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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
    I do not speak Macedonian to the level that I want but I can understand the basis of most conversations. I realy did not grow up in the culture but have branched off on my own recently to learn more and this is why I have joined this forum to touch base with my roots. I am studying history and have read many books about the balkans in the last 3 years. I simply quoted wiki for a quick reference but agree with that statement. I am Macedonian but I do not believe that I am a direct descent of ancient Macedonians based on my research so far. I am open to discussion on the topic and continue to read to see if there is a direct linkeage
    show us Your Modern Greek link to the Ancient Greeks hero? Your act is pathetic


    • Rogi
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 2343


      The word 'Slavic' can only identify a linguistic group, but not the Macedonian language. The Macedonian language, is identified by the term 'Macedonian language'.

      Otherwise, what you are suggesting is that instead of saying 'Italian', 'Spanish', 'French', etc which are all separate languages, they should all be referred to and identified as the Latinic language. This would be very inaccurate.

      Similarly, by your rationale, the English language should be referred to or identified as Germanic.

      Languages are like living things. The Macedonian language is a unique, individual and separate language used by the Macedonian people. It is identified as the Macedonian language, as is every language referred to by its term, not its classification or linguistic grouping. This is regardless of similarities, commonalities and Indo-European roots.

      Bi sakal od sega i ponatamu da razgovarame po Makedonski. Taka da, ke izleze na videlina kolku, i dali voopsto, si go sovladeel Makedonskiot jazik vo poslednite 3 godini, citajki nesoodvetni informacii za Makedonskata istorija.
      Last edited by Rogi; 01-18-2010, 08:49 AM.


      • Steve1
        • Dec 2009
        • 17

        Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
        show us Your Modern Greek link to the Ancient Greeks hero? Your act is pathetic
        Bill, I think you can research a bunch of books and documents to learn this information, based on all my research I have yet to find a link to indicate that we modern Macedonians have a direct link to Ancient Macedonians. I know what u must be thinking Bill....I am a traitor...we I am not a traitor but question things I read as the Macedonian topic has been highlighted in the past few years so I decided to investigate this further to understand things. My parents said we are Macedonians but never explained things to me about the culture and what makes us Macedonians. So do not call me a traitor just like the Macedonian government call some of there people who do not agree with thier views


        • Rogi
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2343

          Steve1, you have already given away far too much to discredit your own story.

          It doesn't seem like you are very good at this.
          Last edited by Rogi; 01-18-2010, 08:55 AM.


          • Bill77
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 4545

            Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
            Bill, I think you can research a bunch of books and documents to learn this information, based on all my research I have yet to find a link to indicate that we modern Macedonians have a direct link to Ancient Macedonians. I know what u must be thinking Bill....I am a traitor...we I am not a traitor but question things I read as the Macedonian topic has been highlighted in the past few years so I decided to investigate this further to understand things. My parents said we are Macedonians but never explained things to me about the culture and what makes us Macedonians. So do not call me a traitor just like the Macedonian government call some of there people who do not agree with thier views
            I don't think you are a traitor, no not at all, I think you are a Bull shit artist. you want to be treated with respect and want to comunicate, stop with your childish game you fake. Now you claim you studyed History and you act like a know it all. So answer my Question stavros,

            show us Your Modern Greek link to the Ancient Greeks hero?


            • Steve1
              • Dec 2009
              • 17

              Originally posted by Rogi View Post

              The word 'Slavic' can only identify a linguistic group, but not the Macedonian language. The Macedonian language, is identified by the term 'Macedonian language'.

              Otherwise, what you are suggesting is that instead of saying 'Italian', 'Spanish', 'French', etc which are all separate languages, they should all be referred to and identified as the Latinic language. This would be very inaccurate.

              Similarly, by your rationale, the English language should be referred to or identified as Germanic.

              Languages are like living things. The Macedonian language is a unique, individual and separate language used by the Macedonian people. It is identified as the Macedonian language, as is every language referred to by its term, not its classification or linguistic grouping. This is regardless of similarities, commonalities and Indo-European roots.

              Bi sakal od sega i ponatamu da razgovarame po Makedonski. Taka da, ke izleze na videlina kolku, i dali voopsto, si go sovladeel Makedonskiot jazik vo poslednite 3 godini, citajki nesoodvetni informacii za Makedonskata istorija.
              I see your point and it makes sense what you write and agree with you that the language is Macedonian. The point that I was trying to make is that our language has a common root with other languages...that root is that it comes from a slavic linkeage..that is all. What I have learned is that the Macedonian language identifies is Macedonians and this is key to our survival...but this is no different than what the Greeks did who identofied themselves as Greek for speaking Greek....we r doing the same thing but turn our heads when we do it


              • Steve1
                • Dec 2009
                • 17

                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                I don't think you are a traitor, no not at all, I think you are a Bull shit artist. you want to be treated with respect and want to comunicate, stop with your childish game you fake. Now you claim you studyed History and you act like a know it all. So answer my Question stavros,

                show us Your Modern Greek link to the Ancient Greeks hero?
                U state I am an artist, but i state that I am a 39 year old father of 3 and do not like to be insulting or insulted over this issue. This is why I have approached it this way. I have met people like you, our opwn people accusing me and calling me traitors, maybe this is why I do not feel close to my culture as when I try to learn and questions, people like you attack instead of having an open mind. Say what u want to say but this is my last reply to you Bill. And to answer your question, there are many books out there that will indicate that ancient macedonians spoke Greek, worshipped greek gods etc. what would that make them...chinese....no......even todays artifacts that are dug up have Greek inscriptions......but I have not seen a direct link to my culture.


                • Rogi
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2343

                  Of course the Macedonian language has a common root with other languages. It is known as the 'Indo-European' root. All the language of Europe fit here.

                  The Macedonian language is only one of the many reasons of the survival of the Macedonian people and their ethno-cultural and national identity. Language is but one element of many which form the Macedonian cultural, ethnic and national identity.

                  There are various aspects of Macedonian culture in folklore and traditions which pre-dates Christian times, this is what gives the Macedonians a rich uniqueness. There are many Macedonian books which show these in great detail. Sadly, they have not been translated to English yet, nor are they online.

                  But if you like, you can contact the newly redeveloped state library in the Republic of Macedonia to find them and, given that you indicated you have an acceptable level of understanding of the Macedonian language, you should be able to read and comprehend them.

                  The Greek language, which you have not unusually brought up, is a whole other can of worms. It was largely replaced with Albanian (Arvantika) by the general populace of modern Greece and was almost extinct if not for the clergy and the Bavarians. Though I suspect you are far more familiar with the resurrected Greek language than you are with the Macedonian language.

                  The 'history' you have been reading, is entrenched with assumptions without basis and gaping holes in logic and rationale. It is however, the 'history' as written by the victors and thus the 'history' accepted by the mainstream. Quite a considerable amount is changing in the 'history' you are reading.

                  This week, for example, they've begun questioning how hold the Bible is, having unearthed an artefact that may suggest the Bible is much, much older than they thought. That is how little we know of history. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34880397...ience-science/

                  History is not known until it is completely known; and even then there is interpretation, bias, opinion and of course, political manipulation.

                  Presently, we have only scratched the surface. I mean this literally too, the Republic of Macedonia has only now, for the first time ever, begun to uncover the truth hidden only elbow deep within the ground. Much is to be discovered, announced and exposed.
                  Last edited by Rogi; 01-18-2010, 09:31 AM.


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
                    U state I am an artist, but i state that I am a 39 year old father of 3 and do not like to be insulting or insulted over this issue. This is why I have approached it this way. I have met people like you, our opwn people accusing me and calling me traitors, maybe this is why I do not feel close to my culture as when I try to learn and questions, people like you attack instead of having an open mind. Say what u want to say but this is my last reply to you Bill. And to answer your question, there are many books out there that will indicate that ancient macedonians spoke Greek, worshipped greek gods etc. what would that make them...chinese....no......even todays artifacts that are dug up have Greek inscriptions......but I have not seen a direct link to my culture.
                    Hey Mr Bullshit, I will ask you again, a 39 year old would understand what i am asking. You tell us there are plenty books out there and you studied History. So again show us these links?????? if there are many out there, you will not have a problem prooving that Ancient Macedonians spoke Greek, SHOW US.

                    I can show you That Macedonians were distinct from Ancient Greeks.

                    During the reign of Alexander the Great, the Macedonians spoke
                    their own native language, as the native language language of Alexander the
                    Great was not understood by the ancient Greeks (Quintus Curtius Rufu......

                    "Macedonians were babrbarians and bigest enemy's of hellens".
                    Psuedo Herod. Peri politeias.,pp.34-37

                    "Do we need,hellens,to be slaves of arhelay the barbarian?"
                    Tuk.,2,8,1; Isokrat,5,108 and Clemens Alexandrinus,Stromates, 6,2,17

                    On Behalf of the Lariasaeans
                    "Shell we being Greeks, be slaves to Archelaus, a barbarian?"

                    This line the Greek Thrasymachus attributed to the Macedonian king Archelaus who occupied Greek land with his Macedonian army. Since the ancient Greeks stereotyped and called all non-Greeks barbarian, it is clear that Thrasymachus does not consider neither the Macedonian king nor his nation to be Greek, but foreigners to the ancient Greek world.

                    Ancient and Modern Evidence about the Distinct Macedonian Nation
                    The long list of modern scholars (among which are Eugene Borza, Waldemer Heckel, A.B. Bosworth, Peter Green, Ernst Badian, Carol Thomas, S.M. Burstain, P.A. Brunt, John Yardley), agree that the ancient Macedonians were not Greeks, but a distinct nation. Their views concur with the Spanish genetic research above. Eugene Borza, Historian, Professor, and Archeologist, whom the American Philological Association refers to as the "Macedonian specialist" wrote:
                    "It is clear that over a five-century span of writing in two languages representing a variety of historiographical and philosophical positions the ancient writers regarded the Greeks and the Macedonians as two separate and distinct peoples whose relationship was marked by considerable antipathy, if not outright hostility."
                    Waldemar Heckel, one of the foremost Alexander scholars in the world, in his Alexander the Great (2004), writes on page 7:
                    “It is clear from the extant historians that the lost sources made a clear distinction between Macedonians and Greeks - ethnically, culturally and linguistically – and this must be an accurate reflection of contemporary attitudes...”
                    In alignment with the genetic results cited above, the ancient Greek and Roman historians also clearly excluded Macedonia from Greece as a distinct country, and the Macedonians from the Greeks as distinct nation. Not one ancient historian wrote that Macedonia is a “Northern Province of Greece” or that the Macedonians are “northern Greeks”.
                    The Greek orator Demosthenes, spoke of Alexander the Great’s father Philip II as "not only no Greek, nor related to the Greeks, but not even a barbarian from any place that can be named with honors, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave" (Demosthenes, Third Philippic, 31).
                    Justin, the Roman historian from the 3rd century AD wrote: "Antipater was appointed governor of Macedonia and Greece" (Justin 13.4.5)
                    Arrian, the ancient Greek historian from the 2nd century AD wrote: "Darius' Greek mercenaries attacked the Macedonian phalanx… the Macedonian centre did not set to with equal impetus… and the Greeks attacked where they saw that the phalanx had been particularly torn apart. There the action was severe, the Greeks tried to push off the Macedonians into the river and to reserve victory to their own side… There was also some emulation between antagonists of the Greek and Macedonian races" (Arrian 2.10.4-7).
                    Pausanias, the ancient Greek historian from the 2nd century AD wrote: "the united Greeks defeated the Macedonians in Boeotia and again outside Thermopylae forced them into Lamia" (Pausanias 1.1.3)
                    Plutarch, the ancient Greek historian from 1st century AD quoted Alexander’s words where the king himself separates the Macedonians from the Greeks as distinct nation: “When you see the Greeks walking about among the Macedonians, do they not look to you like demi-gods among so many wild beasts?” (Alex.51.2)


                    • Bill77
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 4545

                      Lets not get of topic here, Take your issues over her you fake.

                      Waldemar Heckel: "It is clear from the extant historians that the lost sources made a CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN MACEDONIANS AND GREEKS - ethnically, culturally and linguistically - and THIS MUST BE AN ACCURATE REFLECTION OF CONTEMPORARY ATTITUDES....." ---------------- The Evidence: N.G.L. Hammond The Greek view


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
                        Bill, I think you can research a bunch of books and documents to learn this information, based on all my research I have yet to find a link to indicate that we modern Macedonians have a direct link to Ancient Macedonians. I know what u must be thinking Bill....I am a traitor...we I am not a traitor but question things I read as the Macedonian topic has been highlighted in the past few years so I decided to investigate this further to understand things. My parents said we are Macedonians but never explained things to me about the culture and what makes us Macedonians. So do not call me a traitor just like the Macedonian government call some of there people who do not agree with thier views
                        Oh Steve, you are in the right place.
                        Start by reading the 1st page of the history section and work your way up to the most recent post. Feel free to dispute anything along the way.

                        Pay special attention to the many many Greek myths exposed as fakes.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                        • TrueMacedonian
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3823

                          Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
                          U state I am an artist, but i state that I am a 39 year old father of 3 and do not like to be insulting or insulted over this issue. This is why I have approached it this way. I have met people like you, our opwn people accusing me and calling me traitors, maybe this is why I do not feel close to my culture as when I try to learn and questions, people like you attack instead of having an open mind. Say what u want to say but this is my last reply to you Bill. And to answer your question, there are many books out there that will indicate that ancient macedonians spoke Greek, worshipped greek gods etc. what would that make them...chinese....no......even todays artifacts that are dug up have Greek inscriptions......but I have not seen a direct link to my culture.
                          Look you little fake your arguements not only fall short of the truth but they fail as usual. The games you mongrels play today show that the reality of Macedonia being "greek" was only a 20th century reality and not some bogus 4000 year trashcan theory;

                          page 38

                          As for your artifacts and language arguement I guess there are some scholars that disagree with Bullsh!t as well.


                          • Steve1
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 17

                            Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
                            Look you little fake your arguements not only fall short of the truth but they fail as usual. The games you mongrels play today show that the reality of Macedonia being "greek" was only a 20th century reality and not some bogus 4000 year trashcan theory;

                            page 38

                            As for your artifacts and language arguement I guess there are some scholars that disagree with Bullsh!t as well.
                            where is the proof? This is simply a statement but no proof. Of all the thousands of artifacs all point to the Greekness of Macedonians and not one points to yours.


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545

                              Originally posted by Steve1 View Post
                              where is the proof? This is simply a statement but no proof. Of all the thousands of artifacs all point to the Greekness of Macedonians and not one points to yours.
                              Hey malaka i am still whaiting for an answer, proof on your bullshit statement. Again....."what link do you have with the ancient Greeks"


                              • Steve1
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 17

                                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                                Hey malaka i am still whaiting for an answer, proof on your bullshit statement. Again....."what link do you have with the ancient Greeks"
                                Hey slav.....the proof is all around u but u r blinded by your own stupidity...wake up.

