Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
    I doubt calling them yunnastani hurts them as much as it huts macedonians being called Skopians to tell you the truth.
    Yunanistan is the Turkish word for 'Greece', and therefore not nearly as insulting as that which is implied when those maggots refer to Macedonians as "Skopians". Something much more appropriate would be required as an equivalent.
    Originally posted by Sweet Sixteen
    Ние исто така не забораваме.

    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • iceman
      • Sep 2008
      • 132

      Dangerous territory for macedonia and the name

      ICEMAN: Tell this idiot Nimitz to fuck off and get the hell out of Macedonia... NO NAME CHANGE!
      Seems to me that NATO and its cronies are getting desperate , seems that they are worried that Russia could eventually have a influence in Europe through Macedonia . Simple no name change or fuck off NATO and that old bastard Nimitz with his "Greek" Settlers

      03/24/2014 , 18:14

      Name amid campaign

      The one who wins will face a dispute first question , consider our politicians

      ORB Jovanovska

      Once the mediator Matthew Nimetz convene negotiating round amid election after mobilized EU and NATO dispute of populist rhetoric passed the real , dangerous terrain , so that everything you say , you may soon need to be implemented . Emergency - having qualify political circles in Macedonia unexpected negotiating round for two days , arguing that it will not affect us negatively nor positively to election campaigns , because all parties have an interest now to avoid the subject.

      " Until now it was an unwritten rule during election campaigns, no negotiations . Being scheduled now not the case indicates that urgent action " , says former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski . " I expect that after the elections Macedonia immediately be faced with a proposal ," he added with an assessment that this is due to the fear that if NATO does not close the outstanding issues , and the Balkans can happen Ukraine. " No ' hard pressed , wait for eight years to invent something about the problem of Macedonia ," he says , confident that the initiative Nimetz will not affect us positively nor negatively to the campaign because it is a topic that in such circumstances exceeds the interests of the parties separately .

      Against Greece, where the announcement of the Nimitz treated only as a curiosity , but not essential, to us all without exception they put in the context of Ukrainian events . According eksambasadorot NATO Ružin , NATO wants to make geostartegiski ring around our country with regard to Russia , which is now in territorial diskuntinuitet with other member states , Albania and Bulgaria , on the other hand has a Serbia that is disinterested membership Alliance . " Geopolitics began to play a significant role in addressing political issues. In such circumstances the events in Ukraine provoke direct realignment of the alliance . Open initiatives Macedonia and other countries with unresolved issues , such as Moldova , which immediately got the visa liberalization , "said Ružin . According to him , the ruling circles announcement of negotiations is seen as pressure , and the answer to that is that presidential candidate George Ivanov percussion messages mentioned referendum name . " This issue will be avoided in the campaign , and the VMRO - DPMNE and SDSM . The first show is already some dilemmas attitudes, and the latter did not want too , "said Ružin with the expectation that in such circumstances the meeting with Nimetz will not affect us positively nor negatively to the results or the tone of the campaign . But , he adds , the first day after the election that he wins will have to deal with this issue.

      Analyst who wants to remain anonymous expected surprise renewal of the negotiations , but as a new proposal , but in the other direction . " The invitation to a meeting is extremely unusual and is a function . You can influence the election , but do not have " , he says , adding that he doubts that Greece and Macedonia could ever refuse because elections . According to him, the Nimitz will not make a new proposal since the last still in the game, and is in favor of Macedonia . And he sees negotiations over elections , ie as a topic that is too important now , when there is a real event , to become part of each other is playing .

      On MRI , however , yesterday did see attitude as negotiations amid elections , but unofficial reasons are required in some pressures from Athens , though the circumstances are not in favor of it , but more on those in Ukraine. If confirmed estimates that the EU and NATO in a hurry to mark the Macedonian territory , flirting with our position on the Russian invasion of Crimea sent a strange message - we love you and our membership is important opinion of Russia? " Macedonia is a candidate country for the EU , we are coordinating with their positions in the field of foreign policy and also are part of the attitudes and perceptions of the Union " yesterday urged the Foreign Ministry , which sounds something that you want to support Ukraine, and stand behind EU , but not to implement sanctions against Russia , because our attitude to them is still not in Brussels


      24.03.2014, 18:14

      Името среде кампањата

      Тој што ќе победи ќе се соочи со спорот за името како прво прашање, сметаат наши политичари

      Слободанка Јовановска

      Откако медијаторот Метју Нимиц свика преговарачка рунда среде изборите и откако се мобилизираа ЕУ и НАТО, спорот за името од популистичката реториката помина на реален, опасен терен, така што се' што ќе каже, можеби многу бргу ќе треба да се спроведува. Ургентна - ја оквалификуваат политичките кругови во Македонија неочекуваната преговарачка рунда за два дена, со став дека таа нема да влијае ни негативно ни позитивно на изборните кампањи, бидејќи сите партии сега имаат интерес да ја избегнуваат оваа тема.

      „Досега беше непишано правило за време на изборни кампањи да нема преговори. Тоа што се закажани сега не е случајно и зборува дека случувањата се итни“, оценува поранешниот премиер Владо Бучковски. „Очекувам по изборите Македонија веднаш да биде исправена пред предлог“, додава тој со оцена дека тоа е резултат на стравот на НАТО дека ако не ги затвори нерешените прашања, и на Балканот може да се случи Украина. „Не' измачија, чекаме веќе осум години да измислат нешто околу проблемот на Македонија“, вели тој, сигурен дека иницијативата на Нимиц нема да влијае ни позитивно ни негативно на кампањата, бидејќи е тема што во вакви околности ги надминува интересите на партиите пооделно.

      Наспроти Грција, каде што најавата на Нимиц ја третираат само како куриозитетна, но не и суштинска, кај нас без исклучок сите ја ставаат во контекст на украинските случувања. Според ексамбасадорот во НАТО, Нано Ружин, НАТО сака да направи геостартегиски прстен околу нашата држава во однос на Русија, која сега е во територијален дискунтинуитет со другите земји членки, Албанија и Бугарија, а на другата страна ја има Србија која е незаинтересирана за членство во Алијансата. „Геополитиката почна да игра позначајна улога во решавањето на политичките прашања. Во такви околности случувањата во Украина провоцираат директно престројување на алијансата. Се отвораат иницијативи за Македонија и другите држави со нерешени прашања, како Молдавија, која итно доби визна либерализација“, смета Ружин. Според него, во владејачките кругови најавата за преговори се гледа како притисок, а одговор на тоа е што претседателскиот кандидат Ѓорге Иванов во ударните пораки го спомена референдум за името. „Ова прашање ќе се избегнува во кампањата, и од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и од СДСМ. Првите покажуваат веќе некакви дилеми со ставовите, а вторите не го сакаат исто така“, смета Ружин со очекување дека во такви околности средбата со Нимиц нема да влијае ни позитивно ни негативно на резултатите или на тонот на кампањата. Но, додава тој, првиот ден по изборите тој што ќе победи ќе мора да се зафати со ова прашање.

      Аналитичар што сакаше да остане анонимен очекува изненадување од обновувањето на преговорите, но не како нов предлог, туку во друг правец. „Поканата за средба е крајно необична и е во некоја функција. Може да влијае на изборите, но и не мора“, оценува тој, додавајќи дека се сомнева дека Грција или Македонија можеле воопшто да ја одбијат поради изборите. Според него, Нимиц нема да носи нов предлог бидејќи последниот се' уште е во игра, а е во полза на Македонија. И тој преговорите ги гледа над изборите, т.е. како тема која е премногу важна за сега, кога има вистинско случување, да стане дел од меѓусебно препукување.

      Од МНР, пак, вчера немаа став како гледаат на преговорите сред изборите, но неофицијално причините се бараат во некакви притисоци од Атина, иако околностите не одат во прилог на тоа, туку повеќе на тие со Украина. Ако се потврдат процените дека на НАТО и ЕУ им се брза да ја обележат македонската територија, нашето кокетирање со ставот околу руската инвазија на Крим праќа чудна порака - сакаме ли ние членство или ни е поважно мислењето на Русија? „Македонија е кандидат за ЕУ, ние се усогласуваме со нејзините позиции во доменот на надворешната политика и воедно сме дел од ставовите и видувањата на Унијата“, порачаа вчера од МНР, нешто што звучи дека и сакаме да ја поддржиме Украина, и да застанеме зад ЕУ, но и да не ги спроведување санкциите против Русија, бидејќи нашиот став за нив се' уште го нема во Брисел.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        nimmitz greek &co should fuck off,as Macedonia has no problem with the name or the supposed name dispute.Macedonia's name is already reflected in the constitution.Greece should learn to respect that.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Vangelovski
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 8533

          Latest Name Developments

          Sorry for yet another thread on this but I can never find the existing ones. Reports are coming in that DPMNE is preparing for a name change and will blame Ahmeti (and everyone but themselves) and sell it as some sort of "benefit".

          ЕКСКЛУЗИВНО: Раководството на ДПМНЕ до неговите членови- Името ќе мора да го промениме!

          Сите високи функционери на Вмро-Дпмне биле брифирани дека Вмро-Дпмне ќе мора до септември да пристапи кон договор со Грција и промена на референцата ФИРОМ во ОН.

          - "Време е да се подготвиме овој проблем да го решиме но и да го прикажеме како притисок од Ахмети и меѓународната заедница" за Мактел изјави висок функционер на Вмро-Дпмне член на новиот парламентарен состав.

          Раководството нареди дека ваквото решение и промена на името на земјата мора да се прикаже како бенифит и дека Вмро-Дпмне не смее да паднe од власт заради овој проблем. До есен ќе мора да ја известуваме јавноста за притисок на Ахмети ,а од септември ќе мора да го прикажеме тоа како бенифит за Македонија – изјавило раководството до високите партиски функционери.
          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            i I had a feeling that would come we are just sold down the gurgler.All they care is to get on the gravy wagon.To get as much money as they can.Do they care about debts I don't think
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • Vangelovski
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 8533

              It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I hate to say it, but knowing the Macedonian Government and the apathy among the people there, it is inevitable that they will eventually capitulate. If they had any intention of defending Macedonian national interests and Macedonian human rights, they would never have agreed to the IA or the negotiations.

              If such a scenario does eventuate, how pathetic that they would claim that a shepard from Zajas brought down the Macedonian nation.

              No doubt DPMNE and its lackey's will sell this as a historic victory...but we all know the victory will be Greece's.
              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


              • Redsun
                • Jul 2013
                • 409

                How would they go about it?

                Can they change the name without a vote?

                I just had to Wikipedia Nikola Gruevski, too make sure he was born in Macedonia.

                Why cant VRMO replace Nikola with another member, VRMO must be divided on the issue. I refuse to believe that they will agree on it.


                • Vangelovski
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 8533

                  Originally posted by Redsun View Post
                  How would they go about it?

                  Can they change the name without a vote?

                  I just had to Wikipedia Nikola Gruevski, too make sure he was born in Macedonia.

                  Why cant VRMO replace Nikola with another member, VRMO must be divided on the issue. I refuse to believe that they will agree on it.
                  DPMNE is not the party it claims to be.

                  They can basically do anything as long as they get two thirds of the parliamentary votes - that will enable them to change the constitution. I'm sure SDSM and DUI will be happy to comply.

                  The only thing that could stop them is a popular revolt, but that is highly unlikely in Macedonia.
                  If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                  The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                  • Stojacanec
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 809

                    With prefixes and suffixes Greece will then be able to continue to call us anything other than Macedonians, officially.

                    In the public arena, Greece will claim a loss here because they have allowed us to have Macedonia anywhere in the name. All the while quietly snickering at their victory.


                    • Redsun
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 409

                      Thank you.

                      I really wish they didn't use the name VRMO.


                      • Volokin
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 278

                        Gruevski will crack. Never mind if half the world's countries are calling us "Macedonia". The magical heaven that VMRO see's the EU as will be enough for him to accept a name like "Upper Macedonia" or "Vardar Macedonia", heck even "Slavo-Albanian Macedonia". As long as it speeds up our ascendance into the European Union, he will throw away any last patriotism and morals he has.
                        What does Gruevski get personally from accepting a name change?

                        What are VMRO's motives here?

                        Why would they accept to lose a winning battle?


                        • Volokin
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 278

                          Can someone please translate that article? Thanks. Google does a poor job here

                          Jas govoram po malku Makedonski.


                          • Volokin
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 278

                            Ivanov: I will not allow constitutional amendments for the name change

                            By Naser Pajaziti / 12/05/2014

                            Skopje, May 12, 2014/Independent Balkan News Agency

                            By Naser Pajaziti

                            The inauguration of president George Ivanov was held today in the parliament of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This solemn session saw the absence of the Macedonian opposition, but also of MPs from the Albanian party, BDI (Democratic Union for Integration), who do not consider the president elected in the April 27 elections as a legitimate president.

                            In his speech as a president who has won a second term in office, Mr. Ivanov considered the elections as highly democratic and fair.

                            The president also talked about the priority issues during this term in office, while he stopped at the name dispute. He said that he will not allow constitutional changes for the change of the country’s name.

                            “The Constitution, to which I’ve sworn, obliges me to defend the constitutional name of our country. I will not allow the change of Constitution in order to change the constitutional name”, declared Ivanov. He said that he will not accept ideas or proposals which would endanger the Macedonian national identity, language and model of cohabitation in the country.

                            During his inauguration today in parliament, George Ivanov has also criticized BDI of Ali Ahmeti.

                            “In this term in office, some opposition parties reject the verdict of the people, by not accepting the election result. As leader of the state, I’m saddened by these reactions and actions, because I’m their leader. Today I must publicly say: Those who think of boycotting the institution of the Head of the State of Macedonia, boycott in fact the citizens who have voted in the presidential elections”, said Ivanov among others.

                            Present in the session have been VMRO-DPMNE lawmakers, but also MPs from the Albanian Democratic Party (PDSH).


                            • George S.
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 10116

                              George ivanov has spoken no name change who the hell invited fucking shiptari & asked them anything.Of course the shiptari wants Macedonia to be destabilised so that they can take over.Gruevski is the biggest fool he negotiates our name and has learned thiks behaviour from his stupid mate kiro gligorov & branko & co,All they want is to capitulate so they can enter nato.Nikola has been playing cat & mouse with the name without the approval of the people.
                              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                              GOTSE DELCEV


                              • Vangelovski
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 8533

                                "I will not allow the change of Constitution in order to change the constitutional name”, declared Ivanov.
                                DPMNE has been pounding that line for years now...surely it must be all raped out by now.

                                While this duck and weave sounds good, it does not negate anything about Greece's suggestion that Macedonia keep its constitutional name without any constitution amendments for domestic purposes and accepts a new name for all international fact, this "red line" fits perfectly with that particular option.
                                If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                                The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams

