Kokino, Oldest Civilisation in the Balkans

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  • Dzog
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 37

    Kokino, Oldest Civilisation in the Balkans

    Кокино е најстара култура на Балканот

    На планинските врвови во Кумановско-кратовскиот регион, покрај реките Пчиња и Крива Река откриена е мрежа од 10 светилишта, кои се материјални докази дека пред 40 века на тие простори имало организиран живот истовремено со Минојците и со Хитите

    Кокино не е само опсерваторија, туку и светилиште и култура на луѓе што живееле во бронзениот период, од 18 до 20 век пред наша ера, истовремено со Минојците на Крит и со Хититите во Анадолија. Тоа го изјави Ѓоре Ценев, раководител на истражувањата на теренот во североисточна Македонија, на вчерашната прес-конференција во Скопје, јави МИА.

    Интензивните теренски анализи во изминатите два месеца резултирале со откривање мрежа од 10 светилишта на планинските врвови во Кумановско-кратовскиот регион, покрај реките Пчиња и Крива Река, кои се материјални докази дека пред 40 века на тие простори имало организиран живот.

    Според Ценев, откритието има големо значење за аргументирање на времето, просторот на живеење и на цивилизацијата што ги направила.

    - Преку археоастрономската анализа на Кокино и карактеристиките на овие светилишта, кои ги споредуваме со искуствата на светската наука, може да кажеме дека цивилизацијата што го изградила Кокино постоела во 18, 19 и 20 век пред нашата ера. Луѓето кои го изградиле и кои го користеле Кокино и сите овие светилишта постоеле во тоа време и на оваа територија. Сега слободно може да зборуваме за Кокино култура, што го одликувала тој народ. Ние немаме други такви траги на Балканскиот Полуостров и први сме на овие простори- изјави Ценев.

    Според него, откритието е значајно за воспоставување континуитет во аргументацијата за развој на цивилизацијата на територијата на Македонија и на Балканот.

    - Има голема културна поврзаност и претставува единство со, во науката дефинираниот простор на, источниот Медитеран и Мала Азија, а нема големи влијанија од север - истакна Ценев.

    Тој посочи дека во Кокино цивилизацијата има и карактеристики на кралство, зашто во светилиштата се негувал култот на богот на Сонцето и на бурата, но и на други божества. Постојат камени претстави на животни, особено на орелот кој се поврзува со бурата, и на желката, која е симбол на Земјата, како и издлабени кругови што го симболизираат Сонцето.

    Самата опсерваторија на Кокино, која служела како календар за мерење на времето, е меѓу главните дострели на интелектуалните и духовните капацитети на таа култура. Во околината има и најмалку десет археолошки локалитети од бронзениот период со фигурини на луѓе и на животни.

    Ценев се надева дека цивилизацијата имала и свое писмо и ако тоа биде откриено, тогаш Кокино ќе ги исполни сите критериуми за да се смета за древна цивилизација, најстара на Балканот.

    Од годинава Кокино е на привремената листа на УНЕСКО како археоастрономски локалитет, а за да влезе во листата на ОН со светско културно наследство потребна е комплексна документација, што ќе вклучи научници од различни области.

    Google Translation:

    Kokkino is the oldest culture in the Balkans

    Mountain peaks in the Kumanovo-Kratovo region, despite the rivers Pcinja Kriva Reka and discovered a network of 10 temples, which are tangible evidence that the Century 40 of those spaces were organized simultaneously with the life and Minojcite Hitite

    Kokkino is not just an observatory, but a sanctuary and culture of people who lived in the bronze period, from 18 to 20 century BC, while the Minojcite of Crete and Hititite in Anatolia. That said Cenev Gore, head of research in the field in northeastern Macedonia, in yesterday's press conference in Skopje, MIA.

    Intensive field tests in the past two months resulted in the detection network of 10 temples on the mountain peaks in the Kumanovo-Kratovo region, despite the rivers Pcinja and Kriva Reka, which are tangible evidence that the Century 40 of those spaces were organized life.

    According Cenev, the discovery has great significance for the argument of time, space of life and civilization that have made.

    - By arheoastronomskata Kokino analysis and features of these temples, which compare the experiences of world science can say that the civilization that built Kokino existed in 18, 19 and 20 centuries before our era. People who have built and used by Kokino all these temples existed at the time of this territory. Now you can freely talk about Kokino culture that characterized the nation. We have such other traces of the Balkan Peninsula and are the first of these space-Cenev said.

    According to him, the discovery is important to establish continuity in the argument for the development of civilization in the territory of Macedonia and the Balkans.

    - We have a great relationship and a cultural unity with in the defined area of science, the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor, and no major impacts from the north - said Cenev.

    He suggested that in Kokkino civilization has characteristics of the Kingdom, because the svetilishtata be nurtured the cult of the god of sun and storm, and other deities. There are stone representations of animals, especially the eagle, which is associated with the storm, and the turtle, which is the symbol of the country and izdlabeni circles symbolize the sun.

    The Observatory of Kokkino, who served as a calendar for measuring time, is among the major achievements of the intellectual and spiritual capacities of that culture. The environment has at least ten archaeological bronze objects from the period with figurines of people and animals.

    Cenev hopes civilization and had his letter, and if found, then Kokino will meet all criteria to be considered an ancient civilization, the oldest in the Balkans.

    Kokkino is the year of the interim list of UNESCO as arheoastronomski site, and to enter a UN list of world heritage documentation required is complex, which will include scientists from different fields.
    Last edited by Dzog; 10-01-2009, 06:21 PM. Reason: .
    Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Welcome Dzog.
    This is really interesting.
    Kokino consists of two parts. It includes special stone markers used to track the movement of the Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon. The observatory used the method of stationary observation, marking positions of the Sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox.
    I find it fascinating that so many cultures were competing with similar trains of thought during these times.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


    • Pelister
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2742

      Every time I read something about a new discovery I keep waiting for someone to mention "writing" of some kind or another. I'm out of luck again.


      • Jankovska
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1774

        I went to Kokino last year, it was lovely. When I went back home I was telling my gran where we went and why blah blah and she turned around and said she knew that place. Apprently even now days people do rituals there just hiding at night. My gran's friend took her daughter there( she can't have chidlren) for certain middnight rituals etc. It's very interesting that this is never mentioned. People should not hide from doing it, this are rituals, stories passed down from generation to generation and only God knows how much it can help in putting the clearer picture about Kokino together/


        • vojnik
          • Apr 2011
          • 307


          The crescent moon is seen over a rocky crest filled with astronomical stone markers at the ancient megalithic observatory of Kokino, Macedonia, back on 21 June 2009, the day of the Summer solstice. Kokino includes special stone markers used to track the movement of sun and moon on the eastern horizon.
          Kokino was accidentally discovered by Macedonian archeologist Jovica Stankovski back in 2001.

          The observatory used the method of stationary observation, marking positions of the sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox. The ancient astronomic observatory, located about 80 km north-east of Skopje, dates back more than 4.000 years.
          Kokino has been nominated to be included on UNESCO's World Heritage Site list. The importance of the site was confirmed by US space agency NASA, which placed it on its list of ancient observatories.

          A Kokino culture may have been found, after a network of 10 temples were discovered in the mountain peaks of the Kumanovo-Kratovo region, dating back to 20th-18th century BC. Stone drawings have also been discovered, especially those of the eagle (associated with storms), and turtles (symbol of country). At least ten figurine objects of humans and animals have been discovered. If Kokino is identified as an ancient civilization, it would be the oldest known in southern Europe.


          • makedonche
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 3242

            good article, particularly for the rest of the world to read, of course we Macedonians already knew this!
            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


            • vojnik
              • Apr 2011
              • 307

              Originally posted by makedonche View Post
              good article, particularly for the rest of the world to read, of course we Macedonians already knew this!
              I was actually surprised when I searched for a thread on Kokino that the only one only had a few posts in it with very little talk about Kokino. I think that anyone of this forum who has information or sources about Kokino to post it here and if anyone outside the forum who has information to join and post.

              This is a very important part of our history as Macedonians.


              • makedonche
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 3242

                Originally posted by vojnik View Post
                I was actually surprised when I searched for a thread on Kokino that the only one only had a few posts in it with very little talk about Kokino. I think that anyone of this forum who has information or sources about Kokino to post it here and if anyone outside the forum who has information to join and post.

                This is a very important part of our history as Macedonians.
                Very true, we should get as many people to post on here as possible and then use all the data to educate our racist southern neighbours, facist eastern neighbours and shit for brains western neighbours!
                On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  kokino has got one of the oldest known observatory you are looking at similarities to stonehenge lines.Kokino was a central development to very old peoples in the balkans.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • The LION will ROAR
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 3231

                    Macedonia's Megalithic Kokino Observatory Places 4th on NASA List

                    Macedonia's Megalithic-era Kokino Observatory is located 1,030m above sea level on the Tativec Kamen Summit near Kumanovo. Archaeological and astronomical analyses have shown that the observatory is more than 3,800 years old. According to NASA, which earlier this year released a list ranking observatories by age, it is the fourth oldest in the world, after Abu Simbel in Egypt, Stonehenge in Britain and Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

                    "Kokino has incredible astronomical preciseness and has a central observation post and accessory observation posts," says physicist Gjore Cenev, the head of Macedonia's Youth Cultural Centre Planetarium, who has been performing a detailed analysis of the site. "The observatory defines the four main positions of the Moon and three main positions of the Sun during a year, the autumnal and vernal equinox and winter and summer solstice." One specially positioned marker shows that the observatory was also used to follow the movement of the star cluster Pleiades.

                    According to Cenev, the observatory was designed by the end of the Bronze Age and suggests a highly developed civilisation. "Ancient people made their calendar with precision, with many markers and cuts in the rock and on some places on the observatory. The observatory also helped them to determine the time for harvest and other dates," he says.

                    Archeologist Jovica Stankovksi discovered Kokino two and a half years ago. "We found a lot of ceramic items on the site but they were dated to a later period," he says. "This leads to a conclusion that another civilisation came to the site, destroyed the civilisation that had developed the observatory and built a settlement next to it," Stankovski says.

                    Exploration of the site is to resume next month, and the discovery of more details on the civilisation that built and used Kokino is expected. The Dutch Foundation has provided 4,000 euros for a catalogue about the site.

                    "The ministry of culture will also participate in the catalogue preparation with 500 euros," Cenev said. "This ultimately confirms that there is cultural heritage in Macedonia that should be explored." Archaeologists and astronomers assume there are three or four more such observatories in this region.

                    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                    • The LION will ROAR
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3231

                      Kokino - Rock Outcrop in Macedonia

                      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                      • The LION will ROAR
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 3231

                        Where the ancients studied the moon and stars
                        By Stephanie Busari, CNN and Catriona Davies
                        May 24, 2010 -- Updated 1643 GMT (0043 HKT)

                        (CNN) -- Macedonia is the youngest ancient country in the world and is full of relics of times past.

                        Although the country was only officially formed in 1991(Macedonia gained independence from the former Yugoslav federation), it has been part of all the great empires of history, from Roman to Ottoman to Byzantine and they have all left their mark with thousands of ancient sites.

                        The country has an estimated 4,485 archaeological sites from all historical periods, according to Pasko Kuzman, of the country's Cultural Heritage Protection Office.

                        Jewel in the crown is Kokino, discovered in the mountains near Kumanovo in 2001 by local archaeologist Jovica Stankovski. It is a 4,000-year-old Megalithic Observatory used in the Bronze Age for studying the sun and moon.

                        The site, at an altitude of more than 1,000m and with a 100m diameter, is described as the "Macedonian Stonehenge" and is ranked by NASA as the fourth oldest ancient observatory in the world, after Abu Simbel in Egypt, Stonehenge in Britain and Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

                        Several stone seats, known as thrones and facing the east horizon were also discovered on the site.

                        Research showed that the observatory had a specific place for monitoring the stars and the sun, as well as specific holes through which the movement of the sun and the moon could be recorded.

                        According to physicist Gjore Cenev, the ancient observatory worked by using special stone markers to map the movement of the sun and moon on the eastern horizon. With parts of the observatory well preserved, it is still possible to mark the position of the sun during the summer solstice, he said.

                        Cenev, who has carried out detailed analysis of the site, wrote in a paper on the subject: "Kokino has incredible astronomical preciseness and has a central observation post and accessory observation posts."

                        "The observatory defines the four main positions of the Moon and three main positions of the Sun during a year, the autumnal and vernal equinox and winter and summer solstice," he added.

                        It is believed some of the most important rituals for local inhabitants during the Early Bronze Age would have taken place on the site.

                        Stankovski, who discovered the ruins, wrote in the Macedonian Archaeological News: "One of the most attractive rituals noted at Kokino is the ritual of the sacred union of the Great Mother Earth and her Son, the Sun. The ritual was performed in mid-summer and it was probably related with the end of the harvest season."

                        There are theories that the Kokino Megalithic Observatory was part of a larger city after a network of 10 temples was discovered nearby.

                        Stone drawings and figurines have also been discovered and if Kokino is identified as an ancient civilization, it could the oldest known in the Balkans.
                        The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                        • The LION will ROAR
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3231

                          Kokino Megalithic Observatory

                          Welcome to the official National Tourism Portal, presents travel Macedonia information, culture and adventure tourism. This is official site for Macedonian tourism promotions. All the information you need to plan your trip to our beautiful country.

                          The Megalithic Observatory Kokino is located about 30 kilometers northeast of Kumanovo. This site has a diameter of 100 meters and is scaled on two levels underneath the mountain peak Tatikev Kamen at an altitude of 1013 m. When discovered in 2001 it was believed to be a special mountain sanctuary from the Bronze Age.
                          A detailed archaeo-astronomical research carried out afterwards showed that the locality has all the characteristics of a holy place but also of an older observation of celestial objects. The most important characteristic of the observatory
                          ncludes positions for observation. Special stone markers used for marking all movement characteristics of the Sun and Moon have been found on the east horizon. The observatory used a method of static observation marking positions of the Sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox.
                          Archaeological excavations are carried out on the upper platform on which valuable material has been found, ceramic fragments mostly, but also animal bones, pyramidal weights, fragments of two hones (grind stones), made of filitic slate and kelt mould.
                          Kokino Observatory proudly takes the forth place on the Ancient Observatory Sites’ list: 1) Abu Simbel, Egypt; 2) Stonehenge, Great Britain; 3) Angkor Wat, Cambodia; 4) Kokino Observatory, Macedonia; 5) Goeck, Germany; 6) Big Horn Medicine Wheel, Mont; 7) Chaco Canyon, New Mexico; 8) Chichen Itza, Mexico; 9) Machu Picchu, Peru ;10) Hovenweep Castle, Utah; 11) New Grange, Ireland; 12) Templo Major, Mexico; 13) Armenian Stonehenge, Aremenia ;14) Luoyang Observatory, China; 15) Masuda Iwafune, China.

                          The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                          • The LION will ROAR
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 3231

                            KOKINO observatory - 4000 years of MACEDONIAN culture

                            Kokino Calendar

                            MAP of Kokino

                            KOKINO observatory - 4000 years of MACEDONIAN culture

                            The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                            • The LION will ROAR
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 3231


                              The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!

