Originally posted by Otis Otus

If we look at the text written in cyrillic aplhabet during 17, 18, 19, and early 20 century you will see many differences. Usually when today we speak about the cyrilic alphabet we usually mean the version used in the early 20 century. Today modern Macedonian alphabet is good, we only need the " ъ " letter because we pronounce many words with it. For most Macedonians in the republic this letter is not acceptable but for me it is because i am more comfortable with the history and i can not consider it "bulgarian" because the cyrilic alphabet is made on basis on the Macedonian dialects and most of the slavic countries use it. Further more most Macedonians educated in Bulgaria and Macedonia used it extensively. My point is that all countries made some kind of reform to the older cyrilic alphabet so it is absolutely no problem we did the same. I will give some examples how people from Croatia, Bulgaria and Serbia wrote differently from today.
Bulgarian cyrilic from 18 century.

Croatian cyrilic 16 century.

Prvi dél No-
voga Teštamenta,
va tom su vsi četiri Evan-
gelisti i Apustolska d’jan’ja iz’
mnozih’ jazikov’ v sadašnji općeni i
razumni H’rvatski jazik’, po Antonu
Dalmatinu i Stipanu Istrijanu, s po-
moću drugih’ bratov’, verno st’l-
mačeni, i s ciruličskimi
slovi najp’rvo sada
voga Teštamenta,
va tom su vsi četiri Evan-
gelisti i Apustolska d’jan’ja iz’
mnozih’ jazikov’ v sadašnji općeni i
razumni H’rvatski jazik’, po Antonu
Dalmatinu i Stipanu Istrijanu, s po-
moću drugih’ bratov’, verno st’l-
mačeni, i s ciruličskimi
slovi najp’rvo sada

This is how Miladinovi brothers wrote in 1861.

So none of them wrote with exactly the same letters they use today in Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia. If we go back in time let's say 13-17 century it becomes less and less understandable. It is because most of the books were meant to be read in churches for old-church slavonic language not in schools for the people that spoke the language at home.
P.S. I saw there is a poll on this thread after i posted. My opinion is that this alphabet although close to today's alphabet should not be used. It was only a proposal from Pulevski. There are some symbols that are either obsolete and mean nothing or repeating or there are some symbols that can be replaced with others. So, as i said if i was to decide i was going to put only the "ъ" symbol because it is used in many words.
(prvo) првo - "пръвo" or "първo"
(drvo) дрво - „дърво"
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