The Crisis in the Balkan States:
" The accompanying map will show the seat of the present troubles in the Balkans. The shaded portions
of the map show the territory that is still under Turkish rule. Bulgaria and the other Balkan states
which now making things hot for the sublime port remain under the suzerainty of the sultan but
are anxious to throw off the Turkish yoke. Serbia is an independent kingdom and does not pay any
tribute, but Austria still hands over an annual stipend for the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and she has long nursed the desire to extend her territory to Aegean Sea, so that Salonica might be
the southern terminus of one of her railways . Russia , however which has interests in Montenegro,
stands in the way of this scheme and in the meantime the long oppressed Macedonians are making
things lively on their own account."
Source: Morning Record April 23 1899
Macedonians make things lively on their own account? Were not Macedonians Greeks?