A recent post by Drevna Zora on facebook talks about how Bulgarian is really made up of a few different languages that are closely related but not fully mutually intelligable with eachother. It led me to stumble upon the Banat "dialect" of Bulgarian spoken in Romania (Banat & Transylvania) and Serbia (Vojvodina). The language is written in Latin and is spoken by a predominantly Catholic people. It has been documented that various ethnic groups have written in the language. Its orthography seems to be based off a mix of Hungarian and Gaj. Just reading a paragraph of this language will show how different it is to Standard Bulgarian with indications of Romanian, Hungarian and Serbian influence. Interestingly enough it also possess the phonemes /c/ and /ɟ/ which are generally said to be exclusive to Macedonian. Starting this thread for discussion into the Banat vernacular as well as relevance to Drevna Zora's claim that Bulgarian is a compilation of various different languages.