Originally posted by Karposh
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On the other hand,the majority of your countrymen would find it insulting that you referred to them as "Fyromians" and to the Republic as "Fyrom",even though you yourself are a member of this forum which,to use your own words," tries very hard to seek out and promote all that is good and positive with Macedonia".A very good and positive remark from you indeed.
Unlike your last post,whatever I have to say to someone I say it to their face.So yes,what I'm writing is directed to you Karposh.
You as well made it clear that you don't like my posts because they're too negative and pesimistic.And that's fine.But that's your problem,not mine.It won't stop me from posting updates regarding my (and your) motherland now and in future.You'll just have to come at peace with that.Believe me,i don't like it any more than you do.But like i said,if I post otherwise,I would be a liar.I sincerely hope that the situation will improve soon enough and my tone would then change.But don't be so optimistic.
All the best mate,don't take this post as an attack on you personally,I'm sure you're a good Macedonian that loves his country,but you seem to have a problem with accepting reality.A reality that no Macedonian likes for sure.As I said in my previous post to you,if you don't have the stomach for my posts,please do feel free to skip them,I won't be offended.Peace out brother.