Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Serdarot
    • Feb 2010
    • 605


    Country: Macedonia <--- kaj izbor na zemja, imas Makedonija.

    ako nekade figurirame kako fyrom, sigurno ke se pokrenat inicijativi i tamu da se smeni.

    BlagoDaram sho mi ukaza deka nekade na youtube pak stoi fyrom.

    A to so Vangelovski mozime da go resime samo na sofra. I izvini, sigurno ke najdis komentari so odobruvanje (napisani od mene), dokolku se slozuvam so toa sho go napisal.

    seuste so pocit


    dokolku treba sekomu da mu crtam koja e vaznosta na takvi mali pobedi za duhot na Makedonecot, navistina imame pregolem problem...

    Dokolku mislis deka mozis poubo, ako mislis deka znajs kako treba, kazi kakva pomos sakas, ako mozam ke ja dobies...

    ako ne, ne plukaj te molam, kon onie koi sho mozi se na sporeden front, ama sepak NE SE PREDAVAAT, tuku ja branat i ke ja branat Makedonija


    profesionalci za vreme na SFRJ bea tie vo udba, kos i slicni sluzbi
    Last edited by Serdarot; 02-17-2011, 10:17 PM.
    Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


    • Vangelovski
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 8533

      Originally posted by indigen View Post
      I da e taka (ama ne!), na KRAJOT pak e DIVERZIJA koga se pregovara za PROMENA NA IMETO OD SAMATA DRZHAVNA VLAST! Barking up the wrong tree or thinking you are winning when in fact you are losing very, very badly (which can also be called a DELUSION!)!


      The fact that these initiatives are a diversion of energy and resources are obvious to any activist worth his while. But we’re not exactly in a discussion with people who have any experience in or understanding of activism in general, let alone activism in Macedonian affairs. I think that too is blatantly obvious. If Eddie, however, is as young as the wise old Serdarot makes him out to be, it would have been a good development opportunity for him nonetheless. Specifically, he would have come to see that such activities are a diversion time, energy and resources and hopefully he would have identified that the Macedonian Government itself needs to be the target of our activism. Unfortunately for Eddie, he has chosen the wrong people to work with!
      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8533

        Originally posted by serdarot View Post
        vangelovski, pak ke ti povtoram:

        Inicijativi od vakov tip se za imeto. Mnogu podobro go znaes angliskiot jazik od mene, navistina ne ja svakjas recenicata?


        Aj ke ja prevedam i adaptiram...

        Inicijativi za prakjanje elektronska posta do razni vladi i organizacii, da se obrakjaat na drzavata koja go ima "ventilatorot" za oficijalno zname, so nejzinoto oficijalno ime.

        "ventilatorot", koj jas licno, nitu go sakam nitu nekogas ke go prifatam kako moj etnicki, nacionalen, drzaven ili bilo kakov drug simbol.

        Kaj vide podrska za ventilatorot???

        Ili samo inaetot se zakaci na ona "official"?
        Подршката за вентилаторот Вие ја дадовте во Вашите пораки - дури дел од нив самите ја цитиравте! Ова Вие е прва порака каде што сте повлековте од тој став.

        Уште не ми е јасно како можете да го охрабрите Македонскиот дух со користење на симбол што ни беше наметнат против нашата слободна волја и секој ден ни покажува дека ние самите не сме сопственици на нашиот дом, дека туѓи власти одлучуваат за нас и нашата иднина.
        Last edited by Vangelovski; 02-17-2011, 10:25 PM.
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          I am against sending emails to other countries whilst the current Macedonian Government has made it clear they are committed to compromise.

          Here is an idea for the slave minded:

          Send the emails to Gruevski and try to stop the capitulations.
          Because while some here are giving half-arsed impressions of being against compromise, the Macedonian Government is 110% for compromise.

          Why would anyone listen to the Macedonian people when the Government that represents those people (and is elected by those people) is pro compromise?

          Macedonians in Macedonia, find more of the 100 Facebook Macedonians who went to the Kale. Change your country first before you try to change what other countries think you are doing.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Serdarot
            • Feb 2010
            • 605

            Vangelovski, ke te zamolam da ne mi se obrakjas so "vie", a jas nema da koristam navredlivi zborovi.

            A gledam deka izvrtvanjeto zborovi i namerno pogresno prikazuvanje na misli / napisani raboti ti e del od karakterot ili misijata...

            edno nesto sho napisa indigen e tocno i boli: premnogu energija i vreme na vakvi glupavi diskusii se trosi.

            sekoj neka tera kako sho misli deka treba i znaj, a istorijata ke pokazi koj postapil umno, koj bil junak, koj bil kodosh, koj bil zaslepen, koj bil potplaten


            Risto, sho velish, da udrime i nie po Makedoncite vo Makedonija, tie se krivi za se, taka?

            Nie kutrite, ne sme za nisto krivi...

            Ako taka poubo se spie nokje, taka neka bidi...

            Eh, kolku ke beshe poubavo ako...

            - Vangelovski fino ubavo kontaktirashe so eddie, i mu dadeshe nekolku soveti kade i kako da se obrakja
            - nekoj drug megju vas go koregirashe tekstot ili nekoi drugi idei davashe
            - mnogumina od nas pratea po nekoj email na odredeni adresi, koi najverojatno nema da smenat nisto, ama tie 30 sekundi koi ke gi potrosevme na copy-paste na tekstot ne se tolku problem, sekoj mozese da odvoi...
            - Vangelovski, SoM, RtG, Indigen i drugi se potrudea da pomognat da se prosiri krevanjeto glava na Makedonecot, so pravenje kompromis od tipot "ke pomognime, ama bez ventilator"
            - namesto da trosime iljadnici bukvi i zborovi na prepukuvanje na koj mu e pogolem (patriotizmot), ostanevme konstruktivni...

            e arno ama ne e taka

            ja ebavte temata, i sega pu pu, ne nie, tie od RM

            eh, patriotishta be...
            Last edited by Serdarot; 02-17-2011, 10:34 PM.
            Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


            • Vangelovski
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 8533

              Originally posted by serdarot View Post
              ke te zamolam da ne mi se obrakjas so "vie", a jas nema da koristam navredlivi zborovi.

              A gledam deka izvrtvanjeto zborovi ti e del od karakterot ili misijata...

              Edno nesto sho napisa indigen e tocno i boli: Premnogu energija i vreme na vakvi glupavi diskusii se trosi.

              Sekoj neka tera kako sho misli deka treba i znaj, a istorijata ke pokazi koj postapil umno, koj bil junak, koj bil kodosh, koj bil zaslepen, koj bil potplaten
              Јас ти се обраќам со "Вие" бидејќи никогаш немам намера да го навредам човек, но признавам дека пораките, многу пати, ми се агресивни.
              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


              • Serdarot
                • Feb 2010
                • 605

                Ako nemas namera da navredis nekoj, ne vregjaj.

                I na prvata nasa raspravija ti kazav toa so e, deka ne sledam nekoja ideologija ili sekta / kult, tuku ednostavno, imam nekoe svoe razmisluvanje za odredeni slucuvanja i tolkuvanja od razvojot / istorijata na Hristijanstvoto, koe jas, isto ko nasite predci, si go vikam "Risjanstvo", zato so sme Risjani...

                Te zamoliv ne znam kolku pati da ne upotrebuvas takva terminologija "your cult" / "your sect", zato sho moj "kult" i moja "sekta" se samo Makedonija i Makedonskata Kultura i Tradicija, i sum krsten pravoslaven Risjanin, porasnat vo duhot na Makedonskoto Risjanstvo.

                Na samiot pocetok na ova tema, za da se izbegni nepotrebna diskusija okolu ventilatorot, mnogu jasno napisav moj stav, koj ti uporno go izvrtuvas(e), so sho se predizvika vakov razvoj na temata.

                E sega, poso priznavame demek, i jas priznavam deka inaetot mi e golem, i deka koga sum ubeden vo nesto, ne se odkazvam taka lesno, odnosno ne se odkazva voopsto.

                A ubeden sum deka vakvite inicijativi se i te kako potrebni. Lugje, vie ne zivejte vo RM, ne ziveam ni jas, ama (relativno) cesto sum tamu.

                Na mladite im treba sekoja POZITIVNA i KONSTRUKTIVNA motivacija. Duhot im e unisten, izgazen od razni "nasi" politicari , "eksperti" i drugi anti-Makedonci.

                Iskreno mi e zal, sho nie postarite sme kurtoni nekogas, pa namesto da bidni dete, da se rodi nesto od nekoi idei, nie ja tupime.

                Osvestete se, duri mrcite i filozofirate, kako sho mnogu vi e jasno, ni spremat promena na ime i brisenje na se Makedonsko.

                Nekogas pomognete na mladite taka kako tie sakaat, a ne taka kako sho vie, ili aj d a recam nie, sme si zamislile vo nasite svetovi, pred monitor...
                Last edited by Serdarot; 02-17-2011, 10:53 PM.
                Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Originally posted by Serdarot
                  I sega ke mi prodavas pravednost?
                  Ush' ednash i ne go povtorvam pak - ili prekini so takvi gnasni navredi, ili kje gi prekinam jas.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                    Vangelovski, ke te zamolam da ne mi se obrakjas so "vie", a jas nema da koristam navredlivi zborovi.

                    A gledam deka izvrtvanjeto zborovi i namerno pogresno prikazuvanje na misli / napisani raboti ti e del od karakterot ili misijata...

                    edno nesto sho napisa indigen e tocno i boli: premnogu energija i vreme na vakvi glupavi diskusii se trosi.

                    sekoj neka tera kako sho misli deka treba i znaj, a istorijata ke pokazi koj postapil umno, koj bil junak, koj bil kodosh, koj bil zaslepen, koj bil potplaten


                    Risto, sho velish, da udrime i nie po Makedoncite vo Makedonija, tie se krivi za se, taka?

                    Nie kutrite, ne sme za nisto krivi...

                    Ako taka poubo se spie nokje, taka neka bidi...

                    Eh, kolku ke beshe poubavo ako...

                    - Vangelovski fino ubavo kontaktirashe so eddie, i mu dadeshe nekolku soveti kade i kako da se obrakja
                    - nekoj drug megju vas go koregirashe tekstot ili nekoi drugi idei davashe
                    - mnogumina od nas pratea po nekoj email na odredeni adresi, koi najverojatno nema da smenat nisto, ama tie 30 sekundi koi ke gi potrosevme na copy-paste na tekstot ne se tolku problem, sekoj mozese da odvoi...
                    - Vangelovski, SoM, RtG, Indigen i drugi se potrudea da pomognat da se prosiri krevanjeto glava na Makedonecot, so pravenje kompromis od tipot "ke pomognime, ama bez ventilator"
                    - namesto da trosime iljadnici bukvi i zborovi na prepukuvanje na koj mu e pogolem (patriotizmot), ostanevme konstruktivni...

                    e arno ama ne e taka

                    ja ebavte temata, i sega pu pu, ne nie, tie od RM

                    eh, patriotishta be...
                    Nie sme narod bez nadezh i zhelbi.
                    Nie sme slabi i bez ideologia.
                    Nema pogolemi ili pomali patrioti. Imame patrioti sho znaat za sho se borat, i imame nekoj koi ne znaat ..... no ushte se borat.

                    Think what you want, but I am positive we will never see a Greek give up their flag or name or territorial aspirations. I wish I could say the same for Macedonians.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • julie
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 3869

                      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                      Nie sme narod bez nadezh i zhelbi.
                      Nie sme slabi i bez ideologia.
                      Nema pogolemi ili pomali patrioti. Imame patrioti sho znaat za sho se borat, i imame nekoj koi ne znaat ..... no ushte se borat.

                      Think what you want, but I am positive we will never see a Greek give up their flag or name or territorial aspirations. I wish I could say the same for Macedonians.
                      And this is exactly so.
                      Koga nie samite nemozhime da se svestime i se jadime kako kuchina samite megju nas, kako mozhebi nie da bidime eden narod obedinata.
                      Mi e zhal, ushte ne mu idi umot na narodot nash.
                      koga chituvam uvredi i gnasni zborovi - da plukam, da mocham, da ebam, da seram na nashite prijateli eden so drug tuka, mi e gnas.
                      Od strana chukat ratse nashite dushmani, ne vikat prost, budal narod, i na toa, ne mu se lutuvam ich, bideke sami se jadime za koj kazhuvat e pogolem Makedonets.
                      Isto, se lutam koga me uvreduvat tuka oti ne zboruvam ili pishuvam Makedonski tolku tochno kako tie, i se pravuvat po golemi patrioti, ako moja familia ima krv i dusha davala za sloboda, pak se kazhuvam Makedonka, pak neka mi se serat, plukat, i da me ebat.
                      Serdarot, ke te prasham da zastanish so ovie uvredi po Vangelovski.

                      Vangelovski i Indigen, whilst they may deliver their message in a very abrupt manner it is the RIGHT message, it is the TRUTH, and it is pro for the MACEDONIAN CAUSE. On occasion, I have felt their manner being abrupt due to my own lack of knowledge on certain issues, however , neither gentleman has used such dreadful language or put downs.
                      You are no more of a Macedonian than I am. you are no better than me,you cannot continue to put people down in this manner, because this is not a person of integrity that continues to act in such a way.
                      I have previously dealt with your filthy mouth and taken offense, but this has to stop. Stop putting so much energy into your personal hatred and start listening and taking note of the MESSAGE
                      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                      • Eddie_rebel
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 140

                        Originally posted by jankovska View Post
                        i think it is so offensive to call our official flag the ventilator. Vangelovski ti tolku se percis sto lugeto pocnaa da ne idat na forumot od tebe, samo ti i tvoite gluposti. Jak patriot si zad monitorot, kazi sto ti napravi da go smenis znameto? Nisto, t'ga zemi i kuti molim te. The current flag is our flag, it represents our soliders who died under it, the soliders who carried it on their chests when they gave their lifes for macedonian in 2001.l it is offensive to call it rude names, it is like spiting on those heros's graves. That is our official flag and most of us are not happy about it, but have some resepct vzestena glavo. Neli ti e sram. Ti nemas ni sram ni pocit, ti si samo tvrda glava sto cita biblija da se oseka podobro poradi sekoja sebicnost i losa duma sto ja kazuvas protiv site sto ne se slozuvaat so tebe. Mene ne mi e ni jasno kako na lugeto ne im dosadi da gi citaat site tvoit d'lgi temi koi kad gi zavrses naucil si nisto. Oladi malce najubavo ke ti bide. Ti niti si niti nekad ke bides zapisen kako heroj u makedonskata istorija zatoa ne se perci i ne plukaj na grobovite na tie sto se istinskite heroi. Od tebe na covek kosa da mu obelee
                        Паметно кажано


                        • Eddie_rebel
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 140

                          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                          do you know what this means?:

                          "the Party of the First Part reserves the right to object to any membership referred to above if and to the extent of the Party of the Second Part is to be referred to in such organization or institution differently than in paragraph 2 of the United Nations Security Council resolution 817 (1993)."

                          How would you write it in English to convey what you think it means?

                          Even if you think it means what you have said, would you be happy with a Macedonian government that agrees to what you said? Would you be happy with the Gruevski government for trying to enforce this agreement?
                          It means absolutely the same as the interim acord was never signed.

                          With or without the interim acord Greece has the instrument to object.

                          Pazi sto veli: "Si go rezervira pravoto", odnosno "ne se otkazuva od pravoto". Ne veli dobiva novo pravo. Toa pravo (kolku i da e krivo) si go imale pred vremenata, ne deka vremenata im go dava. Vo vremenata samo e napomenato deka ne se otkazaat od nego.


                          • Eddie_rebel
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 140

                            Originally posted by vangelovski View Post
                            how many of those soldiers accepted the ventilator? Do you know which flag dostoinstvo, the organisation representing veterans and current soldiers, uses on its coat of arms?

                            How can anyone respect treason? It is the same as asking us to respect the term fyrom. Do you also respect fyrom? If not, why not? What is the difference?

                            If you're not interested in your own rights, then so be it, but don't try and convince others to ingore theirs.
                            Да те просветлам

                            Разликата е што ФИРОМ ни беше наметнато. Знамето ние сами си го одбравме.

                            Разликата е што Македонија отсекогаш се викала Македонија. Знамиња пак имала еден куп. Види ги илинденските знамиња, на мијачките, разловечкото...


                            • Eddie_rebel
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 140

                              Originally posted by vangelovski View Post
                              it appears that the same old forum members are pushing their agenda on here again, and that is accpetance and legitimisation of the interim accord. So far, they have demonstrated their acceptance of the ventilator and macedonia's renouncement of our freely chosen symbol (highlighted in red). Lets scratch beneath the surface and see exactly what else they have accepted and will eventually push for:

                              article 5: Name negotiations

                              article 6: Macedonia renouncing all claims to its ethnic/historic territory and agreeing not to pursue the rights of macedonians not only in greece but in any other state

                              article 7: Not only renouncing the sonce but any other symbols that greece considers to be part of its historic or cultural heritage

                              article 11: Macedonia agreeing to only enter international organisations under fyrom
                              Хаха, не ти се точни цитатите. Колку пати да ти кажам ога нето цитираш цитирај го како што е инаку нема веродостојност.

                              Ајде ќе е задржиме на последниот. Во времената никаде не пишува, повторувам никаде не пишува дека Македонија се согласува да се зачленува во организации само под референцата.


                              • Vangelovski
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 8533

                                Originally posted by Eddie_rebel View Post
                                Разликата е што ФИРОМ ни беше наметнато. Знамето ние сами си го одбравме.
                                Straight from the Gligorov handbook of propaganda! Did you hear this everyone - Eddie says that we chose the ventilator! Wow!

                                Why did we even need a new flag? National treason and capitulation to our Greek oppressors.

                                Who capitulated and gave us the ventilator? The Gligovor government, which rigged the elections in order to get into power.

                                Eddie's conclusion: "We" chose the flag.

                                To choose something means to FREELY initiate the need for choice on a matter, to fREELY deliberate on the matter and to FREELY decide on the matter WITHOUT compulsion at any point.

                                It DOES NOT mean to have someone else force the initiative on you and then give you options (in that you CANNOT choose a certain outcome) and then "allow" you to make a "decision" based on a pre-defined outcome.
                                If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                                The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams

