Macedonian Heroes, Revolutionaries and Vojvoda's

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  • Čento
    • Mar 2012
    • 128

    Macedonian Heroes, Revolutionaries and Vojvoda's

    This thema is a collective thread about Macedonian Heroes, Revolutionaries and Vojvoda's. In this thread we can post informations and pictures. Please don't post pictures about today's Macedonian Army, for that we have a thread.

    I will add and edit more information later, I don't have much time.

    Let's start with the famousest Revolutionary Goce Delčev.
    (January 19, 1871, Smilevo, present-day Republic of Macedonia - December 10, 1906 near Petlec peak in Maleshevo, present-day Republic of Macedonia)
    Georgi Nikolov Delchev (February 4 1872, Kukush (today Kilkis, Greece) – May 4 1903 (aged 31), Banica (today Karie, Greece) (Macedonian: Ѓорѓи Николов Делчев, known as Gotse Delchev, also spelled Goce Delčev, Cyrillic: Гоце Делчев, originally spelled Гоце Дѣлчевъ) was an important Macedonian revolutionary figure in Ottoman-ruled Macedonia at the turn of the 20th century. He was one of the leaders of what is commonly known today as Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO), a paramilitary organization active in the Ottoman territories in Europe at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

    Ракопис на Гоце Делчев:

    Delcevs portrait.

    Гоце Делчев (втор од лево, заден ред) со Михаил Герџиков (трет од лево), баба Дона и група револуционери - Ќустендил, 1902.

    IMARO`s Efrem Chuchkov, Kliment Shapkarev and Gotse Delchev

    Гоце Делчев (Втор маж од лево)

    Delčev's greave.

    It says: Tuka pochiva Goce Delchev legendarniot Borec za svobodata na Makedonija 1903 TUKA

    Translation into English: Here lies Gotse Delchev the legendary Warriot for the freedom of Macedonia 1903
    Last edited by Čento; 07-29-2012, 09:31 AM.
    Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

    Гоце Делчев
  • Čento
    • Mar 2012
    • 128

    Damjan Jovanov Gruev, often known by his short name Dame Gruev, (January 19, 1871, Smilevo, present-day Macedonia - December 10, 1906 near Petlec peak in Maleshevo, present-day Macedonia) was a Macedonian insurgent leader in Ottoman Macedonia. He was among the founders of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee.

    Portrait of Dame Gruev.

    Cheta of IMRO - Vojvoda's Efrem Chuchkov, Mishe Razvigorov, Atanas Babata, Pancho Konstantinov, Nikola Lefterov, Mihail Chakov and Dame Gruev. 1903

    Portrait of Dame Gruev, Grigor Popev and Alexander Hadzhipanov - IMRO revolutionaries 1903-1906.

    Dame Gruev, Mishe Razvigorov, Efrem Chuckov, Atanas Babata before 1906.

    Dame Gruev, Mishe Razvigorov, Efrem Chuckov, Atanas Babata before 1906.

    Skopje congress of Macedonian revolutionaries IMRO: Dame Gruev, Efrem Chuchkov, Mishe Razvigorov, Atanas Babata and others. 1905

    Dame Gruev and his group of revolutionaries before 1904.

    Dame Gruev with Aleksandar Kitanov.

    The dead body of Dame Gruev. 1906

    The grave in Rusinovo, Macedonia.
    Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

    Гоце Делчев


    • Čento
      • Mar 2012
      • 128

      Pitu Guli (Cyrillic: Питу Гули; 1865, Kruševo – 1903, Kruševo, Ottoman Empire) was an Aromanian revolutionary in Ottoman Macedonia, a local leader of what is commonly referred to as the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO). Born to a poor family, he demonstrated an independent and rebellious nature early in life. He left his home in Macedonia at the age of 17 in search of wealth in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. In 1885, he returned to Macedonia, formed a rebel squad and joined other elements of the revolutionary movement against the Ottoman Empire.

      Pitu Guli is a national hero in the Republic of Macedonia, and remembered as having fought heroically at Mečkin Kamen (Bear's Rock) near Kruševo, where he was killed during the Ilinden Uprising in defense of the Kruševo Republic.

      Pitu Guli in the middle with two other Macedonian revolutionaries from Debar before 1903.

      Cheta of Macedonian revolutionary Pito Guli near village of Birino 1903

      IMRO leaders 24 March 1903

      Macedonian revolutionaries (cheta) of Georgi Trenev, Konstantin Kondov, Pitu Guli, Vancho Sarbaka and others in Macedonia 1903

      Pitu Guli's grave in Kruševo, Macedonia.
      Last edited by Čento; 07-27-2012, 08:51 AM.
      Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

      Гоце Делчев


      • Čento
        • Mar 2012
        • 128

        Nikola Janakiev Karev (Macedonian: Никола Карев) was a Macedonian revolutionary in Ottoman-ruled Macedonia. He was born 23 November 1877 in Kruševo and died 27 April 1905 in the village of Rajčani, both today Macedonia. Karev was a local leader of what later became known as the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO). In 1905 he was killed during an attempt to enter Ottoman Macedonia with a group of IMRO fighters.

        Portrait of Nikola Karev.

        Nikola Karev with the Macedonian Cheta.

        IMARO voivodas of Krushevo, 1903, during the Ilinden Uprising
        Last edited by Čento; 07-27-2012, 08:55 AM.
        Jас не познавам друг народ кој повеќе страдал од предавствата на своите синови - изроди како македонскиот

        Гоце Делчев


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Some awesome pictures here!
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            I wonder if they can be archived along with other photos to be used like reference points for research purposes.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Momce Makedonce
              • Jul 2012
              • 562


              I was just reading this about Nikola Karev`s brother who apparently was 16 years old when he fought in the Illinden uprising. The fact that he was so young and willing to fight for Macedonia shows how much people were willing to give up in order to gain freedom. Feel very proud knowing we have people like that in our history.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


              • PetroV
                • Feb 2013
                • 24

                I am showing my Grandfather these pictures and he laughs and next screams "Bulgars, Vlachs and Albanians " and then laughs again

                He is 93


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545

                  Originally posted by PetroV View Post
                  I am showing my Grandfather these pictures and he laughs and next screams "Bulgars, Vlachs and Albanians " and then laughs again

                  He is 93
                  Yeh they are well and truly senile by that age.


                  • United MKD
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 547

                    Originally posted by PetroV View Post
                    I am showing my Grandfather these pictures and he laughs and next screams "Bulgars, Vlachs and Albanians " and then laughs again

                    He is 93
                    Funny that, my grandfather is 96 and he screams Macedonian heroes.

                    You lil fucker.


                    • PetroV
                      • Feb 2013
                      • 24

                      Granddad says the revolutionist had Albanian as their supply chain of food and arms and even in their ranks .

                      Last edited by PetroV; 04-11-2013, 01:52 PM.


                      • PetroV
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 24

                        Originally posted by United MKD View Post
                        Funny that, my grandfather is 96 and he screams Macedonian heroes.

                        You lil fucker.
                        No need for that lil f&#^# comment

                        or I send my dedo Vlasovski to beat your dedo up ,if you want to get childish about it

                        fyi my Pradedo was running around with IMRO back then originally from Mala Prespa but later near Resen
                        Last edited by PetroV; 04-11-2013, 02:19 PM.


                        • Solid
                          • Mar 2013
                          • 35

                          It is well known that Vlachs and Albanians participated in the Macedonian struggle, nobody denies this fact. Even if the revolutionaries were majoritarily Macedonians, we must not forget that a lot of nations fought for the Freedom of Macedonia (Jews, Serbians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Vlachs etc ...). You tell us nothing new, PetroV, and I don't know why you use a imaginary дедо for saying your thoughts. Are you Macedonian PetroV? Why your дедо (You) describe us as Bulgarians? Say what you want to say to us explicitly next time.


                          • PetroV
                            • Feb 2013
                            • 24

                            Yes I am Macedonia as any citizen in Macedonia is ,and as far as my families history allows we originate in Mala Prespa and then end up near Resen just before/during WWII ,but we are Aromanians on deeper ethnicity

                            Petro Vlasovski


                            • Solid
                              • Mar 2013
                              • 35

                              Yes, you are a Macedonian citizen, I know it, I was asking your ethnicity, and I've got my answer, thanks. PetroV, do you know if your family have any connection to Moscopole/Moscopolea? I ask you that because I know that a lot (If not the totality) of Aromanians/Vlachs of Macedonia originated from this area (wich was highly populated by Latin speakers in the past). By the way, you forget to answer one of my questions, why did you call us "Bulgarians"? Why are you provoking us?
                              Last edited by Solid; 04-13-2013, 03:22 PM.

