Regime Change: Will Macedonia be Removed from the Map in 2018?

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    I don't think I'm fighting anyone.

    We live in an age where minorities rights are worshipped in western society. Ethnic Albanians win in this regard. The Macedonian majority are useless and ineffective. Ripe for the taking basically.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Starling
      • Sep 2017
      • 153

      That's where article 30 of the UDHR comes in:

      Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
      We also need to keep pointing out the double standards in how they fail to uphold those same rights for Macedonians and call Albanian colonialism what it is.


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306


        If you want to make a difference in Macedonia, protesting, beating people up, or anything along those lines wont change a damn thing. Anything you achieve through brute force is destine to fail in short time. At the end of a day a country is nothing more than a group of like minded people who have at least a basic agreement on what kind of country they want to be part of. This transcends all politics and other allegiances.

        I am from modern day Macedonia like you, I go often and stay long. I just came back from a 4 month stay. I can tell you that with out a shadow of a doubt, that Macedonia lacks the essence of a nation. The people of Macedonia never went through the key steps in the nation building process and in my opinion that process is not complete. People in Macedonia do not understand that as a nation you need have some basic principles by which you want to live by and exist as a nation by.

        A nation can't exist by force or through violence. It can only exist through the will of its people, and the sad fact is that a majority of Macedonia's people don't understand what it actually means to be part of a nation. A portion don't even see the value or need of a nation. The best and only option to really save Macedonia is to first convince people that it is worth saving. Goce Delcev's work was never completed after his death. He tried to build a nation, awaken a national conciseness, convince people that they have the power to decide their own future regardless of the odds. How many Macedonians today believe that?

        Macedonians don't understand that the world is a competition of ideas, where only the strong and the unyielding survive. We think that all other parties act in good faith, and that all we have to do is be reasonable and strike a fair deal. The reality is that every nation looks out for its own people, its own interests and doesn't give a fuck about us or our fairness.

        I will help you with what ever you need, as long as it fits into awakening Macedonians to understanding that they have both power as citizens, but also a responsibility to be custodians of their nation. Zaev, Ahmeti, Gruevski, they are merely figments of the actual mindset of different factions of Macedonians within Macedonia, they are not foreign installed puppets. They would not exist without the support of at least some portion of the population. You think Zaev is a traitor, I met dozens of people who genuinely believe he is a savior.

        In the USA where I live, there are pillars of the nation that transcends all. One is the rule of law. Even the president can not avoid justice if he is guilty. Americans take the rule of law seriously, and do not tolerate any perversion or abuse of it. This is the type of mentality that you need to build in Macedonia. That certain things are off limits and that no matter what someones political persuasion might be, they will band together with their fellow countrymen to protect those things.

        Things like:
        The country's name
        The country's flag
        The country's forefathers
        The rule of law

        How many Macedonians can you saw are absolutely moral? How many demand justice? Rule of law? Most Macedonians will justify anything if its good for them, morality be dammed. How many Macedonians wouldn't cheat the system if they could? How many would turn in a friend if it meant justice would prevail? How many Macedonians would be against a name change even if it guaranteed poverty eternally? How many would risk conflict to stand up for whats right?

        The vast majority of Macedonians, unfortunately, are immoral and indifferent, you can never build a nation on that foundation no mater what you protest. If that was not the case, the revolutionaries would have succeeded.

        You want a nation, first we need people worthy of having one.
        Last edited by Gocka; 12-05-2017, 01:15 AM.


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          I also want to add that I disagree with a lot of the contempt for Stefan. I can not judge someone I don't know. I don't know what he has done or not, I don't know what he is doing or not doing, I don't know what he supports or doesn't.

          I believe the simple fact that he identified both SDS and DPMNE as sellouts coupled with his professed desire to do something should afford him a slightly better welcoming.

          Stefan, I have to warn you, we are all fed up with what we see our fellow countrymen doing to our homeland, so you have to understand where the contempt is coming from. Don't take it too personally.

          Why do you think Zaev is in power?


          • Pelagonija
            • Mar 2017
            • 533

            Originally posted by Gocka View Post
            I also want to add that I disagree with a lot of the contempt for Stefan. I can not judge someone I don't know. I don't know what he has done or not, I don't know what he is doing or not doing, I don't know what he supports or doesn't.

            I believe the simple fact that he identified both SDS and DPMNE as sellouts coupled with his professed desire to do something should afford him a slightly better welcoming.

            Stefan, I have to warn you, we are all fed up with what we see our fellow countrymen doing to our homeland, so you have to understand where the contempt is coming from. Don't take it too personally.

            Why do you think Zaev is in power?
            Gocka I'm not attacking you though correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you on those let's give Zaev a chance camp?

            By mid 2018

            - Macedonia will have a new name
            - Bulgarian church will be our church
            - We will be in NATO at the expense of our Russian brothers
            - Macedonia will be bi-lingual
            - Young Macedonians will be forced to Emmigrate in ever greater numbers
            - Poor Pece who pulled shekerinskas hair will be in prison whilst the Smilkovci lake killers eat kebabs in Skopje with tax funded money

            Do people realise that something very sick is happening in MKD?

            People carry on like they are educated on this forum because they can string two sentences together.. unfortunately logic is lacking..

            I saw this comming.. this was all the US of A's work.. simply the Macedonians are stupid enough to fall for it at the expense of our national interest..

            Shame! And give Stefan a break..

            Nikolce diktatorche! Sega ke vidite koje Diktatorcheto pleme ne pismeno..


            • Pelagonija
              • Mar 2017
              • 533

              Originally posted by Gocka View Post

              If you want to make a difference in Macedonia, protesting, beating people up, or anything along those lines wont change a damn thing. Anything you achieve through brute force is destine to fail in short time. At the end of a day a country is nothing more than a group of like minded people who have at least a basic agreement on what kind of country they want to be part of. This transcends all politics and other allegiances.

              I am from modern day Macedonia like you, I go often and stay long. I just came back from a 4 month stay. I can tell you that with out a shadow of a doubt, that Macedonia lacks the essence of a nation. The people of Macedonia never went through the key steps in the nation building process and in my opinion that process is not complete. People in Macedonia do not understand that as a nation you need have some basic principles by which you want to live by and exist as a nation by.

              A nation can't exist by force or through violence. It can only exist through the will of its people, and the sad fact is that a majority of Macedonia's people don't understand what it actually means to be part of a nation. A portion don't even see the value or need of a nation. The best and only option to really save Macedonia is to first convince people that it is worth saving. Goce Delcev's work was never completed after his death. He tried to build a nation, awaken a national conciseness, convince people that they have the power to decide their own future regardless of the odds. How many Macedonians today believe that?

              Macedonians don't understand that the world is a competition of ideas, where only the strong and the unyielding survive. We think that all other parties act in good faith, and that all we have to do is be reasonable and strike a fair deal. The reality is that every nation looks out for its own people, its own interests and doesn't give a fuck about us or our fairness.

              I will help you with what ever you need, as long as it fits into awakening Macedonians to understanding that they have both power as citizens, but also a responsibility to be custodians of their nation. Zaev, Ahmeti, Gruevski, they are merely figments of the actual mindset of different factions of Macedonians within Macedonia, they are not foreign installed puppets. They would not exist without the support of at least some portion of the population. You think Zaev is a traitor, I met dozens of people who genuinely believe he is a savior.

              In the USA where I live, there are pillars of the nation that transcends all. One is the rule of law. Even the president can not avoid justice if he is guilty. Americans take the rule of law seriously, and do not tolerate any perversion or abuse of it. This is the type of mentality that you need to build in Macedonia. That certain things are off limits and that no matter what someones political persuasion might be, they will band together with their fellow countrymen to protect those things.

              Things like:
              The country's name
              The country's flag
              The country's forefathers
              The rule of law

              How many Macedonians can you saw are absolutely moral? How many demand justice? Rule of law? Most Macedonians will justify anything if its good for them, morality be dammed. How many Macedonians wouldn't cheat the system if they could? How many would turn in a friend if it meant justice would prevail? How many Macedonians would be against a name change even if it guaranteed poverty eternally? How many would risk conflict to stand up for whats right?

              The vast majority of Macedonians, unfortunately, are immoral and indifferent, you can never build a nation on that foundation no mater what you protest. If that was not the case, the revolutionaries would have succeeded.

              You want a nation, first we need people worthy of having one.
              You FN serious? America morals? Law? Are you FN kidding me? America is the most decadent country in the world and is hell bent on spreading this disease.. a nation built on slavery and ethnic cleansing? Country with mass murderers, a country that has killed millions in Vietnam and the Middle East in the name of money.

              Ughh how many banksters went to prison in 2008? How many black people are in prison?

              Please spare us the propaganda.. Hillary killed the Benghazi dudes so that they can continue the transfer of arms from Libya to Syria in order to overthrow and unfriendly government..

              Your comments make me sick.. America is evil.. the country that gave the world the kardashians


              • Gocka
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2012
                • 2306

                Man you make my head hurt. Okay let attempt this the nice way first.

                Saying that I wanted to give Zaev a chance is completely disingenuous. It implies that I believed he would do the right things, which I never believed would happen. The types of things he is doing is exactly what I said he would do. I said that it had to happen so that people can get a shock to their systems and move on from it. In a democracy you can't just forcefully remove people who were legitimately elected just because you disagree with them. Zaev isn't acting without a mandate, and I saw first hand how many people have absolutely no problem with being a bi national state. The only way to combat Zaev is for a strong majority of the country to be legitimately opposed to him and his policies, which I do not believe is the case. At the end of the day you can not force "Macedonianism" down peoples throats if they don't want it.

                The USA or some other boogy man have nothing to do with it. Go to Macedonia, talk to people on the streets and you will see people are apathetic, naive, immoral, and indifferent. That is why Zaev is in power. Not because the "USA" installed him.

                Yes something very sick is going on in FYROM and its in the heads of the majority of its inhabitants. People there are not buying what we are selling. They don't care about statehood, history, culture, etc. No one is forcing them to think that way. If they are incapable of coming up with their own good ideas about what they want their nation to be then what exactly are we arguing about?

                Get it through your thick skull, a nation exists only through the will of its people. Our people have no will to have a nation, thus no nation actually exists. There is no Macedonia, that black hole is firmly FYROM, because that is what the people there want it to be.

                Macedonia only exists in the hearts and minds a few souls scattered around the globe.

                I appreciate your enthusiasm but I think you need to take a long trip to FYROM, let it all sink in, then ask yourself what exactly are you trying to save.

                Macedonians aren't ready for a nation or nationhood. They still need to go through the early stages of nation building, and also require a moral and ethical awakening. The country will collapse, Macedonia will cease to exist for a while, the last hope is to operate in the shadows and foment a strong identity, and hope that Macedonians rise again in the future.

                You can shoot Zaev tomorrow, and I guarantee they will find some way to empower an even sicker and more misguided personality in his place. Just as they finally deposed Gruevski, to empower Zaev.

                Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                Gocka I'm not attacking you though correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you on those let's give Zaev a chance camp?

                By mid 2018

                - Macedonia will have a new name
                - Bulgarian church will be our church
                - We will be in NATO at the expense of our Russian brothers
                - Macedonia will be bi-lingual
                - Young Macedonians will be forced to Emmigrate in ever greater numbers
                - Poor Pece who pulled shekerinskas hair will be in prison whilst the Smilkovci lake killers eat kebabs in Skopje with tax funded money

                Do people realise that something very sick is happening in MKD?

                People carry on like they are educated on this forum because they can string two sentences together.. unfortunately logic is lacking..

                I saw this comming.. this was all the US of A's work.. simply the Macedonians are stupid enough to fall for it at the expense of our national interest..

                Shame! And give Stefan a break..

                Nikolce diktatorche! Sega ke vidite koje Diktatorcheto pleme ne pismeno..

                Yes the USA has a very strong legal system and a very strong rule of law. That is a fact.

                Most nations in Europe were built on Slavery. Slavery was a part of human history from the start, from ancient until colonial history. So was ethnic cleansing. Or did we forget that the Romans wiped out dozens of cultures from the map entirely.

                Bankers didn't go to prison in 2008 because we have a strong legal system and according to our laws they didn't commit a crime. What they did was immoral and everyone recognizes that but you can't throw people in jail because you think they acted immorally, they have to break the law. If you don't want them to act that way again, then you need to change the law. This is how a democracy functions.

                There are a lot of "black people" in jail because they committed crimes, they broke the law. You can debate whether their acts should or shouldn't be illegal but the fact remains that according to the laws on the books they committed crimes. Again if you think selling drugs, or what ever else shouldn't warrant jail time, then change the laws and maybe some of those people won't be in jail.

                The rest of what you wrote is just baseless conspiracy and not worth addressing. Just ask your self, if the whole thing is an evil cabal, then why would Hillary have needed to "kill" anyone in order to continue "transferring arms"

                The USA has a backbone of decent, honest and ethical people. Who love the country they live in and want to protect its essence.

                People in the USA join the military out of a sense of duty and honor, misguided as it may be. In Macedonia they join the military to get a paycheck. People in the USA take action when they dont like what they see.

                We have soccer moms who run for office. You tell me when you have ever seen a basic tetka strina in FYROM, run for office because she believes she needs to speak out and make a difference?

                People in the USA take their liberty and democracy seriously. That makes for a messy process full of inadequacies, but at the end of the day I will take that any day over FYROM.

                You need to stop looking at conspiracy websites, you do realize that all they do is make the owners of the sites rich right?

                Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                You FN serious? America morals? Law? Are you FN kidding me? America is the most decadent country in the world and is hell bent on spreading this disease.. a nation built on slavery and ethnic cleansing? Country with mass murderers, a country that has killed millions in Vietnam and the Middle East in the name of money.

                Ughh how many banksters went to prison in 2008? How many black people are in prison?

                Please spare us the propaganda.. Hillary killed the Benghazi dudes so that they can continue the transfer of arms from Libya to Syria in order to overthrow and unfriendly government..

                Your comments make me sick.. America is evil.. the country that gave the world the kardashians


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Just got back from USA recently. They certainly do love their country. Australia could learn from them in this regard.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Starling
                    • Sep 2017
                    • 153

                    Doing activities together helps build unity. If you can't get everyone protesting you can at least get them singing and dancing together, remind them of their cultural pride and inform them that the current political situation is endangering that.

                    As for the propaganda itself, I figure going back to the basics and defining various political systems and terms, how politics work, why propaganda exists and the motives behind it would help give people a better understanding of how to identify and counter it. Remind them of their rights and which ones are being infringed upon. Remind them of their history and how foreign interests harmed them in the past. You'll probably have better luck with the younger generations.

                    On a side note, do we have a dedicated thread to information Macedonians in Macedonia need or have difficulty accessing?


                    • Pelagonija
                      • Mar 2017
                      • 533

                      Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                      Man you make my head hurt. Okay let attempt this the nice way first.

                      Saying that I wanted to give Zaev a chance is completely disingenuous. It implies that I believed he would do the right things, which I never believed would happen. The types of things he is doing is exactly what I said he would do. I said that it had to happen so that people can get a shock to their systems and move on from it. In a democracy you can't just forcefully remove people who were legitimately elected just because you disagree with them. Zaev isn't acting without a mandate, and I saw first hand how many people have absolutely no problem with being a bi national state. The only way to combat Zaev is for a strong majority of the country to be legitimately opposed to him and his policies, which I do not believe is the case. At the end of the day you can not force "Macedonianism" down peoples throats if they don't want it.

                      The USA or some other boogy man have nothing to do with it. Go to Macedonia, talk to people on the streets and you will see people are apathetic, naive, immoral, and indifferent. That is why Zaev is in power. Not because the "USA" installed him.

                      Yes something very sick is going on in FYROM and its in the heads of the majority of its inhabitants. People there are not buying what we are selling. They don't care about statehood, history, culture, etc. No one is forcing them to think that way. If they are incapable of coming up with their own good ideas about what they want their nation to be then what exactly are we arguing about?

                      Get it through your thick skull, a nation exists only through the will of its people. Our people have no will to have a nation, thus no nation actually exists. There is no Macedonia, that black hole is firmly FYROM, because that is what the people there want it to be.

                      Macedonia only exists in the hearts and minds a few souls scattered around the globe.

                      I appreciate your enthusiasm but I think you need to take a long trip to FYROM, let it all sink in, then ask yourself what exactly are you trying to save.

                      Macedonians aren't ready for a nation or nationhood. They still need to go through the early stages of nation building, and also require a moral and ethical awakening. The country will collapse, Macedonia will cease to exist for a while, the last hope is to operate in the shadows and foment a strong identity, and hope that Macedonians rise again in the future.

                      You can shoot Zaev tomorrow, and I guarantee they will find some way to empower an even sicker and more misguided personality in his place. Just as they finally deposed Gruevski, to empower Zaev.

                      Yes the USA has a very strong legal system and a very strong rule of law. That is a fact.

                      Most nations in Europe were built on Slavery. Slavery was a part of human history from the start, from ancient until colonial history. So was ethnic cleansing. Or did we forget that the Romans wiped out dozens of cultures from the map entirely.

                      Bankers didn't go to prison in 2008 because we have a strong legal system and according to our laws they didn't commit a crime. What they did was immoral and everyone recognizes that but you can't throw people in jail because you think they acted immorally, they have to break the law. If you don't want them to act that way again, then you need to change the law. This is how a democracy functions.

                      There are a lot of "black people" in jail because they committed crimes, they broke the law. You can debate whether their acts should or shouldn't be illegal but the fact remains that according to the laws on the books they committed crimes. Again if you think selling drugs, or what ever else shouldn't warrant jail time, then change the laws and maybe some of those people won't be in jail.

                      The rest of what you wrote is just baseless conspiracy and not worth addressing. Just ask your self, if the whole thing is an evil cabal, then why would Hillary have needed to "kill" anyone in order to continue "transferring arms"

                      The USA has a backbone of decent, honest and ethical people. Who love the country they live in and want to protect its essence.

                      People in the USA join the military out of a sense of duty and honor, misguided as it may be. In Macedonia they join the military to get a paycheck. People in the USA take action when they dont like what they see.

                      We have soccer moms who run for office. You tell me when you have ever seen a basic tetka strina in FYROM, run for office because she believes she needs to speak out and make a difference?

                      People in the USA take their liberty and democracy seriously. That makes for a messy process full of inadequacies, but at the end of the day I will take that any day over FYROM.

                      You need to stop looking at conspiracy websites, you do realize that all they do is make the owners of the sites rich right?
                      Ahh conspiracy theories you say? convince me and answer a couple questions

                      1) Did the US recognise Macedonia under its constitutional name one day to the referendum on the changing of the municipality borders?

                      2) Did not the US support UCK militarily in 1999 and 2001?

                      3) Is the US pro Zaev

                      4) Does the US support brutal dictators in countries like Saudi Arabia yet opposes dictators in Belarus, Iran and Syria.

                      5) Why does the US condone corrupt governments in places like Montenegro, Milo has been president for 30 years

                      6) How many Americans have died and are crippled due to American emperial wars in the last 50 years

                      7) If America is so great then why did they vote Trump in?

                      8) Is it possible that blacks make crime because they are discriminated against? I hear the prisons make good money off their free labour.

                      9) Why do we need to join EU/NATO? What is NATO

                      Mate I'm in MKD every two to three years.. I confirm and agree people are apathetic and immoral and are definitely not nationalistic. This is largely due to outside interference and lack of hope..

                      I remember Karposh mentioned people were dancing in the streets in bitola in 1997 when the macOS hammered the Albos in gostivar. Fast forward 2001 Aricanovo after the US got involved in the Balkans?

                      You can't be pro US and pro MKD at the same time.. The USA is farked.

                      BTW where are the weapons of mass destruction? Bush is above the so called strong legal system..

                      Bloody construction workers aka keyboard warriors
                      Last edited by Pelagonija; 12-05-2017, 05:24 PM.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Every Asian country I go to, blacks are trying to sell me drugs on the street. You would think they stand out over there and should keep their noses clean, but there you go.

                        I have no doubt USA is interfering with Macedonia, bit the people are ripe for it. This isn't Croatia with a history of violent passion for independence. Macedonia begs for a teat. Every time.

                        The people can make a difference. They choose not to.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Gocka
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 2306

                          Every country that can exert influence will do so in pursuit of their own interests, we shouldn't expect anything less. The extent to which they can successfully exert influence is largely do to the willingness of the other party to allow it to happen.

                          International politics functions on the model of "follow the path of least resistance". Its very simple, if you are the path of least resistance then you get pushed around. The USA, Russia, Germany, France, England, China, and any other big player only cares about doing whats good for their own people, which I can not fault them for.

                          Take Macedonia and Albanians as an example. The west doesn't want conflict and instability, so they say okay what is the easiest way to stop that from happening. You exert pressure on the party that is most likely to cave, Macedonians. If they thought the Albanians would be easier to push around, then they would. They are not picking sides, so much as they are trying to solve a problem through the path of least resistance.

                          We have no one but ourselves to blame for being a bunch of pussies, who are always looking to make a good deal with someone instead of putting our foot down and standing up for ourselves.

                          We constantly want to blame the USA, or our neighbors for our own inadequacy.

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          Every Asian country I go to, blacks are trying to sell me drugs on the street. You would think they stand out over there and should keep their noses clean, but there you go.

                          I have no doubt USA is interfering with Macedonia, bit the people are ripe for it. This isn't Croatia with a history of violent passion for independence. Macedonia begs for a teat. Every time.

                          The people can make a difference. They choose not to.


                          • Starling
                            • Sep 2017
                            • 153

                            While theoretically countries follow their own interests, the truth is that they only follow the interests of a small group of rich people with the most money and influence. The US is actively screwing over its own people right now, same as a lot of other countries are these days. The real best interests is a world where the population isn't crippled in dept, money is circulating and the ethnically diverse population of the post-globalization world learns to stop screwing over other countries expecting it not to bite them in the ass later.


                            • Gocka
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 2306

                              I would rather not but I'll bite.

                              Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                              Ahh conspiracy theories you say? convince me and answer a couple questions
                              They did, and who were the insecure sheep who were so proud of a mealiness gesture that they sold out their country to go out and "celebrate". Also there is no way of knowing what impact that actually had on the referendum results anyway.

                              1) Did the US recognise Macedonia under its constitutional name one day to the referendum on the changing of the municipality borders?
                              They did somewhat, indirectly. We were more than capable of standing our ground and slaughtering the terrorists, and no one could have done a damn thing. Again, we were the path of least resistance. They knew we would "compromise" and we did, OH did we compromise.

                              2) Did not the US support UCK militarily in 1999 and 2001?
                              Yes they are, and so what? Did they cast a single vote to sway the election? At the end of the day Macedonians chose Zaev. All the propaganda could have been ignored, but a majority of Macedonians were drooling over the prospect of a 500 euro minimum wage, and entering the EU. Go to Macedonia, talk to people, and you will see that what Zaev is doing is just fine with a lot of people.

                              3) Is the US pro Zaev
                              Yes they do. Path of least resistance. Belarus gravitates toward Russia, a mortal enemy, while Saudi Arabia is cooperative and much more powerful then Belarus, and Syria.

                              4) Does the US support brutal dictators in countries like Saudi Arabia yet opposes dictators in Belarus, Iran and Syria.
                              Because it is somehow in their interests. I know for us Macedonians, acting in your own best interests is a foreign concept, but must other nations do that.

                              5) Why does the US condone corrupt governments in places like Montenegro, Milo has been president for 30 years
                              I wouldn't say they are imperial. Vietnam was to stop the spread of communism. Korea was the same. Look at north Korea, imagine all of Korea being that way, and Vietnam on top of it. Yes maybe they could have stayed out of it, but would either of those two countries be better off for it, would the world have been better off? Iraq was a cluster fuck which still hasn't been fully explained. You could argue that it is worse off now then it was under Saddam, but that's easy to argue when you are not the people getting mustard gassed by him. This is one you could have legitimate objections to. I personally think it was a mistake.

                              6) How many Americans have died and are crippled due to American emperial wars in the last 50 years
                              Very simple, because they could and because they wanted to. Much for the same reasons that Macedonians voted for Zaev. He made promises that people liked, they wanted a change from the status quo. They got that, and will probably never do it again. Democracy doesn't guarantee that you make the right choice, it guarantees that you can make a choice.

                              7) If America is so great then why did they vote Trump in?
                              Can anyone argue that they were put in jail unlawfully? Pretty crime or not, don't commit them and you certainly won't go to jail. Has anyone ever been thrown in jail to be silenced, or taught a lesson like in Macedonia? Rule of law means following the law, it doesn't mean the law is fair. If the laws are somehow unfair, then the legislative process can change them. I feel no pity for people who know what they do is a crime, and do it anyway. Instead of selling drugs, push carts at Walmart, anyone can do that.

                              8) Is it possible that blacks make crime because they are discriminated against? I hear the prisons make good money off their free labour.
                              We don't and shouldn't? What does this have to do with the USA? I have been urging Macedonians to say no to both from the start.

                              9) Why do we need to join EU/NATO? What is NATO
                              I am not "pro" USA. I don't support US meddling in Macedonia.
                              You have to understand that the USA as a country, as a democracy, functions well. You disagree with their political views, their international meddling, but you can not deny that for AMERICANS, its a good safe and prosperous place to live. Americans are patriotic even thought they have no roots in the land, they are fair and honest with each other, the legal system is fair and all encompassing, the standard of living is high, there is opportunity for everyone, people have liberty and freedom to do what they want, everyone has access to the political system as a voter or as a candidate. That's all that matters to AMERICANS.

                              Macedonians could learn a thing or two about pursing their own interests at the expense of others, and not always trying to "compromise" with everyone.

                              You can't be pro US and pro MKD at the same time.. The USA is farked.

                              He didn't break the law. Just because you make a mistake, doesn't mean you are criminally liable for it.

                              Samo skokas ko petel. Morat da se smiris i pojke da razmisluvas pred da pisis, sushmenko eden.

                              BTW where are the weapons of mass destruction? Bush is above the so called strong legal system..

                              Bloody construction workers aka keyboard warriors


                              • Pelagonija
                                • Mar 2017
                                • 533


                                GW killed a few million people mostly Arabs directly and indirectly whilst killing and maiming a decent amount of young Americans? Because of a mistake? thats constitutes a war crime mate..oohhh ooopsi

                                Not sure how many Iraqis you've met, but let me assure %100 of the ones I met preferred life under Saddam.

                                Seriously... stop reading american propaganda news.. your country is anything but demographic, safe or moral.. and a whole..every time time we turn the news some kids are getting shot up for going to school.. or some cop is shooting up a black or two.. or something about the failed healthcare system.

                                Fark America the c()nt of a country.. watch a doc or two by Michael Moore.. America is only strong because it has something like 600 bases world wide, and has mastered the art of installing friendly governments..

                                If you want to provide an example of a true democratic country try Switzerland or Norway.. not your crappy America..

                                Come on mate I know your lifestyle must have improved from the selo to the US.. but call a spade a spade..

