Racism from Greece and Greeks

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  • TrueMacedonian
    • Jan 2009
    • 3823

    Grkoman nazi foreign minister during WWII

    A Slav Macedonian Greek Fascist? Deciphering the Ethnicophrosyne of Sotirios Gotzamanis by Spyros Marchetos

    1. Fascist or Conservative?

    In the evening of 14th of March, 1957, Salonica witnessed a bizarre scene that would be considered scandalous, if not outright national treason, had it happened in any other place of the war-ravaged Europe. The local social and political elite, including all important state functionaries, from the bishop,the military governor and the prefect downwards, gathered in the grand hall of the semi-official Society for Macedonian Studies to honour a white-haired politician. They received enthusiastically his speech, on a subject hardly appropriate for these postwar times (‘The conquest of Asia by the Greeks under the leadership of Alexander the Great’), amid applause that would scarcely let anyone imagine that very recently this same old man had been condemned to death by a Greek high court, for nothing less than collaboration with the enemy. He was Sotirios Gotzamanis, the powerful Finance Minister during the Nazi occupation of Greece, infamous for presiding over the worst economic catastrophe in the country’s history, that included a colossal transfer of wealth from poor to rich, caused untold miseryand left tens of thousands dead from hunger. The people had blamed exactly this politician for thehyperinflation of those years, calling «Gotzamanakia» -the little children of Gotzamanis- the worthless banknotes that bore his signature. Nationalists had hated him for his perceived support to plans for the bulgarian domination of Macedonia. And yet, while all over Europe lesser collaborators of the Nazis had been hunted, imprisoned and often executed, here he was in postwar Salonica -free, prosperous,respected, lionized by everyone who counted, and even continuing to preach to the local elites trademark nazi notions -vital space, race, «Hindoeuropean warriors», and the providential Leader of the nation. His slav macedonian ethnicity, not hidden but flaunted during his long career, made the conundrum even greater.


    • The LION will ROAR
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 3231

      A member of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party who said Greece is in a civil war – then denied his own comments although they were own a video – has now come out and said that a leading player for Greece’s national basketball team, Sofoklis Schortsianitis, is not Greek because his mother is African.

      Ilias Panagiotaros, who is a Member of Parliament for Golden Dawn, which preaches an anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-bailout platform, said because Schortsianitis’ mother is from Cameroon, he is not really Greek although his father is.

      The party believes only 100 percent Greeks with two Greek parents who were the the children of parents who are Greek and can trace their lineage to ancient Greece with only Greek heritage are really Greek.

      “We do not believe that Schortsianitis belongs to the European tribe, as his parents are not both from Greece. This is what we believe. If somebody says Schortsianitis is a Greek, then they are allowed to ask him to join their party,” Panagiotaros said.

      Schortsianitis starred for the 2006 Greek national team that defeated the United States and finished second in the world and has represented Greece in many international tournaments with distinction. He has been playing in Israel the last two years but is returning to Greece to play for Panathinaikos.

      Although witnesses have placed Golden Dawn members at the scene of the beatings of immigrants and three of its 18 Members of Parliament have been stripped of immunity for their alleged participation in assaults on immigrants or other crimes, Panagiotaros denied they have had any role.

      “Golden Dawn does not chase immigrants. We just defend the Greek people and Greece. There are not legal immigrants in Greece. They are all illegal,” he said. The party wants anyone who is not 100 percent Greek to be forced to leave the country

      A member of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party who said Greece is in a civil war – then denied his own comments although they were own a video – has now come out and said that a leading player for Greece’s national basketball team, Sofoklis Schortsianitis, is not Greek because his mother is African. Ilias […]

      The party wants anyone who is not 100 percent Greek to be forced to leave the country
      So in reality who will be left in Greece...?

      Greek and can trace their lineage to ancient Greece with only Greek heritage are really Greek
      Good luck...hahahaha
      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


      • DirtyCodingHabitz
        • Sep 2010
        • 835

        This is the same bs that happens in israel. You need to prove yourself that you're 1000 generations jewish or you won't be considered a real jew and can't marry a "100%" jew.

        I feel sorry for most greeks and jews...


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          Shining a light into Greece’s dark corners should not be a crime

          A couple of interesting replies in the Comments section:

          The history of today's modern Greek state (created in the late 1820s by the Bavarian royal house of Mad King Ludvig) is generally one of fascism. Greece first tasted democracy in the 1970s after the expulsion of its military dictatorship. Things haven't been going well ever since.

          Today, the neo-Nazi party, Chrysi Avgi (New Dawn) commands 15% of popular support among the Greek electorate. Neo Nazis sit in the Greek parliament as elected members.

          Former police officers have recently testified that neo-Nazis have penetrated the Greek police force (where they are adored) and are used by the Greek government to keep immigrants and political oponents in check.

          Does anyone seriously believe that freedom of the press is going to flourish in this environemnt? Obviously, the Greek government is trying to keep the list of wealthy tax evaders secret.

          This European Union member state is not only at the heart of the current euro debacle, but as a member of the EU it also shares the current Nobel Peace Prize. How's that for irony, a Nobel Peace Prize for a country whose parliament contains neo-Nazis.

          Decrying the lack of freedom of the press (or speech or expression) in Greece is worthy, but it barely scratches the surface of a very serious democratic deficit in the country, and in the European Union as a whole.

          There is a huge story just under the surface here, but it's well beyond the pay grade of this newspaper.

          A primitive form of democracy was used in ancient Greece half a millennium before Christ was born. This was a group of city states that had more slaves than free citizens, and of course only wealthy land-owning males had a vote. Women had no rights.

          What we usually refer to as democracy today comes largely through our British traditions.

          Today's Modern Greece and its current inhabitants are not related to or connected with the ancient Greeks, despite intense propaganda otherwise.

          I just don't like sloppy historical revisionism.

          The Greek royal house is of German and Dutch ancestry. They created the modern state and they maintained it. I can't see how adding royals would be helpful here.

          What would be very helpful is if the European Union actually held its member states accountable for their rather disgraceful behaviour. But we all know that will never happen in Europe.


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Territorial claims on account of Macedonia displayed publicly and openly: "Bitola and Gevgelija is Greek land."

            On November 3, 2012 a group of 15 Golden Dawn Fascists conducted a rather bizarre and provocative performance at the border crossing of Dojran.


            • TrueMacedonian
              • Jan 2009
              • 3823

              Someone who corroborates what Dimitras has said;

              Nicodemos Maina Kinyua, the 35-year-old editor of Athens-based African magazine Asante.
              The Kenyan-born journalist, who has lived in Greece since childhood, says the country's education system offers “fertile ground'' for neo-Nazi influence.
              “The dominant concept in school is that Greeks invented everything at the time when the rest of humanity was perched on trees, eating acorns,’’ he said.


              • George S.
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 10116

                Definitely right there TM amazing how racism is even encouraged & nurtured in greek schools.It's very rare to find "greeks "who will openly admit to what is really going on.They are risking life & limb to express themselvesIt can only get worse.THe racism were talking here is intertwined into the national psyche of the people.That is to hate everyone else who is different to greeks.What can one say it's like nazism is becoming more & more legitimate the way they are promoting it hand in hand with all out racism.I think the editor will be promptly reprimanded for speaking out the truth.I wonder what the'll do to him ??
                Last edited by George S.; 01-04-2013, 05:42 PM. Reason: ed
                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                GOTSE DELCEV


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  TM that's promted me to think all that racism is going on in countries such as greece & the eu doesn't care one iota.Something is definitely wrong with the fabric of the eu it doesn't care one hoot about other races such as minorities living within borders such as greece or bulgaria.The council of europe who along with the un is mean't to be keeping watch has really fallen asleep at the wheel,they don't really care.I pity those people living in their borders who are suffering every day.
                  Last edited by George S.; 01-04-2013, 05:47 PM. Reason: ed
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • momce
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 426

                    and they teach a false view of culture and history that should be reviewed by the EU


                    • Epirot
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 399

                      Golden Down: Albanians, the Dorians of modern Hellenism

                      Do not miss the chance to read some articles of Golden Down, which were written back in 80’s. According to the author who used an Albanian nickname, Albanians since Illyrian period have furnished Greece with valiant heroes as well as soldiers. I would not bother with Golden Down if they were a tiny force in Greece, but this is not the case. On the contrary, the rise of such fascist organization must be seen as an eruption of the fascism which is so well-rooted in Greece.

                      Some of the crucial points of that article are as following:

                      *To get a clear idea of Greece, one must not fail to remember the wars of Pyrrhus, Queen Teuta, Demetrius of Pharos, Genthios against Roman Empire.

                      *Throughout Byzantine period, Illyrian commanders like Velissarios and Vranas, but even the emperors like Constandine the Great (a Dardanian from Naissus), Anastasios, Julian and Leon Zguros give the proper answer to history.

                      *The sturdy warriors who died in battlefields of Peleponnesus, Rumelia and the islands, Epirus and several other regions did their best to help their southern brethren, who were revolted against Ottomans.

                      *Therefore, Albanians are rightfully deemed as Dorians of the new Hellenism (Αρβανίτες - Οι δωριείς του νεώτερου ελληνισμού).

                      * Kokalis, Andrucos, Kacionis, Grindalis, Plaputas, Kacandonis, Mjaulis, Kolokotronis, Bubulina, Karajskaqis, Kunduriotis and Botsaris were all Albanians, who distinguished themselves on their anti-Ottoman wars.

                      Considering that most of Greek net-warriors cannot handle the truth, they have sophisticated somehow their claims in regard to the ethnic Albanians of Greece. One of them stated that most of Arvanites “managed to fit perfectly in the Greek world”. Judging from the reluctance of most Greeks to not recognize their identity, it speak volumes how the Arvanites managed to fit inside the Greek world lol

                      That's probably the reason why the Arvanites are still singing:

                      Being aware that my posts are followed by certain Greeks, one of them (who was also member here but fortunately admins kicked his ass out) is desperately trying to throw insults towards me. In his pathetic burst, he proudly exclamated:

                      “We exported more than people outside of Greece. We exported CIVILIZATION”.
                      One cannot but laugh with such bold statement. The onus is to him to provide just an example on how Greece has exported civilization abroad! Most of Arvanites who left Greece were extremely poor and ended up in the offices of Elis Islands as hopeless slaves. Although nearly all Greek nationalist consider USA as villain since their childhood, they ignore the very fact that due to the American aids, Greece could escape itself from being under the tutelage of Big Soviet Brother.

                      After the war, the United States began giving large amounts of aid to Greece and Turkey under the Truman doctrine. Both countries were experiencing civil strife between communist and anti-communist factions, and the President and his advisors feared that their efforts to keep European countries from adopting communism might be about to suffer a serious setback. In December 1946, the Prime Minister of Greece visited Washington and requested additional United States aid. Truman promulgated his containment doctrine in early 1947, a major component of which was to be aid to the world's poor countries in order to blunt the appeals of radicalism to their hungry peoples and to bolster their anti-communist political elements. In May 1947 the U.S. government granted Greece $300 million in military and economic aid. Turkey received $100 million and the battleship Missouri and the aircraft carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt were deployed there. The U.S. government gave Greece $362 million in 1949, and U.S. aid to Greece generally remained over $100 million annually until 1998.[17] The aid was at times controversial, since it supported authoritarian governments in Greece from the 1940s to early 1960s, as well as the 1967–1974 military junta. Aid to Turkey was $117 million in 1949, $259 million in 1952, and remained in the hundreds of millions annually until 1998.
                      Because Greece was exporting civilization, an American official said on one occasion:

                      Fuck your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fellows continue itching the elephant they may just get whacked by the elephants trunk, whacked good.
                      Then our Greek friend goes on to say that Albania has nothing but prostitution, failing to notice the enormous growing of prostitution in his homeland:

                      While Greece’s crushing economic crisis and brutal austerity measures have many people wondering where their next meal is coming from and cutting back on spending, the number of people selling sexual services has risen by 150 percent in two years, according to a study by EKKE (Greek Center for Social Sciences) and the Institute of […]
                      Last edited by Epirot; 01-28-2013, 09:27 AM.


                      • Makedonska_Kafana
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 2642

                        If, the Golden are not the following they stand no chance in HELL .. DEATH WISH

                        Fatso, what is the connection? Please, provide a mailing address.
                        Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 01-28-2013, 09:23 AM.

                        Macedonia for the Macedonians


                        • TrueMacedonian
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3823

                          Epirot thank you for posting this information. I believe the racist golden dorks today are in denial of who they are.
                          Epirot can you translate these pages for us?


                          • momce
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 426

                            Epirot I think if you look at the ideology of the greek orthodox church you will find many answers to these questions.


                            • Stojacanec
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 809

                              The greeks think they are the gods gift to civilisation. reality its only a Myth! Actually they are the panhandlers of Europe.

                              They keep knocking the Americans, instead they should kiss their arse.

                              The Americans threw lots of money at Tito to build a Yugoslavia. Tito in reality wanted to go south and reclaim Aegean Macedonia. The Americans said "you don't touch Aegean Macedonia"

                              I know family friends that were in the Yugoslav army. Like they explained to me, they thought they were going to go and fight the greeks to the south, instead were told to go to Belgrade on other missions.

                              The modern greek peasants have a lot to be thankful for.


                              • Epirot
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 399

                                Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
                                Epirot thank you for posting this information. I believe the racist golden dorks today are in denial of who they are.
                                Epirot can you translate these pages for us?
                                You're welcome my friend! In the heart of article stands similarity between Greeks and Albanians. Hence the title is very telling: Greeks and Albanians: one people, one race, one homeland (OΈλληνες Αλβανοί: Ένας Λαός, μία Φυλή, μία Πατρίδα). The author who used an Albanian pseudonym (ΦΑΕΘΩΝ) complains of several attempts to downplay the prominent role of Albanians. He urges to re-evaluate the role of Albanians by exposing historical facts.

                                In spite of several fractions and institutions, our honest opinion has not ignored the price of sacrifices. In the same vain, we regenerate our origin, by dealing with an important issue, by determining our descent and blood. By busting the propaganda of politics and ignorance, we should point to the history in order to find out undeniable similarities between Greeks and Albanians.

                                To start from the language, we are about to give a couple of comparisons between the language of Arvanites and that of Homer. (The article gives a list of some commonalities between the language of Arvanites and that of Homer…).

                                (...)Being aware of the value of war and the actions of our heroes, we express a historical justice by honoring their sacrifices regardless their origin. To get a clear idea of Greece, one must not fail to remember the wars of Pyrrhus, Queen Teuta, Demetrius of Pharos, Genthios against Roman Empire. Throughout Byzantine period, Illyrian commanders like Velissarios and Vranas, but even the emperors like Constandine the Great (a Dardanian from Naissus), Anastasios, Julian and Leon Zguros give the proper answer to history. The sturdy warriors who died in battlefields of Peleponnesus, Rumelia and the islands, Epirus and several other regions did their best to help their southern brethren, who were revolted against Ottomans. Therefore, Albanians are rightfully deemed as Dorians of the new Hellenism. Beyond the fanatical attempts to conceal one of the brightest elements of our history, appears the sacrifice of Arvanites during the national revolution of 1821. The sacrifice of Ghika family in Walachia and Moldavia, the courage of Buas, that of Shkurta family, Buzara, Bardhans, Lalas and Souliotes up to the rise of uprising in Messenia on mars of 1821 from Dredhes, numerous warriors who defended the islands of Hydra and Spetzai, outstanding figures like Kokalis, Andrucos, Kacionis, Grindalis, Plaputas, Kacandonis, Mjaulis, Kolokotronis, Bubulina, Karajskaqis, Kunduriotis and Botsaris. All of them distinguished themselves in the wars against Ottomans and they were descendants of Alexander the Great of Balkans, Scanderbeg along with the misunderstood personality of Ali Pasha.
                                * The author Antonios Androutsopoulos (aka Periandros) is of Albanian origin. He is being sentenced to 21 years imprisonment for the attempted murder of university student Dimitris Kousouris and another two people in 1998, outside the Evelpidon courthouses. The height of irony is that those leftists which were assaulted by Androutsopoulos always courageously defended Albanians in Greece.

                                Last edited by Epirot; 01-29-2013, 02:11 PM.

