tell you that when I'm reading Cyrillic and trying to play music at the same time, I'll stumble on reading some words and it trips me up.


          Thanks! I do have them on our public FB page as JPG photos. They are not indexed, though; but they are on our FB page, which will draw people. If more people get involved than just the 3 of us doing most of the work, we hopefully can tackle that sooner.


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            Yes it is hard but what can you do???
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Let us know what you think about this project. Giving early Macedonian immigrants to primarily the US (and some other countries) a separate downloadable profile "page" with information and documentation on them. We're aiming for immigrants who have passed away and who were born prior to WW2. We'll see how far we'll go. We are going to start with the earliest time periods.


              • George S.
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 10116

                It would be a good project if it was set up properly and with a bit of advertizing it would pay for itself.You could have al l kinds of musicians/singers etc contributing material for references.
                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                GOTSE DELCEV


                • Nikolaj
                  • Aug 2014
                  • 389

                  I personally like the concept, keep it up Vic.


                  • vicsinad
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2011
                    • 2337

                    Thanks for the feedback Nikolaj and George. It'll be an on-going thing, as there is a lot of information out there to gather and organize.


                    • vicsinad
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2011
                      • 2337


                      Loma Weekly Herald Issue 13 is out
                      Volume 2 of Traditional Macedonian Music is Out
                      Immigrant Profiles have been updated for those born before 1846

                      Enjoy reading / playing!


                      • vicsinad
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 2337

                        Hey all,

                        Just want to let you know of some changes. We are working on a lot of time-consuming projects. Combine this with a lack of contribution from members / readers for our newsletter, we have decided to make it a monthly newsletter instead of a weekly newsletter. This way we hope not to sacrifice quality for quantity.

                        Our members and people in general tend to be more interested in our projects. We have many ongoing and that we're planning.

                        Here's are most recent one: language learning material, that includes reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and many exercises and fun activities. There will be dozens of these lessons, so return weekly if you want to learn Macedonian or just brush up. You can find it at our cultural resources section:

                        P.S. We're doing the best we can with this material. It will not be perfect, but it will give many Macedonian practice and a starting place to build some confidence.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          Not evewyone likes to contribute to a weekly column.But monthly might be good and feedback is sporadic.Goodluck.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • vicsinad
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 2337

                            Hey folks,

                            Volume 3 of our traditional Macedonian folk music is now available to download. It contains 54 songs, with notes, chords and lyrics (using the Latin alphabet). You can find the other two volumes on our website, and you can view all the songs individually at our FB page.


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              Are you back vik sinads?we missed you.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • vicsinad
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 2337

                                Hi guys...

                                LOMA's website is back up. We are now .ORG.

