Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • indigen
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 1558

    Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
    I zato sho opomenav dovolno pati, sega malku "shamari"
    Le le be "Vojvodo" umre od smeja!

    Jas, indigen, se druzham so komiti ko mene, i odgleduvam Borci.
    GOLEM IZDUVAN BALON gledam vo ovaa niza (thread topic). All I can see is an OVERBLOWN ego reacting FOOLISHLY after getting some ideological bruising as a result of some political differences developing into a dirty bar brawl (metaphorically speaking).

    Nie ne mrchime samo pred monitor, tuku rabotime.
    Taka neka e ama bash shto ima vrska so temava jas neznam.

    Eve ti malku primeri kako da rabotish vo idnina, namesto da troluvash so UDBAshki trikoj.
    Kakov makedonski zbor e toa "troluvash"? Mi dzuvchi mnogu, mnogu GLUPAVO mene!!!!

    Ti mi izgleda deka mnogu znaesh za UDBAshki "trikoj" (i ovoj zbor mi e chuden mene i lichi na makanglicizam), da ne si bil vo sluzhbata nivna?

    moj tekst:
    izjavi / reakcii na BORCI, idni VOJVODI, a ne kurnoti i kljakachi:
    One might feel like a "Giant" amongst political and ideological midgets but amongst normal patriotic Macedonians he/she may end up looking the midget (ideologically and intellectually). And rude name calling can keep for now and may be repaid with interest at another occasion!
    moj tekst, na istata tema. CHITAJ I UCHI, DETE.
    Ne gledam neshto mnogu vazhno ili interesno!

    sakash ushte?
    Ne si go gubi vremeto!

    mozham ushte iljadnici primeri da it dadam.
    Nothing of substance or interest to me!
    da ti povtoram, ako posle 100 pati ne razbra
    Ni Gospod da slezi na zemja i da mi zbori za "ustavno ime" ili kako "Ventilatorot" bil "demokratski" izbran i zoshto treba da se "pochituva", jas pak kje sporam i kje se sprotistavam! Ti i tvojot mlad vojvoda treba da gi preispitate ovie ideoloshki prashanja i da se koregirate.

    Jas se druzham so BORCI, so idni VOJVODI, a ne so KURTONI.
    There are some "Borci who desereve to be labelled by Macedonian patriots as tampons and butt-plugs because they are, metaphorically speaking, ideological sex-change jobs, IMHO!

    Jas odgleduvam / vospitvam MAKEDONCI, a ne Kodoshi.
    Izduvan balon!

    Ucham od Makedonci i Makedonskiot Narod, a ne od oportunisti sho sakat da fatat fotelja.
    Vojvodi treba da vodat so ideolgijata a ne da se OVCI i da go sledat patot na predavnicite - ramkovistite i slichni na nim!


    • Vangelovski
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 8534

      Originally posted by serdarot View Post
      zato treba da odgleduvame motivirani makedonci so pobednichki duh, a ne anemichni makedonchinja
      "Мотовирани Македонци со победнички дух" не си ги прекршуваат своите правди и не прифаќаат предавство. Ниту пак может да се мотовираат со прифаќање, или користење (не знаме што е разликата!?), на капитулации, великопредавство или интелектуално ропсвто.

      Едно го кажуваш а друго го практикуваш. Ако Еди ти е ученик, како што имплицираш, и ако на вистина го сметаш вентилаторот како предавнички акт и ги разбираш последниците на тој предавнички акт, ќе го поучеше за тоа а не ќе скокаше да го оправдуваш како "официјален", "уставен", или незнам каков.

      Контрадикциите во твоите пораки се премногу големи за да ги игнорираме!
      Last edited by Vangelovski; 02-20-2011, 08:47 AM.
      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


      • Vangelovski
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 8534

        Originally posted by indigen View Post
        GOLEM IZDUVAN BALON gledam vo ovaa niza (thread topic). All I can see is an OVERBLOWN ego reacting FOOLISHLY after getting some ideological bruising as a result of some political differences developing into a dirty bar brawl (metaphorically speaking).

        One might feel like a "Giant" amongst political and ideological midgets but amongst normal patriotic Macedonians he/she may end up looking the midget (ideologically and intellectually). And rude name calling can keep for now and may be repaid with interest at another occasion!

        Vojvodi treba da vodat so ideolgijata a ne da se OVCI i da go sledat patot na predavnicite - ramkovistite i slichni na nim!
        Just in case it was missed the first time
        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


        • Serdarot
          • Feb 2010
          • 605


          znaci, posho nema sho da napishish, sho si naprajl, sega pak "troluvanje"

          nego, sho chekashe do sega, da ti kazhat sho da pishish? od shtabot na UDBA?

          eh be "patriotishte", ko ke vie pishite ko istusheni baloni, togash e pravilna Makedonska Ideologija, a ko ke nekoj malku ve bocni, na vash nachin, togash e "golem izduvan balon".

          "Golemiot Izduvan Balon" ve prashva tuka otvoreno, sho imate napraeno vie VO ZHIVOTOT za dobroto na Makedonija, Makedoncite i Makedonskata Kauza?


          znajsh deka sum eden od tie koi ja pishuvaa Kauzata, NA MAKEDONSKI, taka?

          oti na podadenata raka plukash? i ti si udbash?


          just in case it was missed the first XYZ times:

          ova e Makedonski Del na forumot, a nekoj uporno go izbegnuva Makedonskiot Jazik
          Last edited by Serdarot; 02-20-2011, 09:08 AM.
          Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


          • Serdarot
            • Feb 2010
            • 605

            Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
            ...Ако Еди ти е ученик, како што имплицираш, и ако на вистина го сметаш вентилаторот како предавнички акт и ги разбираш последниците на тој предавнички акт, ќе го поучеше за тоа а не ќе скокаше да го оправдуваш како "официјален", "уставен", или незнам каков.

            Eddie mozhi da vi bidi uchitel, i ne e "moj uchenik", tuku ja ima mojata bezrezervna podrshka vo negovite inicijativi

            Razlikite megju negovoto doimanje na ventilatorot i moeto, ke gi "peglame" ko ke dojdi vremeto.

            Nema kontradiktornost, mene od prv moment mi beshe jasno deka cel na ovaa inicijativa e IMETO.

            Sekoj so pogolem IQ od 50 go gleda to.
            Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


            • Serdarot
              • Feb 2010
              • 605

              Originally posted by indigen View Post

              Ti mi izgleda deka mnogu znaesh za UDBAshki "trikoj" (i ovoj zbor mi e chuden mene i lichi na makanglicizam), da ne si bil vo sluzhbata nivna?
              te pogodiv kaj sho si tanok?

              One might feel like a "Giant" amongst political and ideological midgets but amongst normal patriotic Macedonians he/she may end up looking the midget (ideologically and intellectually). And rude name calling can keep for now and may be repaid with interest at another occasion!
              odi pred ogledalo i kazhi si go nekolku pati v lice, mozhi ke svatish neshto...

              a ona "another occasion"... ke ti recham sekade sekogash istoto
              Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                te pogodiv kaj sho si tanok?
                mejgu usite.

                odi pred ogledalo i kazhi si go nekolku pati v lice, mozhi ke svatish neshto...
                Serdarot ako uste mislis deka so pametni lujge se razpravas pogledaj na

       I've been adding MASTIKA to the formula for years ps can someone please writedown the recipe in macedonian....

                za nekoj smeski ako imas vreme nekogas.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  I see we have progressed to a pissing contest now. Serdarot, my contribution to the Macedonian Cause has crossed generations. Which means my family has been active for at least 40 years in the Diaspora. I will not accept a sold out country that purports to represent my ancestors. I will not accept symbols of a sold out country nor will I accept a constitution that embraces such stupidity.

                  By the way, we were Macedonians even before the new republic and church and it appears we will be the Macedonians after the republic accepts all of its capitulations ... Starting with the flag.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by OziMak View Post
                    Serdarot ako uste mislis deka so pametni lujge se razpravas pogledaj na

           I've been adding MASTIKA to the formula for years ps can someone please writedown the recipe in macedonian....

                    za nekoj smeski ako imas vreme nekogas.
                    OM, some of my best work is there. I am glad you have chosen to select that thread as most representative of me. Jolly good show.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8534

                      Originally posted by serdarot View Post
                      eddie mozhi da vi bidi uchitel, i ne e "moj uchenik", tuku ja ima mojata bezrezervna podrshka vo negovite inicijativi
                      Вие со Еди ќе ви е подобро барем да се зопознаете со основните факти, па после да се правите учители.

                      Originally posted by serdarot View Post
                      razlikite megju negovoto doimanje na ventilatorot i moeto, ke gi "peglame" ko ke dojdi vremeto.
                      Ја ви препорачувам првин да си ги решите основните идеолошки прашања и така нема да се повтораат вакви грешки или да се наштети 'Македонискиот дух'.

                      А за прашањето околу кој колку има напраено за Македонија и Македонскиот народ, битно е квалитетот на работата а не количината! Што ако некој има изгубено 20 години, свесно или несвесно, во ширење штетни мисли и вршење штетни акти? Колку има напраено тој човек? Повеќе корист има од човек што има напишано само еден добро осмислен коментар што може да има позитивно влијание на современи или идни активисти!
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • Serdarot
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 605

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        I see we have progressed to a pissing contest now. Serdarot, my contribution to the Macedonian Cause has crossed generations. Which means my family has been active for at least 40 years in the Diaspora....
                        Mojata familija preku 400 Godini

                        Vo Makedonija, a verojatno i nadvor. So svoj lichen primer, i so mnogu zhrtvi i samo-zhrtvi, vekje pokje od 400 godini.

                        A "pissing contest", zaradi kalibarot na nekoi uchesnici vo diskusijata

                        Kako da imam seriozna diskusija ako nekoj se odnesuva ko mochko?

                        Mrazam da se mavam v gradi, zato sho nitu sum orangutan, nitu pak mi trebat medali i ordeni, ama ako nekoj tolku se fali deka znaj kako treba i sho treba, deka e Vojvoda, deka e "his way or wrong way", togash - na masa, da si gi izmerime.




                        tochno, nekogash poubo choek da ne napraj nishto, da ne odmaga, ako vekje ne pomaga.

                        A za toa sho jas, moite rodnini, komshii i prijateli go pravime i ke go pravime, ke sudi Istorijata i Makedonskiot Narod.

                        Shteta sho i pokraj tolku obidi od moja strana, ne ja prifati rakata, tuku ja plukna.

                        Last edited by Serdarot; 02-20-2011, 07:29 PM.
                        Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                        • Vangelovski
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 8534


                          Историјата ќе не суди сите. Она што го кажуваме за вентилаторот и зошто не треба да се користи е основано во natural law (природен закон??) а не во нашите сујективни мисли.
                          Last edited by Vangelovski; 02-20-2011, 07:32 PM.
                          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                            Mojata familija preku 400 Godini
                            I can't beat 400 years.
                            I don't even remember which idiot I was arguing about the flag with yesterday.

                            Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                            Mrazam da se mavam v gradi, zato sho nitu sum orangutan, nitu pak mi trebat medali i ordeni, ama ako nekoj tolku se fali deka znaj kako treba i sho treba, deka e Vojvoda, deka e "his way or wrong way", togash - na masa, da si gi izmerime.
                            Ok, OK ... but remember to take your Constitutional Flag and hide it in your purse for "constitutional occasions".
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Vangelovski
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 8534

                              Originally posted by serdarot View Post
                              mojata familija preku 400 godini

                              vo makedonija, a verojatno i nadvor. So svoj lichen primer, i so mnogu zhrtvi i samo-zhrtvi, vekje pokje od 400 godini.
                              И сакате сериозно да ве сватиме?
                              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                              • Serdarot
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 605

                                Jas mislam deka ogorchenosta od predavstvoto izvrsheno od gligorov i ostanata banda, te sprechi da primetish deka jas ne propagiram prifakjanje na ventilatorot, i deka vakvite inicijativi, so samoto toa sho se protiv akronimot "fyrom", i protiv promena na imeto, se izraz na revolt protiv privremenata spogodba (cij rezultatat e i ventilatorot)

                                Ke pochekam Eddie da se izjasni, dokolku saka da se izjasni, dali kako inicijator saka inicijativata da bidi promovirana i tuka.

                                I ushte ednash ke ve zamolam, site, ako ne sakate da pomagate, ne odmagajte.

                                Ko ke vidite inicijativa koja propoveda omalovazhuvanje na Makedonija i Makedoncite, kazhete, ke ja plukame zaedno.

                                Ovaa inicijativa NEMA takvi celi, tuku jasno i glasno:

                                Makedonija, a ne FYROM.

                                Nishto, zname, nishto sonce, nishto ventilator.

                                Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.

