Good, solid research Daskale, its existence seems hard to disprove after that.
A prophecy of Alexander the Great, by Atanas Makedonets 1845!
Prophecy of alexander the great
Zdravo na site,
This book is nothing more than a greek propaganda pamphlet meant to get the Macedonians of to fight alongside greeks against turks and Bulgarian Exarhate. It is written by Athanasius Souliotis-Nikolaidi, who was greek army officer form Athens sent to organize macedonian folks with greeks to resist and fight Bulgarian exarchate and the otoman turks. They had an organization in Solun, which was specificaly designed for that. He was helped by Ion Dragoumis, who was greek consul in Bitola at that time, who in turn had Pavlos Melas as brother or son in-law, i am not tottaly sure. There is a reference to this book in iospressnews that this book is a propaganda pamphlet and that the author is Soulitis.
""" Παρόμοια επιχειρηματολογία συναντάμε και σε έντυπη διακήρυξη του Ελληνομακεδονικού Συλλόγου της Αθήνας το 1905, γραμμένη στα σλαβομακεδονικά με ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες και διακοσμημένη στο εξώφυλλό της με νόμισμα του διάσημου στρατηλάτη. Το αποκορύφωμα της προπαγανδιστικής επιστράτευσης του "Γκόλεμ Αλεξάντρ" θα έρθει ωστόσο δυό χρόνια αργότερα, από τους μακεδονομάχους της Οργανώσεως Θεσσαλονίκης. "Θυμάμαι ότι είχα γράψει κάτι `Προφητείες του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου' με εξηγήσεις του 'ιερομόναχου Αθανασίου', οι οποίες εβοηθούσαν κάθε έξυπνον άνθρωπο να καταλάβη ότι η Μακεδονία δεν ήταν δυνατόν να ελευθερωθή παρά από την Ελλάδα", διαβάζουμε στα Απομνημονεύματα του επικεφαλής της, Αθανασίου Σουλιώτη-Νικολαϊδη ("Ο Μακεδονικός Αγών", Θεσ/νίκη 1994, σ.44). "Μεταφρασμένες στα μακεδονοσλαυϊκά, τις 'Προφητείες του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου' τις εμοιράζαμε αραιά και μυστικά στους χωρικούς. Σταχωμένη με πετσί μια από τις 'Προφητείες του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου' μου την έφερε κατά το 1911 στην Πόλη ένας παπάς των Δέρκων, σαν κάτι σπάνιο και μυστηριώδες". Το τέχνασμα είχε πετύχει.
English Translation:
Similar arguments can also be found in the printed proclamation Ellinomakedonikou Association of Athens in 1905, written in Macedonian with Greek characters and decorated the cover with the currency of the famous army. The completion of the recruitment propaganda "Golemis Alexander will come two years later, however, the Macedonian Organization of Thessaloniki. "I remember that I had written something` Prophecies of Alexander the Great, with explanation of the 'monk Athanasius' which evoithousan any intelligent man to understand that Macedonia could not be released rather than Greece, we read the memoirs of the leader, Athanasius Souliotis-Nikolaidi ( "The Macedonian Struggle, Thessaloniki 1994, p.44). "Localized makedonoslafika in the 'Prophecies of Alexander' the emoirazame sparse and secrets to the peasants. Stachomeni skin with one of the 'Prophecies of Alexander' I brought in 1911 by a priest in the town of Derkon as curiosity and mysterious. " The ruse was successful. """"
the translation is taken from idividi formu, so i don't know if it's correct.
i am doing research on this Athanasios guy, soon as i get something i will post it. By the way i have to whole book in .jpeg, if somebody needs it let me know.
Igacevski, welcome to the MTO.
Just want to point out that the book cannot have been aimed against the Exarchate because it didn't come into existence until about 25 years after the book was made.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
in any case the book proves one thing. That HE wrote it in a language that could be understood by the Macedonians, which underlines the Greek acknowledgment of the separate Macedonian ethnicity with separate language than the Greek. It does not matter what was the purpose of it to me. When i stumbled upon this book, i thought it is "the real thing" but it turns out it isn't, i mean, as far as i came in the research, i could'nt find any relevant antic source Athanasius could have based this book on so far.
Originally posted by lgacevski View Postin any case the book proves one thing. That HE wrote it in a language that could be understood by the Macedonians, which underlines the Greek acknowledgment of the separate Macedonian ethnicity with separate language than the Greek. It does not matter what was the purpose of it to me. When i stumbled upon this book, i thought it is "the real thing" but it turns out it isn't, i mean, as far as i came in the research, i could'nt find any relevant antic source Athanasius could have based this book on so far.I don't want to get off the topic of this thread, but i thought something might interest you.
The Book you are talking about was writen 1845 if i am corect. But i found writing that could be understood by macedonians a little further back than that. I have already posted this somewere else and sory to those that have already seen it. But sometimes these posts get buried amongst others and can be missed. pozz
Originally posted by lgacevski View PostZdravo na site,
This book is nothing more than a greek propaganda pamphlet meant to get the Macedonians of to fight alongside greeks against turks and Bulgarian Exarhate. It is written by Athanasius Souliotis-Nikolaidi, who was greek army officer form Athens sent to organize macedonian folks with greeks to resist and fight Bulgarian exarchate and the otoman turks. They had an organization in Solun, which was specificaly designed for that. He was helped by Ion Dragoumis, who was greek consul in Bitola at that time, who in turn had Pavlos Melas as brother or son in-law, i am not tottaly sure. There is a reference to this book in iospressnews that this book is a propaganda pamphlet and that the author is Soulitis.
""" Παρόμοια επιχειρηματολογία συναντάμε και σε έντυπη διακήρυξη του Ελληνομακεδονικού Συλλόγου της Αθήνας το 1905, γραμμένη στα σλαβομακεδονικά με ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες και διακοσμημένη στο εξώφυλλό της με νόμισμα του διάσημου στρατηλάτη. Το αποκορύφωμα της προπαγανδιστικής επιστράτευσης του "Γκόλεμ Αλεξάντρ" θα έρθει ωστόσο δυό χρόνια αργότερα, από τους μακεδονομάχους της Οργανώσεως Θεσσαλονίκης. "Θυμάμαι ότι είχα γράψει κάτι `Προφητείες του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου' με εξηγήσεις του 'ιερομόναχου Αθανασίου', οι οποίες εβοηθούσαν κάθε έξυπνον άνθρωπο να καταλάβη ότι η Μακεδονία δεν ήταν δυνατόν να ελευθερωθή παρά από την Ελλάδα", διαβάζουμε στα Απομνημονεύματα του επικεφαλής της, Αθανασίου Σουλιώτη-Νικολαϊδη ("Ο Μακεδονικός Αγών", Θεσ/νίκη 1994, σ.44). "Μεταφρασμένες στα μακεδονοσλαυϊκά, τις 'Προφητείες του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου' τις εμοιράζαμε αραιά και μυστικά στους χωρικούς. Σταχωμένη με πετσί μια από τις 'Προφητείες του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου' μου την έφερε κατά το 1911 στην Πόλη ένας παπάς των Δέρκων, σαν κάτι σπάνιο και μυστηριώδες". Το τέχνασμα είχε πετύχει.
English Translation:
Similar arguments can also be found in the printed proclamation Ellinomakedonikou Association of Athens in 1905, written in Macedonian with Greek characters and decorated the cover with the currency of the famous army. The completion of the recruitment propaganda "Golemis Alexander will come two years later, however, the Macedonian Organization of Thessaloniki. "I remember that I had written something` Prophecies of Alexander the Great, with explanation of the 'monk Athanasius' which evoithousan any intelligent man to understand that Macedonia could not be released rather than Greece, we read the memoirs of the leader, Athanasius Souliotis-Nikolaidi ( "The Macedonian Struggle, Thessaloniki 1994, p.44). "Localized makedonoslafika in the 'Prophecies of Alexander' the emoirazame sparse and secrets to the peasants. Stachomeni skin with one of the 'Prophecies of Alexander' I brought in 1911 by a priest in the town of Derkon as curiosity and mysterious. " The ruse was successful. """"
the translation is taken from idividi formu, so i don't know if it's correct.
i am doing research on this Athanasios guy, soon as i get something i will post it. By the way i have to whole book in .jpeg, if somebody needs it let me know.
You do see the difference do you?
If not look here:
Macedonian Truth Organisation
Daskal, bi sakal da si vo pravo veruvaj mi. Ne mozev nikade da najdam nitu eden dokaz za postoenjeto na Atanas Makedonec nitu pak deka postoi nekoe arheolosko otkritie za koe toj kazuva deka e prevedno na mnogu jazici pa i toj resil da go prevede na Makedonski jazik. Postoi kako opcija neli da e psevdonim koristen od nekogo zaradi togasnite sostojbi, no se provlekuva prasanjeto niz tekstot deka toj (Atanas) gi sovetuva Makedoncite da im se pridruzat na "brakjata" Grci vo borbata protiv neprijatelite koi sakaat da ja rasparcat Makedonija. Na edno mesto vo knigata pisuva deka Atanas ili Aleksandar Makedonski gi cekal brakjata svoi od "grkinkata" da zajaknat i da ja oslobodat Makedonija.
Mozebi jas ne sum razbral kako sto treba , ama ako imas povekje informacii i drugo glediste na knigava, te molam spodeli go. Pozdrav
decki za da ne me mislite deka sum nekakov grkoman ili bilo sto drugo eve vi eden link za eden protest koj go napisav vo 2003 godina do edna grcka organizacija so cii clenovi se raspravavme i se borevme da gi kontrirame nivnite anti makedonski rezolucii vo USA.
Golem Pozdrav do site
Originally posted by Bill77 View PostHello lgacevskiI don't want to get off the topic of this thread, but i thought something might interest you.
The Book you are talking about was writen 1845 if i am corect. But i found writing that could be understood by macedonians a little further back than that. I have already posted this somewere else and sory to those that have already seen it. But sometimes these posts get buried amongst others and can be missed. pozz
Originally posted by lgacevski View Postin any case the book proves one thing. That HE wrote it in a language that could be understood by the Macedonians, which underlines the Greek acknowledgment of the separate Macedonian ethnicity with separate language than the Greek. It does not matter what was the purpose of it to me. When i stumbled upon this book, i thought it is "the real thing" but it turns out it isn't, i mean, as far as i came in the research, i could'nt find any relevant antic source Athanasius could have based this book on so far.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.