Racism from Greece and Greeks

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  • makedonche
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 3242

    Good example, taking it one step further, scholarships to world renown universities - we could billet the students amongst diaspora families!
    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


    • osiris
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 1969

      bratot even in the diaspora macedonians undervalue education, when i went to university in 1970 at my university monash , there were 18000 students 3 macedonians and over 3000 jews.

      i have discussed many times with a few of my jewish friends why the jewish people in the past 3 centuries have contributed so much to european knowledge and i think that their religion plays a big part in their love of learning.

      their rabbi is in essence a teacher and they are all encouraged to discuss and criticize their holy writings ( this process is called i think midrash) thus fostering creative and critical thinking whereas in Christianity the priest represents god and preaches the truth while the people are supposed to listen and obey.
      Last edited by osiris; 03-29-2010, 11:11 PM.


      • Serdarot
        • Feb 2010
        • 605

        About the last few posts:

        Sorry Brat, i agree only particulary with you on this, couse it is somehow naive how you presented it.

        We ourself are the best or the worst promotors of our land, i know you know that.

        But without self-respect, we can not hope that other will respect us. Before all , we need self-respect again. (We = the Macedonian Folk, Nation, Makedonskiot Narod)

        Self-respect the Macedonians will get only if they learn more about our Past and our Culture and our Traditional Values.

        And unfortunately (or fortunately), you can not learn about our Past, Culture and Traditional Values on any "world famous university".

        Pls have in mind both of you, you talk about SELLING BRAINS, and not about getting our youth BRAINWASHED on some Harward or Oxword.

        It is an age of global communication, internet, massive online games, technology, etc...

        First the average Macedonian have to wake up, have to start use our Macedonian System what is right and wrong, to follow our System of Values.

        Later we can talk about selling brains to the rest of the World...

        about the topik:

        honestly, is SOMEONE surprised that the "greeks" are nation of fascisto-rasist?

        i mean, hallo... we talk about the same state created by the Germans and right-oriented Brits, as one of the BASICS for their theories of white supermacy, and later the german "ueber-ariyan" theory.

        what changed in between?

        only one thing.

        The "Indo-European" term, now is officialy "Indo-Germanic".

        So now we have Indo-Germanic family of languages, not Indo-European...

        To remind, the term "Indo-Germanic"is one of the capitols of the German Third Reich, therefor one of the capitols of the fascism and national-sotialism and their ideologies.

        I´ve bein told years ago, from a person that claimed he used to work for the US Gov.

        "the Nazi´s didn´t lost the war, they only changed tactic"

        About the "reaction" of the Macedonian Government - i have no comment.

        I dont know if they are aware what is the meaning of the titels "Prime Minister"; "Minister of Forreign Affairs" and etc...

        If some "selska zadruga" was insulted on such way, there would be bigger reaction.

        This jerks (the gayreeks) are insulting 3 neighboring states, make threats to their citizens and call on Ethnic and Religious Violence.


        About Australia having it´s honeymoon with the "greeks":

        maybe in your case against that idiot PM of SA, you can use this material?

        attack him, screw him like a fascist-nazi b1tch he is...
        Last edited by Serdarot; 03-29-2010, 11:30 PM.
        Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


        • makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 3242

          You make some good & valid points here! In terms of going off topic, apologies - we did stray somewhat, hopefully it hasn't diluted the thread!
          I agree that our youth won't learn much about our history and culture at foreign universities, but there is much else they can learn. One of the problems we are facing in Australia is that educational qualifictions from ROM aren't recognised and require additional studies - I can give you examples of a practising dentist in ROM who couldn't qualify here until further studies were done, a nurse who had worked for 15 years in ROM then came here and had to take up study to qualify and be able to work. With this in mind what Bratot says is important about education.
          the topic - none of us are surprised, we need to educate the rest of the world by making an issue out of it, this is the govt.'s job in ROM to milk it for whatever they can and extract maximum value in ending negotiations on the basis of racism and extremism. On a local level you are right the community here needs to shove it down Rann's throat, the type of people he associates with!
          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


          • Serdarot
            • Feb 2010
            • 605

            Originally posted by makedonche View Post
            ... One of the problems we are facing in Australia is that educational qualifictions from ROM aren't recognised and require additional studies - I can give you examples of a practising dentist in ROM who couldn't qualify here until further studies were done, a nurse who had worked for 15 years in ROM then came here and had to take up study to qualify and be able to work...
            on this topic Bratot or some1 else can open another theme, so we will not "polute" this1 further (it´s far away from a polution, it is constructive discussion in my opinion, but anyway )

            i am aware of this, unfortunately it is like it is. since i am not living in R. of Macedonia, i am not familiar how it is at the moment, with all those new Universities around RoM, are their diplomas certified (recognized) in the west-european and "western-world" societies.

            I like the example with the Jews, and the comparations with them. Beside the anti-semithic theories, the Jews are very old Nation, one of the very few with who we can compare.

            Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


            • Bratot
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2855

              Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
              About the last few posts:

              Sorry Brat, i agree only particulary with you on this, couse it is somehow naive how you presented it.

              We ourself are the best or the worst promotors of our land, i know you know that.

              But without self-respect, we can not hope that other will respect us. Before all , we need self-respect again. (We = the Macedonian Folk, Nation, Makedonskiot Narod)

              Self-respect the Macedonians will get only if they learn more about our Past and our Culture and our Traditional Values.

              And unfortunately (or fortunately), you can not learn about our Past, Culture and Traditional Values on any "world famous university".

              Pls have in mind both of you, you talk about SELLING BRAINS, and not about getting our youth BRAINWASHED on some Harward or Oxword.


              Like it or not the politics we are witnessing are already cooked exactly in that Western world and later we just implement them at home.

              If our finest ppl work through their way to get on those influental positions they will be able to do much more for our interests.

              The traditional values, true history, national pride is not taught at universities.

              And those world renown universities are not that much important for the greater knowledge as for the people who attend there.
              If you want to meet influental ppl's kids you can find them right there.

              Those kids will replace their parents after and their families will be the connection you need.

              The more ppl on important positions you know the more you can achieve in anything.

              I did or did not.. mentioned to you how we manage to change the chauvinistic Bulgarian lector from Czech?

              That's how the things should be done.

              The only way you gain the justice for yourself is to win and to be stronger one.

              Those who haven't realized yet... there is not even "d" from democracy in the geopolitic strategies or the human rights.
              Last edited by Bratot; 03-30-2010, 04:10 AM.
              The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


              • Serdarot
                • Feb 2010
                • 605

                Originally posted by Bratot View Post

                Those kids will replace their parents after and their families will be the connection you need.

                The more ppl on important positions you know the more you can achieve in anything.
                THIS is the MAIN point, the "bull´s eye". I am very aware of that and that is why i am working how i work.

                We should stop wasting our time trying to "proove" something to corupt people like Niemitz, Fuere, etc.

                I did or did not.. mentioned to you how we manage to change the chauvinistic Bulgarian lector from Czech?
                you did not mentioned it to me, at least i can not remember

                time for new thread, on this subject?

                It is not so hard to find a form of organisation that can support good students.

                It is also not so hard to arange such rules, to protect the organisation from being obused.

                Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                • Bratot
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2855

                  The Greeks Welcome "Skopjans & Turks"

                  The welcome message of the Greek political party of L.A.O.S. says: "NO to SKOPJANS & TURKS"

                  What a lovely neighbours

                  Can you imagine this happening in the "cradle" of western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, sports, Western literature, art, politics, geography and all sciences in general?

                  What a paradox:
                  The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                  • Serdarot
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 605

                    Originally posted by Bratot View Post
                    The welcome message of the Greek political party of L.A.O.S. says: "NO to SKOPJANS & TURKS"

                    What a lovely neighbours
                    da ti gi pozajmam?

                    Can you imagine this happening in the "cradle" of western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, sports, Western literature, art, politics, geography and all sciences in general?

                    What a paradox:
                    forgot to add on list, birthplace of:

                    script usage / pismenosta
                    the drama / dramata
                    history / istorijata
                    algebry / algebra
                    gheometry / geometrijata
                    Aristotel / Aristotel
                    baklava / baklava
                    architecture / arhitektura :wtf: ???
                    astronomy / astronomija not funny anymore...

                    many other claims

                    realy not funny, very rasistic and chouvinistic nation / society
                    Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      This is a country of peasants.
                      When will the intellectuals of Greece stand up and say enough is enough?
                      How truly embarrassing for the few that have integrity.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                      • Onur
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 2389

                        You probably saw this too;

                        Greek navy force walking at the streets of Athens(25.03.2010)
                        YouTube - Greek Military Racism

                        According to newspapers, They chant like;
                        "You do not become a Greek, you are born one.
                        They call themselves Skopjens, Albanians and Turks.
                        We will make clothing out of Skopjens skin.
                        We will slaughter all Albanian and Turkish pigs and we`ll going to spill your filthy blood"

                        Sad thing is people at the street claps for them while they chant these ugly racist shit.

                        While on the other hand, about 15 years ago, these same racist Greek naval force soldiers tried to occupy a tiny island(Kardak/Imia) close to Turkey coast, where no creature lives. They came to the island with a priest, little kids and Greek flags. Then we told them to go away or else we will throw the soldiers out by force.

                        They refused to go.

                        Then Turkish naval force did an operation with 25-30 soldiers landing on the island but even before the landing, when these racist Greek soldiers noticed Turkish unit is coming, they fled by jumping to the sea and trying to swim to their boats.

                        Turkish soldiers recorded fleeing Greek forces by swimming on open sea and this handycam records shown at Turkish Tv channels for days and everyone LOL`ed

                        Then few days later we learned that one Greek helicopter crashed over the islets at same day, but this was concealed by both states, probably to prevent further escalation. We don't know if Turkish force shoot it down or not. Greeks didn't say anything either.
                        Last edited by Onur; 04-04-2010, 10:11 PM.


                        • Prolet
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 5241

                          As long as there are parties like LAOS and Golden Dawn around there will still be cavemen living in the 12th century. This is absolutely disgusting behavior and im not sure how any Greek Government and person can put up with that.

                          Spartan, Whats your opinion on the current Papandreu PASOK government?
                          МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                          • Daniel the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 1084

                            Greece is the only country in Europe that still promotes racial hate, like that sign, and that has got to STOP.

                            They are simply Nazis..................

                            Macedonian and proud


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545

                              I wander if there are Laws in Greece to prevent Racial Hatred?

                              What do the Greek citizens think about all this?

                              I would like to know, are the Citizens doing anything about it?

                              Could you imagine the outcry not just in Australia, but around the world if an Australian political party posted Anti Indian slogans. Or a party in US post anti Hispanic slogans.

                              This is just more evidance to my thoughts about the Greek mind set. Greeks are centuries behind civilisation and stuck in another era. As RTG said. Where are the intellectuals of Greece to stand up and say enough is enough.


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                                I wander if there are Laws in Greece to prevent Racial Hatred?

                                What do the Greek citizens think about all this?

                                I would like to know, are the Citizens doing anything about it?

                                Could you imagine the outcry not just in Australia, but around the world if an Australian political party posted Anti Indian slogans. Or a party in US post anti Hispanic slogans.

                                This is just more evidance to my thoughts about the Greek mind set. Greeks are centuries behind civilisation and stuck in another era. As RTG said. Where are the intellectuals of Greece to stand up and say enough is enough.
                                Where are the intellectuals, the students, the concerned citizens, the visionaries, the media, the artists, the NGO's...where the bloody hell is anyone with a conscience or a social commentary...???
                                That's the sad, pathetic reality of modern greece...a fabricated bastardization held together by the foul glue of hatred and xenophobia...
                                Last edited by Phoenix; 04-05-2010, 01:13 AM.

