Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • kykypajko
    • Apr 2009
    • 52

    Originally posted by bratot View Post
    you have problems to understand and read macedonian don't you?

    Don't get into discussion about macedonian history with me since you completelly depend on foreign interpretation as a result of your inability to read macedonian, you are bringing only shame on yourself.

    To save your time, you are wrong in your interpretation of the selected sentence.

    Here it is in english:

    if you consider us as your brothers and wish us well, if you intend to live with us as you have lived so far and if you are faithful and worthy sons of our mother macedonia, you could help us in one way at least - and it would be of a great help indeed. not ally with the enemies, do not raise a gun against us and do not oppress the christian villages!

    this was my last reply to you on this matter, therefore i ask the admins to leave your pitful posts which are showing elementary ignorancy of both macedonian history and language and from this point now on to ensure staying on-topic on this thread.
    Леле Професоре,

    Кажи ми каде си научи толку за историја? Дали татко ти те предаве на скут ко беше пијан и пејаше патриотски песни. опа брате, дали има поголмо копиле од тебе?

    Цел ден пишуваш глупост од Австралија, мислаш деќа вие мангупи се знаате и се буните ако некој не согласува со вас. Море море каков слобода имате на МТО

    Бравос професоре, барем ти ќе ми предаваш. Кажи колку романи имаш пишано? Имаш ли диплома на македонски историја?


    • julie
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 3869

      [QUOTE=kykypajko;80339]Леле Професоре,

      Кажи ми каде си научи толку за историја? Дали татко ти те предаве на скут ко беше пијан и пејаше патриотски песни. опа брате, дали има поголмо копиле од тебе?

      Цел ден пишуваш глупост од Австралија, мислаш деќа вие мангупи се знаате и се буните ако некој не согласува со вас. Море море каков слобода имате на МТО

      Бравос професоре, барем ти ќе ми предаваш. Кажи колку романи имаш пишано? Имаш ли диплома на македонски историја?[/QUOTE i should allow bratot the pleasure of responding suffice to say he does not live in australia and he has majored in history you ignorant cowboy . I would be honoured to have him by my side in combat as my fellow patriot unlike yourself who resorts to insults to people who provide facts and have more knowledge than hot dog stand workers as yourself . Does yankee doody hand out diplomas in dumb tools like yourself you are a joke slander someone academic when you know you are wrong typical u m d . Have you been handed the turkey award for stupidity yet it would be the only piece of paper you hold next to toilet paper to wipe the shit coming out of your hot dog mouth quackie duck
      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8533


        Have you had a sensible thought at any point in your life? I've read some of the garbage you have posted on Maknews and its quite infantile. You have a free rein there, but as soon as you are challenged on MTO, the best you can do is call someone's father a drunk who passed on fairytales to him. How about providing an evidence-based defence of your views? How about backing up the idiotic comparison you made between the Krusevo Manifesto and the Framework Agreement? How about delving a little into the socio-political circumstances behind the two, or even the manner in which the two came about, one FREELY written and the other FORCED upon the Macedonian people? Do you understand the difference between FREELY developing our own ideas and ideals as opposed to having them FORCED upon us?
        Last edited by Vangelovski; 11-30-2010, 01:09 AM.
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • Bratot
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2855

          Originally posted by kykypajko View Post
          Леле Професоре,

          Кажи ми каде си научи толку за историја? Дали татко ти те предаве на скут ко беше пијан и пејаше патриотски песни. опа брате, дали има поголмо копиле од тебе?

          Цел ден пишуваш глупост од Австралија, мислаш деќа вие мангупи се знаате и се буните ако некој не согласува со вас. Море море каков слобода имате на МТО

          Бравос професоре, барем ти ќе ми предаваш. Кажи колку романи имаш пишано? Имаш ли диплома на македонски историја?

          Албанец да беше подобро од тебе ќе се изразеше на македонски, нели ти пречи тоа?

          Кога не си во состојба правилно да го прочиташ тоа што го читаш, подобро не го ни коментирај.
          The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Bratot, Kuku is the kind of person who belittles Macedonians with certain belief systems. How nice do you want to be to him? Would you be sympathetic to a dog?

            He is banned.

            Better he props up Maknews and continues his fine work as "UMD fluffer" than to stay here.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Daniel the Great
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 1084

              Originally posted by kykypajko View Post
              Кажи ми каде си научи толку за историја? Дали татко ти те предаве на скут ко беше пијан и пејаше патриотски песни. опа брате, дали има поголмо копиле од тебе?
              I hate it when people like this get personal, what a kopile Kyky is. Well done on banning the maggot.


              • Bratot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2855

                I would certainly not get down to his level.

                And those Macedonians that we have talked about before don't clasify for the same cathegory with this one, because this one is not by a coincidence raving what he is being told, specifically on this forum.

                I demonstrated how to deal his kind and everyone who will read my reply will see how it made him look as an idiot and will not fall for the rubish of that.
                It would be other story if I've mentioned his sister in my reply

                Lets not paint everything in B&W.
                Last edited by Bratot; 11-30-2010, 08:42 AM.
                The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                • protivpropaganda
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18

                  It is only befitting of me to have my first post on this forum in the propaganda section.
                  So, let's get to it.

                  The claims of this thread is that we are getting brainwashed into avoiding the usage of our name by the political establishment in Ramkovist Macedonia, the state institutions under their control, their PUPPET support groups in the Diaspora and those who follow their lead out of ignorance.

                  I do not agree with this claim at all.
                  First belittling one's own country by calling it other then its own name is by itself an Ad Homminem attack.
                  Second, the institutions of our government or those in power do not subscribe to anything other then our name as is.
                  And last but not least we do not have a puppet Macedonian diaspora but individuals who work for the interests of others.

                  Although the opposition, the leftist scum, in Macedonia would willingly sell out anything and everything held sacred by Macedonians, this is not the case with the Macedonians in Macedonia. A EUsceptic mentality has appeared that is numerable in very high percentages and highly influential, otherwise we would be calling ourselves with a different name. One can easily and safely say that only the minorities in Macedonia want to enter the EU by any means.
                  The propaganda to get us to sell out failed and all that money went down the drain. They have underestimated the Macedonian once more.

                  Right now the EUcrats aren't worried about the shiptar going wild but are really concerned how we would react if they forced our politicians to change the name. Not only are the EUcrats worried but our dear neighbours are also since the true awakening of the Macedonians is a matter of sincere concern for them.


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    does anyone understand the ramblings of kukorajko it seems crazy ,.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • Daskalot
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 4345

                      Originally posted by protivpropaganda View Post
                      It is only befitting of me to have my first post on this forum in the propaganda section.
                      So, let's get to it.

                      The claims of this thread is that we are getting brainwashed into avoiding the usage of our name by the political establishment in Ramkovist Macedonia, the state institutions under their control, their PUPPET support groups in the Diaspora and those who follow their lead out of ignorance.

                      I do not agree with this claim at all.
                      First belittling one's own country by calling it other then its own name is by itself an Ad Homminem attack.
                      Second, the institutions of our government or those in power do not subscribe to anything other then our name as is.
                      And last but not least we do not have a puppet Macedonian diaspora but individuals who work for the interests of others.

                      Although the opposition, the leftist scum, in Macedonia would willingly sell out anything and everything held sacred by Macedonians, this is not the case with the Macedonians in Macedonia. A EUsceptic mentality has appeared that is numerable in very high percentages and highly influential, otherwise we would be calling ourselves with a different name. One can easily and safely say that only the minorities in Macedonia want to enter the EU by any means.
                      The propaganda to get us to sell out failed and all that money went down the drain. They have underestimated the Macedonian once more.

                      Right now the EUcrats aren't worried about the shiptar going wild but are really concerned how we would react if they forced our politicians to change the name. Not only are the EUcrats worried but our dear neighbours are also since the true awakening of the Macedonians is a matter of sincere concern for them.
                      Welcome PP and thank you for your insights on this issue!
                      Za Makedonija!
                      Macedonian Truth Organisation


                      • Makedonska_Kafana
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 2642

                        Originally posted by George S. View Post
                        does anyone understand the ramblings of kukorajko it seems crazy ,.
                        Lots of iron - roid rage (see chicago bears with little bite)
                        Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 11-30-2010, 02:33 PM.

                        Macedonia for the Macedonians


                        • protivpropaganda
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 18

                          Originally posted by Daskalot View Post
                          Welcome PP and thank you for your insights on this issue!
                          Za Makedonija!
                          Thanks Daskal for the welcome.

                          Macedonians can't be brainwashed into not saying Macedonia or Macedonian but are being brainwashed into being inert individuals who are under heavy influence of apathy and defetism.
                          In Macedonia one can rarely witness media coverage or an entertainment show which covers the trully succesful and intelectual in our society. It is as if misery is feeding misery. Medoicracy is the norm. Any and all individuals who display skills exceeding mediocracy will be, at least, ignored.
                          There still exists a huge percentage of people whose personal responsibility is practicaly non-existant, although their collective responsibility is still very high. These people are actually the leftovers of the socialist regime who enjoyed all the privileges, the Red Beurgousy. They give off social proof that to be a simpleton is cool and to succeed to one's own God given level is a taboo. In this way they clear the path for their own to controll our society by not allowing talented to exist hence not allowing competition to exist.

                          On the good side of things is the fact that their hold on our society is weakening. They still have a strong hold in the beurocracy which means that they control state institutions. From economy to education, their hold is visible although not omnipotent as before. They do rely heavily upon the mindset of the majority who are seeking a better life and are slowly realising that they are free to accomplish their ideas.

                          We are a wonderous people and a wonderous society. Our education is actually indoctrination of the young, our economy is heavily controlled through political means and beurocracy and our entertainment is social engineering. Our poor control political life while our rich are in hiding with an almost non-existant middle class and yet...

                          And yet we prosper. Yes, we prosper.
                          This conclusion heavily depends on one's mindset since misery does love company and it usually does seek ways to defend its stance.
                          But if one's mindset is realistic and is willing to take the time to measure the effect of assymetry then that person will ultimately conclude that we are moving forward, slowly but surely.
                          The younger generations are getting quite defiant. They only give credit where credit is due. To their mindset one needs to earn their respect where age doesn't matter anymore. They want bigger and better things and aren't scared to work for them.

                          We are a wonderous people and a wonderous society.
                          Even though our nation is under heavy social engineering from our own and from outside sources we are still moving unstopably forward slowly but surely.
                          Many occupying forces have tried to stop us but failed. Even the worst of them, socialism, just succedeed in slowing us down and the effects are still being felt but it didn't succeed in stopping us.
                          Our slave mentality of self preservation is failing regardless of all the propaganda schemes and in its sted a mentality of defiance and the will to flourish is appearing, again, slowly but surely.

                          All this is written in a very general sense. The specifics of everything mentioned will come in due time.
                          Do ask if something isn't clear and I will gladly answer.


                          • Jankovska
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1774

                            And yet every time I go in Macedonia I hear- Ma sto Makedonija, sitna riba. Sakame Evropa a ne ne biva ni za semki. Nie li sme za u Evropa? More da mozam da izbegam od tuka nikad ne se vrakam? The thousands who grabed Bulgarian passports, the young people who escaped the country, living illegal somewhere with no intention of returning, the Albanians slowly taking over. It could be misery, actually it is misery but it is reality as well, big ugly reality. Macedonians are not proud of who they are, it makes me so sad to see that. I still have conversations with Macedonians about Sloveni and how we have nothing to do with Aleksandar.It's a sad situation.

                            Anyways welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay here


                            • makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 3242

                              Originally posted by Jankovska View Post
                              And yet every time I go in Macedonia I hear- Ma sto Makedonija, sitna riba. Sakame Evropa a ne ne biva ni za semki. Nie li sme za u Evropa? More da mozam da izbegam od tuka nikad ne se vrakam? The thousands who grabed Bulgarian passports, the young people who escaped the country, living illegal somewhere with no intention of returning, the Albanians slowly taking over. It could be misery, actually it is misery but it is reality as well, big ugly reality. Macedonians are not proud of who they are, it makes me so sad to see that. I still have conversations with Macedonians about Sloveni and how we have nothing to do with Aleksandar.It's a sad situation.

                              Anyways welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay here
                              I read what you wrote here and thought about it and where this lack pride might stem from, my opinion is that it is influenced to a large degree by the lack of identity, moreso the attack on our identity. so I did a search on the definition of identity, it makes for interesting reading and may provide an insight into where this "lack of pride" comes from.....
                              furfuraceous disport jugal schadenfreude identity - 6 dictionary results
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                              Define Identity Instantly. Faster Page Loads With Fewer Ads.

                              i·den·ti·ty   /aɪˈdɛntɪti, ɪˈdɛn-/ Show Spelled
                              [ahy-den-ti-tee, ih-den-] Show IPA

                              –noun, plural -ties.
                              1. the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones, as under varying aspects or conditions: The identity of the fingerprints on the gun with those on file provided evidence that he was the killer.
                              2. the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another: He doubted his own identity.
                              3. condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is: a case of mistaken identity.
                              4. the state or fact of being the same one as described.
                              5. the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time and sometimes disturbed in mental illnesses, as schizophrenia.
                              6. exact likeness in nature or qualities: an identity of interests.
                              7. an instance or point of sameness or likeness: to mistake resemblances for identities.
                              8. Logic . an assertion that two terms refer to the same thing.
                              9. Mathematics .
                              a. an equation that is valid for all values of its variables.
                              b. Also called identity element, unit element, unity. an element in a set such that the element operating on any other element of the set leaves the second element unchanged.
                              c. the property of a function or map such that each element is mapped into itself.
                              d. the function or map itself.
                              10. Australian Informal . an interesting, famous, or eccentric resident, usually of long standing in a community.

                              Your thoughts?
                              On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                              • julie
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 3869

                                protiv propaganda its heartening to hear that there is a collective consciousness in the macedonian identity . How can the diaspora help ?
                                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev

