The quays at Solun on June 8, 1917: taken from the height of 13,000 feet. by the Germant air force
a polyglot army L. to R. Annamite, Frenchman, Senegalese, Englishman, Russian, Italian, Serbian(partly hidden), British Indian, in frond a Cretan gendarme (military policeman) of the Venizelos provisional government. Year 1917
Given the formation of the port and the existance of an opposite shore, this is NOT Thessaloniki.
I didn't see Salonika myself but wasn't there a gulf in Salonika? So, there should be an opponent shore in there?
Btw, this place cant be Croatia with these minarets since there was no Ottoman regime in there. I guess this is either Salonika or Izmir. I am not sure but i gotta check old Ottoman era pictures of Izmir cuz you know, after the great fire in 1922, most of the coast line of the city has been burned and it`s completely different right now but the building right at the port, on the left side of the picture looks similar to me. There is an old customs office at the port in Izmir, built by Gustave Eiffel. It`s survived the great fire and i think it`s that building. So, this is probably Izmir in 1910s.
Edit: Yes, this should be Izmir before the great fire of 1922. This is the Eiffel`s building. It`s restored today but as exactly as it was built;
The roof of the building and it`s surroundings are same.
Amazing pictures,there is a saying a picture is a thousand words.Does anyone know if pictures like these are preserved like in books etc for the future so that at least people will know how it really was.Niko & others thanks that's really very intersting.
Welcome to Vinum I hope you are enjoying yourself.In respect of solun it was such a big city,amazing.
Got to this forum while trying to google early 1910s Solun photos. The thing is, there's a vintage photo of perfect quality featuring seaside city falsely referred as Pula. In fact, it's a clear mistake — some four mosques in picture appear to be absoulte nonsence for the small Croatian town in Istria. So the questions is — what's the town depicted on photo? Could it be Solun port in the beginning of 20th century?
Many modern and well known academics from the Republic of Macedonia were born in Solun, including:
Dimo Todorovski (Born 1910, Solun - died 1983, Skopje), Sculptor, Artist
I'm sure everyone is familiar with his famous work - Mechkin Kamen, in Krushevo
Kiril Penushliski (born 1912, Solun - died 2004, Skopje), author, poet, folklorist, general secretary of the University of Skopje
Simeon Gugulovski (born 1941, Solun - died 1995, Sofia) folklorist, member of the Macedonian National Theatre, most famous for singing "Zemjo Makedonska" and "Narode Makedonski"
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