Love is love

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Love is love

    Homosexual marriage was approved by 61.6% of the voting population in Australia.

    It is a vote for love.

    Greeks soon will have the opportunity to marry their goats!

    This is precisely the same as voting for a preferred outcome to a sporting match without knowing the rules of the game they will play.

    But, love is love ...

    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
  • Odi Zvezdo
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 63

    Now that's on board...I hope the Islamic Minority insist on polygamy....after all love is love is it not?? And I'll vote for it...if its ok for pederite to get married here in ni go zapustat decata sega!!!


    • Pelagonija
      • Mar 2017
      • 533

      Petition against safe schools or any such programs. The west is in moral decline and there is no come back.

      Something is very very wrong..


      • Pelagonija
        • Mar 2017
        • 533

        Pa I support more migration from Islamic countries..


        • Pelagonija
          • Mar 2017
          • 533

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          • Stojacanec
            • Dec 2009
            • 809

            The marti gras will now be 61% more gay.

            Also the greeks can come out of hiding.


            • Starling
              • Sep 2017
              • 153

              Equating Greeks to homosexuality in this context isn't fair to the gay community. A relationship between consenting adults is basically the same regardless of the gender of the participants or the number of people involved. While I'm pretty sure ancient Greece had proper same sex relationships at some point, they and Rome are actually better known for pederasty, which is pedophilia rather than homosexuality. Lord Byron's whole thing about searching out Greece for 'sexual liberty' was about pedophilia as well, as he had a thing for young boys and women who looked like young boys. It's a very important distinction to make.

              I've heard about that vote a while back and that embarrassingly terrible ad against same sex marriage. I expected better from Australia but I guess the far right really is a world-wide problem these days.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Originally posted by Starling View Post
                I've heard about that vote a while back and that embarrassingly terrible ad against same sex marriage. I expected better from Australia but I guess the far right really is a world-wide problem these days.
                It was a vote without considering any implications. It offered no proposed legislative protections for rights the majority of the population has enjoyed since the nation was created.

                Are you suggesting there are no negative implications in Canada associated with homosexual marriage? Why not thrash out any potential issues in the vote? The nation could have voted on relevant issues they could relate to.

                I understand nobody is a "natural parent" under Canadian law now, only a "legal parent". I find this diminishing.

                I guess we will have to see what ends up in "hate speech" soon enough.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Liberator of Makedonija
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 1597

                  How is this thread relevant to any Macedonian issue or matter?
                  I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                    How is this thread relevant to any Macedonian issue or matter?
                    Well .... Macedonia doesn't accept homosexual marriages???

                    It's been a quiet year, how about a little latitude.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Pelagonija
                      • Mar 2017
                      • 533

                      Originally posted by Starling View Post
                      Equating Greeks to homosexuality in this context isn't fair to the gay community. A relationship between consenting adults is basically the same regardless of the gender of the participants or the number of people involved. While I'm pretty sure ancient Greece had proper same sex relationships at some point, they and Rome are actually better known for pederasty, which is pedophilia rather than homosexuality. Lord Byron's whole thing about searching out Greece for 'sexual liberty' was about pedophilia as well, as he had a thing for young boys and women who looked like young boys. It's a very important distinction to make.

                      I've heard about that vote a while back and that embarrassingly terrible ad against same sex marriage. I expected better from Australia but I guess the far right really is a world-wide problem these days.
                      What a load of crap, why be a sheep for mate?

                      The far right isn't the problem, it's the loony left who are teaching homosexuality in schools and extreme gender theory.. just look at the safe schools program in Aus. Just tell me how healthy is it to confuse children as young as ten with such extreme content and what is the agenda?

                      What is happening in the west aka Aus is promotion of a liberal system at the expense of a proven traditional system which is now on the decline.

                      Our forefathers fought and died for their families, church and culture.. not so that two blokes can bat each other in the arse.

                      People like you are the product of the system.. it's ok to say no.. don't be a sheep and jump to conclusions.


                      • EgejskaMakedonia
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 1665

                        The vote more or less mirrored previous polls on SSM, showing that approximately $100 million was spent on a process that ultimately questioned the validity of ones' identity and their respective value on a national level. It was nothing more than a political stunt by a gutless leader who wanted to appease a minority of hard-line conservatives in his party.

                        The vote was on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, period. Any downstream implications of such a vote are purely scare tactics, compensating for the lack of a concrete 'no' argument regarding the question at hand. It's incumbent on parliament to ensure that religious freedoms are protected and that it remains simply an issue of marriage equality. To blame this on the LGBTI community and deny them equal rights on the premise of some unsubstantiated consequence that extends beyond the direct causal chain of events is absolute bullshit to be honest.

                        Just like none of us would ever support a referendum on the Macedonian identity, this entire vote became a platform for vilifying people based on something they equally cannot change; their sexual orientation. Both sides displayed some disgusting behaviour during the campaign, but it is the 'no' camp that adopted this process to stall a fundamental social change that a large majority of Australians support.

                        It really is a non-issue and there are far more important things that should be on the national agenda. Marriage equality has NO effect on your rights as an individual. It does NOT diminish heterosexual marriage. It will NOT force a church to marry same-sex couples. If you think Australia is an unbearable place to live now that SSM will become legal, you're welcome to move to Macedonia where people are more concerned with shunning homosexuals than protecting their own ethnic identity.

                        The YES vote won, life goes on. How dare they have equal rights!? Get over it.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Homosexual couple vs heterosexual couple want to adopt a kid. Who gets the kid? Equal footing?
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • EgejskaMakedonia
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 1665

                            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                            Homosexual couple vs heterosexual couple want to adopt a kid. Who gets the kid? Equal footing?
                            Why is there a need to pit them against one another? Same sex couples can already adopt, so why is this an issue suddenly? It seems like another attempt to derail from the immediate question of the vote.

                            Raising a child is ultimately based on the merits of the parents. For example, an abusive mother or father are not ideal parents, regardless of whether they are heterosexual or homosexual.

                            If your argument is based on a child requiring both a father and mother role model to develop properly, then by that logic single parents and a parent with a deceased spouse can not raise a child adequately. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As long as the parents care for and love the child unequivocally, it shouldn’t matter whether they are heterosexual or same sex couples.


                            • Pelagonija
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 533

                              Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View Post
                              The vote more or less mirrored previous polls on SSM, showing that approximately $100 million was spent on a process that ultimately questioned the validity of ones' identity and their respective value on a national level. It was nothing more than a political stunt by a gutless leader who wanted to appease a minority of hard-line conservatives in his party.

                              The vote was on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, period. Any downstream implications of such a vote are purely scare tactics, compensating for the lack of a concrete 'no' argument regarding the question at hand. It's incumbent on parliament to ensure that religious freedoms are protected and that it remains simply an issue of marriage equality. To blame this on the LGBTI community and deny them equal rights on the premise of some unsubstantiated consequence that extends beyond the direct causal chain of events is absolute bullshit to be honest.

                              Just like none of us would ever support a referendum on the Macedonian identity, this entire vote became a platform for vilifying people based on something they equally cannot change; their sexual orientation. Both sides displayed some disgusting behaviour during the campaign, but it is the 'no' camp that adopted this process to stall a fundamental social change that a large majority of Australians support.

                              It really is a non-issue and there are far more important things that should be on the national agenda. Marriage equality has NO effect on your rights as an individual. It does NOT diminish heterosexual marriage. It will NOT force a church to marry same-sex couples. If you think Australia is an unbearable place to live now that SSM will become legal, you're welcome to move to Macedonia where people are more concerned with shunning homosexuals than protecting their own ethnic identity.

                              The YES vote won, life goes on. How dare they have equal rights!? Get over it.
                              Abe fark the pederi.. I couldn't give a rats arse about them..

                              I'm assuming you don't have kids.. look up safe schools? Or are you to busy making wedding plans? This is not about equal rights if it were that simple.

                              No surprise most no votes came from suburbs with majority kids and the most yes votes came from suburbs where people had the lowest proportion of children in the country..

                              I just can't believe how left people are on this forum.. such persons belong on the pride forum..

