Risto Stefov - Articles, Translations & Collaborations

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  • Daskalot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 4345

    Carlin, how can there be Slavs in Asia minor?
    Your information and knowledge is top notch, please continue.
    Macedonian Truth Organisation


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      The Bogomils: A Study in Balkan Neo-Manichaeism, By Dmitri Obolensky

      Page 176, footnotes:

      - In 688 Justinian II transported some 80,000 Slavs to the Theme of Opsikion.
      - In 762 Constantine V deported some Slavs from Thrace and Macedonia to Bithynia.
      - Bithynia and Opsikion became centres of Slavonic colonization in Asia Minor in the seventh to ninth centuries.
      - Lamansky has shown that these colonists retained their Slavonic characteristics at least up to the 15th century.
      - These colonists were frequently reinforced by waves of Slavonic immigrants from the Balkans, the majority of whom settled in Bithynia.

      The Asian themes of the Byzantine Empire c. 780.

      As I have already indicated, many regions of Asia Minor were populated by Slavs and in some areas they likely represented outright majority (i.e. Opsikion, Bithynia).


      • Eden
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2013
        • 16

        I have never heard of slavs in Asia Minor. Thanks Carlin.


        • dekapentaugoustos
          • Feb 2013
          • 21

          Some notes and answers on a long lecture by R. Stefov posted in this thread.

          Q: In spite of the Macedonian people having risen in 1903 to fight for their freedom and to create an Independent Macedonian state, only ten years later, Macedonia was brutally invaded, occupied and partitioned by its neighbours Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria; a partition validated by the European Great Powers on August 10, 1913 by the Treaty of Bucharest.
          Why did this happen? What were the factors leading up to it? And who wanted this to happen?

          A: So, who wanted the Balkan Wars? The Balkan League did; the Christian Macedonians probably did; the Ottomans didn’t, the Jews didn’t, the peaceful people didn’t, the cowards didn’t and the Great Powers didn’t. Let’s hope these are rhetorical questions.

          Q: If this is hard to believe or hard to accept that Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria intentionally committed genocide acts against the Macedonian culture and against the Macedonian people, then ask yourselves this;
          Did Macedonians exist in Macedonia when it was brutally invaded, occupied and partitioned in 1912 and 1913 by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria?
          YES they did! How do we know? Among other things, from historical evidence left behind!

          A: Nobody claimed that Macedonians did not exist. They doubted that a separate Macedonian nation existed, that was not Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek or Turkish. Misirkov gives plenty of proof as he tries to create and define a possible Macedonian nation out of all these people.

          Q: Unfortunately today both Greece and Bulgaria claim that Macedonians don’t exist? If that is true then what happened to them? Where did they all go? Did they all vanish? Were they all assimilated?"

          A: Some of this population was never “ethnic-Macedonian” at the first place in 1900s. Their recent history is certainly known and they certainly didn’t vanish. These people (or their descendants) are today Greeks (in Greece), Macedonians and ethnic-Albanians (in Republic of Macedonia), Bulgarians (in Bulgaria), Turks (in Turkey). Also there are many smaller groups: ethnic-Macedonians in Greece and Bulgaria, ethnic-Bulgarians and Muslims in Republic of Macedonia etc.

          Q: Knowing that Macedonians did exist in 1903, on account of all those newspaper reports, then why did the Great Powers allow Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria to invade, occupy and partition Macedonia and suppress the existence of the Macedonian culture? Is that in itself not genocide?

          A: Actually, the Great Powers did NOT allow Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia (and Montenegro) to attack Ottoman Empire. They gave a strict order to the Balkan League NOT to do it, but of course nobody listened to them. The Balkan Wars were certainly NOT related to “Suppression of Macedonian Culture” (what the hell is this?) or any “Genocide”. This (modern) term did not exist back then. The two wars of course included atrocities, devastation and war crimes, but this is usually the smallest issue about wars. The main question is always who will win and what the future situation and its’ implications will be.

          Q: So, what did Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria do with the Macedonians they inherited in 1913? Well, from what history has shown, they assimilated some, they exiled some and they killed some, by the tens of thousands and by the hundreds of thousands at every opportunity! History is full of such examples.

          A: Population exchanges, assimilation: YES.
          Deaths in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands (!!): certainly NO. Where are your sources for these numbers?

          Q: And what do we call acts like changing people’s names by force, prohibiting people from speaking their mother tongue, for some the only language they spoke? How do we define acts such as these? Are they not cultural genocide?

          A: Are they? Let’s see here:

          Q: Did you know that while the sons of Macedonians in Greece fought the Italians in the Albanian frontier during World War II and sacrificed themselves to preserve the integrity of Greece and to keep the Greeks safe, their fathers were sent to jail by the Greeks, to the Greek islands, for speaking Macedonian at home?! What do we dare call that?!

          A: We call it a lie. Communists were not sent in exile for “speaking Macedonian”. It’s true that when the war broke (during Metaxas dictatorship) political prisoners (including Zachariades himself) generally remained in prison. These people were ALREADY in prison and they were not sent there during the war. It’s also ironic that when Greece lost the war, some Slav-Macedonian communists were released by the Bulgarian authorities at the first week of Axis Occupation, as part of their policy and propaganda (I mean you can’t blame the prisoners for that), while Greek communists remained imprisoned.

          Q: Now let us ask ourselves this: “What possible reasons could Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria have to commit cultural genocide against the Macedonian people? Why couldn’t they just leave the Macedonian people alone?”

          A: Uh, wait man. Bulgaria did the opposite, as part of its policy. It supported its Macedonian brothers and promised to liberate them one day. As for Greece and Serbia, they couldn’t “leave these people alone” because they were their citizens. They tried to assimilate them and eradicate what they saw as “Bulgarian influence”.

          Q: As we know today, the Greeks, Serbians and Bulgarians of that time knew that no “ethnic” Greeks, Serbians, or Bulgarians lived in Macedonia. How could they, when the Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian identity did not form through its natural course? How could there be when these identities were thrust upon these Balkan people practically overnight by the Great Powers?

          A: Uh, didn’t you just spend two pages to prove the opposite? That Macedonia was not a homogenous place, but full of many ethnicities? Which ethnicities were these?

          Q: But, how could Bulgaria ensure that the rebellion would fail?” By forcing the Macedonian people into a rebellion before they were ready! And why would the Macedonian leadership agree to take part in a rebellion before the people were ready?

          A: Not only this is a ridiculous and original conspiracy theory, but it contradicts with the rest of the lecture that presents Iliden Uprising as the major event, a proof and argument for the Macedonian Cause.

          Q: Gotse Delchev was against starting an early uprising because, as the supreme commander of the Macedonian forces, he was well aware of the fact that the Macedonians were not ready to start an Uprising and win. When Delchev became aware of the Solun meeting he was furious and wanted to rush to Smilevo in person and convince the delegates that it would be suicidal to start an uprising at this point in time when most of the regions were not ready.
          On his way to Smilevo, Delchev was ambushed in Banitsa and killed!
          Was this a coincidence?
          So, how was it that he was suddenly not found, but killed? I can tell you this: History has shown that it was by no coincidence that Delchev was killed on his way to Smilevo. He was killed because he was preparing to stop the 1903 uprising from taking place.
          So let us ask ourselves: “Was Delchev not a patriotic Macedonian? Did Delchev not want Macedonia to be liberated?” If he was and if he did then why would he want to stop the uprising from taking place? Unless, of course he believed that an early uprising would not succeed and would destroy the Macedonian people’s chance of liberating themselves?!

          A: Ha? Didn’t that happen four months before the Iliden uprising?

          Q: Before I finish with this example, let me say this:
          We are all proud of the idea that the Macedonians, our forefathers, created the first Republic in Europe but do we, for a moment, think what it means? Our forefathers tried to create a Republic during a time when every country in Europe, including the Great Powers, was kingdom. If you understand what that means you will understand that creating a Republic in the middle of the most powerful kingdoms in the world was like entering a bear’s den blindfolded; like attempting to bring communism into a powerful capitalist state!
          It was NOT the thing to do in those days!
          What kind of impression do you think our forefathers left in the minds of the Great Powers when they decided to create a Republic in the middle of all those kingdoms? Think about it! And did they really think the Great Powers were going to help them? What a blunder!

          Is there no Macedonian in the Macedonian government who does not know that the Ilinden Uprising took place and that it was a struggle for freedom and for the creation of a Macedonian state? So, why do we allow Greece and Bulgaria to publicly say we don’t exist?

          A: Your forefathers created a temporary Government in Krusevo, not a national state or a predecessor of a national state. The committee in Krusevo had three equal participants from the three Christian Churches (Patriarchists, Exarchists and Vlachs) and was appealing for the participation of the most important local community, the Muslims/Albanians. I believe the whole thing lasted 10 days and it wasn’t a state, a kingdom or a democracy. (From a Greek point of view) it did not have any effect in the area of today’s Greece, either then or the following years.
          I also doubt the Great Powers even heard about it before the Uprising was already squashed.

          As for the “first republic in Europe”, I suggest you get a book about French Revolution.
          As for the “only republic at the time in Europe”, I have one word again: FRANCE.

          Q: But the final insult against the Macedonian people came when Greece, in the 1980’s, introduced the law on repatriation which allowed only “Greeks by birth” to return back to their place of origin! And who exactly are these Greeks by birth?

          That means that everyone who left Greece during the Greek Civil War in 1949 was also Greek. So why would Greece need a law to repatriate “only Greeks by birth” if everyone in Greece was Greek in the first place? And who were these “other” people who were not Greeks by birth that Greece did not want back?

          A: The term is not “Greek in birth” (many of these people were obviously born abroad), but Greek in genus (genre). It simply means Greek in conscience. These people generally have to pass a short interview, where they declare their Greekness. Some may not speak Greek, but they may show their willingness to learn; they will probably have to describe how they see themselves as Greek citizens.

          Q: So, who are these “elusive” ethnic Greeks and where could they be found?

          A: You can start in Canada. Then again, if you visited Greece and “couldn’t find them there”, you may not be too honest.

          Q: I will read you a quote from one of those authors who loves Greece but loves the truth even more:
          “Further back still beyond the War of Independence, when the modern nation-state of Greece came into being for the first time, the whole concept of Greece as a geographical entity that begins to blur before our eyes, so many and various were its shapes and meanings. But if geography can offer us no stable idea of Greece, what can? Not race, certainly; for whatever the Greeks may once have been, ...., they can hardly have had much blood-relationship with the Greeks of the peninsula of today, Serbs and Bulgars, Romans, Franks and Venetians, Turks, Albanians,..., in one invasion after another have made the modern Greeks a decidedly mongrel race. Not politics either; for in spite of that tenacious western legend about Greece as the birthplace and natural home of democracy, the political record of the Greeks is one of a singular instability and confusion in which, throughout history, the poles of anarchy modulated freedom has very rarely appeared. Not religion; for while Byzantium was Christian, ancient Hellas was pagan.” David Holden, “Greece without Columns”.

          A: Modern Greeks (of 1820s) are mostly related to the Christian Greek-speaking Romans of 1700s, who are in turn related to the ones of 1600s and so on. Their geographic distribution is more or less known throughout Ottoman Empire, so is their historic evolution since antiquity.
          Serbs, Bulgarians, Turks, Albanians are different nations; there were no Franks/Venetians at the time, only Greek Catholics, mostly remnants of previous invasions. So Greek is defined by language and religion; an element of political conscience during Ottoman yoke. (Greeks were fully Christianized by 300-500 AD).
          I won’t say anything about the reference to politics and lack of Athenian democracy during Ottoman Empire since this is an obviously stupid argument.

          Q: 2. Remain in limbo and remain a Greek hostage forever. Greece is inside, in the warm atmosphere of our home while we linger and protest outside in the cold so why would Greece care if this “problem” goes on forever? Greece has the upper hand. Greece possesses our lands and controls our destiny, so why would Greece seek a solution that might change all that. Greece would love to see this problem go on unresolved forever because it is in Greece’s interest. There is no incentive for Greece to solve this problem.

          A: That’s not accurate. As a Greek I can assure you that time works against Greece, as the entity of Republic of Macedonia is established and the patience of International Community shrinks. Of course, I don’t imply there’s no cost on your side too.

          Q: If you disagree with me then tell me, “What are we doing negotiating our own country’s name with our worst enemy?” Think about it!

          A: Well, you don’t have much of a choice on that, unless you can find a perspective outside NATO and European Union.

          Q: Thankfully one part of Macedonia is free. But unfortunately, three more parts are not. The largest part of Macedonia is still occupied.
          So, what can be done to change the situation?

          A: Realism and small steps I guess. What can Greece do to take back Constantinople? What can United Kingdom do to become again biggest power in the world?

          Q: Has anyone in our entire folklore ever mentioned that we came to Macedonia from somewhere else? Where is the proof that we came from somewhere else? Our true history, however, tells a different story. Our true history is full of signs that point to us being indigenous to Macedonia. More correctly, we are the product of all the people, the indigenous Macedonians and all those people who set foot and left their mark in Macedonia since the melt of the last ice age.

          A: The last part is correct, but it applies everywhere and it means nothing. It’s not only folklore, but language that decisively relates your people to South Slavs and the Slavic migration and not to ancient Macedonians. Of course you have suggested to change the language and adopt (Bible) Greek which you call the real Macedonian language.
          That shit happens when you’re confused, but also when (unlike your father) you can’t speak Greek. But, it also shows how that connection to ancient Macedonia is weak in your mind also.

          Q: If we are such great truth seekers why has not a single Macedonian in authority spoken the truth where it counts? What are we waiting for? Why haven’t we attacked the Greek identity the way they have attacked ours?

          A: Gee, I thought that’s the only thing you are doing.


          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            A: Nobody claimed that Macedonians did not exist. They doubted that a separate Macedonian nation existed, that was not Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek or Turkish. Misirkov gives plenty of proof as he tries to create and define a possible Macedonian nation out of all these people.
            Really? Greek evidence states otherwise. And why ignore the label association's through ecclesiastical leanings and propaganda? Of course because being a "greek" certainly did not mean ethnically "greek".

            What was the real population of these supposed greek speakers in Macedonia?

            History will continue to topple your house of cards.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              Deka, whose thoughts are these? Prepare to be banned if they're yours.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


              • dekapentaugoustos
                • Feb 2013
                • 21

                There's a good reason this census can only be found in Lithoxoou and nowhere else

                As it is implied by his numerous (and indeed inconsistent comments) there's no such census. For more details, try a Google Translation of Lithoxoou website.

                Risto the Great
                The Q(uestions) are by Risto Stefov, the A(nswers) are by me.


                • TrueMacedonian
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3823

                  Originally posted by dekapentaugoustos View Post
                  There's a good reason this census can only be found in Lithoxoou and nowhere else

                  As it is implied by his numerous (and indeed inconsistent comments) there's no such census. For more details, try a Google Translation of Lithoxoou website.
                  Really? What book did I post pages from? Lithoksou or Roudometof?


                  • Solid
                    • Mar 2013
                    • 35

                    Dekapentaugoustos, I don't know why you put your answers in this thread. I suggest you to search for Risto Stefov's e-mail and to converse directly with him. By the way, and I don't know why, you seems familiar to me, it's been a long time that I visit and read the MTF now, and you remind me of somebody. Have you been here before under another pseudonym? Why make another account? Have you been banned?

                    Next time, state your ideas explicitly, do not use this kind of method, we understand the point of view that you implicitly expressed. It's the same point of view of your fellow greeks, it's not nothing very new for me, since i already read theses statements, and you already wrote them in this forum, under another pseudonym.
                    Last edited by Solid; 04-13-2013, 03:24 PM.


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Originally posted by dekapentaugoustos View Post
                      Risto the Great
                      The Q(uestions) are by Risto Stefov, the A(nswers) are by me.
                      The Answers are bullshit and really old.

                      Cultural Genocide is PRECISELY what has happened in Greece to Macedonians.

                      There are no slav-Macedonians. There might be Greek Macedonians now. But we all know this is a new thing.

                      It absolutely kills you that we Macedonians are indigenous to Macedonia. That even your bullshit Greek words "dopi" makes it abundantly clear. But never good enough, we were filthy slavs who came into Macedonia without a visa a few years ago and maggots like you are pure Greek (formerly Armenian, Venetian, Turkish, Albanian, Vlach, Macedonian etc.) from time immemorial.

                      Spare me. Us indigenous people of Macedonia have no time for you.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        if you are like that don't come back as someone else as you are not appreciated.No wonder all sides that occupied macedonia tried to UNDERSTATE their figures so that they can paint a picture they want & lie with figures.THe greeks tried to lie that their figures were right by only declaring a very minute of the real figure.Either they omitted figures,named macedonians either as slav macedonians bulgras etc.So what is new.Its 100 years later you are still lying like you allways lie.You try to defend the undefensable.Macedonians live & exist & attest to their very existence.How ridiculous,paranoid & everything under the sun you are.
                        Care to explain your landgrab in 1913 when the macedonian population was a majority prior to 1913 & greeks numbered only 10% of thr local population.THey did some great liberating of some macedonian land for themselves.You can't bring yourself to admit to basc things as you find it easier to just lie.
                        Last edited by George S.; 03-28-2013, 01:06 AM.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          To Hell and Back – Part 3

                          By Evdokia Foteva - Vera

                          Translated and edited by Risto Stefov


                          March 31, 2013

                          DAG’s defeat

                          From August 10th to the 15th, 1949 the Monarcho-Fascists carried out a violent, hellish attack against DAG with unprecedented air support supplied by the United States. The poet Atso Shopov was right when he wrote the poem “Gramos” telling us that “no bird can fly in Vicho from the hail of bombs and grenades”. This struggle has been objectively presented in two volumes by Greek historian Giorgos Margaritis, a professor at the University of Crete. Margaritis has relied on the memoirs of prominent anti-fascists for his source material. The information presented is the best example I have read that describes why DAG aborted Vicho and pulled out of Gramos, leaving the population unprotected and running for its life.

                          One hundred and thirty bombing runs were made on August 10th, 1949 by the American supplied air support using “Dakota” and “Spitfire” military aircraft to bomb units of DAG and columns of fleeing refugees. The next few days the military aircraft did the same, at the same pace, providing air support for the Monarcho-Fascist artillery and infantry. There was not a square foot of space that had not been bombed on Mount Vicho, on Lisets, on Mount Malimadi and in Prespa along the Albanian and Yugoslav border. The entire area had been bombed with aerial bombs, grenades, napalm bombs and rockets and was garnished with machine gun fire by the dive-bombing aircraft. This clearly indicates the conditions under which DAG was placed and the kind of pot its fighters were put in to boil. There was an insurmountable amount of pressure and worry placed on the fighters not only for saving their own lives but also for caring for the wounded and for saving the huge columns of fleeing refugees. DAG was again attacked in Gramos with the same vigour. It was under these circumstances, created mainly by foreign intervention, that the “freedom-loving democrats” of Gramos dropped the “last flag”.

                          DAG was defeated by the Monarcho-Fascists on Mount Gramos on August 30th, 1949 with Anglo-American support. After Vicho fell to enemy hands, Nikos Zahariadis, General Secretary of the CPG Central Committee, said: “Gramos will be the tomb of the Monarcho-Fascists”. But that did not turn out to be the case. DAG suffered numerous casualties but had it not backed down and fled to Albania, the opposite would have been true. Gramos would have been the tomb for DAG. For the longest part, after removing General Markos Vafiadis from his command and after abandoning the proven military strategies of the so-called “Supreme War Council Law”, Zahariadis worked personally with his Politburo installing new “military strategists” who had absolutely no relevant experience. Units of DAG from Gramos and from other places withdrew to Albanian territory.

                          Looking at the Most Dedicated to Find the Guilty for DAG’s Defeat

                          The main culprits for DAG’s defeat naturally were Nikos Zahariadis, General Secretary of the CPG Central Committee and his Politburo. But that’s not who they found guilty. Instead of laying blame where it squarely belonged, Zahariadis and his clique pointed their fingers at the Macedonians, specifically at the NOF and AFZH leadership and at the Provisional Democratic Government of Greece. In Bureli, a town in Albania, Zahariadis staged a fake political trial, similar to those staged by Informburo countries. He had the last word.

                          On October 2nd, 1949 we were camped in a meadow under some olive trees beside a creek outside Elbasan. There was a beautiful white building on top of the hill. It had been converted into a hospital for the sick and wounded DAG fighters, cared for by doctors and nurses who were also members of DAG. There were both Macedonian and Greek patients and caregivers in the hospital, they were people who had fought shoulder to shoulder in the struggle and who had suffered and celebrated together. All the anti-fascists were united as one people then and had the same goal.

                          From earlier on, October 2nd was designated International Day of Peace in honour of the International Congress which was held in Prague on April 20th, 1949 as well as in Paris and Tokyo. A delegation from Greece also attended the Congress including representatives from Macedonian organizations. We, the cadres of NOF, AFZH, DAG, Ministers of the Interim Government of Greece and members of the CPG Central Committee were planning and making preparations for that extra-special occasion to mark this day with an appropriate program followed by speeches from several leading cadres, including some from the Macedonian side.

                          Even before the celebrations began many fighters and civilians began to gather and fill the hospital courtyard. Around 8 o’clock a jeep arrived carrying an officer from DAG Headquarters, whom I did not recognize. As soon as he got off the jeep the officer came in the direction where we were standing: Mihail Maliov, Urania Iurukova, Tashko Hadzhiianov, Gora Petrichevski my (not yet married) spouse Mincho Fotev and I. The officer knew me. When he came close to me he said: “Comrade Vera, this letter (he handed me a blue envelope) is for you from Comrade Bardzhotas, he wants to meet with you at his place.” Vasilis Bardzhotas was a political commissar of the DAG General Staff and a member of the CPG Politburo inner circle. I quickly opened the envelope. In it was a short letter with the following text: “Comrade Vera, You, Mincho, Urania and Hadzhiianov, the moment you receive this letter, are to immediately get in the jeep and come to Bureli” signed “Vasilis Bardzhotas”. When I read the letter I was stunned, I froze like lightning had just struck me. I looked at my friends all around me. I had the feeling that something bad was going to happen and I could not get that feeling out of my head; an evil feeling that had been hovering in my head for a while now.

                          My friends looked at me strangely as I was eager to tell them what the letter said. Mincho became impatient and grabbed the letter out of my hand. I quietly squeezed my words out of my mouth and said: “Us four: Mincho, Urania, Hadzhiianov and I are being called to immediately take the jeep and go to Bureli, to DAG’s General Headquarters”. There was silence. The message was worrisome to everyone and we all kept silent. A group of civilian men and women traveling with DAG units from the free territory, with whom we had camped together in that place, surrounded us and wondered what was going on.

                          We told our friend Gogo Petrushevski, a seasoned NOF fighter, that “we were sure that they would arrest us. If you can, leave now because you will suffer the same fate.” I also told some of my fellow villagers, my aunts and a first cousin that I was sure they would arrest us. This kind of threat against the central NOF leadership had been “circulating” for a long time and now they were putting it into practice in order to hide the real culprits for DAG’s defeat. Despite the threats that we would be liquidated, taken by some provocateurs, we were and remained to the end faithful to the people whom we organized, fought with, died with and rejoiced with.

                          ПОРАЗОТ НА ДЕМОКРАТСКАТА АРМИЈА

                          Од 10 до 15 август 1949 година се изврши жесток, пеколен напад над ДАГ од монархофашистите со невидена поддршка на Трумановата авијација. Со право поетот Ацо Шопов во поемата “Грамос” вели дека на Вичо не прелета живо пиле од “град” на бомби и гранати.

                          Оваа борба објективно ја има обработено во два тома грчкиот историчар Ѓоргос Маргаритис, професор на универзитетот во Крит, според изворна документација и мемоарска граѓа на видни антифашисти. Изнесените податоци од овој историчар најдобро зборуваат зошто ДАГ го напушти Вичо и се повлече на Грамос, а со неа и населението од тоа подрачје, барајќи спас за голиот живот.

                          На 10 август 1949 година авиони од типот “нтакота” и “спитфаер” на Трумановата авијација извршија 130 летови, бомбардирајќи ги единиците на ДАГ и колоните бегалци. И следните неколку дена авијацијаата со исто темпо вршеше напади, поддржувајќи ја артилеријата и пешадијата на монархофашистите. Не остана ни педа земја да не е бомбардирана на планината Вичо, на нејзиниот врв Лисец, на планината Малимади, во Преспа кон границата на Албанија и на Југославија со бомби, гранати, напал-бомби, ракети, од најмала до најголема тежина и сето тоа “гарнирано” со авионско митралирање.

                          Ова јасно зборува во каков котел се варевме припадниците на ДАГ, борејќи се, грижејќи се за ранетите и убиените, како и за огромните колони бегалци.

                          Со ваква жестина ДАГ беше напаѓана на Грамос. Пред ваквата, главно, странска интервенција на “слободољубивите демократи” на Грамос навистина од нашето раме падна “последното знаме”.

                          На 30 август 1949 година Демократската армија на Грција (ДАГ) на планината Грамос беше поразена од страна на монархофашистите сестрано помогнати од англоамериканците. Генералниот секретар на ЦК на КПГ Захаријадис, по паѓањето на Вичо, велеше: “Грамос ќе биде гробница на монархофашистите”. Меѓутоа, по бројните жртви, ако не се повлечеше ДАГ во Албанија, ќе се случеше обратното, на што подолго работеше лично тој со неговото Политбиро со сменубањето на докажаните воени стратези со таканаречениот “Закон за Врховниот воен совет”, кога му е одземена командата на генерал Маркос над ДАГ, поставувајќи нови “воени стратези” без потребно соодветно искуство.

                          Единиците на ДАГ од Грамос и од други правци се повлекоа на територијата на Албанија.


                          Главниот виновник за поразот на ДАГ, генералниот секретар на ЦК на КПГ Захаријадис, со неговото Политбиро, за виновни ги огласи македонските раководители на Народноослободителниот фронт (НОФ), на Антифашистичкиот фронт на жените (АФЖ) и Привремената демократска влада. Во албанскиот град Бурели тој организира измонтиран политички процес на такви во информбировските земји. Тој го имаше следниот тек.

                          На 2 октомври 1949 година логорувавме на една ледина под маслинови дрвја покрај една рекичка надвор од Елбасан. Н ридот имаше една убава бела зграда. Таа беше претворена во болница. За болните и ранетите на ДАГ се грижеа лекари и медицински сестри, и тие припадници на ДАГ. Во болницата се Македонци и Грци. Раме до раме бевме секаде: во борбата, на веселбите, во страдањата. Сите антифашисти бевме едно, имавме иста цел.

                          Од порано 2 октомври беше одреден како Меѓународен ден на мирот вочест на одржувањето на Меѓународниот конгрес што се одржа на 20 април 1949 во Прага, односно во трите главни града: Париз-Прага-Токио. На тој конгрес присуствуваше делегација и од Грција, во чиј состав имаше претставници од македонските организации. Ние, кадрите на НОФ, АФЖ, ДАГ, министрите во Привремената влада на Грција и членовите на ЦК на КПГ вршевме подготовки за што посвечено да го одбележиме тој ден со пригодна програма проследена со говори од повеќе раководни кадри, меѓу кои и од македонска страна.

                          За почеток на прославата веќе се насобраа борците и народот во дворот на болницата. Кога, околу 8 часот дојде еден џип. Од него излезе еден офицер од Главниот штаб на ДАГ, кого не го познавав, и доаѓа во правец каде што стоевме: Михаил Маљов, Уранија Јурукова, Ташко Хаџијанов, Гора Петричевски, мојот (невенчан) брачен другар Минчо Фотев и јас. Офицерот ме познавал. Кога дојде до мене, ми вели: “Другарке Вера, ова писмо (и ми подава едно сино плико) Ви го испраќа другарот Барџотас и бара според него да постапите”. Василис Барџотас беше политички комесар на ГШ на ДАГ и член на потесното Политбиро на КПГ. Набрзина го отворив пликот. Внатре има кусо писмо со следната содржина: “Другарке Вера, Вие, Минчо, Уранија и Хаџијанов штом го добиете ова писмо веднаш со џипот да тргнете за Бурели”, потпис: “Василис Барџотас”. Кога го прочитав писмото, занемев, се скаменив, како гром да ме удрил. Само ги погленав другарите околу мене. Ме обзеде лошо претчувство, злото што одамна лебдеше над нашите глави.

                          Другарите ме гледаа зачудено. Нестрпливи се да им ја кажам содржината на писмото. Минчо нестрплив. Одраце ми го зеде писмото. Им велам тивко и таинствено: “Нас четвориџа: Минча, Уранија, Хаџијани и мене не викаат веднаш со џипов да тргнеме за Бурели кај ГШ на ДАГ”. Настана молк. Таа вест ги загржи сите што беа околу нас, и молњевито се пренесе меѓу сите. Една група мажи и жени од народот кои отстапија со единиците на ДАГ од слободната територија и со кои логорувавме заедно на тоа место, не обиколија, прашувајќи што се случува, претчувствувајќи што ќе стане со нас.

                          На нашиот другар Горо Петричевски, прекален борец на НОФ, му рековме: “Нас сигурно ќе не уапсат. Ако можеш, бегај, сигурно и тебе те чека истото”. На некои мои соселани, на некои мои тетки и на една прва братучеда им реков дека сигурно сме уапсени. Таквата закана против централното раководство на НОФ одамна беше пуштена во “промет”, а сега треба да ја реализираат за да се оправдуваат виновниците за поразот на ДАГ. И покрај заканите дека ќе бидеме ликвидирани, пренесувани преку некои провокатори, ние бевме и останавме докрај со народот, го организиравме, се боревме со него, со народот гиневме и се радувавме на успесите.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • George S.
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 10116

                            To Hell and Back – Part 2

                            By Evdokia Foteva - Vera

                            Translated and edited by Risto Stefov


                            March 27, 2013

                            Instead of a preface

                            Since the Balkan Wars, since that damned 1913 Treaty of Bucharest, the Macedonian people in Aegean (Greek occupied) Macedonia have fought for their social and national rights. In the meantime the new invaders and our brothers in faith have done everything they can to rob us of our heritage and erase our Macedonian identity. To free themselves of the “Macedonian menace” the new masters expelled, killed and imprisoned many to the Aegean islands. However, “weeds’ cannot be easily exterminated. Each new generation is more resistant and more decisive. The dictator Metaxas changed many things including banning the Macedonian language, the native language spoken at home by the Macedonian people, but that too proved to be futile because Macedonians still speak their mother tongue. Changing all the personal names and toponyms from Macedonian to Greek did not help much either, because the Macedonian people still remember and love the old Macedonian names.

                            The Macedonian people from Greek occupied Macedonia participated in Greece’s liberation struggle against the German and Italian occupiers and in the Greek Civil War. They made countless sacrifices including abandoning their homes and in the end they were not allowed to return to their birthplace and to reclaim what was theirs because they were supposedly not Greeks by birth. The Macedonian contribution to the struggle against fascism, it seems, does not count at all and is deemed irrelevant even by the biggest anti-fascist forces. So, instead of helping the Macedonians, the great anti-fascist forces, with all their means, chose to help the Monarcho-Fascists who were bent on destroying the Macedonian nation. Realistically this means that it was they who indirectly committed all these crimes including the expulsion of Macedonians from their native homes.

                            The Macedonians in Greek occupied Macedonia fought for freedom and democracy alongside the Greek anti-fascist progressive forces, but instead of getting freedom and democracy they received prison sentences and many were murdered. Those who fled the country to save their miserable lives were not allowed to return, not even to light a candle at the eternal resting place of their deceased loved ones. All this torment of the Macedonian people was openly done in front of the entire “civilized and progressive world” yet no one, it seems, is able to see anything wrong with it; no one seems to see it for what it is and to this day, no one has raised their voice against it. So I ask you this: “Should we continue to believe that there is still hope in the ‘Great Democrats’?!” To this day no one has raised a voice.

                            We should be grateful to the Republic of Macedonia for its part in accepting the refugees returning from the Eastern European countries, but in its search for legitimacy, it too wrote off the Macedonians from Greek occupied Macedonia. It was done under pressure as the young Republic fought for its survival. What does one do when one’s brothers in the Republic of Macedonia write them off? We are a modest people, but bold and proud. We remember kindness and never forget evil. We keep silent but when we raise our voices we are loud. We still feel the lasting and open wounds we received from the Greek Civil War. We are everywhere on this planet, separated from our own kind. Many of us have already quietly left this world disappointed with unfulfilled dreams of ever seeing our birthplace for one last time, so that we can pay our respects to our loved ones who have died there. My husband Mincho died, bitter, on March 28, 1987 with his wish to return to his birthplace unfulfilled. So did Pascal Mitrevski, President of NOF who died on February 10th, 1987 and so many others.

                            The honest, worthy leaders and sons of Aegean Macedonia suffered the worst. Those who encouraged our people to fight deserted and abandoned them. They were also the ones spreading the lies in the Republic of Macedonia. They were the ones who slandered those who sacrificed themselves for Macedonia. They were the ones who portrayed the struggle and all that happened in a light that would personally benefit them the most. They thought that “it was all over” and those who knew the truth would never return. They convinced many politicians and historians to rely on their lies in order to get to the bottom of things.

                            After DAG was defeated, members of the NOF, AFZH and NOMS (Youth Organization) leadership from Greek occupied Macedonia were charged with being “agents” of Yugoslavia, Tito and Lazo Kolishevski. We were arrested and placed in a detention centre in Burreli, Albania and from there we were sent to the prison camps in the USSR. Instead of protecting us and advocating for our liberation from the allegations, the deserters and closest comrades with whom we shared both good and evil in the struggle, did everything in their power to turn us into scapegoats in order to save their own skins, thinking that we were doomed anyway and would be dead in no time. However, that did not happen, we all endured torture but survived with our honesty intact. So, we who did nothing wrong to tarnish our image, the image of our homeland and that of our people were released from prison and allowed to go the Republic of Macedonia. But when we arrived there we discovered that the deserters had turned the truth around 180ş. They were startled by our arrival, but did not lose their positions and privileges in society because every government needs sycophants and informers.

                            I wrote my book in the name of truth, to set the record straight, to correct perpetrated injustices and irregularities and to inform the current and future reader who may be interested in learning about the ordeals that my generation experienced. My story is real and the events which I took part in were first hand experience. I personally participated in the People’s Liberation Struggle in Greece and in the Greek Civil War and the story I am telling is the way it happened, the way I remember it. I fought for the freedom of my people and as a result I suffered immensely, especially in my trek from Burreli to the USSR and to Skopje.

                            What I am about to tell you will make many people uncomfortable and even angry. But the more people get uncomfortable, the closer I get to the truth. I too got angry at the many twists and turns of “the truth” especially when told by people who gave false statements against me, against my husband Mincho and against the other honest leaders of NOF. Fifty five years after DAG’s defeat, my book speaks authentically and defends the truth especially against the biggest slanderer of them all, Nikos Zahariadis, Secretary General of the CPG. Those who speak differently from what I wrote in my book will soon fall by the wayside. The truth may be delayed but is slowly coming to light.

                            THE AUTHOR

                            Наместо предговор

                            Од Балканските војни, од проклетиот Букурешки договор, Македонците во Егејска Македонија се борат за своите социјални и национални права. Семожно новите освојувачи, браќа по вера, сторија и се уште прават се да ге одмакедончат. За да се ослободат од нив и физички ги протеруваа и ги уништуваа, ги испраќаа на егејските острова. Меѓутоа, “пиреј” не се истребува. Новите изданоци се поотпорни, порешителни.

                            Метаксас што не примена, дури и дупчење на јазик за изговорен збор на мајчиниот јазик во својот дом, меѓу своите. Ако ги погрчија топонимите, мајчиниот збор остана.

                            Активно Македонците во Егејска Македонија учествуваа во народноослободителната борба на Грција и во Граѓанската бојна на Грција. Се дадоа безброј жртви, опустеа населбите, не дозволувајќи повраќај на тие што не се по род Грци. Придонесот во борбата против фашизмот не се цени дури и од најголемите антифашистички сили. Напротив, ги помагаа монархофашистите со сите можни средства за малтретирање и уништување на Македонците. Практично тие им ги направија сите злодела, тие ги протераа од своите родни огништа.

                            За слобода и демократија Македонците од Егејска Македонија се бореа заедно со Грците антифашисти, со прогресивните сили, но од тоа само зло: исполенти затвори, убиства. Оние што бегаа пред ладното и огненото оружје да го спасат својот гол живот, не можат да се вратат на родните огништа, не им се дозволува ни барем да појдат да запалат свеќи на вечните домови на загинатите и починати најмили. И сето тоа го гледа, му е пред очите, но не сака да го види “прогресивниот свет”. Зар уште да веруваме, зар остана надеж за верување во “големите демократи”!

                            Никој за нас не го крена својот глас. Безмерна благодарност на Република Македонија за прифаќањето на бегалците и на повратниците од источноевропските земји, но и таа во својот извор на законитоста Македонците од Егејска Македонија ги отпиша. Тоа е сторено под присила. Таа се бори за својот опстанок. Што да се прави кога и на Вардарците не им се пишува добро.

                            Ние сме скромен народ, но храбар и горд. Доброто го паметиме, а злото не го забораваме. Молчиме, а кога го креваме својот глас ечи.

                            Последните, и уште незалекувани, рани не печат од Граѓанската војна на Грција. Не има насекаде на Земјата. Разделени свој од свој. Доста заминаа од овој свет разочарани, без остварен сон да ги видат барем пепелиштата на своите домови, да им оддадат почит на најблиските починати. Со таков чемер на 28 мај 1987 година почина мојот сопруг Минчо, пред тоа (10 февруари 1987) претстедателот на НОФ Паскал Митревски и уште кој ли не.

                            Чесните, достојните раководни синови на Егејска Македонија најлошо поминаа. Тие што дезертираа, што го поттикнаа народот на борба, го оставија на цедило, во Република Македонија ширеа лаги и клевети против достојните, ја прикажаа борбата и сите нејзини настани како што ними им одговара исклучиво од тоа нешто да ќарат. Тие мислеа дека е “завршено” со оние вистинските. На нивните лаги наседнале доста политичари и историчари.

                            По поразот на ДАГ, раководителите на НОФ, АФЖ и НОМС на Егејска Македонија бевме обвинети за тоа како “агенти” на Југославија, на Тито и на Лазо. Бевме уапсени во Бурели, Албанија, па бевме испратени по затворите и логорите на СССР. Наместо заштита, застапување за наше ослободување од обвиненијата, дезертерите и најблиските со кои што сме го делеле доброто и злото во борбата презедоа се што повеќе да не оцрнат, мислејќи дека нема живи да останеме, а за “мртви” може што сакаш да зборуваш. Меѓутоа, издржавме секакви тортури и чесните, тие кои со ништо не го извалкавме својот образ и образот на татковината, на својот народ, дојдовме во Република Мадеконија. Но кога дојдовме што ќе видиме: дезертерите ја извртеле вистината за 180ş. Тие се збунија со нашето доаѓање, но позициите и привилегиите не ги изгубија зашто на секоја власт и требаат полтрони и кодоши.

                            Покрај во бројни мои усни и писмени истапувања за докажување на вистината, за исправување на неправдите и неправилностите, во оваа моја книга, во името на вистината, за неа да ја знаат или за неа да се заинтересираат сегашните и идните генерации, кажувам за тоа во што лично сум учествувала, ги кажувам НОБ на Грција и Граѓанската војна на Грција без никакво додавање, ниту пак прејудицирање, туку како што беа настаните и личностите и за таа слобода на својот народ што сум претргала на релацијата: Бурели –СССР –Скопје.

                            Ова што го изнесувам сигурно на многу не ќе им одговара и ќе ми се лутат. Ако, што повеќе лутковци, тоа е потврда за вистината што ја изнесувам. И јас се лутев на многуте извртувања на вистината, поради изјавите што ги давале против мене, против мојот сопруг Минчо и против другите чесни раководители на НОФ. Тогаш тие уживаа во благодетите што им ги обезбедуваа нивните кодошлами.

                            По 55 години од поразот на ДАГ, од нечујните клевети на генералниот секретар на КПГ Никос Захаријадис, се појавува мојава книга со автентични искажувања. Засегнатите нека се јават со документи, а не со голи фрази и етикетирања. Тоа што некои за ова што зборувам поинаку пишувале, тоа им паѓа во вода. Вистината задоцнува, но излегува на видело.

                            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                            GOTSE DELCEV


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              To Hell and Back – Part 1

                              By Evdokia Foteva - Vera

                              Translated and edited by Risto Stefov


                              March 24, 2013

                              Evdokia Foteva – Vera, “To Hell and Back”, AZ-Buki 2004, Skopje

                              Love is a sacred thing. Everything is done from love and for love. Nobler than love is without exception one’s own homeland. Without a homeland free love can not reach its true potential. My life companion and I were in love with our homeland since childhood because we both came from Macedonian revolutionary families. We both took up arms in the midst of our youth for the freedom of our homeland. As fighters, in the most beautiful years of our youth, we decided that after we freed ourselves we would get married. But from the time we decided to the time we actually got married, a decade of struggling and suffering had passed. That was because of our outstanding dedication to the struggle, fighting so that nothing could harm our homeland. That is why we had the longest wedding: from the day that we decided to the day that we actually had it. My “wedding trip” was a fight for freedom and democracy in the Greek Civil War and in the detention camps and prisons in Albania and Russia. This was done to me because of Tito’s squabbles with Stalin and because Informburo countries became hostile towards Yugoslavia. Our “wedding” was a tragic “wedding” not only for us but for our homeland and for our people. It was a wedding full of consequences, which left lasting open wounds.

                              On Vicho

                              No bird

                              flew alive

                              and here –

                              at Gramos,

                              in the wild battle

                              we dropped

                              from our shoulder

                              the last flag.

                              (From the poem “At Gramos”

                              by Atso Shopov, Skopje, 1950)


                              The author Evdokia Foteva-Vera, in her book “To Hell and Back” tells us how some in the top CPG (Communist Party of Greece) leadership led DAG to defeat and then went on to put the blame on the innocent Macedonian people. What she tells us is an original and first hand account because she was there, a participant of these events. Her presentation of the NOBG (Peoples Liberation Struggle in Greece) and GVG (Greek Civil War) ideals for which Macedonians and Greeks fought shoulder to shoulder and many died together are genuine. As World War II had only fascists and anti-fascists, so did the Greek Civil War have Monarcho-Fascists and anti-Monarcho-Fascists. In reality the Second World War never ended in Greece until DAG was defeated in 1949, ironically “thanks” to anti-fascist Western Power intervention. This book is a story about the Macedonian leadership being wrongly labeled “the perpetrators” that led to DAG’s defeat and as they found out their dreams of “heaven” were not at all like they had imagined them. Their experience recaptured the creepiness of the words that the enslaved German woman told the notorious Beria, which the reader will discover by following Evdokia Foteva-Vera’s experience in her USSR dream.

                              In tough times humanity and inhumanity come to the fore. Vera mentions many examples of that. Thinking that the prisoners would go to another world, the deserters distorted the truth, and made slanderous statements against their closest comrades, and when the prisoners came back, they pretended that nothing had happened. And as earth has sworn to heaven, the truth will some day come out and there will be no more secrets. Thanks to Evdokia Foteva-Vera, who, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of DAG’s defeat has given us that truth, told in her own authentic testimony.

                              Dr. Stojan Risteski

                              Acronyms used

                              ASNOM – Anti-Fascist Assembly of National Liberation of Macedonia

                              BRP(k) – Communist Party of Bulgaria

                              CPG - Communist Party of Greece

                              CPM - Communist Party of Macedonia

                              CPY - Communist Party of Yugoslavia

                              CVG - Greek Civil War

                              DAG – Democratic Army of Greece

                              EAM – National Liberation Front

                              ELAS – National Liberation Army of Greece

                              EON – National Youth Organization

                              EPON – All Greek National Youth Organization

                              KOEM – Communist Organization of Aegean Macedonia

                              NKVD – People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs

                              NOBG - Peoples Liberation Struggle in Greece

                              NOBM - Peoples Liberation Struggle in Macedonia

                              NOF - Peoples’ Liberation Front

                              NOMS - Peoples’ Liberation Youth Organization

                              OKNE - Communist Youth Organization of Greece

                              ONOO – Local People’s Liberation Council

                              OZNA – People’s Defense Division –

                              PDEG – Pan-Greek Democratic Union of Women

                              PDOG – International Federation of Democratic Women

                              POJ - Partisan Units of Yugoslavia

                              SNOF - Slavo-Macedonian National Liberation Front

                              SKP(b) – Communist Party of the Soviet Union

                              USSR – United Soviet Socialist Republics

                              WFZH - Women’s Anti-Fascist Front

                              Евдокија Фотева – Вера, “До пеколот и назад”, Аз-Буки 2004, Скопје

                              Љубовта е свето нешто. Од љубов и за љубов се се прави. Повозвишено од љубовта единствено е татковината.

                              Без слободна татковина љубовта не може да дојде до нејзиниот вистински израз.

                              Вљубени во татковината со мојот животен сопатник бевме уште од детството зашто произлегувавме од македонски револуционерни фамилии. За слободата на татковината, во својата бујна младост, нарамивме оружје. Како борци, во најубавите младешки години, си дадовме збор дека по ослободувањето ќе се венчаме. Но од зборот до венчавањето помина една деценија зараде борбата и патилата поради нашето извонредно човечко достоинство со ништо да не и напакостиме на татковината. Ете затоа ние имавме најдолга свадба: од зборот до венчавањето.

                              Моето “свадбвено патување” беше борба за слобода и демократија во Граганската војна на Грција, во притвори и затворе во Албанија и во Русија до коригирањето на својот став на информбировските земји кон Југославија.

                              Нашата “свадба” беше трагична “свадба” и за татковината, чии последици и денес се отворени, живе рани.

                              На Вич

                              ни птица

                              не прелета жива,

                              а овде –

                              на Грамос,

                              во борбата дива

                              ни падна

                              од раме

                              последното знаме.

                              (Од поемата “На Грамос”

                              на Ацо Шопов, Скопје, 1950)

                              Воведен збор

                              Евдокија Фотерва-Вера, во оваа книга кажуваа како некои од првите луѓе на КПГ ја доведоа ДАГ до пораз, а вината за тоа им ја припишаа на невините.

                              Изворно, од прва рака, се презентира идеалот на НОБГ и на ГВГ, за кој рамо до рамо се бореа и Македонци и Грци, едни за други гинеа, заедно во смрт одеа.

                              Како што во Втората светска војна имаше само фашисти и антифашисти, така во ГВГ имаше само монархофашисти и антимонархофашисти. Практично, Втората светска војна во Грција заврши со поразот на ДАГ во 1949 година, “благодарение” на западните големи антифашисти.

                              Што претргаа “виновниците” за поразот на ДАГ, македонските раководители, потресно е изнесено во оваа книга. Сонуваниот “рај” не бил таков каков што го замислувале. Морничаво тоа се доловува од зборовите на заробената Германка, што му ги рекла на злогласниот Берија. Ова читателот ќе го одгатне од доживеаното и преживеаното на Евдокија Фотева-Вера во сонуваниот СССР.

                              Во тешките моменти доаѓаат до израз и човештината и нечовештината. Бројни примери наведува Вера за тоа. Сметајќи дека затворените ќе одат на оној свет, дезертерите ја извртуваат вистината, најблиски соборци поднесувале клеветнички изјави, а кога се вратија, се правеа како ништо да не било. Но вистината кога-тогаш излегува на видело, зашто Земјата му се заколнала на Небото дека нема да држи тајна.

                              Во името на вистината, благодарност на Евдокија Фотева-Вера што по повод 55-годишнината од поразот на ДАГ ни ги подари нејзините автентични сведоштва.

                              д-р Стојан Ристески

                              УПОТРЕБЕНИ КРАТЕНКИ

                              АФЖ -Антифашистички фронт на жените

                              БРП(к) -Бугарска работничка партија (комунисти)

                              ГШ -Главен штаб

                              ДАГ -Демократска армија на Грција

                              ЕАМ -Национален ослободителен фронт

                              ЕЛАС -Грчка националноослободителна армија на Грција

                              ЕОН -Национална организација на младите

                              ЕПОН -Национална сегрчка организација на младите

                              КНОЈ -Команда на народната одбрана на Југославија

                              КОЕМ -Комунистичка организација на Егејска Македонија

                              КПБ -Комунистичка партија на Бугарија

                              КПГ -Комунистичка партија на Грција

                              КПМ -Комунистичка партија на Македонија

                              КПЧ -Комунистичка партија на Чехија

                              НКВД -Народен комесаријат за внатрешни рабори

                              НОБ -Народноослободителна борба

                              НОБГ -Народноослободителна борба во Грција

                              НОВ -Народноослободителна војска

                              НОВ и ПОЈ -Народноослободителна војска и партизански одреди на Југославија

                              НОМС -Народноослободителен младински сојуз

                              НОО -Народноослободителен одбор

                              НОФ -Народноослободителен фронт

                              ОЗНА -Одделение за народна одбрана

                              ОК -Окружен комитет

                              ОКНЕ -Комунистичка младинска организација на Грција

                              ОНОО -Околиски народноослободителен одбор

                              ПО -Политичко биро, Политбиро

                              ПДЕГ -Сегрчки демократски сојуз на жените

                              ПДОГ -Меѓународна организација на демократските жени

                              ПО -Партизански одред

                              РСФСР -Руска советска федеративна социјалистичка република

                              СНОФ -Славјанскомакедонски ослободителен фронт

                              СССР -Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики

                              ЦК -Централен комитет

                              © 2013 Microsoft
                              English (United States)
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                To Hell and Back – Part 1

                                By Evdokia Foteva - Vera

                                Translated and edited by Risto Stefov


                                March 24, 2013

                                Evdokia Foteva – Vera, “To Hell and Back”, AZ-Buki 2004, Skopje

                                Love is a sacred thing. Everything is done from love and for love. Nobler than love is without exception one’s own homeland. Without a homeland free love can not reach its true potential. My life companion and I were in love with our homeland since childhood because we both came from Macedonian revolutionary families. We both took up arms in the midst of our youth for the freedom of our homeland. As fighters, in the most beautiful years of our youth, we decided that after we freed ourselves we would get married. But from the time we decided to the time we actually got married, a decade of struggling and suffering had passed. That was because of our outstanding dedication to the struggle, fighting so that nothing could harm our homeland. That is why we had the longest wedding: from the day that we decided to the day that we actually had it. My “wedding trip” was a fight for freedom and democracy in the Greek Civil War and in the detention camps and prisons in Albania and Russia. This was done to me because of Tito’s squabbles with Stalin and because Informburo countries became hostile towards Yugoslavia. Our “wedding” was a tragic “wedding” not only for us but for our homeland and for our people. It was a wedding full of consequences, which left lasting open wounds.

                                On Vicho

                                No bird

                                flew alive

                                and here –

                                at Gramos,

                                in the wild battle

                                we dropped

                                from our shoulder

                                the last flag.

                                (From the poem “At Gramos”

                                by Atso Shopov, Skopje, 1950)


                                The author Evdokia Foteva-Vera, in her book “To Hell and Back” tells us how some in the top CPG (Communist Party of Greece) leadership led DAG to defeat and then went on to put the blame on the innocent Macedonian people. What she tells us is an original and first hand account because she was there, a participant of these events. Her presentation of the NOBG (Peoples Liberation Struggle in Greece) and GVG (Greek Civil War) ideals for which Macedonians and Greeks fought shoulder to shoulder and many died together are genuine. As World War II had only fascists and anti-fascists, so did the Greek Civil War have Monarcho-Fascists and anti-Monarcho-Fascists. In reality the Second World War never ended in Greece until DAG was defeated in 1949, ironically “thanks” to anti-fascist Western Power intervention. This book is a story about the Macedonian leadership being wrongly labeled “the perpetrators” that led to DAG’s defeat and as they found out their dreams of “heaven” were not at all like they had imagined them. Their experience recaptured the creepiness of the words that the enslaved German woman told the notorious Beria, which the reader will discover by following Evdokia Foteva-Vera’s experience in her USSR dream.

                                In tough times humanity and inhumanity come to the fore. Vera mentions many examples of that. Thinking that the prisoners would go to another world, the deserters distorted the truth, and made slanderous statements against their closest comrades, and when the prisoners came back, they pretended that nothing had happened. And as earth has sworn to heaven, the truth will some day come out and there will be no more secrets. Thanks to Evdokia Foteva-Vera, who, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of DAG’s defeat has given us that truth, told in her own authentic testimony.

                                Dr. Stojan Risteski

                                Acronyms used

                                ASNOM – Anti-Fascist Assembly of National Liberation of Macedonia

                                BRP(k) – Communist Party of Bulgaria

                                CPG - Communist Party of Greece

                                CPM - Communist Party of Macedonia

                                CPY - Communist Party of Yugoslavia

                                CVG - Greek Civil War

                                DAG – Democratic Army of Greece

                                EAM – National Liberation Front

                                ELAS – National Liberation Army of Greece

                                EON – National Youth Organization

                                EPON – All Greek National Youth Organization

                                KOEM – Communist Organization of Aegean Macedonia

                                NKVD – People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs

                                NOBG - Peoples Liberation Struggle in Greece

                                NOBM - Peoples Liberation Struggle in Macedonia

                                NOF - Peoples’ Liberation Front

                                NOMS - Peoples’ Liberation Youth Organization

                                OKNE - Communist Youth Organization of Greece

                                ONOO – Local People’s Liberation Council

                                OZNA – People’s Defense Division –

                                PDEG – Pan-Greek Democratic Union of Women

                                PDOG – International Federation of Democratic Women

                                POJ - Partisan Units of Yugoslavia

                                SNOF - Slavo-Macedonian National Liberation Front

                                SKP(b) – Communist Party of the Soviet Union

                                USSR – United Soviet Socialist Republics

                                WFZH - Women’s Anti-Fascist Front

                                Евдокија Фотева – Вера, “До пеколот и назад”, Аз-Буки 2004, Скопје

                                Љубовта е свето нешто. Од љубов и за љубов се се прави. Повозвишено од љубовта единствено е татковината.

                                Без слободна татковина љубовта не може да дојде до нејзиниот вистински израз.

                                Вљубени во татковината со мојот животен сопатник бевме уште од детството зашто произлегувавме од македонски револуционерни фамилии. За слободата на татковината, во својата бујна младост, нарамивме оружје. Како борци, во најубавите младешки години, си дадовме збор дека по ослободувањето ќе се венчаме. Но од зборот до венчавањето помина една деценија зараде борбата и патилата поради нашето извонредно човечко достоинство со ништо да не и напакостиме на татковината. Ете затоа ние имавме најдолга свадба: од зборот до венчавањето.

                                Моето “свадбвено патување” беше борба за слобода и демократија во Граганската војна на Грција, во притвори и затворе во Албанија и во Русија до коригирањето на својот став на информбировските земји кон Југославија.

                                Нашата “свадба” беше трагична “свадба” и за татковината, чии последици и денес се отворени, живе рани.

                                На Вич

                                ни птица

                                не прелета жива,

                                а овде –

                                на Грамос,

                                во борбата дива

                                ни падна

                                од раме

                                последното знаме.

                                (Од поемата “На Грамос”

                                на Ацо Шопов, Скопје, 1950)

                                Воведен збор

                                Евдокија Фотерва-Вера, во оваа книга кажуваа како некои од првите луѓе на КПГ ја доведоа ДАГ до пораз, а вината за тоа им ја припишаа на невините.

                                Изворно, од прва рака, се презентира идеалот на НОБГ и на ГВГ, за кој рамо до рамо се бореа и Македонци и Грци, едни за други гинеа, заедно во смрт одеа.

                                Како што во Втората светска војна имаше само фашисти и антифашисти, така во ГВГ имаше само монархофашисти и антимонархофашисти. Практично, Втората светска војна во Грција заврши со поразот на ДАГ во 1949 година, “благодарение” на западните големи антифашисти.

                                Што претргаа “виновниците” за поразот на ДАГ, македонските раководители, потресно е изнесено во оваа книга. Сонуваниот “рај” не бил таков каков што го замислувале. Морничаво тоа се доловува од зборовите на заробената Германка, што му ги рекла на злогласниот Берија. Ова читателот ќе го одгатне од доживеаното и преживеаното на Евдокија Фотева-Вера во сонуваниот СССР.

                                Во тешките моменти доаѓаат до израз и човештината и нечовештината. Бројни примери наведува Вера за тоа. Сметајќи дека затворените ќе одат на оној свет, дезертерите ја извртуваат вистината, најблиски соборци поднесувале клеветнички изјави, а кога се вратија, се правеа како ништо да не било. Но вистината кога-тогаш излегува на видело, зашто Земјата му се заколнала на Небото дека нема да држи тајна.

                                Во името на вистината, благодарност на Евдокија Фотева-Вера што по повод 55-годишнината од поразот на ДАГ ни ги подари нејзините автентични сведоштва.

                                д-р Стојан Ристески

                                УПОТРЕБЕНИ КРАТЕНКИ

                                АФЖ -Антифашистички фронт на жените

                                БРП(к) -Бугарска работничка партија (комунисти)

                                ГШ -Главен штаб

                                ДАГ -Демократска армија на Грција

                                ЕАМ -Национален ослободителен фронт

                                ЕЛАС -Грчка националноослободителна армија на Грција

                                ЕОН -Национална организација на младите

                                ЕПОН -Национална сегрчка организација на младите

                                КНОЈ -Команда на народната одбрана на Југославија

                                КОЕМ -Комунистичка организација на Егејска Македонија

                                КПБ -Комунистичка партија на Бугарија

                                КПГ -Комунистичка партија на Грција

                                КПМ -Комунистичка партија на Македонија

                                КПЧ -Комунистичка партија на Чехија

                                НКВД -Народен комесаријат за внатрешни рабори

                                НОБ -Народноослободителна борба

                                НОБГ -Народноослободителна борба во Грција

                                НОВ -Народноослободителна војска

                                НОВ и ПОЈ -Народноослободителна војска и партизански одреди на Југославија

                                НОМС -Народноослободителен младински сојуз

                                НОО -Народноослободителен одбор

                                НОФ -Народноослободителен фронт

                                ОЗНА -Одделение за народна одбрана

                                ОК -Окружен комитет

                                ОКНЕ -Комунистичка младинска организација на Грција

                                ОНОО -Околиски народноослободителен одбор

                                ПО -Политичко биро, Политбиро

                                ПДЕГ -Сегрчки демократски сојуз на жените

                                ПДОГ -Меѓународна организација на демократските жени

                                ПО -Партизански одред

                                РСФСР -Руска советска федеративна социјалистичка република

                                СНОФ -Славјанскомакедонски ослободителен фронт

                                СССР -Сојуз на Советските Социјалистички Републики

                                ЦК -Централен комитет

                                © 2013 Microsoft
                                English (United States)
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

