Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Stojacanec
    • Dec 2009
    • 809

    by introducing the bill zz has planted a seed in the shiptari's minds. this was totally unnecessary.

    they now consider it mandatory to have Albanian in the everyday lives of Macedonians.
    it didn't take long for zaev to sell out the Macedonians.

    Should I go there one day, I might need an interpreter when I go to a Macedonian kafana to read from the menu.


    • Pelagonija
      • Mar 2017
      • 533

      Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
      by introducing the bill zz has planted a seed in the shiptari's minds. this was totally unnecessary.

      they now consider it mandatory to have Albanian in the everyday lives of Macedonians.
      it didn't take long for zaev to sell out the Macedonians.

      Should I go there one day, I might need an interpreter when I go to a Macedonian kafana to read from the menu.
      I doubt there will be any Macedonian cafanas left by the next time you visit New Macedonia.

      The maco youth are emigrating on mass, this law will accelerate this process as job opportunities will open up for Albanians in New Macedonia in order to accomodate this law. Add the below replacement birth rates for our people, we will lose the state faster than people think.

      Maybe it's time for the remaining Macedonians to consider creating a Macedonian state based on borders where we are currently the majority before the above happens.

      We are now ruled by Albanians and leftist globalists which is clearly an anti Macedonian government which will implement policies that will ultimately cleanse our people from the current lands.


      • VMRO
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1462

        If the language law goes through, it won't be too long when the demand for new flag, anthem and coat of arms will be put forward.
        Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

        Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


        • Solun
          • Sep 2012
          • 166

          Originally posted by Karposh View Post
          Quote from article:

          “Those who read this article, should later forget it. It is not good to have these images floating around in your head, especially now, when we're a step closer to good neighbourly relations.”

          I'm sure the author was being flippant here, not to mention a touch sarcastic too. No Macedonian should ever forget what was done to these poor souls. In fact, I recommend everyone make a copy of this incredible document and learn it well. Not so much to inspire hate but to, hopefully, honour the fallen by never allowing these atrocities to ever be forgotten.
          This event occurred in what is today greece, and yet next to nobody in greece would know that it occurred. We know what will happen to text books in new fyrom with the aim being for nobody in new fyrom to know that it occurred.

          Lest the diaspora forget


          • Stojacanec
            • Dec 2009
            • 809

            Its amazing how the greeks portray themselves as the aggrieved ones from the recent protests.

            This was organised by the priests and golden dawn. The most corrupt criminal groups in existence outside of jails.

            A (greek) article writes about protests in Melbourne the other day. They refer to it a silent demonstration. They referred to some Macedonians yelling at them from the side as FYROM nationals.


            • Karposh
              • Aug 2015
              • 863

              Originally posted by Solun View Post
              This event occurred in what is today greece, and yet next to nobody in greece would know that it occurred.
              Oh, they know about it alright. They know very well what went on back then and they are proud of it. The sick and twisted murderers that did these unspeakable acts are seen as heroes in Greece, their so called Makedonomachoi. The recent demonstration in Solun had countless malakas dressed up as their heroes and celebrating their feats.

              And, inevitably, when confronted by descriptions of these heroic acts that their “Macedonian Fighters” made on the defenceless civilian Macedonian peasant population, every Greek instinctively absolves himself of any collective guilt by reasoning that it was all tit for tat – The Bulgarians killed ours and we killed theirs. It's as simple as that apparently in their bigoted fascist Greek minds.

              Among the horrible descriptions of the massacre (which I'm purposely leaving out for the sake of conciseness), here is what the consul McGregor had to say in a letter describing this event to the English Ambassador in Turkey:

              “... I have to say there is a clear difference between the massacre in Zagorichani and the assassinations carried out by the exarchates against patriarchates because while the former almost without fail pick out their victims among individuals who are known or suspected of being guilty of treason, the Greeks, it would seem, are not interested in any other motive other than to kill as many exarchates as they can.”


              • Amphipolis
                • Aug 2014
                • 1328

                Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
                This was organised by the priests and golden dawn. The most corrupt criminal groups in existence outside of jails.
                I don't think you get it. This was not organized by the Church or Golden Dawn. (Golden Dawn is not allowed to organise Open Space Events in the last 3 or 4 years). The tricky part is that all major parties AND the Church/Archbishop disapproved the idea of rallies, disencouraged the people from attending and also tried to defame it. The right-wing parties stayed quiet.

                One day before it, all major media were trying to scare people out suggesting there would be a major counter-rally by leftists-anarchists and a fear of violence.

                The rally was organized by nobodies with a bizarre choice of 5 speakers: two unknown journalists, an unknown priest, a... genius, (i.e. a man who presents himself as the Greek with the highest IQ and one of the highest in the world, he works in several sciences and arts and lately in geopolitics) and lastly the most famous one, retired general Frangos Frangoulis.

                State TV did not cover the event and expected a crowd of around 30k, presented it as fascist or nationalistic. Anthimos said to the people that they can go (he wasn’t very enthusiastic), and maybe he'll go there too (disobeying the Archbishop).

                When the first signs of success appeared everybody turned out, all local New Democracy MPs attended, (Golden Dawn and ANEL of course), Anthimos not only was present, but he was sitting at a... throne (?) and the crowd was 90k to 500k depending on which side the estimators were.

                It is now discussed that Frangoulis may lead a new party.

                The point is that two weeks ago MPS were likely 80%-20% FOR a compromising agreement when the opinion polls were the opposite around 20%-80%. That will bring changes.

                State TV has already apologised for not covering the event.

                Church has announced that only 8 out of 90 Bishops attended it.

                Last edited by Amphipolis; 01-24-2018, 05:19 AM.


                • Stojacanec
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 809

                  Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                  I don't think you get it. This was not organized by the Church or Golden Dawn. (Golden Dawn is not allowed to organise Open Space Events in the last 3 or 4 years). The tricky part is that all major parties AND the Church/Archbishop disapproved the idea of rallies, disencouraged the people from attending and also tried to defame it. The right-wing parties stayed quiet.

                  One day before it, all major media were trying to scare people out suggesting there would be a major counter-rally by leftists-anarchists and a fear of violence.

                  The rally was organized by nobodies with a bizarre choice of 5 speakers: two unknown journalists, an unknown priest, a... genius, (i.e. a man who presents himself as the Greek with the highest IQ and one of the highest in the world, he works in several sciences and arts and lately in geopolitics) and lastly the most famous one, retired general Frangos Frangoulis.

                  State TV did not cover the event and expected a crowd of around 30k, presented it as fascist or nationalistic. Anthimos said to the people that they can go (he wasn’t very enthusiastic), and maybe he'll go there too (disobeying the Archbishop).

                  When the first signs of success appeared everybody turned out, all local New Democracy MPs attended, (Golden Dawn and ANEL of course), Anthimos not only was present, but he was sitting at a... throne (?) and the crowd was 90k to 500k depending on which side the estimators were.

                  It is now discussed that Frangoulis may lead a new party.

                  The point is that two weeks ago MPS were likely 80%-20% FOR a compromising agreement when the opinion polls were the opposite around 20%-80%. That will bring changes.

                  State TV has already apologised for not covering the event.

                  Church has announced that only 8 out of 90 Bishops attended it.


                  there were quite a few in attendance. Strange for an event that was unintended.

                  Spreading of greek propaganda. A province that has taken shape over the past 100 years.

                  One attendee says "We are protecting our name from the other country that is fake"...very eloquently put by the protagonist.


                  • Amphipolis
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 1328

                    Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                    I can tell you the latest news from Greece:

                    -Independent Greeks (the 2nd Government Party) will not support the agreement

                    -The Government is not willing to go to a referendum

                    -Some initial demonstrations are organized (each Sunday) in Thessaloniki, yet held by rather unknown organizations

                    -Church also has started to mobilize against an agreement (today there was a Gov. statement against the Church because of that)

                    -New Democracy (the main opposition party) seems to agree though they are afraid of political cost or people leaving the party and making a new one.
                    In an important speech today Mitsotakis announced the position of New Democracy which is "No agreement now because Greeks are divided. Let's leave it for the future".


                    • Niko777
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 1895

                      BREAKING NEWS:

                      Zaev: Motorway "Alexander the Great" to be renamed to Motorway "Friendship"

                      "Airport Alexander the Great will also to be renamed"

                      Tsipras: "We will open a new border crossing in Prespa"

                      Photo from today's meeting


                      • Solun
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 166

                        Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                        Oh, they know about it alright. They know very well what went on back then and they are proud of it. The sick and twisted murderers that did these unspeakable acts are seen as heroes in Greece, their so called Makedonomachoi. The recent demonstration in Solun had countless malakas dressed up as their heroes and celebrating their feats.

                        And, inevitably, when confronted by descriptions of these heroic acts that their “Macedonian Fighters” made on the defenceless civilian Macedonian peasant population, every Greek instinctively absolves himself of any collective guilt by reasoning that it was all tit for tat – The Bulgarians killed ours and we killed theirs. It's as simple as that apparently in their bigoted fascist Greek minds.

                        Among the horrible descriptions of the massacre (which I'm purposely leaving out for the sake of conciseness), here is what the consul McGregor had to say in a letter describing this event to the English Ambassador in Turkey:

                        “... I have to say there is a clear difference between the massacre in Zagorichani and the assassinations carried out by the exarchates against patriarchates because while the former almost without fail pick out their victims among individuals who are known or suspected of being guilty of treason, the Greeks, it would seem, are not interested in any other motive other than to kill as many exarchates as they can.”
                        They know about the makedonomachoi in greece. But they don't get taught about the slaying and dismemberment at the hands of bayonet of women and children, all under the auspices of the metropolitan bishop. Do you think greece informs its people of the foreign media reports with regard to what occurred in Zagoricani?


                        • Amphipolis
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 1328

                          Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                          And, inevitably, when confronted by descriptions of these heroic acts that their “Macedonian Fighters” made on the defenceless civilian Macedonian peasant population, every Greek instinctively absolves himself of any collective guilt by reasoning that it was all tit for tat – The Bulgarians killed ours and we killed theirs. It's as simple as that apparently in their bigoted fascist Greek minds.
                          Why? Is it more complicated?


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Will the Airport be named "Friendship" ?
                            And the Prespa crossing "Friendship" as well?

                            Thank God I am not Fyromian.

                            Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                            BREAKING NEWS:

                            Zaev: Motorway "Alexander the Great" to be renamed to Motorway "Friendship"

                            "Airport Alexander the Great will also to be renamed"

                            Tsipras: "We will open a new border crossing in Prespa"

                            Photo from today's meeting

                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Tomche Makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1123

                              The Macedonian and Greek Prime Ministers have agreed to intensify UN-sponsored talks on their long-standing ‘name’ dispute, announcing a set of concessions aimed at showing their good faith during their first meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

                              PMs of Macedonia, Greece Announce Concessions on Name Dispute

                              The Macedonian and Greek Prime Ministers have agreed to intensify UN-sponsored talks on their long-standing ‘name’ dispute, announcing a set of concessions aimed at showing their good faith during their first meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos

                              Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced that his government will rename the country’s main airport and highway towards Greece, both currently called Alexander the Great, as part of concessions reached with his Greek counterpart at their first meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday.

                              “Our actions show our good faith. This testifies to the fact that we have no irredentist aspirations towards our neighbour,” Zaev said in a joint press conference following their meeting, adding that the new names for the airport and highway will not provoke Greece.

                              In an overt attempt to soften relations between their countries, Zaev stated that the highway to neighbouring Greece will be named “Friendship”.

                              On the Greek side, Tsipras said that as a sign of good faith, his government is also ready to make concessions and allow its neighbour closer cooperation with the EU and other regional initiatives.

                              “I am referring to the candidacy of our neighboring country to the Adriatic-Ionian initiative and to the promotion of the ratification of the second phase of the association agreement with the EU in the Greek parliament,” Tsipras said.

                              Both Prime Ministers announced that they agreed to increase their efforts in the ongoing UN-sponsored talks for finding a solution to the 25-year-long name dispute between them.

                              Instead of the appointed name negotiators, from now on “The ministers of foreign affairs will be in charge of the negotiations under our auspices. (…) This will allow the process to become more dynamic and substantive,” Zaev said.

                              While Zaev said that any solution to the name dispute, which has been blocking Macedonia’s EU and NATO accession aspirations, must not jeopardise the identity of his country, Tsipras underlined that such a solution for a new name of Macedonia must be Erga Omnes, a Latin term meaning “towards everyone”.

                              The "name" dispute centres on Greece's insistence that use of the word Macedonia implies a territorial claim to the northern Greek province of the same name. Athens insists that a new name must be found that makes a clear distinction between the Greek province and the country.

                              As a result of the unresolved dispute, in 2008, Greece blocked Macedonia’s NATO entry and it has also blocked the start of Macedonia’s EU accession talks, despite several positive annual reports from the European Commission on the country’s progress.

                              Zaev and Tsipras’ meeting on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum was the first direct meeting between a Macedonian and a Greek prime minister in seven years.

                              It was also the first meeting between Zaev and Tsipras following Macedonia’s change in government in May last year, and since both countries moved to warm their relations and restart the "name" talks after three years of stalemate.

                              Back at home, Macedonia has an equally challenging task of building a common stance between all of the key political players in the country on the latest set of ideas for a name solution that UN mediator Matthew Nimetz handed to both sides.

                              For that reason, Macedonia’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said that a “coordination meeting” of all the political party leaders, including President Gjorge Ivanov, has been set for Saturday in Skopje.

                              The main opposition right-wing VMRO DPMNE party, which in the past played hardball on the name issue, confirmed to MIA news agency that its president, Hristijan Mickovski, would be attending this meeting.

                              The effort to build an internal consensus comes ahead of Nimetz’s announced visit to Skopje and Athens. He is expected to arrive in both capitals sometime next week to get both countries’ takes on his latest proposals.
                              “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                              • Solun
                                • Sep 2012
                                • 166

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                Will the Airport be named "Friendship" ?
                                And the Prespa crossing "Friendship" as well?

                                Thank God I am not Fyromian.
                                So Greece will be renaming its Northern airport for it not to be irredentist, but fyrom will rename both its airport and highway. Why is fyrom renaming 2 and greece only renaming 1?

